22 resultados para virus strain


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We describe molecular and clinical findings in an immunocompetent patient with an oligoastrocytoma and the concomitant presence of the human papovavirus, JC virus (JCV), which is the etiologic agent of the subacute, debilitating demyelinating disease, progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy. Histologic review revealed a glial neoplasm consisting primarily of a moderately cellular oligodendroglioma with distinct areas of a fibrillary astrocytoma. Immunohistochemical analysis revealed nuclear staining of tumor cells with antibodies against the viral oncoprotein [tumor antigen (T antigen)], the proliferation marker (Ki67), and the cellular proliferation regulator (p53). Using primers specific to the JCV control region, PCR yielded amplified DNA that was identical to the control region of the Mad-4 strain of the virus. PCR analysis demonstrated the presence of the genome for the viral oncoprotein, T antigen, and results from primer extension studies revealed synthesis of the viral early RNA for T antigen in the tumor tissues. The presence of viral T antigen in the tumor tissue was further demonstrated by immunoblot assay. To our knowledge, this is the first report of the presence of JCV DNA, RNA, and T antigen in tissue in which viral T antigen is localized to tumor cell nuclei and suggests the possible association of JCV with some glial neoplasms.


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The silver-haired bat variant of rabies virus (SHBRV) has been identified as the etiological agent of a number of recent human rabies cases in the United States that are unusual in not having been associated with any known history of conventional exposure. Comparison of the different biological and biochemical properties of isolates of this virus with those of a coyote street rabies virus (COSRV) revealed that there are unique features associated with SHBRV. In vitro studies showed that, while the susceptibility of neuroblastoma cells to infection by both viruses was similar, the infectivity of SHBRV was much higher than that of COSRV in fibroblasts (BHK-21) and epithelial cells (MA-104), particularly when these cells were kept at 34 degrees C. At this temperature, low pH-dependent fusion and cell-to-cell spread of virus is seen in BHK-21 cells infected with SHBRV but not with COSRV. It appears that SHBRV may possess an unique cellular tropism and the ability to replicate at lower temperature, allowing a more effective local replication in the dermis. This hypothesis is supported by in vivo results which showed that while SHBRV is less neurovirulent than COSRV when administered via the intramuscular or intranasal routes, both viruses are equally neuroinvasive if injected intracranially or intradermally. Consistent with the above findings, the amino acid sequences of the glycoproteins of SHBRV and COSRV were found to have substantial differences, particularly in the region that contains the putative toxic loop, which are reflected in marked differences in their antigenic composition. Nevertheless, an experimental rabies vaccine based on the Pittman Moore vaccine strain protected mice equally well from lethal doses of SHBRV and COSRV, suggesting that currently used vaccines should be effective in the postexposure prophylaxis of rabies due to SHBRV.


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Glycoprotein D (gD) of herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV-1) is required for stable attachment and penetration of the virus into susceptible cells after initial binding. We derived anti-idiotypic antibodies to the neutralizing monoclonal antibody HD1 to gD of HSV-1. These antibodies have the properties expected of antibodies against a gD receptor. Specifically, they bind to the surface of HEp-2, Vero, and HeLa cells susceptible to HSV infection and specifically react with a Mr 62,000 protein in these and other (143TK- and BHK) cell lines. They neutralize virion infectivity, drastically decrease plaque formation by impairing cell-to-cell spread of virions, and reduce polykaryocytosis induced by strain HFEM, which carries a syncytial (syn-) mutation. They do not affect HSV growth in a single-step cycle and plaque formation by an unrelated virus, indicating that they specifically affect the interaction of HSV gD) with a cell surface receptor. We conclude that the Mr 62,000 cell surface protein interacts with gD to enable spread of HSV-1 from cell to cell and virus-induced polykaryocytosis.


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The observed in vitro and in vivo benefit of combination treatment with anti-human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) agents prompted us to examine the potential of resistance development when two protease inhibitors are used concurrently. Recombinant HIV-1 (NL4-3) proteases containing combined resistance mutations associated with BMS-186318 and A-77003 (or saquinavir) were either inactive or had impaired enzyme activity. Subsequent construction of HIV-1 (NL4-3) proviral clones containing the same mutations yielded viruses that were severely impaired in growth or nonviable, confirming that combination therapy may be advantageous. However, passage of BMS-186318-resistant HIV-1 (RF) in the presence of either saquinavir or SC52151, which represented sequential drug treatment, produced viable viruses resistant to both BMS-186318 and the second compound. The predominant breakthrough virus contained the G48V/A71T/V82A protease mutations. The clone-purified RF (G48V/A71T/V82A) virus, unlike the corresponding defective NL4-3 triple mutant, grew well and displayed cross-resistance to four distinct protease inhibitors. Chimeric virus and in vitro mutagenesis studies indicated that the RF-specific protease sequence, specifically the Ile at residue 10, enabled the NL4-3 strain with the triple mutant to grow. Our results clearly indicate that viral genetic background will play a key role in determining whether cross-resistance variants will arise.


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A plant lignan, 3'-O-methyl nordihydroguaiaretic acid (3'-O-methyl NDGA, denoted Malachi 4:5-6 or Mal.4; molecular weigth 316), was isolated from Larrea tridentata and found to be able to inhibit human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) Tat-regulated transactivation in vivo, induce protection of lymphoblastoid CEM-SS cells from HIV (strain IIIB) killing, and suppress the replication of five HIV-1 strains (WM, MN, VS, JR-CSF, and IIIB) in mitogen-stimulated peripheral blood mononuclear cells, all in a dose-dependent manner. Mal.4 inhibits both basal transcription and Tat-regulated transactivation in vitro. The target of Mal.4 has been localized to nucleotides -87 to -40 of the HIV long terminal repeat. Mal.4 directly and specifically interferes with the binding of Sp1 to Sp1 sites in the HIV long terminal repeat. By inhibiting proviral expression, Mal.4 may be able to interrupt the life cycles of both wild-type and reverse transcriptase or protease mutant viruses in HIV-infected patients.


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Human peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBLs) were transduced with a number of recombinant retroviruses including RRz2, an LNL6-based virus with a ribozyme targeted to the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) tat gene transcript inserted within the 3' region of the neomycin-resistance gene; RASH5, and LNHL-based virus containing an antisense sequence to the 5' leader region of HIV-1 downstream of the human cytomegalovirus promoter; and R20TAR, an LXSN-based virus with 20 tandem copies of the HIV-1 trans-activation response element sequence driven by the Moloney murine leukemia virus long terminal repeat. After G418 selection, transduced PBLs were challenged with the HIV-1 laboratory strain IIIB and a primary clinical isolate of HIV-1, 82H. Results showed that PBLs from different donors could be transduced and that this conferred resistance to HIV-1 infection. For each of the constructs, a reduction of approximately 70% in p24 antigen level relative to the corresponding control-vector-transduced PBLs was observed. Molecular analyses showed constitutive expression of all the transduced genes from the retroviral long terminal repeat, but no detectable transcript was seen from the internal human cytomegalovirus transcript was seen from the internal human cytomegalovirus promoter for the antisense construct. Transduction of, and consequent transgene expression in, PBLs did not impact on the surface expression of either CD4+/CD8+ (measured by flow cytometry) or on cell doubling time (examined by [3H]thymidine uptake). These results indicate the potential utility of these anti-HIV-1 gene therapeutic agents and show the preclinical value of this PBL assay system.


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Feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) encodes the enzyme deoxyuridine-triphosphatase (DU; EC between the coding regions for reverse transcriptase and integrase in the pol gene. Here, we report the in vivo infection of cats with a DU- variant of the PPR strain of FIV and compare its growth properties and tissue distribution with those of wild-type FIV-PPR. The results reveal several important points: (i) DU- FIV is able to infect the cat, with kinetics similar to that observed with wild-type FIV; (ii) both wild-type and DU- FIV-infected specific-pathogen free cats mount a strong humoral antibody response which is able to limit the virus burden in both groups of animals; (iii) the virus burden is reduced in the DU- FIV-infected cats, particularly in tissues such as spleen and salivary gland; and (iv) the mutation frequency in DU- FIVs integrated in the DNA of primary macrophages after 9 months of infection is approximately 5-fold greater than the frequency observed in DU- FIV DNA integrated in T lymphocytes. Mutation rate with wild-type FIV remains the same in both cell types in vivo. The dominant mutations seen in macrophages with DU- FIV are G-->A base changes, consistent with an increased misincorporation of deoxyuridine into viral DNA of DU- FIVs during reverse transcription. Because this enzyme is absent from human immunodeficiency virus type 1 and other primate lentiviruses, virus replication in cell environments with low DU activity may lead to increased mutation and contribute to the rapid expansion of the viral repertoire.