24 resultados para viral vector


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We have developed improved procedures for the isolation of deletion mutant, point mutant, and recombinant herpesvirus saimiri. These procedures take advantage of the absence of NotI and AscI restriction enzyme sites within the viral genome and use reporter genes for the identification of recombinant viruses. Genes for secreted engineered alkaline phosphatase and green fluorescent protein were placed under simian virus 40 early promoter control and flanked by NotI and AscI restriction sites. When permissive cells were cotransfected with herpesvirus saimiri virion DNA and one of the engineered reporter genes cloned within herpesvirus saimiri sequences, recombinant viruses were readily identified and purified on the basis of expression of the reporter gene. Digestion of recombinant virion DNA with NotI or AscI was used to delete the reporter gene from the recombinant herpesvirus saimiri. Replacement of the reporter gene can be achieved by NotI or AscI digestion of virion DNA and ligation with a terminally matched fragment or, alternatively, by homologous recombination in cotransfected cells. Any gene can, in theory, be cloned directly into the virion DNA when flanked by the appropriate NotI or AscI sites. These procedures should be widely applicable in their general form to most or all herpesviruses that replicate permissively in cultured cells.


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To improve the efficiency of liposome-mediated DNA transfer as a tool for gene therapy, we have developed a fusigenic liposome vector based on principles of viral cell fusion. The fusion proteins of hemagglutinating virus of Japan (HVJ; also Sendai virus) are complexed with liposomes that encapsulate oligodeoxynucleotide or plasmid DNA. Subsequent fusion of HVJ-liposomes with plasma membranes introduces the DNA directly into the cytoplasm. In addition, a DNA-binding nuclear protein is incorporated into the HVJ-liposome particle to enhance plasmid transgene expression. The fusigenic viral liposome vector has proven to be efficient for the intracellular introduction of oligodeoxynucleotide, as well as intact genes up to 100 kbp, both in vitro and in vivo. Many animal tissues have been found to be suitable targets for fusigenic viral liposome DNA transfer. In the cardiovascular system, we have documented successful cytostatic gene therapy in models of vascular proliferative disease using antisense oligodeoxynucleotides against cell cycle genes, double-stranded oligodeoxynucleotides as "decoys" to trap the transcription factor E2F, and expression of a transgene encoding the constitutive endothelial cell form of nitric oxide synthase. Similar strategies are also effective for the genetic engineering of vein grafts and for the treatment of a mouse model of immune-mediated glomerular disease.


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Defective-interfering viruses are known to modulate virus pathogenicity. We describe conditionally replicating HIV-1 (crHIV) vectors that interfere with wild-type HIV-1 (wt-HIV) replication and spread. crHIV vectors are defective-interfering HIV genomes that do not encode viral proteins and replicate only in the presence of wt-HIV helper virus. In cells that contain both wt-HIV and crHIV genomes, the latter are shown to have a selective advantage for packaging into progeny virions because they contain ribozymes that cleave wt-HIV RNA but not crHIV RNA. A crHIV vector containing a triple anti-U5 ribozyme significantly interferes with wt-HIV replication and spread. crHIV vectors are also shown to undergo the full viral replicative cycle after complementation with wt-HIV helper-virus. The application of defective interfering crHIV vectors may result in competition with wt-HIVs and decrease pathogenic viral loads in vivo.


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The high incidence of neurological disorders in patients afflicted with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) may result from human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) induction of chemotactic signals and cytokines within the brain by virus-encoded gene products. Transforming growth factor beta1 (TGF-beta1) is an immunomodulator and potent chemotactic molecule present at elevated levels in HIV-1-infected patients, and its expression may thus be induced by viral trans-activating proteins such as Tat. In this report, a replication-defective herpes simplex virus (HSV)-1 tat gene transfer vector, dSTat, was used to transiently express HIV-1 Tat in glial cells in culture and following intracerebral inoculation in mouse brain in order to directly determine whether Tat can increase TGF-beta1 mRNA expression. dSTat infection of Vero cells transiently transfected by a panel of HIV-1 long terminal repeat deletion mutants linked to the bacterial chloramphenicol acetyltransferase reporter gene demonstrated that vector-expressed Tat activated the long terminal repeat in a trans-activation response element-dependent fashion independent of the HSV-mediated induction of the HIV-1 enhancer, or NF-kappaB domain. Northern blot analysis of human astrocytic glial U87-MG cells transfected by dSTat vector DNA resulted in a substantial increase in steady-state levels of TGF-beta1 mRNA. Furthermore, intracerebral inoculation of dSTat followed by Northern blot analysis of whole mouse brain RNA revealed an increase in levels of TGF-beta1 mRNA similar to that observed in cultured glial cells transfected by dSTat DNA. These results provided direct in vivo evidence for the involvement of HIV-1 Tat in activation of TGF-beta1 gene expression in brain. Tat-mediated stimulation of TGF-beta1 expression suggests a novel pathway by which HIV-1 may alter the expression of cytokines in the central nervous system, potentially contributing to the development of AIDS-associated neurological disease.


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We have generated a chimeric gene transfer vector that combines the simplicity of plasmids with the infectivity and long-term expression of retroviruses. We replaced the env gene of a Moloney murine leukemia virus-derived provirus by a foreign gene, generating a plasmid that upon transfer to tumor cells generates noninfectious retroviral particles carrying the transgene. We added to this plasmid an independent expression cassette comprising a cytomegalovirus promoter, an amphotropic retroviral envelope, and a polyadenylylation signal from simian virus 40. These constructs were designed to minimize the risk of recombination generating replication-competent retroviruses. Their only region of homology is a 157-bp sequence with 53% identity. We show that the sole transfection of this plasmid in various cell lines generates infectious but defective retroviral particles capable of efficiently infecting and expressing the transgene. The formation of infectious particles allows the transgene propagation in vitro. Eight days after transfection in vitro, the proportion of cells expressing the transgene is increased by 10-60 times. There was no evidence of replication-competent retrovirus generation in these experiments. The intratumoral injection of this plasmid, but not of the control vector lacking the env gene, led to foci of transgene-expressing cells, suggesting that the transgene had propagated in situ. Altogether, these "plasmoviruses" combine advantages of viral and non-viral vectors. They should be easy to produce in large quantity as clinical grade materials and should allow efficient and safe in situ targeting of tumor cells.


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A recombinant Mycobacterium bovis bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG) vector-based vaccine that secretes the V3 principal neutralizing epitope of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) could induce immune response to the epitope and prevent the viral infection. By using the Japanese consensus sequence of HIV-1, we successfully constructed chimeric protein secretion vectors by selecting an appropriate insertion site of a carrier protein and established the principal neutralizing determinant (PND)-peptide secretion system in BCG. The recombinant BCG (rBCG)-inoculated guinea pigs were initially screened by delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) skin reactions to the PND peptide, followed by passive transfer of the DTH by the systemic route. Further, immunization of mice with the rBCG resulted in induction of cytotoxic T lymphocytes. The guinea pig immune antisera showed elevated titers to the PND peptide and neutralized HIVMN, and administration of serum IgG from the vaccinated guinea pigs was effective in completely blocking the HIV infection in thymus/liver transplanted severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID)/hu or SCID/PBL mice. In addition, the immune serum IgG was shown to neutralize primary field isolates of HIV that match the neutralizing sequence motif by a peripheral blood mononuclear cell-based virus neutralization assay. The data support the idea that the antigen-secreting rBCG system can be used as a tool for development of HIV vaccines.


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We demonstrate that the cauliflower mosaic virus (CaMV) gene VI product can transactivate the expression of a reporter gene in bakers' yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The gene VI coding sequence was placed under the control of the galactose-inducible promoter GAL1, which is presented in the yeast shuttle vector pYES2, to create plasmid JS169. We also created a chloramphenicol acetyltransferase (CAT) reporter plasmid, JS161, by inserting the CAT reporter gene in-frame into CaMV gene II and subsequently cloning the entire CaMV genome into the yeast vector pRS314. When JS161 was transformed into yeast and subsequently assayed for CAT activity, only a very low level of CAT activity was detected in cellular extracts. To investigate whether the CaMV gene VI product would mediate an increase in CAT activity, we cotransformed yeast with JS169 and JS161. Upon induction with galactose, we found that CAT activity in yeast transformed with JS161 and JS169 was about 19 times higher than the level in the transformants that contained only JS161. CAT activity was dependent on the presence of the gene VI protein, because essentially no CAT activity was detected in yeast cells grown in the presence of glucose, which represses expression from the GAL1 promoter. RNase protection assays showed that the gene VI product had no effect on transcription from the 35S RNA promoter, demonstrating that regulation was occurring at the translation level. This yeast system will prove useful for understanding how the gene VI product of CaMV mediates the translation of genes present on a eukaryotic polycistronic mRNA.


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To determine which features of retroviral vector design most critically affect gene expression in hematopoietic cells in vivo, we have constructed a variety of different retroviral vectors which encode the same gene product, human adenosine deaminase (EC, and possess the same vector backbone yet differ specifically in transcriptional control sequences suggested by others to be important for gene expression in vivo. Murine bone marrow cells were transduced by each of the recombinant viruses and subsequently used to reconstitute the hematopoietic system of lethally irradiated recipients. Five to seven months after transplantation, analysis of the peripheral blood of animals transplanted with cells transduced by vectors which employ viral long terminal repeats (LTRs) for gene expression indicated that in 83% (77/93) of these animals, the level of human enzyme was equal to or greater than the level of endogenous murine enzyme. Even in bone marrow transplant recipients reconstituted for over 1 year, significant levels of gene expression were observed for each of the vectors in their bone marrow, spleen, macrophages, and B and T lymphocytes. However, derivatives of the parental MFG-ADA vector which possess either a single base mutation (termed B2 mutation) or myeloproliferative sarcoma virus LTRs rather than the Moloney murine leukemia virus LTRs led to significantly improved gene expression in all lineages. These studies indicate that retroviral vectors which employ viral LTRs for the expression of inserted sequences make it possible to obtain high levels of a desired gene product in most hematopoietic cell lineages for close to the lifetime of bone marrow transplant recipients.


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Adenoviral vectors are widely used as highly efficient gene transfer vehicles in a variety of biological research strategies including human gene therapy. One of the limitations of the currently available adenoviral vector system is the presence of the majority of the viral genome in the vector, resulting in leaky expression of viral genes particularly at high multiplicity of infection and limited cloning capacity of exogenous sequences. As a first step to overcome this problem, we attempted to rescue a defective human adenovirus serotype 5 DNA, which had an essential region of the viral genome (L1, L2, VAI + II, pTP) deleted and replaced with an indicator gene. In the presence of wild-type adenovirus as a helper, this DNA was packaged and propagated as transducing viral particles. After several rounds of amplification, the titer of the recombinant virus reached at least 4 x 10(6) transducing particles per ml. The recombinant virus could be partially purified from the helper virus by CsCl equilibrium density-gradient centrifugation. The structure of the recombinant virus around the marker gene remained intact after serial propagation, while the pBR sequence inserted in the E1 region was deleted from the recombinant virus. Our results suggest that it should be possible to develop a helper-dependent adenoviral vector, which does not encode any viral proteins, as an alternative to the currently available adenoviral vector systems.