34 resultados para variant genotypes


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In eukaryotes with the universal genetic code a single class I release factor (eRF1) most probably recognizes all stop codons (UAA, UAG and UGA) and is essential for termination of nascent peptide synthesis. It is well established that stop codons have been reassigned to amino acid codons at least three times among ciliates. The codon specificities of ciliate eRF1s must have been modified to accommodate the variant codes. In this study we have amplified, cloned and sequenced eRF1 genes of two hypotrichous ciliates, Oxytricha trifallax (UAA and UAG for Gln) and Euplotes aediculatus (UGA for Cys). We also sequenced/identified three protist and two archaeal class I RF genes to enlarge the database of eRF1/aRF1s with the universal code. Extensive comparisons between universal code eRF1s and those of Oxytricha, Euplotes and Tetrahymena, which represent three lineages that acquired variant codes independently, provide important clues to identify stop codon-binding regions in eRF1. Domain 1 in the five ciliate eRF1s, particulary the TASNIKS heptapeptide and its adjacent region, differs significantly from domain 1 in universal code eRF1s. This observation suggests that domain 1 contains the codon recognition site, but that the mechanism of eRF1 codon recognition may be more complex than proposed by Nakamura et al. or Knight and Landweber.


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Plasmodium falciparum parasites evade the host immune system by clonal expression of the variant antigen, P. falciparum erythrocyte membrane protein 1 (PfEMP1). Antibodies to PfEMP1 correlate with development of clinical immunity but are predominantly variant-specific. To overcome this major limitation for vaccine development, we set out to identify cross-reactive epitopes on the surface of parasitized erythrocytes (PEs). We prepared mAbs to the cysteine-rich interdomain region 1 (CIDR1) of PfEMP1 that is functionally conserved for binding to CD36. Two mAbs, targeting different regions of CIDR1, reacted with multiple P. falciparum strains expressing variant PfEMP1s. One of these mAbs, mAb 6A2-B1, recognized nine of 10 strains tested, failing to react with only one strain that does not bind CD36. Flow cytometry with Chinese hamster ovary cells expressing variant CIDR1s demonstrated that both mAbs recognized the CIDR1 of various CD36-binding PfEMP1s and are truly cross-reactive. The demonstration of cross-reactive epitopes on the PE surface provides further credence for development of effective vaccines against the variant antigen on the surface of P. falciparum-infected erythrocytes.


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Hereditary hemochromatosis (HH) is a common chronic human genetic disorder whose hallmark is systemic iron overload. Homozygosity for a mutation in the MHC class I heavy chain paralogue gene HFE has been found to be a primary cause of HH. However, many individuals homozygous for the defective allele of HFE do not develop iron overload, raising the possibility that genetic variation in modifier loci contributes to the HH phenotype. Mice deficient in the product of the β2-microglobulin (β2M) class I light chain fail to express HFE and other MHC class I family proteins, and they have been found to manifest many characteristics of the HH phenotype. To determine whether natural genetic variation plays a role in controlling iron overload, we performed classical genetic analysis of the iron-loading phenotype in β2M-deficient mice in the context of different genetic backgrounds. Strain background was found to be a major determinant in iron loading. Sex played a role that was less than that of strain background but still significant. Resistance and susceptibility to iron overload segregated as complex genetic traits in F1 and back-cross progeny. These results suggest the existence of naturally variant autosomal and Y chromosome-linked modifier loci that, in the context of mice genetically predisposed by virtue of a β2M deficiency, can profoundly influence the severity of iron loading. These results thus provide a genetic explanation for some of the variability of the HH phenotype.


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The genetic variability at six polymorphic loci was examined within a global collection of 502 isolates of subgroup III, serogroup A Neisseria meningitidis. Nine “genoclouds” were identified, consisting of genotypes that were isolated repeatedly plus 48 descendent genotypes that were isolated rarely. These genoclouds have caused three pandemic waves of disease since the mid-1960s, the most recent of which was imported from East Asia to Europe and Africa in the mid-1990s. Many of the genotypes are escape variants, resulting from positive selection that we attribute to herd immunity. Despite positive selection, most escape variants are less fit than their parents and are lost because of competition and bottlenecks during spread from country to country. Competition between fit genotypes results in dramatic changes in population composition over short time periods.


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Differences in the frequency with which offspring are produced asexually, through self-fertilization and through sexual outcrossing, are a predominant influence on the genetic structure of plant populations. Selfers and asexuals have fewer genotypes within populations than outcrossers with similar allele frequencies, and more genetic diversity in selfers and asexuals is a result of differences among populations than in sexual outcrossers. As a result of reduced levels of diversity, selfers and asexuals may be less able to respond adaptively to changing environments, and because genotypes are not mixed across family lineages, their populations may accumulate deleterious mutations more rapidly. Such differences suggest that selfing and asexual lineages may be evolutionarily short-lived and could explain why they often seem to be of recent origin. Nonetheless, the origin and maintenance of different reproductive modes must be linked to individual-level properties of survival and reproduction. Sexual outcrossers suffer from a cost of outcrossing that arises because they do not contribute to selfed or asexual progeny, whereas selfers and asexuals may contribute to outcrossed progeny. Selfing and asexual reproduction also may allow reproduction when circumstances reduce opportunities for a union of gametes produced by different individuals, a phenomenon known as reproductive assurance. Both the cost of outcrossing and reproductive assurance lead to an over-representation of selfers and asexuals in newly formed progeny, and unless sexual outcrossers are more likely to survive and reproduce, they eventually will be displaced from populations in which a selfing or asexual variant arises.


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The silver-haired bat variant of rabies virus (SHBRV) has been identified as the etiological agent of a number of recent human rabies cases in the United States that are unusual in not having been associated with any known history of conventional exposure. Comparison of the different biological and biochemical properties of isolates of this virus with those of a coyote street rabies virus (COSRV) revealed that there are unique features associated with SHBRV. In vitro studies showed that, while the susceptibility of neuroblastoma cells to infection by both viruses was similar, the infectivity of SHBRV was much higher than that of COSRV in fibroblasts (BHK-21) and epithelial cells (MA-104), particularly when these cells were kept at 34 degrees C. At this temperature, low pH-dependent fusion and cell-to-cell spread of virus is seen in BHK-21 cells infected with SHBRV but not with COSRV. It appears that SHBRV may possess an unique cellular tropism and the ability to replicate at lower temperature, allowing a more effective local replication in the dermis. This hypothesis is supported by in vivo results which showed that while SHBRV is less neurovirulent than COSRV when administered via the intramuscular or intranasal routes, both viruses are equally neuroinvasive if injected intracranially or intradermally. Consistent with the above findings, the amino acid sequences of the glycoproteins of SHBRV and COSRV were found to have substantial differences, particularly in the region that contains the putative toxic loop, which are reflected in marked differences in their antigenic composition. Nevertheless, an experimental rabies vaccine based on the Pittman Moore vaccine strain protected mice equally well from lethal doses of SHBRV and COSRV, suggesting that currently used vaccines should be effective in the postexposure prophylaxis of rabies due to SHBRV.


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Parasite-derived proteins expressed on the surface of erythrocytes infected with Plasmodium falciparum are important virulence factors, since they mediate binding of infected cells to diverse receptors on vascular endothelium and are targets of a protective immune response. They are difficult to study because they undergo rapid clonal antigenic variation in vitro, which precludes the derivation of phenotypically homogeneous cultures. Here we have utilized sequence-specific proteases to dissect the role of defined antigenic variants in binding to particular receptors. By selection of protease-resistant subpopulations of parasites on defined receptors we (i) confirm the high rate of antigenic variation in vitro; (ii) demonstrate that a single infected erythrocyte can bind to intercellular adhesion molecule 1, CD36, and thrombospondin; (iii) show that binding to intercellular adhesion molecule 1 and CD36 are functions of the variant antigen; and (iv) suggest that binding to thrombospondin may be mediated by other components of the infected erythrocyte surface.


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Psoralen-conjugated triple-helix-forming oligonucleotides have been used to generate site-specific mutations within mammalian cells. To investigate factors influencing the efficiency of oligonucleotide-mediated gene targeting, the processing of third-strand-directed psoralen adducts was compared in normal and repair-deficient human cells. An unusually high mutation frequency and an altered mutation pattern were seen in xeroderma pigmentosum variant (XPV) cells compared with normal, xeroderma pigmentosum group A (XPA), and Fanconi anemia cells. In XPV, targeted mutations were produced in the supF reporter gene carried in a simian virus 40 vector at a frequency of 30%, 3-fold above that in normal or Fanconi anemia cells and 6-fold above that in XPA. The mutations generated by targeted psoralen crosslinks and monoadducts in the XPV cells formed a pattern distinct from that in the other three cell lines, with mutations occurring not just at the damaged site but also at adjacent base pairs. Hence, the XPV cells may have an abnormality in trans-lesion bypass synthesis during repair and/or replication, implicating a DNA polymerase or an accessory factor as a basis of the defect in XPV. These results may help to elucidate the repair deficiency in XPV, and they raise the possibility that genetic manipulation via triplex-targeted mutagenesis may be enhanced by modulation of the XPV-associated activity in normal cells.


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The glycosyl-phosphatidylinositol (GPI) anchor of the Trypanosoma brucei variant surface glycoprotein (VSG) is unique in having exclusively myristate as its fatty acid component. We previously demonstrated that the myristate specificity is the result of two independent pathways. First, the newly synthesized free GPI, which is not myristoylated, undergoes fatty acid remodeling to replace both its fatty acids with myristate. Second, the myristoylated precursor, glycolipid A, undergoes a myristate exchange reaction, detected by the replacement of unlabeled myristate by [3H]myristate. Remodeling and exchange have different enzymatic properties and apparently occur in different subcellular compartments. We now demonstrate that the GPI anchor linked to VSG is the major substrate for myristate exchange. VSG can be efficiently labeled with [3H]myristate by exchange in the presence of cycloheximide, an inhibitor that prevents new VSG synthesis and thus anchor addition to protein. Not only is newly synthesized VSG subject to exchange, but mature VSG, possibly recycling from the cell surface, also undergoes myristate exchange.


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Deposition of PrP amyloid in cerebral vessels in conjunction with neurofibrillary lesions is the neuropathologic hallmark of the dementia associated with a stop mutation at codon 145 of PRNP, the gene encoding the prion protein (PrP). In this disorder, the vascular amyloid in tissue sections and the approximately 7.5-kDa fragment extracted from amyloid are labeled by antibodies to epitopes located in the PrP sequence including amino acids 90-147. Amyloid-laden vessels are also labeled by antibodies against the C terminus, suggesting that PrP from the normal allele is involved in the pathologic process. Abundant neurofibrillary lesions are present in the cerebral gray matter. They are composed of paired helical filaments, are labeled with antibodies that recognize multiple phosphorylation sites in tau protein, and are similar to those observed in Alzheimer disease. A PrP cerebral amyloid angiopathy has not been reported in diseases caused by PRNP mutations or in human transmissible spongiform encephalopathies; we propose to name this phenotype PrP cerebral amyloid angiopathy (PrP-CAA).


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Radiolabeled antibodies have shown promise for the treatment of lymphoma and for solid tumor targeting. Campath-1H is a humanized monoclonal antibody that reacts with the CD52 antigen present on human lymphoid and myeloid cells. Campath-1H is a gamma1 (G1) isotype that induces lymphopenia via an Fc-mediated mechanism(s). Isotype switches were engineered, and the resulting antibodies were expressed in NS0 mouse myeloma cells and biosynthetically radiolabeled with [35S]methionine. The forms included G1, G4, and a G4 variant that contained alanine substitutions at (EU numbering) Leu-235, Gly-237, and Glu-318. All isotypes bound antigen equivalently as assessed by target cell binding in vitro. The G4 variant had a greatly reduced capacity to interact with Fc receptor by virtue of reduced binding to THP-1 human myeloid cells and by a 1000-fold increase in EC50 to intermediate antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity. The pharmacokinetics of the isotypes were compared in CD-1 (nu/nu) mice bearing an experimental antigen-expressing tumor. The plasma half-life and tumor uptake were increased for the G4 variant. The G4 variant showed significantly less spleen, liver, and bone uptake but similar uptake in the lung, kidney, and stomach and lower tissue-to-blood ratios. Immunogenicity was assessed after repeated monthly administrations of unlabeled antibody in BALB/c mice. A 50% reduction in the incidence of anti-globulin response was observed for the G4 variant. These properties suggest that antibodies with reduced Fc receptor interaction merit additional study as potential targeting vehicles relative to other isotypes for radioimmunotherapy or situations where diminished normal tissue binding contributes to efficacy.


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Cyclin A is involved in the control of S phase and mitosis in mammalian cells. Expression of the cyclin A gene in nontransformed cells is characterized by repression of its promoter during the G1 phase of the cell cycle and its induction at S-phase entry. We show that this mode of regulation is mediated by the transcription factor E2F, which binds to a specific site in the cyclin A promoter. It differs from the prototype E2F site in nucleotide sequence and protein binding; it is bound by E2F complexes containing cyclin E and p107 but not pRB. Ectopic expression of cyclin D1 triggers premature activation of the cyclin A promoter by E2F, and this effect is blocked by the tumor suppressor protein p16INK4.