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Many neurons of the central nervous system display multiple high voltage-activated Ca2+ currents, pharmacologically classified as L-, N-, P-, Q-, and R-type. Of these current types, the R-type is the least understood. The leading candidate for the molecular correlate of R-type currents in cerebellar granule cells is the α1E subunit, which yields Ca2+ currents very similar to the R-type when expressed in heterologous systems. As a complementary approach, we tested whether antisense oligonucleotides against α1E could decrease the expression of R-type current in rat cerebellar granule neurons in culture. Cells were supplemented with either antisense or sense oligonucleotides and whole-cell patch clamp recordings were obtained after 6–8 days in vitro. Incubation with α1E antisense oligonucleotide caused a 52.5% decrease in the peak R-type current density, from −10 ± 0.6 picoamperes/picofarad (pA/pF) (n = 6) in the untreated controls to −4.8 ± 0.8 pA/pF (n = 11) (P < 0.01). In contrast, no significant changes in the current expression were seen in sense oligonucleotide-treated cells (−11.3 ± 3.2 pA/pF). The specificity of the α1E antisense oligonucleotides was supported by the lack of change in estimates of the P/Q current amplitude. Furthermore, antisense and sense oligonucleotides against α1A did not affect R-type current expression (−11.5 ± 1.7 and −11.7 ± 1.7 pA/pF, respectively), whereas the α1A antisense oligonucleotide significantly reduced whole cell currents under conditions in which P/Q current is dominant. Our results support the hypothesis that members of the E class of α1 subunits support the high voltage-activated R-type current in cerebellar granule cells.


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To understand the structure, role, and regulation of individual Ca2+ pumps in plants, we have used yeast as a heterologous expression system to test the function of a gene from Arabidopsis thaliana (ECA1). ECA1 encoded a 116-kDa polypeptide that has all the conserved domains common to P-type Ca2+ pumps (EC The amino acid sequence shared more identity with sarcoplasmic/endoplasmic reticulum (53%) than with plasma membrane (32%) Ca2+ pumps. Yeast mutants defective in a Golgi Ca2+ pump (pmr1) or both Golgi and vacuolar Ca2+ pumps (pmr1 pmc1 cnb1) were sensitive to growth on medium containing 10 mM EGTA or 3 mM Mn2+. Expression of ECA1 restored growth of either mutant on EGTA. Membranes were isolated from the pmr1 pmc1 cnb1 mutant transformed with ECA1 to determine if the ECA1 polypeptide (ECA1p) could be phosphorylated as intermediates of the reaction cycle of Ca2+-pumping ATPases. In the presence of [γ-32P]ATP, ECA1p formed a Ca2+-dependent [32P]phosphoprotein of 106 kDa that was sensitive to hydroxylamine. Cyclopiazonic acid, a blocker of animal sarcoplasmic/endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ pumps, inhibited the formation of the phosphoprotein, whereas thapsigargin did not. Immunoblotting with an antibody against the carboxyl tail showed that ECA1p was associated mainly with the endoplasmic reticulum membranes isolated from Arabidopsis plants. The results support the model that ECA1 encodes an endoplasmic reticulum-type Ca2+ pump in Arabidopsis. The ability of ECA1p to restore growth of mutant pmr1 on medium containing Mn2+, and the formation of a Mn2+-dependent phosphoprotein suggested that ECA1p may also regulate Mn2+ homeostasis by pumping Mn2+ into endomembrane compartments of plants.


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The p53 tumor suppressor gene has been shown to play an important role in determining cell fate. Overexpression of wild-type p53 in tumor cells has been shown to lead to growth arrest or apoptosis. Previous studies in fibroblasts have provided indirect evidence for a link between p53 and senescence. Here we show, using an inducible p53 expression system, that wild-type p53 overexpression in EJ bladder carcinoma cells, which have lost functional p53, triggers the rapid onset of G1 and G2/M growth arrest associated with p21 up-regulation and repression of mitotic cyclins (cyclin A and B) and cdc2. Growth arrest in response to p53 induction became irreversible within 48-72 h, with cells exhibiting morphological features as well as specific biochemical and ultrastructural markers of the senescent phenotype. These findings provide direct evidence that p53 overexpression can activate the rapid onset of senescence in tumor cells.


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Sequence divergence acts as a potent barrier to homologous recombination; much of this barrier derives from an antirecombination activity exerted by mismatch repair proteins. An inverted repeat assay system with recombination substrates ranging in identity from 74% to 100% has been used to define the relationship between sequence divergence and the rate of mitotic crossing-over in yeast. To elucidate the role of the mismatch repair machinery in regulating recombination between mismatched substrates, we performed experiments in both wild-type and mismatch repair defective strains. We find that a single mismatch is sufficient to inhibit recombination between otherwise identical sequences, and that this inhibition is dependent on the mismatch repair system. Additional mismatches have a cumulative negative effect on the recombination rate. With sequence divergence of up to approximately 10%, the inhibitory effect of mismatches results mainly from antirecombination activity of the mismatch repair system. With greater levels of divergence, recombination is inefficient even in the absence of mismatch repair activity. In both wild-type and mismatch repair defective strains, an approximate log-linear relationship is observed between the recombination rate and the level of sequence divergence.


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Mice deficient for plasminogen exhibit a variety of pathologies, all of which examined to date are reversed when the animals are also made fibrin(ogen) deficient. These results suggested that the predominant, and perhaps exclusive, physiological role of plasminogen is clearance of fibrin. Plasminogen-deficient mice also display resistance to excitotoxin-induced neurodegeneration, in contrast with wild-type mice, which are sensitive. Based on the genetic interaction between plasminogen and fibrinogen, we investigated whether resistance to neuronal cell death in the plasminogen-deficient mice is dependent on fibrin(ogen). Unexpectedly, mice lacking both plasminogen and fibrinogen are resistant to neurodegeneration to levels comparable to plasminogen-deficient mice. Therefore, plasmin acts on substrates other than fibrin during experimental neuronal degeneration, and may function similarly in other pathological settings in the central nervous system.


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The lecticans are a family of chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans including aggrecan, versican, neurocan, and brevican. The C-terminal globular domains of lecticans are structurally related to selectins, consisting of a C-type lectin domain flanked by epidermal growth factor and complement regulatory protein domains. The C-type lectin domain of versican has been shown to bind tenascin-R, an extracellular matrix protein specifically expressed in the nervous system, and the interaction was presumed to be mediated by a carbohydrate–protein interaction. In this paper, we show that the C-type lectin domain of brevican, another lectican that is specifically expressed in the nervous system, also binds tenascin-R. Surprisingly, this interaction is mediated by a protein–protein interaction through the fibronectin type III domains 3–5 of tenascin-R, independent of any carbohydrates or sulfated amino acids. The lectin domains of versican and other lecticans also bind the same domain of tenascin-R by protein–protein interactions. Surface plasmon resonance analysis revealed that brevican lectin has at least a 10-fold higher affinity than the other lectican lectins. Tenascin-R is coprecipitated with brevican from adult rat brain extracts, suggesting that tenascin-R and brevican form complexes in vivo. These results demonstrate that the C-type lectin domain can interact with fibronectin type III domains through protein–protein interactions, and suggest that brevican is a physiological tenascin-R ligand in the adult brain.


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The γ-aminobutyric acid type A (GABAA) receptor is a transmitter-gated ion channel mediating the majority of fast inhibitory synaptic transmission within the brain. The receptor is a pentameric assembly of subunits drawn from multiple classes (α1–6, β1–3, γ1–3, δ1, and ɛ1). Positive allosteric modulation of GABAA receptor activity by general anesthetics represents one logical mechanism for central nervous system depression. The ability of the intravenous general anesthetic etomidate to modulate and activate GABAA receptors is uniquely dependent upon the β subunit subtype present within the receptor. Receptors containing β2- or β3-, but not β1 subunits, are highly sensitive to the agent. Here, chimeric β1/β2 subunits coexpressed in Xenopus laevis oocytes with human α6 and γ2 subunits identified a region distal to the extracellular N-terminal domain as a determinant of the selectivity of etomidate. The mutation of an amino acid (Asn-289) present within the channel domain of the β3 subunit to Ser (the homologous residue in β1), strongly suppressed the GABA-modulatory and GABA-mimetic effects of etomidate. The replacement of the β1 subunit Ser-290 by Asn produced the converse effect. When applied intracellularly to mouse L(tk−) cells stably expressing the α6β3γ2 subunit combination, etomidate was inert. Hence, the effects of a clinically utilized general anesthetic upon a physiologically relevant target protein are dramatically influenced by a single amino acid. Together with the lack of effect of intracellular etomidate, the data argue against a unitary, lipid-based theory of anesthesia.


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Using a novel Escherichia coli in vitro decay system in which polysomes are the source of both enzymes and mRNA, we demonstrate a requirement for poly(A) polymerase I (PAP I) in mRNA turnover. The in vitro decay of two different mRNAs (trxA and lpp) is triggered by the addition of ATP only when polysomes are prepared from a strain carrying the wild-type gene for PAP I (pcnB+). The relative decay rates of these two messages are similar in vitro and in vivo. Poly(A) tails are formed on both mRNAs, but no poly(A) tails are detected on the 3′ end of mature 23S rRNA. The size distribution of poly(A) tails generated in vitro, averaging 50 nt in length, is comparable to that previously reported in vivo. PAP I activity is associated exclusively with the polysomes. Exogenously added PAP I does not restore mRNA decay to PAP I− polysomes, suggesting that, in vivo, PAP I may be part of a multiprotein complex. The potential of this in vitro system for analyzing mRNA decay in E. coli is discussed.


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Mice devoid of PrPC (Prnpo/o) are resistant to scrapie and do not allow propagation of the infectious agent (prion). PrPC-expressing neuroectodermal tissue grafted into Prnpo/o brains but not the surrounding tissue consistently exhibits scrapie-specific pathology and allows prion replication after inoculation. Scrapie prions administered intraocularly into wild-type mice spread efficiently to the central nervous system within 16 weeks. To determine whether PrPC is required for scrapie spread, we inoculated prions intraocularly into Prnpo/o mice containing a PrP-overexpressing neurograft. Neither encephalopathy nor protease-resistant PrP (PrPSc) were detected in the grafts for up to 66 weeks. Because grafted PrP-expressing cells elicited an immune response that might have interfered with prion spread, we generated Prnpo/o mice immunotolerant to PrP and engrafted them with PrP-producing neuroectodermal tissue. Again, intraocular inoculation did not lead to disease in the PrP-producing graft. These results demonstrate that PrP is necessary for prion spread along neural pathways.


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In view of the well-established role of neurohypophysial hormones in osmoregulation of terrestrial vertebrates, lungfishes are a key group for study of the molecular and functional evolution of the hypothalamo-neurohypophysial system. Here we report on the primary structure of the precursors encoding vasotocin (VT) and [Phe2]mesotocin ([Phe2]MT) of the Australian lungfish, Neoceratodus forsteri. Genomic sequence analysis and Northern blot analysis confirmed that [Phe2]MT is a native oxytocin family peptide in the Australian lungfish, although it has been reported that the lungfish neurohypophysis contains MT. The VT precursor consists of a signal peptide, VT, that is connected to a neurophysin by a Gly-Lys-Arg sequence, and a copeptin moiety that includes a Leu-rich core segment and a glycosylation site. In contrast, the [Phe2]MT precursor does not contain a copeptin moiety. These structural features of the lungfish precursors are consistent with those in tetrapods, but different from those in teleosts where both VT and isotocin precursors contain a copeptin-like moiety without a glycosylation site at the carboxyl terminals of their neurophysins. Comparison of the exon/intron organization also supports homology of the lungfish [Phe2]MT gene with tetrapod oxytocin/MT genes, rather than with teleost isotocin genes. Moreover, molecular phylogenetic analysis shows that neurohypophysial hormone genes of the lungfish are closely related to those of the toad. The present results along with previous morphological findings indicate that the hypothalamo-neurohypophysial system of the lungfish has evolved along the tetrapod lineage, whereas the teleosts form a separate lineage, both within the class Osteichthyes.


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As part of our attempts at understanding fundamental principles that underlie the generation of nondividing terminally differentiated progeny from dividing precursor cells, we have developed approaches to a quantitative analysis of proliferation and differentiation of oligodendrocyte type 2 astrocyte (O-2A) progenitor cells at the clonal level. Owing to extensive previous studies of clonal differentiation in this lineage, O-2A progenitor cells represent an excellent system for such an analysis. Previous studies have resulted in two competing hypotheses; one of them suggests that progenitor cell differentiation is symmetric, the other hypothesis introduces an asymmetric process of differentiation. We propose a general model that incorporates both such extreme hypotheses as special cases. Our analysis of experimental data has shown, however, that neither of these extreme cases completely explains the observed kinetics of O-2A progenitor cell proliferation and oligodendrocyte generation in vitro. Instead, our results indicate that O-2A progenitor cells become competent for differentiation after they complete a certain number of critical mitotic cycles that represent a period of symmetric development. This number varies from clone to clone and may be thought of as a random variable; its probability distribution was estimated from experimental data. Those O-2A cells that have undergone the critical divisions then may differentiate into an oligodendrocyte in each of the subsequent mitotic cycles with a certain probability, thereby exhibiting the asymmetric type of differentiation.


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Cotton rats (Sigmodon hispidus and S. fulviventer) are susceptible to many viruses that infect humans (e.g., poliovirus, respiratory syncytial virus, influenza virus, adenovirus, and parainfluenza virus) and have been influential in developing therapeutic clinical intervention strategies for many viral infections of man. This study set out to determine whether cotton rats are susceptible to infection with HIV type 1 (HIV-1). Results indicate that HIV-1 does infect the cotton rat and S. fulviventer is more susceptible than S. hispidus. The virus was passaged from animal to animal for a total of three serial passages; but HIV replicated poorly in vivo, was only detectable as proviral DNA, and never exceeded one provirus per 1.8 × 105 cotton rat peripheral blood mononuclear cells. Infection induced a distinct and characteristic anti-HIV antibody response that, in some animals, included neutralizing antibodies, recognized all of the major HIV-1 antigens and the antibodies lasted out to 52 wk post-infection. Neonate S. fulviventer were not more susceptible to infection than adults. In vitro culture studies produced indirect evidence of viral replication by detection of viral gag gene RNA in reverse transcriptase–PCR assays on viral culture supernatants. Collectively, these results indicate that HIV-1 can replicate in a nontransgenic rodent and that this system may have potential as an animal model for HIV-1 infection if viral replication rates can be improved in vivo.


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CB1, a cannabinoid receptor enriched in neuronal tissue, was found in high concentration in retinas of rhesus monkey, mouse, rat, chick, goldfish, and tiger salamander by using a subtype-specific polyclonal antibody. Immunolabeling was detected in the two synaptic layers of the retina, the inner and outer plexiform layers, of all six species examined. In the outer plexiform layer, CB1 was located in and/or on cone pedicles and rod spherules. Labeling was detected in some amacrine cells of all species and in the ganglion cells and ganglion cell axons of all species except fish. In addition, sparse labeling was found in the inner and/or outer segments of the photoreceptors of monkey, mouse, rat, and chick. Using GC/MS to detect possible endogenous cannabinoids, we found 3 nmol of 2-arachidonylglycerol per g of tissue, but no anandamide was detectable. Cannabinoid receptor agonists induced a dramatic reduction in the amplitude of voltage-gated L-type calcium channel currents in identified retinal bipolar cells. The presence and distribution of the CB1 receptor, the large amounts of 2-arachidonylglycerol found, and the effects of cannabinoids on calcium channel activity in bipolar cells suggest a substantive role for an endogenous cannabinoid signaling system in retinal physiology, and perhaps vision in general.