25 resultados para sulfur-containing molecules


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The intracellular levels of many proteins are regulated by ubiquitin-dependent proteolysis. One of the best-characterized enzymes that catalyzes the attachment of ubiquitin to proteins is a ubiquitin ligase complex, Skp1-Cullin-F box complex containing Hrt1 (SCF). We sought to artificially target a protein to the SCF complex for ubiquitination and degradation. To this end, we tested methionine aminopeptidase-2 (MetAP-2), which covalently binds the angiogenesis inhibitor ovalicin. A chimeric compound, protein-targeting chimeric molecule 1 (Protac-1), was synthesized to recruit MetAP-2 to SCF. One domain of Protac-1 contains the IκBα phosphopeptide that is recognized by the F-box protein β-TRCP, whereas the other domain is composed of ovalicin. We show that MetAP-2 can be tethered to SCFβ-TRCP, ubiquitinated, and degraded in a Protac-1-dependent manner. In the future, this approach may be useful for conditional inactivation of proteins, and for targeting disease-causing proteins for destruction.


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Contact interactions between different cell types play a number of important roles in development, for example in cell sorting, tissue organization, and ordered migration of cells. The nature of such heterocellular interactions, in contrast to interactions between cells of the same type, remains largely unknown. In this report, we present experimental data examining the dynamics of heterocellular interactions between epitheliocytes and fibroblasts, which express different cadherin cell adhesion molecules and possess different actin cytoskeletal organizations. Our analysis revealed two striking features of heterocellular contact. First, the active free edge of an epitheliocyte reorganizes its actin cytoskeleton after making contact with a fibroblast. Upon contact with the leading edge of a fibroblast, epitheliocytes disassemble their marginal bundle of actin filaments and reassemble actin filaments into a geometric organization more typical of a fibroblast lamella. Second, epitheliocytes and fibroblasts form cell–cell adhesion structures that have an irregular organization and are associated with components of cell adhesion complexes. The structural organization of these adhesions is more closely related to the type of contacts formed between fibroblasts rather than to those between epitheliocytes. Heterotypic epithelio-fibroblastic contacts, like homotypic contacts between fibroblasts, are transient and do not lead to formation of stable contact interactions. We suggest that heterocellular contact interactions in culture may be regarded as models of how tissue systems consisting of epithelia and mesenchyme interact and become organized in vivo.


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To replicate, HIV-1 must integrate a cDNA copy of the viral RNA genome into a chromosome of the host. The integration system is a promising target for antiretroviral agents, but to date no clinically useful integration inhibitors have been identified. Previous screens for integrase inhibitors have assayed inhibition of reactions containing HIV-1 integrase purified from an Escherichia coli expression system. Here we compare action of inhibitors in vitro on purified integrase and on subviral preintegration complexes (PICs) isolated from lymphoid cells infected with HIV-1. We find that many inhibitors active against purified integrase are inactive against PICs. Using PIC assays as a primary screen, we have identified three new anthraquinone inhibitors active against PICs and also against purified integrase. We propose that PIC assays are the closest in vitro match to integration in vivo and, as such, are particularly appropriate for identifying promising integration inhibitors.


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Position 57 in the beta chain of HLA class II molecules maintains an Asp/non-Asp dimorphism that has been conserved through evolution and is implicated in susceptibility to some autoimmune diseases. The latter effect may be due to the influence of this residue on the ability of class II alleles to bind specific pathogenic peptides. We utilized highly homologous pairs of both DR and DQ alleles that varied at residue 57 to investigate the impact of this dimorphism on binding of model peptides. Using a direct binding assay of biotinylated peptides on whole cells expressing the desired alleles, we report several peptides that bind differentially to the allele pairs depending on the presence or absence of Asp at position 57. Peptides with negatively charged residues at anchor position 9 bind well to alleles not containing Asp at position 57 in the beta chain but cannot bind well to homologous Asp-positive alleles. By changing the peptides at the single residue predicted to interact with this position 57, we demonstrate a drastically altered or reversed pattern of binding. Ala analog peptides confirm these interactions and identify a limited set of interaction sites between the bound peptides and the class II molecules. Clarification of the impact of specific class II polymorphisms on generating unique allele-specific peptide binding "repertoires" will aid in our understanding of the development of specific immune responses and HLA-associated diseases.


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Doxorubicin (DOX) and its daunosamine-modified derivative, 2-pyrrolino-DOX, which is 500-1000 times more active than DOX, were incorporated into agonistic and antagonistic analogs of luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (LH-RH). The conjugation of DOX with LH-RH analogs was performed by using N-(9-fluorenylmethoxycarbonyl)-DOX-14-O-hemiglutarate, a dicarboxylic acid ester derivative of DOX. Coupling this derivative covalently to the epsilon-amino group of the D-Lys side chain of agonist [D-Lys6]LH-RH or antagonistic analog AC-D-Nal(2)-D-Phe(4Cl)-D-Pal(3)-Ser-Tyr-D-Lys-Leu-Arg-Pro-D-Ala-NH 2 [where Nal(2) = 3-(2-naphthyl)alanine, Pal(3) = 3-(3-pyridyl)alanine, and Phe(4CI) = 4-chlorophenylalanine] was followed by the removal of the 9-fluorenylmethoxycarbonyl protective group to yield cytotoxic derivatives of LH-RH analogs containing DOX. From these DOX containing LH-RH hybrids, intensely potent analogs with daunosamine-modified derivatives of DOX can be readily formed. Thus, cytotoxic LH-RH agonist containing DOX (AN-152) can be converted in a 66% yield by a reaction with a 30-fold excess of 4-iodobutyraldehyde in N,N-dimethylformamide into a derivative having 2-pyrrolino-DOX (AN-207). Hybrid molecules AN-152 and AN-207 fully preserve the cytotoxic activity of their radicals, DOX or 2-pyrrolino-DOX, respectively, in vitro, and also retain the high binding affinity of the peptide hormone portion of the conjugates to rat pituitary receptors for LH-RH. These highly potent cytotoxic analogs of LH-RH were designed as targeted anti-cancer agents for the treatment of various tumors that possess receptors for the carrier peptide. Initial in vivo studies show that the hybrid molecules are much less toxic than the respective cytotoxic radicals incorporated and significantly more active in inhibiting tumor growth.


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Chemical modification of proteins is a common theme in their regulation. Nitrosylation of protein sulfhydryl groups has been shown to confer nitric oxide (NO)-like biological activities and to regulate protein functions. Several other nucleophilic side chains -- including those with hydroxyls, amines, and aromatic carbons -- are also potentially susceptible to nitrosative attack. Therefore, we examined the reactivity and functional consequences of nitros(yl)ation at a variety of nucleophilic centers in biological molecules. Chemical analysis and spectroscopic studies show that nitrosation reactions are sustained at sulfur, oxygen, nitrogen, and aromatic carbon centers, with thiols being the most reactive functionality. The exemplary protein, BSA, in the presence of a 1-, 20-, 100-, or 200-fold excess of nitrosating equivalents removes 0.6 +/- 0.2, 3.2 +/- 0.4, 18 +/- 4, and 38 +/- 10, respectively, moles of NO equivalents per mole of BSA from the reaction medium; spectroscopic evidence shows the proportionate formation of a polynitrosylated protein. Analogous reaction of tissue-type plasminogen activator yields comparable NO protein stoichiometries. Disruption of protein tertiary structure by reduction results in the preferential nitrosylation of up to 20 thus-exposed thiol groups. The polynitrosylated proteins exhibit antiplatelet and vasodilator activity that increases with the degree of nitrosation, but S-nitroso derivatives show the greatest NO-related bioactivity. Studies on enzymatic activity of tissue-type plasminogen activator show that polynitrosylation may lead to attenuated function. Moreover, the reactivity of tyrosine residues in proteins raises the possibility that NO could disrupt processes regulated by phosphorylation. Polynitrosylated proteins were found in reaction mixtures containing interferon-gamma/lipopolysaccharide-stimulated macrophages and in tracheal secretions of subjects treated with NO gas, thus suggesting their physiological relevance. In conclusion, multiple sites on proteins are susceptible to attack by nitrogen oxides. Thiol groups are preferentially modified, supporting the notion that S-nitrosylation can serve to regulate protein function. Nitrosation reactions sustained at additional nucleophilic centers may have (patho)physiological significance and suggest a facile route by which abundant NO bioactivity can be delivered to a biological system, with specificity dictated by protein substrate.


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To identify potential signaling molecules involved in mediating insulin-induced biological responses, a yeast two-hybrid screen was performed with the cytoplasmic domain of the human insulin receptor (IR) as bait to trap high-affinity interacting proteins encoded by human liver or HeLa cDNA libraries. A SH2-domain-containing protein was identified that binds with high affinity in vitro to the autophosphorylated IR. The mRNA for this protein was found by Northern blot analyses to be highest in skeletal muscle and was also detected in fat by PCR. To study the role of this protein in insulin signaling, a full-length cDNA encoding this protein (called Grb-IR) was isolated and stably expressed in Chinese hamster ovary cells overexpressing the human IR. Insulin treatment of these cells resulted in the in situ formation of a complex of the IR and the 60-kDa Grb-IR. Although almost 75% of the Grb-IR protein was bound to the IR, it was only weakly tyrosine-phosphorylated. The formation of this complex appeared to inhibit the insulin-induced increase in tyrosine phosphorylation of two endogenous substrates, a 60-kDa GTPase-activating-protein-associated protein and, to a lesser extent, IR substrate 1. The subsequent association of this latter protein with phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase also appeared to be inhibited. These findings raise the possibility that Grb-IR is a SH2-domain-containing protein that directly complexes with the IR and serves to inhibit signaling or redirect the IR signaling pathway.


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Protein-protein interactions involving specific transactivation domains play a central role in gene transcription and its regulation. The promoter-specific transcription factor Sp1 contains two glutamine-rich transcriptional activation domains (A and B) that mediate direct interactions with the transcription factor TFIID complex associated with RNA polymerase II and synergistic effects involving multiple Sp1 molecules. In the present study, we report the complementary DNA sequence for an alternatively spliced form of mouse Sp1 (mSp1-S) that lacks one of the two glutamine-rich activation regions present in the full-length protein. Corresponding transcripts were identified in mouse tissues and cell lines, and an Sp1-related protein identical in size to that predicted for mSp1-S was detected in mouse nuclear extracts. Cotransfection analysis revealed that mSp1-S lacks appreciable activity at promoters containing a single Sp1 response element but is active when multiple Sp1 sites are present, suggesting synergistic interactions between multiple mSp1-S molecules. The absence of a single glutamine-rich domain does not fully explain the properties of the smaller protein and indicates that additional structural features account for its unique transcriptional activity. The functional implications of this alternatively spliced form of Sp1 are discussed.


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Flash-induced voltage changes (electrogenic events) in photosystem I particles from spinach, oriented in a phospholipid layer, have been studied at room temperature on a time scale ranging from 1 micros to several seconds. A phospholipid layer containing photosystem I particles was adsorbed to a Teflon film separating two aqueous compartments. Voltage changes were measured across electrodes immersed in the compartments. In the absence of added electron donors and acceptors, a multiphasic voltage increase, associated with charge separation, was followed by a decrease, associated with charge recombination. Several kinetic phases were resolved: a rapid (<1 micros) increase, ascribed to electron transfer from the primary electron donor P700 to the iron-sulfur electron acceptor FB, was followed by a slower, biphasic increase with time constants of 30 and 200 micros. The 30-micros phase is assigned to electron transfer from FB to the iron-sulfur center FA. The voltage decrease had a time constant of 90 ms, ascribed to charge recombination from FA to P700. Upon chemical prereduction of FA and FB the 30- and 200-micros phases disappeared and the decay time constant was accelerated to 330 micros, assigned to charge recombination from the phylloquinone electron acceptor (A1) or the iron-sulfur center FX to P700.


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In the facultative anaerobe Escherichia coli, the transcription factor FNR (fumarate nitrate reduction) regulates gene expression in response to oxygen deprivation. To investigate how the activity of FNR is regulated by oxygen availability, two mutant proteins, DA154 and LH28-DA154, which have enhanced in vivo activity in the presence of oxygen, were purified and compared. Unlike other previously examined FNR preparations, the absorption spectrum of LH28-DA154 had two maxima at 324 nm and 419 nm, typical of iron-sulfur (Fe-S)-containing proteins. Consistent with these data, metal analysis showed that only the LH28-DA154 protein contained a significant amount of iron and acid-labile sulfide, and, by low temperature EPR spectroscopy, a signal typical of a [3Fe-4S]+ cluster was detected. The LH28-DA154 protein that contained the Fe-S cluster also contained a higher proportion of dimers and had a 3- to 4-fold higher apparent affinity for the target DNA than the DA154 protein. In agreement with this, we found that when the LH28-DA154 protein was treated with an iron chelator (alpha,alpha'-dipyridyl), it lost its characteristic absorption and the apparent affinity for DNA was reduced 6-fold. However, increased DNA binding and the characteristic absorption spectrum could be restored by in vitro reconstitution of the Fe-S center. DNA binding of the LH28-DA154 protein was also affected by the redox state of the Fe-S center, since protein exposed to oxygen bound 1/10th as much DNA as the protein reduced anaerobically with dithionite. The observation that DNA binding is enhanced when the Fe-S center is reduced indicates that the redox state of the Fe-S center affects the DNA-binding activity of this protein and suggests a possible mechanism for regulation of the wild-type protein.