336 resultados para single-stranded DNA binding protein


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Several models have been proposed for the mechanism of transcript termination by Escherichia coli RNA polymerase at rho-independent terminators. Yager and von Hippel (Yager, T. D. & von Hippel, P. H. (1991) Biochemistry 30, 1097–118) postulated that the transcription complex is stabilized by enzyme–nucleic acid interactions and the favorable free energy of a 12-bp RNA–DNA hybrid but is destabilized by the free energy required to maintain an extended transcription bubble. Termination, by their model, is viewed simply as displacement of the RNA transcript from the hybrid helix by reformation of the DNA helix. We have proposed an alternative model where the RNA transcript is stably bound to RNA polymerase primarily through interactions with two single-strand specific RNA-binding sites; termination is triggered by formation of an RNA hairpin that reduces binding of the RNA to one RNA-binding site and, ultimately, leads to its ejection from the complex. To distinguish between these models, we have tested whether E. coli RNA polymerase can terminate transcription at rho-independent terminators on single-stranded DNA. RNA polymerase cannot form a transcription bubble on these templates; thus, the Yager–von Hippel model predicts that intrinsic termination will not occur. We find that transcript elongation on single-stranded DNA templates is hindered somewhat by DNA secondary structure. However, E. coli RNA polymerase efficiently terminates and releases transcripts at several rho-independent terminators on such templates at the same positions as termination occurs on duplex DNAs. Therefore, neither the nontranscribed DNA strand nor the transcription bubble is essential for rho-independent termination by E. coli RNA polymerase.


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A microtiter-based assay system is described in which DNA hairpin probes with dangling ends and single-stranded, linear DNA probes were immobilized and compared based on their ability to capture single-strand target DNA. Hairpin probes consisted of a 16 bp duplex stem, linked by a T2-biotin·dT-T2 loop. The third base was a biotinylated uracil (UB) necessary for coupling to avidin coated microtiter wells. The capture region of the hairpin was a 3′ dangling end composed of either 16 or 32 bases. Fundamental parameters of the system, such as probe density and avidin adsorption capacity of the plates were characterized. The target DNA consisted of 65 bases whose 3′ end was complementary to the dangling end of the hairpin or to the linear probe sequence. The assay system was employed to measure the time dependence and thermodynamic stability of target hybridization with hairpin and linear probes. Target molecules were labeled with either a 5′-FITC, or radiolabeled with [γ-33P]ATP and captured by either linear or hairpin probes affixed to the solid support. Over the range of target concentrations from 10 to 640 pmol hybridization rates increased with increasing target concentration, but varied for the different probes examined. Hairpin probes displayed higher rates of hybridization and larger equilibrium amounts of captured targets than linear probes. At 25 and 45°C, rates of hybridization were better than twice as great for the hairpin compared with the linear capture probes. Hairpin–target complexes were also more thermodynamically stable. Binding free energies were evaluated from the observed equilibrium constants for complex formation. Results showed the order of stability of the probes to be: hairpins with 32 base dangling ends > hairpin probes with l6 base dangling ends > 16 base linear probes > 32 base linear probes. The physical characteristics of hairpins could offer substantial advantages as nucleic acid capture moieties in solid support based hybridization systems.


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Exposure to DNA-damaging agents triggers signal transduction pathways that are thought to play a role in maintenance of genomic stability. A key protein in the cellular processes of nucleotide excision repair, DNA recombination, and DNA double-strand break repair is the single-stranded DNA binding protein, RPA. We showed previously that the p34 subunit of RPA becomes hyperphosphorylated as a delayed response (4–8 h) to UV radiation (10–30 J/m2). Here we show that UV-induced RPA-p34 hyperphosphorylation depends on expression of ATM, the product of the gene mutated in the human genetic disorder ataxia telangiectasia (A-T). UV-induced RPA-p34 hyperphosphorylation was not observed in A-T cells, but this response was restored by ATM expression. Furthermore, purified ATM kinase phosphorylates the p34 subunit of RPA complex in vitro at many of the same sites that are phosphorylated in vivo after UV radiation. Induction of this DNA damage response was also dependent on DNA replication; inhibition of DNA replication by aphidicolin prevented induction of RPA-p34 hyperphosphorylation by UV radiation. We postulate that this pathway is triggered by the accumulation of aberrant DNA replication intermediates, resulting from DNA replication fork blockage by UV photoproducts. Further, we suggest that RPA-p34 is hyperphosphorylated as a participant in the recombinational postreplication repair of these replication products. Successful resolution of these replication intermediates reduces the accumulation of chromosomal aberrations that would otherwise occur as a consequence of UV radiation.


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A minor groove binder (MGB) derivative (N-3-carbamoyl-1,2-dihydro-3H-pyrrolo[3,2-e]indole-7-carboxylate tripeptide; CDPI3) was covalently linked to the 5' or 3' end of several oligodeoxyribonucleotides (ODNs) totally complementary or possessing a single mismatch to M13mp19 single-stranded DNA. Absorption thermal denaturation and slot-blot hybridization studies showed that conjugation of CDPI3 to these ODNs increased both the specificity and the strength with which they hybridized. Primer extension of the same phage DNA by a modified form of phage T7 DNA polymerase (Sequenase) was physically blocked when a complementary 16-mer with a conjugated 5'-CDPI3 moiety was hybridized to a downstream site. Approximately 50% of the replicating complexes were arrested when the blocking ODN was equimolar to the phage DNA. Inhibition was unaffected by 3'-capping of the ODN with a hexanol group or by elimination of a preannealing step. Blockage was abolished when a single mismatch was introduced into the ODN or when the MGB was either removed or replaced by a 5'-acridine group. A 16-mer with a 3'-CDPI3 moiety failed to arrest primer extension, as did an unmodified 32-mer. We attribute the exceptional stability of hybrids formed by ODNs conjugated to a CDPI3 to the tethered tripeptide binding in the minor groove of the hybrid. When that group is linked to the 5' end of a hybridized ODN, it probably blocks DNA synthesis by inhibiting strand displacement. These ODNs conjugated to CDPI3 offer attractive features as diagnostic probes and antigene agents.


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The herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV-1) genome encodes seven polypeptides that are required for its replication. These include a heterodimeric DNA polymerase, a single-strand-DNA-binding protein, a heterotrimeric helicase/primase, and a protein (UL9 protein) that binds specifically to an HSV-1 origin of replication (oris). We demonstrate here that UL9 protein interacts specifically with the 180-kDa catalytic subunit of the cellular DNA polymerase alpha-primase. This interaction can be detected by immunoprecipitation with antibodies directed against either of these proteins, by gel mobility shift of an oris-UL9 protein complex, and by stimulation of DNA polymerase activity by the UL9 protein. These findings suggest that enzymes required for cellular DNA replication also participate in HSV-1 DNA replication.


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Saccharomyces cerevisiae responds to DNA damage by arresting cell cycle progression (thereby preventing the replication and segregation of damaged chromosomes) and by inducing the expression of numerous genes, some of which are involved in DNA repair, DNA replication, and DNA metabolism. Induction of the S. cerevisiae 3-methyladenine DNA glycosylase repair gene (MAG) by DNA-damaging agents requires one upstream activating sequence (UAS) and two upstream repressing sequences (URS1 and URS2) in the MAG promoter. Sequences similar to the MAG URS elements are present in at least 11 other S. cerevisiae DNA repair and metabolism genes. Replication protein A (Rpa) is known as a single-stranded-DNA-binding protein that is involved in the initiation and elongation steps of DNA replication, nucleotide excision repair, and homologous recombination. We now show that the MAG URS1 and URS2 elements form similar double-stranded, sequence-specific, DNA-protein complexes and that both complexes contain Rpa. Moreover, Rpa appears to bind the MAG URS1-like elements found upstream of 11 other DNA repair and DNA metabolism genes. These results lead us to hypothesize that Rpa may be involved in the regulation of a number of DNA repair and DNA metabolism genes.


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Most helicases studied to date have been characterized as oligomeric, but the relation between their structure and function has not been understood. The bacteriophage T7 gene 4 helicase/primase proteins act in T7 DNA replication. We have used electron microscopy, three-dimensional reconstruction, and protein crosslinking to demonstrate that both proteins form hexameric rings around single-stranded DNA. Each subunit has two lobes, so the hexamer appears to be two-tiered, with a small ring stacked on a large ring. The single-stranded DNA passes through the central hole of the hexamer, and the data exclude substantial wrapping of the DNA about or within the protein ring. Further, the hexamer binds DNA with a defined polarity as the smaller ring of the hexamer points toward the 5' end of the DNA. The similarity in three-dimensional structure of the T7 gene 4 proteins to that of the Escherichia coli RuvB helicase suggests that polar rings assembled around DNA may be a general feature of numerous hexameric helicases involved in DNA replication, transcription, recombination, and repair.


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Agrobacterium tumefaciens induces crown gall tumors on plants by transferring a nucleoprotein complex, the T-complex, from the bacterium to the plant cell. The T-complex consists of T-DNA, a single-stranded DNA segment of the tumor-inducing plasmid, VirD2, an endonuclease covalently bound to the 5′ end of the T-DNA, and perhaps VirE2, a single-stranded DNA binding protein. The yeast two-hybrid system was used to screen for proteins interacting with VirD2 and VirE2 to identify components in Arabidopsis thaliana that interact with the T-complex. Three VirD2- and two VirE2-interacting proteins were identified. Here we characterize the interactions of VirD2 with two isoforms of Arabidopsis cyclophilins identified by using this analysis. The VirD2 domain interacting with the cyclophilins is distinct from the endonuclease, omega, and the nuclear localization signal domains. The VirD2–cyclophilin interaction is disrupted in vitro by cyclosporin A, which also inhibits Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of Arabidopsis and tobacco. These data strongly suggest that host cyclophilins play a role in T-DNA transfer.


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Replication protein A (RPA) is a highly conserved single-stranded DNA-binding protein, required for cellular DNA replication, repair, and recombination. In human cells, RPA is phosphorylated during the S and G2 phases of the cell cycle and also in response to ionizing or ultraviolet radiation. Saccharomyces cerevisiae exhibits a similar pattern of cell cycle-regulated RPA phosphorylation, and our studies indicate that the radiation-induced reactions occur in yeast as well. We have examined yeast RPA phosphorylation during the normal cell cycle and in response to environmental insult, and have demonstrated that the checkpoint gene MEC1 is required for the reaction under all conditions tested. Through examination of several checkpoint mutants, we have placed RPA phosphorylation in a novel pathway of the DNA damage response. MEC1 is similar in sequence to human ATM, the gene mutated in patients with ataxia-telangiectasia (A-T). A-T cells are deficient in multiple checkpoint pathways and are hypersensitive to killing by ionizing radiation. Because A-T cells exhibit a delay in ionizing radiation-induced RPA phosphorylation, our results indicate a functional similarity between MEC1 and ATM, and suggest that RPA phosphorylation is involved in a conserved eukaryotic DNA damage-response pathway defective in A-T.


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ASH1 encodes a protein that is localized specifically to the daughter cell nucleus, where it has been proposed to repress transcription of the HO gene. Using Ash1p purified from baculovirus-infected insect cells, we have shown that Ash1p binds specific DNA sequences in the HO promoter. DNase I protection analyses showed that Ash1p recognizes a consensus sequence, YTGAT. Mutation of this consensus abolishes Ash1p DNA binding in vitro. We have shown that Ash1p requires an intact zinc-binding domain in its C terminus for repression of HO in vivo and that this domain may be involved in DNA binding. A heterologous DNA-binding domain fused to an N-terminal segment of Ash1p functions as an active repressor of transcription. Our studies indicate that Ash1p is a DNA-binding protein of the GATA family with a separable transcriptional repression domain.


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JC virus is activated to replicate in glial cells of many AIDS patients with neurological disorders. In human glial cells, the human immunodeficiency virus 1 (HIV-1) Tat protein activates the major late promoter of JC virus through a Tat-responsive DNA element, termed upTAR, which is a recognition site for cellular Purα, a sequence-specific single-stranded DNA binding protein implicated in cell cycle control of DNA replication and transcription. Tat interacts with two leucine-rich repeats in Purα to form a complex that can be immunoprecipitated from cell extracts. Tat enhances the ability of purified glutathione S-transferase-Purα (GST-Purα) to bind the upTAR element. Tat acts synergistically with Purα, in a cell-cycle-dependent manner, to activate transcription at an upTAR element placed upstream of a heterologous promoter. Since Purα is ubiquitously expressed in human cells and since PUR elements are located near many promoters and origins of replication, the Tat-Purα interaction may be implicated in effects of HIV-1 throughout the full range of HIV-1-infected cells.


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Two major pathways of recombination-dependent DNA replication, “join-copy” and “join-cut-copy,” can be distinguished in phage T4: join-copy requires only early and middle genes, but two late proteins, endonuclease VII and terminase, are uniquely important in the join-cut-copy pathway. In wild-type T4, timing of these pathways is integrated with the developmental program and related to transcription and packaging of DNA. In primase mutants, which are defective in origin-dependent lagging-strand DNA synthesis, the late pathway can bypass the lack of primers for lagging-strand DNA synthesis. The exquisitely regulated synthesis of endo VII, and of two proteins from its gene, explains the delay of recombination-dependent DNA replication in primase (as well as topoisomerase) mutants, and the temperature-dependence of the delay. Other proteins (e.g., the single-stranded DNA binding protein and the products of genes 46 and 47) are important in all recombination pathways, but they interact differently with other proteins in different pathways. These homologous recombination pathways contribute to evolution because they facilitate acquisition of any foreign DNA with limited sequence homology during horizontal gene transfer, without requiring transposition or site-specific recombination functions. Partial heteroduplex repair can generate what appears to be multiple mutations from a single recombinational intermediate. The resulting sequence divergence generates barriers to formation of viable recombinants. The multiple sequence changes can also lead to erroneous estimates in phylogenetic analyses.


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Formation of deletions by recombination between short direct repeats is thought to involve either a break-join or a copy-choice process. The key step of the latter is slippage of the replication machinery between the repeats. We report that the main replicase of Escherichia coli, DNA polymerase III holoenzyme, slips between two direct repeats of 27 bp that flank an inverted repeat of approximately equal 300bp. Slippage was detected in vitro, on a single-stranded DNA template, in a primer extension assay. It requires the presence of a short (8 bp) G+C-rich sequence at the base of a hairpin that can form by annealing of the inverted repeats. It is stimulated by (i) high salt concentration, which might stabilize the hairpin, and (ii) two proteins that ensure the processivity of the DNA polymerase III holoenzyme: the single-stranded DNA binding protein and the beta subunit of the polymerase. Slippage is rather efficient under optimal reaction conditions because it can take place on >50% of template molecules. This observation supports the copy-choice model for recombination between short direct repeats.


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The stress response promoter element (STRE) confers increased transcription to a set of genes following environmental or metabolic stress in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. A lambda gt11 library was screened to isolate clones encoding STRE-binding proteins, and one such gene was identified as MSN2, which encoded a zinc-finger transcriptional activator. Disruption of the MSN2 gene abolished an STRE-binding activity in crude extracts as judged by both gel mobility-shift and Southwestern blot experiments, and overexpression of MSN2 intensified this binding activity. Northern blot analysis demonstrated that for the known or suspected STRE-regulated genes DDR2, CTT1, HSP12, and TPS2, transcript induction was impaired following heat shock or DNA damage treatment in the msn2-disrupted strain and was constitutively activated in a strain overexpressing MSN2. Furthermore, heat shock induction of a STRE-driven reporter gene was reduced more than 6-fold in the msn2 strain relative to wild-type cells. Taken together, these data indicate that Msn2p is the transcription factor that activates STRE-regulated genes in response to stress. Whereas nearly 85% of STRE-mediated heat shock induction was MSN2 dependent, there was significant MSN2-independent expression. We present evidence that the MSN2 homolog, MSN4, can partially replace MSN2 for transcriptional activation following stress. Moreover, our data provides evidence for the involvement of additional transcription factors in the yeast multistress response.


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Xeroderma pigmentosum (XP) is caused by a defect in nucleotide excision repair. Patients in the complementation group E (XP-E) have the mildest form of the disease and the highest level of residual repair activity. About 20% of the cell strains derived from XP-E patients lack a damaged DNA-binding protein (DDB) activity that binds to ultraviolet-induced (6-4) photoproducts with high affinity. We report here that cell-free extracts prepared from XP-E cell strains that either lacked or contained DDB activity were severely defective in excising DNA damage including (6-4) photoproducts. However, this excision activity defect was not restored by addition of purified DDB that, in fact, inhibited removal of (6-4) photoproducts by the human excision nuclease reconstituted from purified proteins. Extensive purification of correcting activity from HeLa cells revealed that the correcting activity is inseparable from the human replication/repair protein A [RPA (also known as human single stranded DNA binding protein, HSSB)]. Indeed, supplementing XP-E extracts with recombinant human RPA purified from Escherichia coli restored excision activity. However, no mutation was found in the genes encoding the three subunits of RPA in an XP-E (DDB-) cell line. It is concluded that RPA functionally complements XP-E extracts in vitro, but it is not genetically altered in XP-E patients.