82 resultados para reverse transcriptase inhibitors


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The association between human immunodeficiency virus type I (HIV-1) RNA load changes and the emergence of resistant virus variants was investigated in 24 HIV-1-infected asymptomatic persons during 2 years of treatment with zidovudine by sequentially measuring serum HIV-1 RNA load and the relative amounts of HIV-1 RNA containing mutations at reverse transcriptase (RT) codons 70 (K-->R), 41 (M-->L), and 215 (T-->Y/F). A mean maximum decline in RNA load occurred during the first month, followed by a resurgence between 1 and 3 months, which appeared independent of drug-resistance. Mathematical modeling suggests that this resurgence is caused by host-parasite dynamics, and thus reflects infection of the transiently increased numbers of CD4+ lymphocytes. Between 3 and 6 months of treatment, the RNA load returned to baseline values, which was associated with the emergence of virus containing a single lysine to arginine amino acid change at RT codon 70, only conferring an 8-fold reduction in susceptibility. Despite the relative loss of RNA load suppression, selection toward mutations at RT codons 215 and 41 continued. Identical patterns were observed in the mathematical model. While host-parasite dynamics and outgrowth of low-level resistant virus thus appear responsible for the loss of HIV-1 RNA load suppression, zidovudine continues to select for alternative mutations, conferring increasing levels of resistance.


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In the foamy virus (FV) subgroup of retroviruses the pol genes are located in the +1 reading frame relative to the gag genes and possess potential ATG initiation codons in their 5' regions. This genome organization suggests either a + 1 ribosomal frameshift to generate a Gag-Pol fusion protein, similar to all other retroviruses studied so far, or new initiation of Pol translation, as used by pararetroviruses, to express the Pol protein. By using a genetic approach we have ruled out the former possibility and provide evidence for the latter. Two down-mutations (M53 and M54) of the pol ATG codon were found to abolish replication and Pol protein expression of the human FV isolate. The introduction of a new ATG in mutation M55, 3' to the down-mutated ATG of mutation M53, restored replication competence, indicating that the pol ATG functions as a translational initiation codon. Two nonsense mutants (M56 and M57), which functionally separated gag and pol with respect to potential frame-shifting sites, were also replication-competent, providing further genetic evidence that FVs express the Pol protein independently from Gag. Our results show that during a particular step of the replication cycle, FVs differ fundamentally from all other retroviruses.


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The heat shock protein Hsp90 is known as an essential component of several signal transduction pathways and has now been identified as an essential host factor for hepatitis B virus replication. Hsp90 interacts with the viral reverse transcriptase to facilitate the formation of a ribonucleoprotein (RNP) complex between the polymerase and an RNA ligand. This RNP complex is required early in replication for viral assembly and initiation of DNA synthesis through a protein-priming mechanism. These results thus invoke a role for the Hsp90 pathway in the formation of an RNP.


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Retroviruses are known to mutate at high rates. An important source of genetic variability is recombination taking place during reverse transcription of internal regions of the two genomic RNAs. We have designed an in vitro model system, involving genetic markers carried on two RNA templates, to allow a search for individual recombination events and to score their frequency of occurrence. We show that Moloney murine leukemia virus reverse transcriptase alone promotes homologous recombination efficiently. While RNA concentration has little effect on recombination frequency, there is a clear correlation between the amount of reverse transcriptase used in the assay and the extent of recombination observed. Under conditions mimicking the in vivo situation, a rate compatible with ex vivo estimates has been obtained.


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HIV integrase, the enzyme that inserts the viral DNA into the host chromosome, has no mammalian counterpart, making it an attractive target for antiviral drug design. As one of the three enzymes produced by HIV, it can be expected that inhibitors of this enzyme will complement the therapeutic use of HIV protease and reverse transcriptase inhibitors. We have determined the structure of a complex of the HIV-1 integrase core domain with a novel inhibitor, 5ClTEP, 1-(5-chloroindol-3-yl)-3-hydroxy-3-(2H-tetrazol-5-yl)-propenone, to 2.1-Å resolution. The inhibitor binds centrally in the active site of the integrase and makes a number of close contacts with the protein. Only minor changes in the protein accompany inhibitor binding. This inhibitor complex will provide a platform for structure-based design of an additional class of inhibitors for antiviral therapy.


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Anti-viral drug treatment of human immunodeficiency virus type I (HIV-1) and hepatitis B virus (HBV) infections causes rapid reduction in plasma virus load. Viral decline occurs in several phases and provides information on important kinetic constants of virus replication in vivo and pharmacodynamical properties. We develop a mathematical model that takes into account the intracellular phase of the viral life-cycle, defined as the time between infection of a cell and production of new virus particles. We derive analytic solutions for the dynamics following treatment with reverse transcriptase inhibitors, protease inhibitors, or a combination of both. For HIV-1, our results show that the phase of rapid decay in plasma virus (days 2-7) allows precise estimates for the turnover rate of productively infected cells. The initial quasi-stationary phase (days 0-1) and the transition phase (days 1-2) are explained by the combined effects of pharmacological and intracellular delays, the clearance of free virus particles, and the decay of infected cells. Reliable estimates of the first three quantities are not possible from data on virus load only; such estimates require additional measurements. In contrast with HIV-1, for HBV our model predicts that frequent early sampling of plasma virus will lead to reliable estimates of the free virus half-life and the pharmacological properties of the administered drug. On the other hand, for HBV the half-life of infected cells cannot be estimated from plasma virus decay.


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Five structurally related thiophene and furane analogues of the oxathiin carboxanilide derivative NSC 615985 (UC84) (designated UC10, UC68, UC81, UC42, and UC16) were identified as potent inhibitors of HIV-1 replication in cell culture and HIV-1 reverse transcriptase activity. These compounds were markedly active against a series of mutant HIV-1 strains, containing the Leu-100-->Ile, Val-106-->Ala, Glu-138-->Lys, or Tyr-181-->Cys mutations in their reverse transcriptase. However, the thiocarboxanilide derivatives selected for mutations at amino acid positions 100 (Leu-->Ile), 101 (Lys-->Ile/Glu), 103 (Lys-->Thr/Asp) and 141 (Gly-->Glu) in the HIV-1 reverse transcriptase. The compounds completely suppressed HIV-1 replication and prevented the emergence of resistant virus strains when used at 1.3-6.6 microM--that is, 10- to 25-fold lower than the concentration required for nevirapine and bis(heteroaryl)piperazine (BHAP) U90152 to do so. If UC42 was combined with the [2',5'-bis-O-(tert-butyldimethylsilyl)-3'-spiro-5"-(4"-amino-1",2"- oxathiole-2",2"-dioxide)]-beta-D-pentofuranosyl (TSAO) derivative of N3-methylthymine (TSAO-m3T), virus breakthrough could be prevented for a much longer time, and at much lower concentrations, than if the compounds were used individually. Virus breakthrough could be suppressed for even longer, and at lower drug concentrations, if BHAP was added to the combination of UC42 with TSAO-m3T, which points to the feasibility of two- or three-drug combinations in preventing virus breakthrough and resistance development.


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We have investigated two regions of the viral RNA of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) as potential targets for antisense oligonucleotides. An oligodeoxynucleotide targeted to the U5 region of the viral genome was shown to block the elongation of cDNA synthesized by HIV-1 reverse transcriptase in vitro. This arrest of reverse transcription was independent of the presence of RNase H activity associated with the reverse transcriptase enzyme. A second oligodeoxynucleotide targeted to a site adjacent to the primer binding site inhibited reverse transcription in an RNase H-dependent manner. These two oligonucleotides were covalently linked to a poly(L-lysine) carrier and tested for their ability to inhibit HIV-1 infection in cell cultures. Both oligonucleotides inhibited virus production in a sequence- and dose-dependent manner. PCR analysis showed that they inhibited proviral DNA synthesis in infected cells. In contrast, an antisense oligonucleotide targeted to the tat sequence did not inhibit proviral DNA synthesis but inhibited viral production at a later step of virus development. These experiments show that antisense oligonucleotides targeted to two regions of HIV-1 viral RNA can inhibit the first step of viral infection--i.e., reverse transcription--and prevent the synthesis of proviral DNA in cell cultures.


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Human fibroblasts whose lifespan in culture has been extended by expression of a viral oncogene eventually undergo a growth crisis marked by failure to proliferate. It has been proposed that telomere shortening in these cells is the property that limits their proliferation. Here we report that ectopic expression of the wild-type reverse transcriptase protein (hTERT) of human telomerase averts crisis, at the same time reducing the frequency of dicentric and abnormal chromosomes. Surprisingly, as the resulting immortalized cells containing active telomerase continue to proliferate, their telomeres continue to shorten to mean lengths below those in control cells that enter crisis. These results provide evidence for a protective function of human telomerase that allows cell proliferation without requiring net lengthening of telomeres.


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The soybean genome hosts a family of several hundred, relatively homogeneous copies of a large, copia/Ty1-like retroelement designated SIRE-1. A copy of this element has been recovered from a Glycine max genomic library. DNA sequence analysis of two SIRE-1 subclones revealed that SIRE-1 contains a long, uninterrupted, ORF between the 3′ end of the pol ORF and the 3′ long terminal repeat (LTR), a region that harbors the env gene in retroviral genomes. Conceptual translation of this second ORF produces a 70-kDa protein. Computer analyses of the amino acid sequence predicted patterns of transmembrane domains, α-helices, and coiled coils strikingly similar to those found in mammalian retroviral envelope proteins. In addition, a 65-residue, proline-rich domain is characterized by a strong amino acid compositional bias virtually identical to that of the 60-amino acid, proline-rich neutralization domain of the feline leukemia virus surface protein. The assignment of SIRE-1 to the copia/Ty1 family was confirmed by comparison of the conceptual translation of its reverse transcriptase-like domain with those of other retroelements. This finding suggests the presence of a proretrovirus in a plant genome and is the strongest evidence to date for the existence of a retrovirus-like genome closely related to copia/Ty1 retrotransposons.


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Telomerase is a specialized reverse transcriptase consisting of both RNA and protein components. Previous characterization of yeast telomerase function in vivo identified four EST (for ever shorter telomeres) genes that, when mutated, result in the phenotypes expected for a defect in telomerase. Consistent with this genetic prediction, the EST2 gene has recently been shown to encode the catalytic component of telomerase. Using an in vitro assay, we show here that telomerase activity is present in extracts prepared from yeast strains carrying est1-Δ, est3-Δ, and cdc13–2est mutations. Therefore, while these three genes are necessary for telomerase function in vivo, they do not encode components essential for core catalytic activity. When Est2p, the one EST gene product found to be essential for catalytic activity, was immunoprecipitated from extracts, the telomerase RNA subunit was also specifically precipitated, supporting the conclusion that these two components are in a stable complex.


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Retrovirus packaging cell lines expressing the Moloney murine leukemia virus gag and pol genes but lacking virus envelope genes produce virus-like particles constitutively, whether or not they express a transcript from an integrated retroviral provirus. In the absence of a proviral transcript, the assembled particles contain processed gag and reverse transcriptase, and particles made by cells expressing an integrated lacZ provirus also contain viral RNA. The virus-like particles from both cell types are enveloped and are secreted/budded into the extracellular space but are noninfectious. Their physicochemical properties are similar to those of mature retroviral particles. The noninfectious gag pol RNA particles can readily be made infectious by the addition of lipofection reagents to produce preparations with titers of up to 105 colony-forming units per ml.


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Panhandle PCR amplifies genomic DNA with known 5′ and unknown 3′ sequences from a template with an intrastrand loop schematically shaped like a pan with a handle. We used panhandle PCR to clone MLL genomic breakpoints in two pediatric treatment-related leukemias. The karyotype in a case of treatment-related acute lymphoblastic leukemia showed the t(4;11)(q21;q23). Panhandle PCR amplified the translocation breakpoint at position 2158 in intron 6 in the 5′ MLL breakpoint cluster region (bcr). The karyotype in a case of treatment-related acute myeloid leukemia was normal, but Southern blot analysis showed a single MLL gene rearrangement. Panhandle PCR amplified the breakpoint at position 1493 in MLL intron 6. Screening of somatic cell hybrid and radiation hybrid DNAs by PCR and reverse transcriptase-PCR analysis of the leukemic cells indicated that panhandle PCR identified a fusion of MLL intron 6 with a previously uncharacterized sequence in MLL intron 1, consistent with a partial duplication. In both cases, the breakpoints in the MLL bcr were in Alu repeats, and there were Alu repeats in proximity to the breakpoints in the partner DNAs, suggesting that Alu sequences were relevant to these rearrangements. This study shows that panhandle PCR is an effective method for cloning MLL genomic breakpoints in treatment-related leukemias. Analysis of additional pediatric cases will determine whether breakpoint distribution deviates from the predilection for 3′ distribution in the bcr that has been found in adult cases.


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During reverse transcription of retroviral RNA, synthesis of (−) strand DNA is primed by a cellular tRNA that anneals to an 18-nt primer binding site within the 5′ long terminal repeat. For (+) strand synthesis using a (−) strand DNA template linked to the tRNA primer, only the first 18 nt of tRNA are replicated to regenerate the primer binding site, creating the (+) strand strong stop DNA intermediate and providing a 3′ terminus capable of strand transfer and further elongation. On model HIV templates that approximate the (−) strand linked to natural modified or synthetic unmodified tRNA3Lys, we find that a (+) strand strong stop intermediate of the proper length is generated only on templates containing the natural, modified tRNA3Lys, suggesting that a posttranscriptional modification provides the termination signal. In the presence of a recipient template, synthesis after strand transfer occurs only from intermediates generated from templates containing modified tRNA3Lys. Reverse transcriptase from Moloney murine leukemia virus and avian myoblastosis virus shows the same requirement for a modified tRNA3Lys template. Because all retroviral tRNA primers contain the same 1-methyl-A58 modification, our results suggest that 1-methyl-A58 is generally required for termination of replication 18 nt into the tRNA sequence, generating the (+) strand intermediate, strand transfer, and subsequent synthesis of the entire (+) strand. The possibility that the host methyl transferase responsible for methylating A58 may provide a target for HIV chemotherapy is discussed.


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The partial molecular characterization of multiple sclerosis (MS)-associated retrovirus (MSRV), a novel retrovirus previously called LM7, is reported. MSRV has been isolated repeatedly from leptomeningeal, choroid plexus and from Epstein–Barr virus-immortalized B cells of MS patients. A strategy based on reverse transcriptase PCR with RNA-purified extracellular virions yielded an initial pol fragment from which other regions of the retroviral genome were subsequently obtained by sequence extension. MSRV-specific PCR primers amplified a pol region from RNA present at the peak of reverse transcriptase activity, coinciding with extracellular viral particles in sucrose density gradients. The same sequence was detected in noncellular RNA from MS patient plasma and in cerebrospinal fluid from untreated MS patients. MSRV is related to, but distinct from, the endogenous retroviral sequence ERV9. Whether MSRV represents an exogenous retrovirus with closely related endogenous elements or a replication-competent, virion-producing, endogenous provirus is as yet unknown. Further molecular epidemiological studies are required to determine precisely the apparent association of virions containing MSRV RNA with MS.