69 resultados para potency


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Genetic events leading to the loss of heterozygosity (LOH) have been shown to play a crucial role in the development of cancer. However, LOH events do not occur only in genetically unstable cancer cells but also have been detected in normal somatic cells of mouse and man. Mice, in which one of the alleles for adenine phosphoribosyltransferase (Aprt) has been disrupted by gene targeting, were used to investigate the potency of carcinogens to induce LOH in vivo. After 7,12-dimethyl-1,2-benz[a]anthracene (DMBA) exposure, a 3-fold stronger mutagenic response was detected at the autosomal Aprt gene than at the X chromosomal hypoxantine-guanine phosphoribosyltransferase (Hprt) gene in splenic T-lymphocytes. Allele-specific PCR analysis showed that the normal, nontargeted Aprt allele was lost in 70% of the DMBA-induced Aprt mutants. Fluorescence in situ hybridization analysis demonstrated that the targeted allele had become duplicated in almost all DMBA-induced mutants that displayed LOH at Aprt. These results indicate that the main mechanisms by which DMBA caused LOH were mitotic recombination or chromosome loss and duplication but not deletion. However, after treatment with the alkylating agent N-ethyl-N-nitrosourea, Aprt had a similar mutagenic response to Hprt while the majority (90%) of N-ethyl-N-nitrosourea-induced Aprt mutants had retained both alleles. Unexpectedly, irradiation with x-rays, which induce primarily large deletions, resulted in a significant increase of the mutant frequency at Hprt but not at Aprt. This in vivo study clearly indicates that, in normal somatic cells, carcinogen exposure can result in the induction of LOH events that are compatible with cell survival and may represent an initiating event in tumorigenesis.


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Exogenous gangliosides affect the angiogenic activity of fibroblast growth factor-2 (FGF-2), but their mechanism of action has not been elucidated. Here, a possible direct interaction of sialo-glycolipids with FGF-2 has been investigated. Size exclusion chromatography demonstrates that native, but not heat-denatured, 125I-FGF-2 binds to micelles formed by gangliosides GT1b, GD1b, or GM1. Also, gangliosides protect native FGF-2 from trypsin digestion at micromolar concentrations, the order of relative potency being GT1b > GD1b > GM1 = GM2 = sulfatide > GM3 = galactosyl-ceramide, whereas asialo-GM1, neuraminic acid, and N-acetylneuramin-lactose were ineffective. Scatchard plot analysis of the binding data of fluorochrome-labeled GM1 to immobilized FGF-2 indicates that FGF–2/GM1 interaction occurs with a Kd equal to 6 μM. This interaction is inhibited by the sialic acid-binding peptide mastoparan and by the synthetic fragments FGF-2(112–129) and, to a lesser extent, FGF-2(130–155), whereas peptides FGF-2(10–33), FGF-2(39–59), FGF-2(86–96), and the basic peptide HIV-1 Tat(41–60) were ineffective. These data identify the COOH terminus of FGF-2 as a putative ganglioside-binding region. Exogenous gangliosides inhibit the binding of 125I-FGF-2 to high-affinity tyrosine-kinase FGF-receptors (FGFRs) of endothelial GM 7373 cells at micromolar concentrations. The order of relative potency was GT1b > GD1b > GM1 > sulfatide a = sialo-GM1. Accordingly, GT1b,GD1b, GM1, and GM2, but not GM3 and asialo-GM1, prevent the binding of 125I-FGF-2 to a soluble, recombinant form of extracellular FGFR-1. Conversely, the soluble receptor and free heparin inhibit the interaction of fluorochrome-labeled GM1 to immobilized FGF-2. In agreement with their FGFR antagonist activity, free gangliosides inhibit the mitogenic activity exerted by FGF-2 on endothelial cells in the same range of concentrations. Also in this case, GT1b was the most effective among the gangliosides tested while asialo-GM1, neuraminic acid, N-acetylneuramin-lactose, galactosyl-ceramide, and sulfatide were ineffective. In conclusion, the data demonstrate the capacity of exogenous gangliosides to interact with FGF-2. This interaction involves the COOH terminus of the FGF-2 molecule and depends on the structure of the oligosaccharide chain and on the presence of sialic acid residue(s) in the ganglioside molecule. Exogenous gangliosides act as FGF-2 antagonists when added to endothelial cell cultures. Since gangliosides are extensively shed by tumor cells and reach elevated levels in the serum of tumor-bearing patients, our data suggest that exogenous gangliosides may affect endothelial cell function by a direct interaction with FGF-2, thus modulating tumor neovascularization.


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Increased expression of the serine protease urokinase-type plasminogen activator (uPA) in tumor tissues is highly correlated with tumor cell migration, invasion, proliferation, progression, and metastasis. Thus inhibition of uPA activity represents a promising target for antimetastatic therapy. So far, only the x-ray crystal structure of uPA inactivated by H-Glu-Gly-Arg-chloromethylketone has been reported, thus limited data are available for a rational structure-based design of uPA inhibitors. Taking into account the trypsin-like arginine specificity of uPA, (4-aminomethyl)phenylguanidine was selected as a potential P1 residue and iterative derivatization of its amino group with various hydrophobic residues, and structure–activity relationship-based optimization of the spacer in terms of hydrogen bond acceptor/donor properties led to N-(1-adamantyl)-N′-(4-guanidinobenzyl)urea as a highly selective nonpeptidic uPA inhibitor. The x-ray crystal structure of the uPA B-chain complexed with this inhibitor revealed a surprising binding mode consisting of the expected insertion of the phenylguanidine moiety into the S1 pocket, but with the adamantyl residue protruding toward the hydrophobic S1′ enzyme subsite, thus exposing the ureido group to hydrogen-bonding interactions. Although in this enzyme-bound state the inhibitor is crossing the active site, interactions with the catalytic residues Ser-195 and His-57 are not observed, but their side chains are spatially displaced for steric reasons. Compared with other trypsin-like serine proteases, the S2 and S3/S4 pockets of uPA are reduced in size because of the 99-insertion loop. Therefore, the peculiar binding mode of the new type of uPA inhibitors offers the possibility of exploiting optimized interactions at the S1′/S2′ subsites to further enhance selectivity and potency. Because crystals of the uPA/benzamidine complex allow inhibitor exchange by soaking procedures, the structure-based design of new generations of uPA inhibitors can rely on the assistance of x-ray analysis.


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Substitutions or deletions of domain II loop residues of Bacillus thuringiensis δ-endotoxin CryIAb were constructed using site-directed mutagenesis techniques to investigate their functional roles in receptor binding and toxicity toward gypsy moth (Lymantria dispar). Substitution of loop 2 residue N372 with Ala or Gly (N372A, N372G) increased the toxicity against gypsy moth larvae 8-fold and enhanced binding affinity to gypsy moth midgut brush border membrane vesicles (BBMV) ≈4-fold. Deletion of N372 (D3), however, substantially reduced toxicity (>21 times) as well as binding affinity, suggesting that residue N372 is involved in receptor binding. Interestingly, a triple mutant, DF-1 (N372A, A282G and L283S), has a 36-fold increase in toxicity to gypsy moth neonates compared with wild-type toxin. The enhanced activity of DF-1 was correlated with higher binding affinity (18-fold) and binding site concentrations. Dissociation binding assays suggested that the off-rate of the BBMV-bound mutant toxins was similar to that of the wild type. However, DF-1 toxin bound 4 times more than the wild-type and N372A toxins, and it was directly correlated with binding affinity and potency. Protein blots of gypsy moth BBMV probed with labeled N372A, DF-1, and CryIAb toxins recognized a common 210-kDa protein, indicating that the increased activity of the mutants was not caused by binding to additional receptor(s). The improved binding affinity of N372A and DF-1 suggest that a shorter side chain at these loops may fit the toxin more efficiently to the binding pockets. These results offer an excellent model system for engineering δ-endotoxins with higher potency and wider spectra of target pests by improving receptor binding interactions.


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A general strategy is described for improving the binding properties of small-molecule ligands to protein targets. A bifunctional molecule is created by chemically linking a ligand of interest to another small molecule that binds tightly to a second protein. When the ligand of interest is presented to the target protein by the second protein, additional protein–protein interactions outside of the ligand-binding sites serve either to increase or decrease the affinity of the binding event. We have applied this approach to an intractable target, the SH2 domain, and demonstrate a 3-fold enhancement over the natural peptide. This approach provides a way to modulate the potency and specificity of biologically active compounds.


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We have reported previously that murine bone marrow-derived dendritic cells (DC) pulsed with whole tumor lysates can mediate potent antitumor immune responses both in vitro and in vivo. Because successful therapy was dependent on host immune T cells, we have now evaluated whether the systemic administration of the T cell stimulatory/growth promoting cytokine interleukin-2 (IL-2) could enhance tumor lysate-pulsed DC-based immunizations to further promote protective immunity toward, and therapeutic rejection of, syngeneic murine tumors. In three separate approaches using a weakly immunogenic sarcoma (MCA-207), the systemic administration of nontoxic doses of recombinant IL-2 (20,000 and 40,000 IU/dose) was capable of mediating significant increases in the potency of DC-based immunizations. IL-2 could augment the efficacy of tumor lysate-pulsed DC to induce protective immunity to lethal tumor challenge as well as enhance splenic cytotoxic T lymphocyte activity and interferon-γ production in these treated mice. Moreover, treatment with the combination of tumor lysate-pulsed DC and IL-2 could also mediate regressions of established pulmonary 3-day micrometastases and 7-day macrometastases as well as established 14- and 28-day s.c. tumors, leading to either significant cure rates or prolongation in overall survival. Collectively, these findings show that nontoxic doses of recombinant IL-2 can potentiate the antitumor effects of tumor lysate-pulsed DC in vivo and provide preclinical rationale for the use of IL-2 in DC-based vaccine strategies in patients with advanced cancer.


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Buforin II is a 21-aa potent antimicrobial peptide that forms, in a hydrophobic medium, an amphipathic structure consisting of an N-terminal random coil region (residues 1–4), an extended helical region (residues 5–10), a hinge (residue 11), and a C-terminal regular α-helical region (residues 12–21). To elucidate the structural features of buforin II that are required for its potent antimicrobial activity, we synthesized a series of N- and C-terminally truncated or amino acid-substituted synthetic buforin II analogs and examined their antimicrobial activity and mechanism of action. Deletion of the N-terminal random coil region increased the antibacterial activity ≈2-fold, but further N-terminal truncation yielded peptide analogs with progressively decreasing activity. Removal of four amino acids from the C-terminal end of buforin II resulted in a complete loss of antimicrobial activity. The substitution of leucine for the proline hinge decreased significantly the antimicrobial activity. Confocal fluorescence microscopic studies showed that buforin II analogs with a proline hinge penetrated the cell membrane without permeabilization and accumulated in the cytoplasm. However, removal of the proline hinge abrogated the ability of the peptide to enter cells, and buforin II analogs without a proline hinge localized on the cell surface, permeabilizing the cell membrane. In addition, the cell-penetrating efficiency of buforin II and its truncated analogs, which depended on the α-helical content of the peptides, correlated linearly with their antimicrobial potency. Our results demonstrate clearly that the proline hinge is responsible for the cell-penetrating ability of buforin II, and the cell-penetrating efficiency determines the antimicrobial potency of the peptide.


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Chemical modification of proteins with polyethylene glycol (PEGylation) can increase plasma half-lives, stability, and therapeutic potency. To make a PEGylated recombinant immunotoxin with improved therapeutic properties, we prepared a mutant of anti-Tac(Fv)-PE38 (LMB-2), a recombinant immunotoxin composed of a single-chain Fv fragment of the anti-human Tac monoclonal antibody to the IL-2 receptor α subunit fused to a 38-kDa fragment of Pseudomonas exotoxin. For site-specific PEGylation of LMB-2, one cysteine residue was introduced into the peptide connector (ASGCGPE) between the Fv and the toxin. This mutant LMB-2 (cys1-LMB-2), which retained full cytotoxic activity, was then site-specifically conjugated with 5 or 20 kDa of polyethylene glycol-maleimide. When compared with unmodified LMB-2, both PEGylated immunotoxins showed similar cytotoxic activities in vitro but superior stability at 37°C in mouse serum, a 5- to 8-fold increase in plasma half-lives in mice, and a 3- to 4-fold increase in antitumor activity. This was accompanied by a substantial decrease in animal toxicity and immunogenicity. Site-specific PEGylation of recombinant immunotoxins may increase their therapeutic potency in humans.


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Small molecule-regulated transcription has broad utility and would benefit from an easily delivered self-contained regulatory cassette capable of robust, tightly controlled target gene expression. We describe the delivery of a modified dimerizer-regulated gene expression system to cells on a single retrovirus. A transcription factor cassette responsive to the natural product dimerizer rapamycin was optimized for retroviral delivery by fusing a highly potent chimeric activation domain to the rapamycin-binding domain of FKBP-rapamycin-associated protein (FRAP). This improvement led to an increase in both the potency and maximal levels of gene expression induced by rapamycin, or nonimmunosuppressive rapamycin analogs. The modified transcription factor cassette was incorporated along with a target gene into a single rapamycin-responsive retrovirus. Cell pools stably transduced with the single virus system displayed negligible basal expression and gave induction ratios of at least three orders of magnitude in the presence of rapamycin or a nonimmunosuppressive rapamycin analog. Levels of induced gene expression were comparable to those obtained with the constitutive retroviral long terminal repeat and the single virus system performed well in four different mammalian cell lines. Regulation with the dimerizer-responsive retrovirus was tight enough to allow the generation of cell lines displaying inducible expression of the highly toxic diphtheria toxin A chain gene. The ability to deliver the tightly inducible rapamycin system in a single retrovirus should facilitate its use in the study of gene function in a broad range of cell types.


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Alcohols in the homologous series of n-alcohols increase in central nervous system depressant potency with increasing chain length until a “cutoff” is reached, after which further increases in molecular size no longer increase alcohol potency. A similar phenomenon has been observed in the regulation of ligand-gated ion channels by alcohols. Different ligand-gated ion channels exhibit radically different cutoff points, suggesting the existence of discrete alcohol binding pockets of variable size on these membrane proteins. The identification of amino acid residues that determine the alcohol cutoff may, therefore, provide information about the location of alcohol binding sites. Alcohol regulation of the glycine receptor is critically dependent on specific amino acid residues in transmembrane domains 2 and 3 of the α subunit. We now demonstrate that these residues in the glycine α1 and the γ-aminobutyric acid ρ1 receptors also control alcohol cutoff. By mutation of Ser-267 to Gln, it was possible to decrease the cutoff in the glycine α1 receptor, whereas mutation of Ile-307 and/or Trp-328 in the γ-aminobutyric acid ρ1 receptor to smaller residues increased the cutoff. These results support the existence of alcohol binding pockets in these membrane proteins and suggest that the amino acid residues present at these positions can control the size of the alcohol binding cavity.


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Select members of the bovine pancreatic ribonuclease A (RNase A) superfamily are potent cytotoxins. These cytotoxic ribonucleases enter the cytosol, where they degrade cellular RNA and cause cell death. Ribonuclease inhibitor (RI), a cytosolic protein, binds to members of the RNase A superfamily with inhibition constants that span 10 orders of magnitude. Here, we show that the affinity of a ribonuclease for RI plays an integral role in defining the potency of a cytotoxic ribonuclease. RNase A is not cytotoxic and binds RI with high affinity. Onconase, a cytotoxic RNase A homolog, binds RI with low affinity. To disrupt the RI-RNase A interaction, three RNase A residues (Asp-38, Gly-88, and Ala-109) that form multiple contacts with RI were replaced with arginine. Replacing Asp-38 and Ala-109 with an arginine residue has no effect on the RI–RNase interaction. In addition, these variants are not cytotoxic. In contrast, replacing Gly-88 with an arginine residue yields a ribonuclease (G88R RNase A) that retains catalytic activity in the presence of RI and is cytotoxic to a transformed cell line. Replacing Gly-88 with aspartate also yields a ribonuclease (G88D RNase A) with a decreased affinity for RI and cytotoxic activity. The cytotoxic potency of onconase, G88R RNase A, and G88D RNase A correlate with RI evasion. We conclude that ribonucleases that retain catalytic activity in the presence of RI are cytotoxins. This finding portends the development of a class of chemotherapeutic agents based on pancreatic ribonucleases.


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A series of nonpeptide somatostatin agonists which bind selectively and with high affinity to somatostatin receptor subtype 2 (sst2) have been synthesized. One of these compounds, L-054,522, binds to human sst2 with an apparent dissociation constant of 0.01 nM and at least 3,000-fold selectivity when evaluated against the other somatostatin receptors. L-054,522 is a full agonist based on its inhibition of forskolin-stimulated adenylate cyclase activity in Chinese hamster ovary-K1 cells stably expressing sst2. L-054,522 has a potent inhibitory effect on growth hormone release from rat primary pituitary cells and glucagon release from isolated mouse pancreatic islets. Intravenous infusion of L-054,522 to rats at 50 μg/kg per hr causes a rapid and sustained reduction in growth hormone to basal levels. The high potency and selectivity of L-054,522 for sst2 will make it a useful tool to further characterize the physiological functions of this receptor subtype.


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Stroke and head trauma are worldwide public health problems and leading causes of death and disability in humans, yet, no adequate neuroprotective treatment is available for therapy. Glutamate antagonists are considered major drug candidates for neuroprotection in stroke and trauma. However, N-methyl-d-aspartate antagonists failed clinical trials because of unacceptable side effects and short therapeutic time window. α-Amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionate (AMPA) antagonists derived from the quinoxalinedione scaffold cannot be used in humans because of their insolubility and resulting renal toxicity. Therefore, achieving water solubility of quinoxalinediones without loss of selectivity and potency profiles becomes a major challenge for medicinal chemistry. One of the major tenets in the chemistry of glutamate antagonists is that the incorporation of phosphonate into the glutamate framework results in preferential N-methyl-d-aspartate antagonism. Therefore, synthesis of phosphonate derivatives of quinoxalinediones was not pursued because of a predicted loss of their selectivity toward AMPA. Here, we report that introduction of a methylphosphonate group into the quinoxalinedione skeleton leaves potency as AMPA antagonists and selectivity for the AMPA receptor unchanged and dramatically improves solubility. One such novel phosphonate quinoxalinedione derivative and competitive AMPA antagonist ZK200775 exhibited a surprisingly long therapeutic time window of >4 h after permanent occlusion of the middle cerebral artery in rats and was devoid of renal toxicity. Furthermore, delayed treatment with ZK200775 commencing 2 h after onset of reperfusion in transient middle cerebral artery occlusion resulted in a dramatic reduction of the infarct size. ZK200775 alleviated also both cortical and hippocampal damage induced by head trauma in the rat. These observations suggest that phosphonate quinoxalinedione-based AMPA antagonists may offer new prospects for treatment of stroke and trauma in humans.


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Different truncated and conformationally constrained analogs of corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) were synthesized on the basis of the amino acid sequences of human/rat CRF (h/rCRF), ovine CRF (oCRF), rat urocortin (rUcn), or sauvagine (Svg) and tested for their ability to displace [125I-Tyr0]oCRF or [125I-Tyr0]Svg from membrane homogenates of human embryonic kidney (HEK) 293 cells stably transfected with cDNA coding for rat CRF receptor, type 1 (rCRFR1), or mouse CRF receptor, type 2β (mCRFR2β). Furthermore, the potency of CRF antagonists to inhibit oCRF- or Svg-stimulated cAMP production of transfected HEK 293 cells expressing either rCRFR1 (HEK-rCRFR1 cells) or mCRFR2β (HEK-mCRFR2β cells) was determined. In comparison with astressin, which exhibited a similar affinity to rCRFR1 (Kd = 5.7 ± 1.6 nM) and mCRFR2β (Kd = 4.0 ± 2.3 nM), [dPhe11,His12]Svg(11–40), [dLeu11]Svg(11–40), [dPhe11]Svg(11–40), and Svg(11–40) bound, respectively, with a 110-, 80-, 68-, and 54-fold higher affinity to mCRFR2β than to rCRFR1. The truncated analogs of rUcn displayed modest preference (2- to 7-fold) for binding to mCRFR2β. In agreement with the results of these binding experiments, [dPhe11,His12]Svg(11–40), named antisauvagine-30, was the most potent and selective ligand to suppress agonist-induced adenylate cyclase activity in HEK cells expressing mCRFR2β.


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We report identification of 9-cis-4-oxo-retinoic acid (9-cis-4-oxo-RA) as an in vivo retinoid metabolite in Xenopus embryos. 9-Cis-4-oxo-RA bound receptors (RARs) α, β, and γ as well as retinoid X receptors (RXRs) α, β, and γ in vitro. However, this retinoid displayed differential RXR activation depending on the response pathway used. Although it failed to activate RXRs in RXR homodimers, it activated RXRs and RARs synergistically in RAR-RXR heterodimers. 9-Cis-4-oxo-RA thus acted as a dimer-specific agonist. Considering that RAR-RXR heterodimers are major functional units involved in transducing retinoid signals during embryogenesis and that 9-cis-4-oxo-RA displayed high potency for modulating axial pattern formation in Xenopus, metabolism to 9-cis-4-oxo-RA may provide a mechanism to target retinoid action to this and other RAR-RXR heterodimer-mediated processes.