22 resultados para laser scanning
A highly fluorescent mutant form of the green fluorescent protein (GFP) has been fused to the rat glucocorticoid receptor (GR). When GFP-GR is expressed in living mouse cells, it is competent for normal transactivation of the GR-responsive mouse mammary tumor virus promoter. The unliganded GFP-GR resides in the cytoplasm and translocates to the nucleus in a hormone-dependent manner with ligand specificity similar to that of the native GR receptor. Due to the resistance of the mutant GFP to photobleaching, the translocation process can be studied by time-lapse video microscopy. Confocal laser scanning microscopy showed nuclear accumulation in a discrete series of foci, excluding nucleoli. Complete receptor translocation is induced with RU486 (a ligand with little agonist activity), although concentration into nuclear foci is not observed. This reproducible pattern of transactivation-competent GR reveals a previously undescribed intranuclear architecture of GR target sites.
Blastocyst-derived pluripotent mouse embryonic stem cells can differentiate in vitro to form so-called embryoid bodies (EBs), which recapitulate several aspects of murine embryogenesis. We used this in vitro model to study oxygen supply and consumption as well as the response to reduced oxygenation during the earliest stages of development. EBs were found to grow equally well when cultured at 20% (normoxia) or 1% (hypoxia) oxygen during the first 5 days of differentiation. Microelectrode measurements of pericellular oxygen tension within 13- to 14-day-old EBs (diameter 510-890 micron) done at 20% oxygen revealed efficient oxygenation of the EBs' core region. Confocal laser scanning microscopy analysis of EBs incubated with fluorescent dyes that specifically stain living cells confirmed that the cells within an EB were viable. To determine the EBs' capability to sense low oxygen tension and to specifically respond to low ambient oxygen by modulating gene expression we quantified aldolase A and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) mRNAs, since expression of these genes is upregulated by hypoxia in a variety of cells. Compared with the normoxic controls, we found increased aldolase A and VEGF mRNA levels after exposing 8- to 9-day-old EBs to 1% oxygen. We propose that EBs represent a powerful tool to study oxygen-regulated gene expression during the early steps of embryogenesis, where the preimplantation conceptus resides in a fluid environment with low oxygen tension until implantation and vascularization allow efficient oxygenation.
Age-associated memory impairment occurs frequently in primates. Based on the established importance of both the perforant path and N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptors in memory formation, we investigated the glutamate receptor distribution and immunofluorescence intensity within the dentate gyrus of juvenile, adult, and aged macaque monkeys with the combined use of subunit-specific antibodies and quantitative confocal laser scanning microscopy. Here we demonstrate that aged monkeys, compared to adult monkeys, exhibit a 30.6% decrease in the ratio of NMDA receptor subunit 1 (NMDAR1) immunofluorescence intensity within the distal dendrites of the dentate gyrus granule cells, which receive the perforant path input from the entorhinal cortex, relative to the proximal dendrites, which receive an intrinsic excitatory input from the dentate hilus. The intradendritic alteration in NMDAR1 immunofluorescence occurs without a similar alteration of non-NMDA receptor subunits. Further analyses using synaptophysin as a reflection of total synaptic density and microtubule-associated protein 2 as a dendritic structural marker demonstrated no significant difference in staining intensity or area across the molecular layer in aged animals compared to the younger animals. These findings suggest that, in aged monkeys, a circuit-specific alteration in the intradendritic concentration of NMDAR1 occurs without concomitant gross structural changes in dendritic morphology or a significant change in the total synaptic density across the molecular layer. This alteration in the NMDA receptor-mediated input to the hippocampus from the entorhinal cortex may represent a molecular/cellular substrate for age-associated memory impairments.
Temporal and spatial changes in the intracellular Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i) were examined in dendrites and somata of rat cerebellar Purkinje neurons by combining whole-cell patch-clamp recording and fast confocal laser-scanning microscopy. In cells loaded via the patch pipette with the high-affinity Ca2+ indicator Calcium Green-1 (Kd approximately 220 nM), a single synaptic climbing fiber response, a so-called complex spike, resulted in a transient elevation of [Ca2+]i that showed distinct differences among various subcellular compartments. With conventional imaging, the Ca2+ signals were prominent in the dendrites and almost absent in the soma. Confocal recordings from the somatic region, however, revealed steep transient increases in [Ca2+]i that were confined to a submembrane shell of 2- to 3-microns thickness. In the central parts of the soma [Ca2+]i increases were much slower and had smaller amplitudes. The kinetics and amplitudes of the changes in [Ca2+]i were analyzed in more detail by using the fast, low-affinity Ca2+ indicator Calcium Green-5N (Kd approximately 17 microM). We found that brief depolarizing pulses produced [Ca2+]i increases in a narrow somatic submembrane shell that resembled those seen in the dendrites. These results provide direct experimental evidence that the surface-to-volume ratio is a critical determinant of the spatiotemporal pattern of Ca2+ signals evoked by synaptic activity in neurons.
A hair cell, the sensory receptor of the internal ear, transduces mechanical stimuli into electrical responses. Transduction results from displacement of the hair bundle, a cluster of rod-shaped stereocilia extending from the cell's apical surface. Biophysical experiments indicate that, by producing shear between abutting stereocilia, a bundle displacement directly opens cation-selective transduction channels. Specific models of gating depend on the location of these channels, which has been controversial: although some physiological and immunocytochemical experiments have situated the transduction channels at the hair bundle's top, monitoring of fluorescence signals from the Ca2+ indicator fura-2 has instead suggested that Ca2+ traverses channels at the bundle's base. To examine the site of Ca2+ entry through transduction channels, we used laser-scanning confocal microscopy, with a spatial resolution of < 1 micron and a temporal resolution of < 2 ms, to observe hair cells filled with the indicator fluo-3. An unstimulated hair cell showed a "tip blush" of enhanced fluorescence at the hair bundle's top, which we attribute to Ca2+ permeation through transduction channels open at rest. Upon mechanical stimulation, individual stereocilia displayed increased fluorescence that originated near their tips, then spread toward their bases. Our results confirm that mechanoelectrical transduction occurs near stereociliary tips.
Of fundamental importance in understanding neuronal function is the unambiguous determination of the smallest unit of neuronal integration. It was recently suggested that a whole dendritic branchlet, including tens of spines, acts as the fundamental unit in terms of dendritic calcium dynamics in Purkinje cells. By contrast, we demonstrate that the smallest such unit is the single spine. The results show, by two-photon excited fluorescence laser scanning microscopy, that individual spines are capable of independent calcium activation. Moreover, two distinct spine populations were distinguished by their opposite response to membrane hyperpolarization. Indeed, in a subpopulation of spines calcium entry can also occur through a pathway other than voltage-gated channels. These findings challenge the assumption of a unique parallel fiber activation mode and prompt a reevaluation of the level of functional complexity ascribed to single neurons.