66 resultados para immune


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Inhibitory killer Ig-like receptors (KIR) at the surface of natural killer (NK) cells induced clustering of HLA-C at the contacting surface of target cells. In this manner, inhibitory immune synapses were formed as human NK cells surveyed target cells. At target/NK cell synapses, HLA-C/KIR distributed into rings around central patches of intercellular adhesion molecule-1/lymphocyte function-associated antigen-1, the opposite orientation to mature murine T cell-activating synapses. This organization of protein was stable for at least 20 min. Cells could support multiple synapses simultaneously, and clusters of HLA-C moved as NK cells crawled over target cells. Clustering required a divalent metal cation, explaining how metal chelators inhibit KIR function. Surprisingly, however, formation of inhibitory synapses was unaffected by ATP depletion and the cytoskeletal inhibitors, colchicine and cytochalsins B and D. Clearly, supramolecular organization within plasma membranes is critical for NK cell immunosurveillance.


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The peptides bound to class II major histocompatibility complex (MHC) molecules extend out both ends of the peptide binding groove. This structural feature provided the opportunity to design multivalent polypeptide chains that cross-link class II MHC molecules through multiple, repetitive MHC binding sites. By using recombinant techniques, polypeptide oligomers were constructed that consist of up to 32 copies of an HLA-DR1-restricted T cell epitope. The epitope HA306–318, derived from influenza virus hemagglutinin, was connected by 12- to 36-aa long spacer sequences. These oligomers were found to cross-link soluble HLA-DR1 molecules efficiently and, upon binding to the MHC molecules of a monocyte line, to trigger signal transduction indicated by the enhanced expression of some cell surface molecules. A particularly strong effect was evident in the T cell response. A hemagglutinin-specific T cell clone recognized these antigens at concentrations up to three to four orders of magnitude lower than that of the peptide or the hemagglutinin protein. Both signal transduction in the monocyte and the proliferative response of the T cell were affected greatly by the length of the oligomer (i.e., the number of repetitive units) and the distance of the epitopes within the oligomer (spacing). Thus, the formation of defined clusters of T cell receptor/MHC/peptide antigen complexes appears to be crucial for triggering the immune response and can be used to enhance the antigenicity of a peptide antigen by oligomerizing the epitope.


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Recognition of self is emerging as a theme for the immune recognition of human cancer. One question is whether the immune system can actively respond to normal tissue autoantigens expressed by cancer cells. A second but related question is whether immune recognition of tissue autoantigens can actually induce tumor rejection. To address these issues, a mouse model was developed to investigate immune responses to a melanocyte differentiation antigen, tyrosinase-related protein 1 (or gp75), which is the product of the brown locus. In mice, immunization with purified syngeneic gp75 or syngeneic cells expressing gp75 failed to elicit antibody or cytotoxic T-cell responses to gp75, even when different immune adjuvants and cytokines were included. However, immunization with altered sources of gp75 antigen, in the form of either syngeneic gp75 expressed in insect cells or human gp75, elicited autoantibodies to gp75. Immunized mice rejected metastatic melanomas and developed patchy depigmentation in their coats. These studies support a model of tolerance maintained to a melanocyte differentiation antigen where tolerance can be broken by presenting sources of altered antigen (e.g., homologous xenogeneic protein or protein expressed in insect cells). Immune responses induced with these sources of altered antigen reacted with various processed forms of native, syngeneic protein and could induce both tumor rejection and autoimmunity.


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Analysis of the antitumor immune response after gene transfer of a foreign major histocompatibility complex class I protein, HLA-B7, was performed. Ten HLA-B7-negative patients with stage IV melanoma were treated in an effort to stimulate local tumor immunity. Plasmid DNA was detected within treated tumor nodules, and RNA encoding recombinant HLA-B7 or HLA-B7 protein was demonstrated in 9 of 10 patients. T cell migration into treated lesions was observed and tumor-infiltrating lymphocyte reactivity was enhanced in six of seven and two of two patients analyzed, respectively. In contrast, the frequency of cytotoxic T lymphocyte against autologous tumor in circulating peripheral blood lymphocytes was not altered significantly, suggesting that peripheral blood lymphocyte reactivity is not indicative of local tumor responsiveness. Local inhibition of tumor growth was detected after gene transfer in two patients, one of whom showed a partial remission. This patient subsequently received treatment with tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes derived from gene-modified tumor, with a complete regression of residual disease. Thus, gene transfer with DNA–liposome complexes encoding an allogeneic major histocompatibility complex protein stimulated local antitumor immune responses that facilitated the generation of effector cells for immunotherapy of cancer.


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Many peripheral solid tumors such as sarcomas and carcinomas express tumor-specific antigens that can serve as targets for immune effector T cells. Nevertheless, overall immune surveillance against such tumors seems relatively inefficient. We studied immune surveillance against a s.c. sarcoma expressing a characterized viral tumor antigen. Surprisingly, the tumor cells were capable of inducing a protective cytotoxic T cell response if transferred as a single-cell suspension. However, if they were transplanted as small tumor pieces, tumors readily grew. Tumor growth correlated strictly with (i) failure of tumor cells to reach the draining lymph nodes and (ii) absence of primed cytotoxic T cells. Cytotoxic T cells were not tolerant or deleted because a tumor antigen-specific cytotoxic T cell response was readily induced in lymphoid tissue by immunization with virus or with tumor cells even in the presence of large tumors. Established tumors were rejected by vaccine-induced effector T cells if effector T cells were maintained by prolonged or repetitive vaccination, but not by single-dose vaccination. Thus, in addition to several other tumor-promoting parameters, some antigenic peripheral sarcomas—and probably carcinomas—may grow not because they anergize or tolerize tumor-specific T cells, but because such tumors are immunologically dealt with as if they were in a so-called immunologically privileged site and are ignored for too long.


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“Natural” Igs, mainly IgM, comprise part of the innate immune system present in healthy individuals, including antigen-free mice. These Igs are thought to delay pathogenicity of infecting agents until antigen-induced high affinity Igs of all isotypes are produced. Previous studies suggested that the acquired humoral response arises directly from the innate response, i.e., that B cells expressing natural IgM, upon antigen encounter, differentiate to give rise both to cells that secrete high amounts of IgM and to cells that undergo affinity maturation and isotype switching. However, by using a murine model of influenza virus infection, we demonstrate here that the B cells that produce natural antiviral IgM neither increase their IgM production nor undergo isotype switching to IgG2a in response to the infection. These cells are distinct from the B cells that produce the antiviral response after encounter with the pathogen. Our data therefore demonstrate that the innate and the acquired humoral immunities to influenza virus are separate effector arms of the immune system and that antigen exposure per se is not sufficient to increase natural antibody production.


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Abnormal expression of major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I and class II in various tissues is associated with autoimmune disease. Autoimmune responses can be triggered by viral infections or tissue injuries. We show that the ability of a virus or a tissue injury to increase MHC gene expression is duplicated by any fragment of double-stranded (ds) DNA or dsRNA introduced into the cytoplasm of nonimmune cells. Activation is sequence-independent, is induced by ds polynucleotides as small as 25 bp in length, and is not duplicated by single-stranded polynucleotides. In addition to causing abnormal MHC expression, the ds nucleic acids increase the expression of genes necessary for antigen processing and presentation: proteasome proteins (e.g., LMP2), transporters of antigen peptides; invariant chain, HLA-DM, and the costimulatory molecule B7.1. The mechanism is different from and additive to that of γ-interferon (γIFN), i.e., ds polynucleotides increase class I much more than class II, whereas γIFN increases class II more than class I. The ds nucleic acids also induce or activate Stat1, Stat3, mitogen-activated protein kinase, NF-κB, the class II transactivator, RFX5, and the IFN regulatory factor 1 differently from γIFN. CpG residues are not responsible for this effect, and the action of the ds polynucleotides could be shown in a variety of cell types in addition to thyrocytes. We suggest that this phenomenon is a plausible mechanism that might explain how viral infection of tissues or tissue injury triggers autoimmune disease; it is potentially relevant to host immune responses induced during gene therapy.


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Successful neonatal immunization of humans has proven difficult. We have evaluated CpG-containing oligonucleotides as an adjuvant for immunization of young mice (1–14 days old) against hepatitis B virus surface antigen. The protein-alum-CpG formulation, like the DNA vaccine, produced seroconversion of the majority of mice immunized at 3 or 7 days of age, compared with 0–10% with the protein-alum or protein-CpG formulations. All animals, from neonates to adults, immunized with the protein-alum vaccine exhibited strong T helper (Th)2-like responses [predominantly IgG1, weak or absent cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL)]. Th2-type responses also were induced in young mice with protein-CpG (in 1-, 3-, and 7-day-old mice) and protein-alum-CpG (in 1- and 3-day-old mice) but immunization carried out at older ages gave mixed Th1/Th2 (Th0) responses. DNA vaccines gave Th0-like responses when administered at 1 and 7 days of age and Th1-like (predominantly IgG2a and CTL) responses with 14-day-old or adult mice. Surprisingly, the protein-alum-CpG formulation was better than the DNA vaccine for percentage of seroconversion, speed of appearance, and peak titer of the antibody response, as well as prevalence and strength of CTL. These findings may have important implications for immunization of human infants.


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Innate immunity in Drosophila is characterized by the inducible expression of antimicrobial peptides. We have investigated the development and regulation of immune responsiveness in Drosophila embryos after infection. Immune competence, as monitored by the induction of Cecropin A1-lacZ constructs, was observed first in the embryonic yolk. This observation suggests that the yolk plays an important role in the humoral immune response of the developing embryo by synthesizing antimicrobial peptides. Around midembryogenesis, the response in the yolk was diminished. Simultaneously, Cecropin expression became inducible in a large number of cells in the epidermis, demonstrating that late-stage embryos can synthesize their own antibiotics in the epidermis. This production likely serves to provide the hatching larva with an active antimicrobial barrier and protection against systemic infections. Cecropin expression in the yolk required the presence of a GATA site in the promoter as well as the involvement of the GATA-binding transcription factor Serpent (dGATAb). In contrast, neither the GATA site nor Serpent were necessary for Cecropin expression in the epidermis. Thus, the inducible immune responses in the yolk and in the epidermis can be uncoupled and call for distinct sets of transcription factors. Our data suggest that Serpent is involved in the distinction between a systemic response in the yolk/fat body and a local immune response in epithelial cells. In addition, the present study shows that signal transduction pathways controlling innate and epithelial defense reactions can be dissected genetically in Drosophila embryos.


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Recombinant human erythropoietin (rHuEpo) has been used successfully in the treatment of cancer-related anemia. Clinical observations with several patients with multiple-myeloma treated with rHuEpo has shown, in addition to the improved quality of life, a longer survival than expected, considering the poor prognostic features of these patients. Based on these observations, we evaluated the potential biological effects of rHuEpo on the course of tumor progression by using murine myeloma models (MOPC-315-IgAλ2 and 5T33 MM-IgG2b). Here we report that daily treatment of MOPC-315 tumor-bearing mice with rHuEpo for several weeks induced complete tumor regression in 30–60% of mice. All regressors that were rechallenged with tumor cells rejected tumor growth, and this resistance was tumor specific. The Epo-triggered therapeutic effect was shown to be attributed to a T cell-mediated mechanism. Serum Ig analysis indicated a reduction in MOPC-315 λ light chain in regressor mice. Intradermal inoculation of 5T33 MM tumor cells followed by Epo treatment induced tumor regression in 60% of mice. The common clinical manifestation of myeloma bone disease in patients with multiple-myeloma was established in these myeloma models. Epo administration to these tumor-bearing mice markedly prolonged their survival and reduced mortality. Therefore, erythropoietin seems to act as an antitumor therapeutic agent in addition to its red blood cell-stimulating activity.


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This review presents a view of hyperalgesia and allodynia not typical of the field as a whole. That is, exaggerated pain is presented as one of many natural consequences of peripheral infection and injury. The constellation of changes that results from such immune challenges is called the sickness response. This sickness response results from immune-to-brain communication initiated by proinflammatory cytokines released by activated immune cells. In response to signals it receives from the immune system, the brain orchestrates the broad array of physiological, behavioral, and hormonal changes that comprise the sickness response. The neurocircuitry and neurochemistry of sickness-induced hyperalgesia are described. One focus of this discussion is on the evidence that spinal cord microglia and astrocytes are key mediators of sickness-induced hyperalgesia. Last, evidence is presented that hyperalgesia and allodynia also result from direct immune activation, rather than neural activation, of these same spinal cord glia. Such glial activation is induced by viruses such as HIV-1 that are known to invade the central nervous system. Implications of exaggerated pain states created by peripheral and central immune activation are discussed.