27 resultados para high channel conductivity


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Inositol 1,4,5-tris-phosphate (IP3) binding to its receptors (IP3R) in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) activates Ca2+ release from the ER lumen to the cytoplasm, generating complex cytoplasmic Ca2+ concentration signals including temporal oscillations and propagating waves. IP3-mediated Ca2+ release is also controlled by cytoplasmic Ca2+ concentration with both positive and negative feedback. Single-channel properties of the IP3R in its native ER membrane were investigated by patch clamp electrophysiology of isolated Xenopus oocyte nuclei to determine the dependencies of IP3R on cytoplasmic Ca2+ and IP3 concentrations under rigorously defined conditions. Instead of the expected narrow bell-shaped cytoplasmic free Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i) response centered at ≈300 nM–1 μM, the open probability remained elevated (≈0.8) in the presence of saturating levels (10 μM) of IP3, even as [Ca2+]i was raised to high concentrations, displaying two distinct types of functional Ca2+ binding sites: activating sites with half-maximal activating [Ca2+]i (Kact) of 210 nM and Hill coefficient (Hact) ≈2; and inhibitory sites with half-maximal inhibitory [Ca2+]i (Kinh) of 54 μM and Hill coefficient (Hinh) ≈4. Lowering IP3 concentration was without effect on Ca2+ activation parameters or Hinh, but decreased Kinh with a functional half-maximal activating IP3 concentration (KIP3) of 50 nM and Hill coefficient (HIP3) of 4 for IP3. These results demonstrate that Ca2+ is a true receptor agonist, whereas the sole function of IP3 is to relieve Ca2+ inhibition of IP3R. Allosteric tuning of Ca2+ inhibition by IP3 enables the individual IP3R Ca2+ channel to respond in a graded fashion, which has implications for localized and global cytoplasmic Ca2+ concentration signaling and quantal Ca2+ release.


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In the “selective” cholesteryl ester (CE) uptake process, surface-associated lipoproteins [high density lipoprotein (HDL) and low density lipoprotein] are trapped in the space formed between closely apposed surface microvilli (microvillar channels) in hormone-stimulated steroidogenic cells. This is the same location where an HDL receptor (SR-BI) is found. In the current study, we sought to understand the relationship between SR-BI and selective CE uptake in a heterologous insect cell system. Sf9 (Spodoptera frugiperda) cells overexpressing recombinant SR-BI were examined for (i) SR-BI protein by Western blot analysis and light or electron immunomicroscopy, and (ii) selective lipoprotein CE uptake by the use of radiolabeled or fluorescent (BODIPY-CE)-labeled HDL. Noninfected or infected control Sf9 cells do not express SR-BI, show microvillar channels, or internalize CEs. An unexpected finding was the induction of a complex channel system in Sf9 cells expressing SR-BI. SR-BI-expressing cells showed many cell surface double-membraned channels, immunogold SR-BI, apolipoprotein (HDL) labeling of the channels, and high levels of selective HDL-CE uptake. Thus, double-membraned channels can be induced by expression of recombinant SR-BI in a heterologous system, and these specialized structures facilitate both the binding of HDL and selective HDL-CE uptake.


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Transient A-type K+ channels (IA) in neurons have been implicated in the delay of the spike onset and the decrease in the firing frequency. Here we have characterized biophysically and pharmacologically an IA current in lamprey locomotor network neurons that is activated by suprathreshold depolarization and is specifically blocked by catechol at 100 μM. The biophysical properties of this current are similar to the mammalian Kv3.4 channel. The role of the IA current both in single neuron firing and in locomotor pattern generation was analyzed. The IA current facilitates Na+ channel recovery from inactivation and thus sustains repetitive firing. The role of the IA current in motor pattern generation was examined by applying catechol during fictive locomotion induced by N-methyl-d-aspartate. Blockade of this current increased the locomotor burst frequency and decreased the firing of motoneurons. Although an alternating motor pattern could still be generated, the cycle duration was less regular, with ventral roots bursts failing on some cycles. Our results thus provide insights into the contribution of a high-voltage-activated IA current to the regulation of firing properties and motor coordination in the lamprey spinal cord.


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Aquaporins are integral membrane proteins of the tonoplast and the plasma membrane that facilitate the passage of water through these membranes. Because of their potentially important role in regulating water flow in plants, studies documenting aquaporin gene expression in specialized tissues involved in water and solute transport are important. We used in situ hybridization to examine the expression pattern of the tonoplast aquaporin ZmTIP1 in different organs of maize (Zea mays L.). This tonoplast water channel is highly expressed in the root epidermis, the root endodermis, the small parenchyma cells surrounding mature xylem vessels in the root and the stem, phloem companion cells and a ring of cells around the phloem strand in the stem and the leaf sheath, and the basal endosperm transfer cells in developing kernels. We postulate that the high level of expression of ZmTIP1 in these tissues facilitates rapid flow of water through the tonoplast to permit osmotic equilibration between the cytosol and the vacuolar content, and to permit rapid transcellular water flow through living cells when required.


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High Al resistance in buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum Moench. cv Jianxi) has been suggested to be associated with both internal and external detoxification mechanisms. In this study the characteristics of the external detoxification mechanism, Al-induced secretion of oxalic acid, were investigated. Eleven days of P depletion failed to induce secretion of oxalic acid. Exposure to 50 μm LaCl3 also did not induce the secretion of oxalic acid, suggesting that this secretion is a specific response to Al stress. Secretion of oxalic acid was maintained for 8 h by a 3-h pulse treatment with 150 μm Al. A nondestructive method was developed to determine the site of the secretion along the root. Oxalic acid was found to be secreted in the region 0 to 10 mm from the root tip. Experiments using excised roots also showed that secretion was located on the root tip. Four kinds of anion-channel inhibitors showed different effects on Al-induced secretion of oxalic acid: 10 μm anthracene-9-carboxylic acid and 4,4′-diisothiocyanatostilbene-2,2′-disulfonate had no effect, niflumic acid stimulated the secretion 4-fold, and phenylglyoxal inhibited the secretion by 50%. Root elongation in buckwheat was not inhibited by 25 μm Al or 10 μm phenylglyoxal alone but was inhibited by 40% in the presence of Al and phenylglyoxal, confirming that secretion of oxalic acid is associated with Al resistance.


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A cDNA encoding a novel, inwardly rectifying K+ (K+in) channel protein, SKT1, was cloned from potato (Solanum tuberosum L.). SKT1 is related to members of the AKT family of K+in channels previously identified in Arabidopsis thaliana and potato. Skt1 mRNA is most strongly expressed in leaf epidermal fragments and in roots. In electrophysiological, whole-cell, patch-clamp measurements performed on baculovirus-infected insect (Spodoptera frugiperda) cells, SKT1 was identified as a K+in channel that activates with slow kinetics by hyperpolarizing voltage pulses to more negative potentials than −60 mV. The pharmacological inhibitor Cs+, when applied externally, inhibited SKT1-mediated K+in currents half-maximally with an inhibitor concentration (IC50) of 105 μm. An almost identical high Cs+ sensitivity (IC50 = 90 μm) was found for the potato guard-cell K+in channel KST1 after expression in insect cells. SKT1 currents were reversibly activated by a shift in external pH from 6.6 to 5.5, which indicates a physiological role for pH-dependent regulation of AKT-type K+in channels. Comparative studies revealed generally higher current amplitudes for KST1-expressing cells than for SKT1-expressing insect cells, which correlated with a higher targeting efficiency of the KST1 protein to the insect cell's plasma membrane, as demonstrated by fusions to green fluorescence protein.


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We have cloned and expressed a Ca(2+)-activated K+ channel beta-subunit from human brain. The open reading frame encodes a 191-amino acid protein possessing significant homology to a previously described subunit cloned from bovine muscle. The gene for this subunit is located on chromosome 5 at band q34 (hslo-beta). There is no evidence for alternative RNA splicing of this gene product. hslo-beta mRNA is abundantly expressed in smooth muscle, but expression levels are low in most other tissues, including brain. Brain subregions in which beta-subunit mRNA expression is relatively high are the hippocampus and corpus callosum. The coexpression of hslo-beta mRNA together with hslo-alpha subunits in either Xenopus oocytes or stably transfected HEK 293 cells give rise to Ca(2+)-activated potassium currents with a much increased calcium and/or voltage sensitivity. These data indicate that the beta-subunit shows a tissue distribution different to that of the alpha-subunit, and in many tissues there may be no association of alpha-subunits with beta-subunits. These beta-subunits can play a functional role in the regulation of neuronal excitability by tuning the Ca2+ and/or the voltage dependence of alpha-subunits.


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The inwardly rectifying K+ channel ROMK1 has been implicated as being significant in K+ secretion in the distal nephron. ROMK1 has been shown by immunocytochemistry to be expressed in relevant nephron segments. The development of the atomic force microscope has made possible the production of high resolution images of small particles, including a variety of biological macromolecules. Recently, a fusion protein of glutathione S-transferase (GST) and ROMK1 (ROMK1-GST) has been used to produce a polyclonal antibody for immunolocalization of ROMK1. We have used atomic force microscopy to examine ROMK1-GST and the native ROMK1 polypeptide cleaved from GST. Imaging was conducted with the proteins in physiological solutions attached to mica. ROMK1-GST appears in images as a particle composed of two units of similar size. Analyses of images indicate that the two units have volumes of approximately 118 nm3, which is close to the theoretical volume of a globular protein of approximately 65 kDa (the molecular mass of ROMK1-GST). Native GST exists as a dimer, and the images obtained here are consistent with the ROMK1-GST fusion protein's existence as a heterodimer. In experiments on ROMK1 in aqueous solution, single molecules appear to aggregate, but contact to the mica was maintained. Addition of ATP to the solution produced a change in height of the aggregates. This change (which was reversible) suggests that ATP induces a structural change in the ROMK1 protein. The data show that atomic force microscopy is a useful tool for examination of purified protein molecules under near-physiological conditions, and furthermore, that structural alterations in the proteins may be continuously investigated.


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Current produced by a gamma-aminobutyrate (GABA) transporter stably transfected into a mammalian cell line was observed in cell-attached and excised membrane patches. When GABA was absent, a fraction of the transporters produced cation-permeable channels. When GABA plus Na+ was on either side of the membrane, the majority of transporters produced a high-frequency current noise attributed to the movement of ions in an occluded pore.


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To probe the protein environment of an ion channel, we have perturbed the structure of a transmembrane domain by substituting side chains with those of two different sizes by using site-specific mutagenesis. We have used Trp and Ala as a high- and a low-impact perturbation probe, respectively, to replace each of 18 consecutive residues within the putative second transmembrane segment, M2, of an inwardly rectifying potassium channel, ROMK1. Our rationale is that a change in the channel function as a consequence of these mutations at a particular position will reflect the structural environment of the altered side chain. Each position can then be assigned to one of three classes of environments, as grated by different levels of perturbation: very tolerant (channel functions with both Trp and Ala substitutions), tolerant (function preserved with Ala but not with Trp substitution), and intolerant (either Ala or Trp substitution destroys function). We identify the very tolerant environment as being lipid-facing, tolerant as protein-interior-facing, and intolerant as pore-facing. We observe a strikingly ordered pattern of perturbation of all three environmental classes. This result indicates that M2 is a straight alpha-helix.


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Coexpression in Xenopus oocytes of the inwardly rectifying guanine nucleotide binding (G)-protein-gated K channel GIRK1 with a myristoylated modification of the (putative) cytosolic C-terminal tail [GIRK1 aa 183-501 fused in-frame to aa 1-15 of p60src and denoted src+ (183-501)] leads to a high degree of inhibition of the inward G-protein-gated K+ current. The nonmyristoylated segment, src- (183-501), is not active. Although some interference with assembly is not precluded, the evidence indicates that the main mechanism of inhibition is interference with functional activation of the channel by G proteins. In part, the tail functions as a blocking particle similar to a "Shaker ball"; it may also function by competing for the available supply of free G beta gamma liberated by hormone activation of a seven-helix receptor. The non-G-protein-gated weak inward rectifier ROMK1 is less effectively inhibited, and a Shaker K channel was not inhibited. Immunological assays show the presence of a high concentration of src+ (183-501) in the plasma membrane and the absence of any membrane forms for the nonmyristoylated segment.


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Screening a rat colon cDNA library for aldosterone-induced genes resulted in the molecular cloning of a cDNA whose corresponding mRNA is strongly induced in the colon by dexamethasone, aldosterone, and a low NaCl diet. A similar mRNA was detected in kidney papilla but not in brain, heart, or skeletal muscle. Xenopus laevis oocytes injected with cRNA synthesized from this clone, designated CHIF (channel-inducing factor), express a K(+)-specific channel activity. The biophysical, pharmacological, and regulatory characteristics of this channel are very similar to those reported before for IsK (minK). These include: slow (tau > 20 s) activation by membrane depolarization with a threshold potential above -50 mV, blockade by clofilium, inhibition by phorbol ester, and activation by 8-bromoadenosine 3',5'-cyclic monophosphate and high cytoplasmic Ca2+. The primary structure of this clone, however, shows no homology to IsK. Instead, CHIF exhibits > 50% similarity to two other short bitopic membrane proteins, phospholemman and the gamma subunit of Na+K(+)-ATPase. The data are consistent with the possibility that CHIF is a member of a family of transmembrane regulators capable of activating endogenous oocyte transport proteins.