23 resultados para hereditary persistence of fetal hemoglobin
The perienteric hemoglobin of the parasitic nematode Ascaris has an exceptionally high affinity for oxygen. It is an octameric protein containing two similar heme-binding domains per subunit, but recombinant constructs expressing a single, monomeric heme-binding domain (domain 1; D1) retain full oxygen avidity. We have solved the crystal structure of D1 at 2.2 A resolution. Analysis of the structure reveals a characteristic globin fold and illuminates molecular features involved in oxygen avidity of Ascaris perienteric hemoglobin. A strong hydrogen bond between tyrosine at position 10 in the B helix (tyrosine-B10) and the distal oxygen of the ligand, combined with a weak hydrogen bond between glutamine-E7 and the proximal oxygen, grips the ligand in the binding pocket. A third hydrogen bond between these two amino acids appears to stabilize the structure. The B helix of D1 is displaced laterally by 2.5 A when compared with sperm whale myoglobin. This shifts the tyrosine-B10 hydroxyl far enough from liganded oxygen to form a strong hydrogen bond without steric hindrance. Changes in the F helix compared with myoglobin contribute to a tilted heme that may also be important for oxygen affinity.
Nerve growth cones isolated from fetal rat brain are highly enriched in a 97-kDa glycoprotein, termed beta gc, that comigrates with the beta subunit of the IGF-I receptor upon two-dimensional PAGE and is disulfide-linked to this receptor's alpha subunit. Antibodies prepared to a conserved domain shared by the insulin and IGF-I receptor beta subunits (AbP2) or to beta gc were used to study receptor distribution further. Subcellular fractionation of the fetal brain segregated most AbP2 immunoreactivity away from growth cones, whereas most beta gc immunoreactivity copurified with growth cones. Experiments involving ligand-activated receptor autophosphorylation confirmed the concentration of IGF-I but not of insulin receptors in growth cone fractions. These results indicate the enrichment of IGF-I receptors in (presumably axonal) growth cones of the differentiating neuron. Furthermore, the segregation of beta gc from AbP2 immunoreactivity suggests that such neurons express an immunochemically distinct variant of the IGF-I receptor beta subunit at the growth cone.
We cloned two hemoglobin genes from Arabidopsis thaliana. One gene, AHB1, is related in sequence to the family of nonsymbiotic hemoglobin genes previously identified in a number of plant species (class 1). The second hemoglobin gene, AHB2, represents a class of nonsymbiotic hemoglobin (class 2) related in sequence to the symbiotic hemoglobin genes of legumes and Casuarina. The properties of these two hemoglobins suggest that the two families of nonsymbiotic hemoglobins may differ in function from each other and from the symbiotic hemoglobins. AHB1 is induced, in both roots and rosette leaves, by low oxygen levels. Recombinant AHB1 has an oxygen affinity so high as to make it unlikely to function as an oxygen transporter. AHB2 is expressed at a low level in rosette leaves and is low temperature-inducible. AHB2 protein has a lower affinity for oxygen than AHB1 but is similar to AHB1 in having an unusually low, pH-sensitive oxygen off-rate.
Allosteric effects in hemoglobin arise from the equilibrium between at least two energetic states of the molecule: a tense state, T, and a relaxed state, R. The two states differ from each other in the number and energy of the interactions between hemoglobin subunits. In the T state, constraints between subunits oppose the structural changes resulting from ligand binding. In the R state, these constraints are released, thus enhancing ligand-binding affinity. In the present work, we report the presence of four sites in hemoglobin that are structurally stabilized in the R relative to the T state. These sites are Hisα103(G10) and Hisα122(H5) in each α subunit of hemoglobin. They are located at the α1β1 and α2β2 interfaces of the hemoglobin tetramer, where the histidine side chains form hydrogen bonds with specific residues from the β chains. We have measured the solvent exchange rates of side chain protons of Hisα103(G10) and Hisα122(H5) in both deoxygenated and ligated hemoglobin by NMR spectroscopy. The exchange rates were found to be higher in the deoxygenated-T than in ligated-R state. Analysis of exchange rates in terms of the local unfolding model revealed that the structural stabilization free energy at each of these two histidines is larger by ≈1.5 kcal/(mol tetramer) in the R relative to the T state. The location of these histidines at the intradimeric α1β1 and α2β2 interfaces also suggests a role for these interfaces in the allosteric equilibrium of hemoglobin.
Sun exposure has been clearly implicated in premature skin aging and neoplastic development. These features are exacerbated in patients with xeroderma pigmentosum (XP), a hereditary disease, the biochemical hallmark of which is a severe deficiency in the nucleotide excision repair of UV-induced DNA lesions. To develop an organotypic model of DNA repair deficiency, we have cultured several strains of primary XP keratinocytes and XP fibroblasts from skin biopsies of XP patients. XP skin comprising both a full-thickness epidermis and a dermal equivalent was succesfully reconstructed in vitro. Satisfactory features of stratification were obtained, but the expression of epidermal differentiation products, such as keratin K10 and loricrin, was delayed and reduced. In addition, the proliferation of XP keratinocytes was more rapid than that of normal keratinocytes. Moreover, increased deposition of cell attachment proteins, α-6 and β-1 integrins, was observed in the basement membrane zone, and β-1 integrin subunit, the expression of which is normally confined to basal keratinocytes, extended into several suprabasal cell layers. Most strikingly, the in vitro reconstructed XP skin displayed numerous proliferative epidermal invasions within dermal equivalents. Epidermal invasion and higher proliferation rate are reminiscent of early steps of neoplasia. Compared with normal skin, the DNA repair deficiency of in vitro reconstructed XP skin was documented by long-lasting persistence of UVB-induced DNA damage in all epidermal layers, including the basal layer from which carcinoma develops. The availability of in vitro reconstructed XP skin provides opportunities for research in the fields of photoaging, photocarcinogenesis, and tissue therapy.
Structure and inhibition of plasmepsin II, a hemoglobin-degrading enzyme from Plasmodium falciparum.
Plasmodium falciparum is the major causative agent of malaria, a disease of worldwide importance. Resistance to current drugs such as chloroquine and mefloquine is spreading at an alarming rate, and our antimalarial armamentarium is almost depleted. The malarial parasite encodes two homologous aspartic proteases, plasmepsins I and II, which are essential components of its hemoglobin-degradation pathway and are novel targets for antimalarial drug development. We have determined the crystal structure of recombinant plasmepsin II complexed with pepstatin A. This represents the first reported crystal structure of a protein from P. falciparum. The crystals contain molecules in two different conformations, revealing a remarkable degree of interdomain flexibility of the enzyme. The structure was used to design a series of selective low molecular weight compounds that inhibit both plasmepsin II and the growth of P. falciparum in culture.
The developmental changes in hemoglobin gene expression known as "switching" involve both the sequential activation and silencing of the individual globin genes. We postulated that in addition to changes in transcription, posttranscriptional mechanisms may be involved in modulating globin gene expression. We studied globin RNA transcripts in human adult erythroid cells (hAEC to analyze the mechanism of silencing of the embryonic epsilon-globin gene in the adult stage and in K562 erythroleukemic cells to analyze the inactive state of their adult beta-globin genes. In hAEC, which express primarily the beta-globin gene, quantitative PCR analysis shows that beta-mRNA exon levels are high and comparable among the three exons; the RNA transcripts corresponding to exons of the gamma-globin gene are low, with slight differences among the three exons. Although epsilon-globin is not expressed, epsilon-globin RNA transcripts are detected, with exon I levels comparable to that of gamma-globin exon I and much higher than epsilon-exons II and III. As expected, in K562 cells that express high levels of epsilon- and gamma-globin, epsilon- and gamma-mRNA levels are high, with comparable levels of exons I, II, and III. In K562 cells beta-mRNA levels are very low but beta-exon I levels are much higher than that of exons II or III. Moreover, all or most of the globin transcripts for the highly expressed globin genes in both cell types (gamma and beta in hAEC, epsilon and gamma in K562 cells) found in the cytoplasm or nucleus are correctly processed. The globin transcripts that are detected both in the cytoplasm and nucleus of cells without expression of the corresponding protein are largely unspliced (containing one or two intervening sequences). These studies suggest that in addition to changes in transcription rates, changes in completion or processing of globin RNA transcripts may contribute to the developmental regulation of the hemoglobin phenotype.
Conclusive evidence was provided that gamma 1, the upstream of the two linked simian gamma-globin loci (5'-gamma 1-gamma 2-3'), is a pseudogene in a major group of New World monkeys. Sequence analysis of PCR-amplified genomic fragments of predicted sizes revealed that all extant genera of the platyrrhine family Atelidae [Lagothrix (woolly monkeys), Brachyteles (woolly spider monkeys), Ateles (spider monkeys), and Alouatta (howler monkeys)] share a large deletion that removed most of exon 2, all of intron 2 and exon 3, and much of the 3' flanking sequence of gamma 1. The fact that two functional gamma-globin genes were not present in early ancestors of the Atelidae (and that gamma 1 was the dispensible gene) suggests that for much or even all of their evolution, platyrrhines have had gamma 2 as the primary fetally expressed gamma-globin gene, in contrast to catarrhines (e.g., humans and chimpanzees) that have gamma 1 as the primary fetally expressed gamma-globin gene. Results from promoter sequences further suggest that all three platyrrhine families (Atelidae, Cebidae, and Pitheciidae) have gamma 2 rather than gamma 1 as their primary fetally expressed gamma-globin gene. The implications of this suggestion were explored in terms of how gene redundancy, regulatory mutations, and distance of each gamma-globin gene from the locus control region were possibly involved in the acquisition and maintenance of fetal, rather than embryonic, expression.