23 resultados para gall wasp entomophagous


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Coiled bodies are discrete nuclear organelles often identified by the marker protein p80-coilin. Because coilin is not detected in the cytoplasm by immunofluorescence and Western blotting, it has been considered an exclusively nuclear protein. In the Xenopus germinal vesicle (GV), most coilin actually resides in the nucleoplasm, although it is highly concentrated in 50–100 coiled bodies. When affinity-purified anti-coilin antibodies were injected into the cytoplasm of oocytes, they could be detected in coiled bodies within 2–3 h. Coiled bodies were intensely labeled after 18 h, whereas other nuclear organelles remained negative. Because the nuclear envelope does not allow passive diffusion of immunoglobulins, this observation suggests that anti-coilin antibodies are imported into the nucleus as an antigen–antibody complex with coilin. Newly synthesized coilin is not required, because cycloheximide had no effect on nuclear import and subsequent targeting of the antibodies. Additional experiments with myc-tagged coilin and myc-tagged pyruvate kinase confirmed that coilin is a shuttling protein. The shuttling of Nopp140, NO38/B23, and nucleolin was easily demonstrated by the targeting of their respective antibodies to the nucleoli, whereas anti-SC35 did not enter the germinal vesicle. We suggest that coilin, perhaps in association with Nopp140, may function as part of a transport system between the cytoplasm and the coiled bodies.


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We have examined the distribution of RNA transcription and processing factors in the amphibian oocyte nucleus or germinal vesicle. RNA polymerase I (pol I), pol II, and pol III occur in the Cajal bodies (coiled bodies) along with various components required for transcription and processing of the three classes of nuclear transcripts: mRNA, rRNA, and pol III transcripts. Among these components are transcription factor IIF (TFIIF), TFIIS, splicing factors, the U7 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein particle, the stem–loop binding protein, SR proteins, cleavage and polyadenylation factors, small nucleolar RNAs, nucleolar proteins that are probably involved in pre-rRNA processing, and TFIIIA. Earlier studies and data presented here show that several of these components are first targeted to Cajal bodies when injected into the oocyte and only subsequently appear in the chromosomes or nucleoli, where transcription itself occurs. We suggest that pol I, pol II, and pol III transcription and processing components are preassembled in Cajal bodies before transport to the chromosomes and nucleoli. Most components of the pol II transcription and processing pathway that occur in Cajal bodies are also found in the many hundreds of B-snurposomes in the germinal vesicle. Electron microscopic images show that B-snurposomes consist primarily, if not exclusively, of 20- to 30-nm particles, which closely resemble the interchromatin granules described from sections of somatic nuclei. We suggest the name pol II transcriptosome for these particles to emphasize their content of factors involved in synthesis and processing of mRNA transcripts. We present a model in which pol I, pol II, and pol III transcriptosomes are assembled in the Cajal bodies before export to the nucleolus (pol I), to the B-snurposomes and eventually to the chromosomes (pol II), and directly to the chromosomes (pol III). The key feature of this model is the preassembly of the transcription and processing machinery into unitary particles. An analogy can be made between ribosomes and transcriptosomes, ribosomes being unitary particles involved in translation and transcriptosomes being unitary particles for transcription and processing of RNA.


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Profilins are thought to play a central role in the regulation of de novo actin assembly by preventing spontaneous actin polymerization through the binding of actin monomers, and the adding of monomeric actin to the barbed actin-filament ends. Other cellular functions of profilin in membrane trafficking and lipid based signaling are also likely. Binding of profilins to signaling molecules such as Arp2/3 complex, Mena, VASP, N-WASP, dynamin I, and others, further implicates profilin and actin as regulators of diverse motile activities. In mouse, two profilins are expressed from two distinct genes. Profilin I is expressed at high levels in all tissues and throughout development, whereas profilin II is expressed in neuronal cells. To examine the function of profilin I in vivo, we generated a null profilin I (pfn1ko) allele in mice. Homozygous pfn1ko/ko mice are not viable. Pfn1ko/ko embryos died as early as the two-cell stage, and no pfn1ko/ko blastocysts were detectable. Adult pfn1ko/wt mice show a 50% reduction in profilin I expression with no apparent impairment of cell function. However, pfn1ko/wt embryos have reduced survival during embryogenesis compared with wild type. Although weakly expressed in early embryos, profilin II cannot compensate for lack of profilin I. Our results indicate that mouse profilin I is an essential protein that has dosage-dependent effects on cell division and survival during embryogenesis.


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We confirm the hypothesis that Agrobacterium tumefaciens-induced galls produce ethylene that controls vessel differentiation in the host stem of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.). Using an ethylene-insensitive mutant, Never ripe (Nr), and its isogenic wild-type parent we show that infection by A. tumefaciens results in high rates of ethylene evolution from the developing crown galls. Ethylene evolution from isolated internodes carrying galls was up to 50-fold greater than from isolated internodes of control plants when measured 21 and 28 d after infection. Tumor-induced ethylene substantially decreased vessel diameter in the host tissues beside the tumor in wild-type stems but had a very limited effect in the Nr stems. Ethylene promoted the typical unorganized callus shape of the gall, which maximized the tumor surface in wild-type stems, whereas the galls on the Nr stems had a smooth surface. The combination of decreased vessel diameter in the host and increased tumor surface ensured water-supply priority to the growing gall over the host shoot. These results indicate that in addition to the well-defined roles of auxin and cytokinin, there is a critical role for ethylene in determining crown-gall morphogenesis.


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Developmentally regulated genes in Drosophila, which are conserved through evolution, are potential candidates for key functions in biological processes such as cell cycle, programmed cell death, and cancer. We report cloning and characterization of the human homologue of the Drosophila seven in absentia gene (HUMSIAH), which codes for a 282 amino acids putative zinc finger protein. HUMSIAH is localized on human chromosome 16q12-q13. This gene is activated during the physiological program of cell death in the intestinal epithelium. Moreover, human cancer-derived cells selected for suppression of their tumorigenic phenotype exhibit constitutively elevated levels of HUMSIAH mRNA. A similar pattern of expression is also displayed by the p21waf1. These results suggest that mammalian seven in absentia gene, which is a target for activation by p53, may play a role in apoptosis and tumor suppression.


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We quantitate the absolute levels of individual mRNAs per yeast cell by hybridizing total yeast RNA with an excess of gene-specific 32P-oligonucleotides, and digesting the resulting RNA-DNA hybrids with S1 nuclease. By comparing the his3 hybridization signal from a known amount of yeast cells to the signal generated by a known amount of his3 RNA synthesized in vitro, we determine that yeast strain KY114 growing in yeast extract/peptone/glucose medium at 30 degrees C contains seven molecules of his3 mRNA per cell. Using a galactose shut-off procedure, we determined that the half-life of his3 mRNA is approximately 11 min under these conditions. From these observations, we calculate that one his3 mRNA molecule is synthesized every 140 s. Analysis of other his3 promoter derivatives suggests that the maximal transcriptional initiation rate in yeast cells is one mRNA molecule every 6-8 s. Using his3 as an internal standard, the number of mRNA molecules per cell have been determined for ded1, trp3, rps4, and gall under a variety of growth conditions. From these results, the absolute mRNA level of any yeast gene can be determined in a single hybridization experiment. Moreover, the rate of transcriptional initiation can be determined for mRNAs whose decay rates are known.


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We report the isolation of 10 differentially expressed cDNAs in the process of apoptosis induced by the p53 tamor suppressor. As a global analytical method, we performed a differential display of mRNA between mouse M1 myeloid leukemia cells and derived clone LTR6 cells, which contain a stably transfected temperature-sensitive mutant of p53. At 32 degrees C wild-type p53 function is activated in LTR6 cells, resulting in programmed cell death. Eight genes are activated (TSAP; tumor suppressor activated pathway), and two are inhibited (TSIP, tumor suppressor inhibited pathway) in their expression. None of the 10 sequences has hitherto been recognized as part of the p53 signaling pathway. Three TSAPs are homologous to known genes. TSAP1 corresponds to phospholipase C beta 4. TSAP2 has a conserved domain homologous to a multiple endocrine neoplasia I (ZFM1) candidate gene. TSAP3 is the mouse homologue of the Drosophila seven in absentia gene. These data provide novel molecules involved in the pathway of wild-type p53 activation. They establish a functional link between a homologue of a conserved developmental Drosophila gene and signal transduction in tumor suppression leading to programmed cell death.


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Agrobacterium tumefaciens transfers a piece of its Ti plasmid DNA (transferred DNA or T-DNA) into plant cells during crown gall tumorigenesis. A. tumefaciens can transfer its T-DNA to a wide variety of hosts, including both dicotyledonous and monocotyledonous plants. We show that the host range of A. tumefaciens can be extended to include Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Additionally, we demonstrate that while T-DNA transfer into S. cerevisiae is very similar to T-DNA transfer into plants, the requirements are not entirely conserved. The Ti plasmid-encoded vir genes of A. tumefaciens that are required for T-DNA transfer into plants are also required for T-DNA transfer into S. cerevisiae, as is vir gene induction. However, mutations in the chromosomal virulence genes of A. tumefaciens involved in attachment to plant cells have no effect on the efficiency of T-DNA transfer into S. cerevisiae. We also demonstrate that transformation efficiency is improved 500-fold by the addition of yeast telomeric sequences within the T-DNA sequence.