42 resultados para dorsolateral prefrontal cortex


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Evidence accumulated over more than 45 years has indicated that environmental stimuli can induce craving for drugs of abuse in individuals who have addictive disorders. However, the brain mechanisms that subserve such craving have not been elucidated. Here a positron emission tomographic study shows increased glucose metabolism in cortical and limbic regions implicated in several forms of memory when human volunteers who abuse cocaine are exposed to drug-related stimuli. Correlations of metabolic increases in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, medial temporal lobe (amygdala), and cerebellum with self-reports of craving suggest that a distributed neural network, which integrates emotional and cognitive aspects of memory, links environmental cues with cocaine craving.


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The present study used functional magnetic resonance imaging to demonstrate that performance of visual spatial and visual nonspatial working memory tasks involve the same regions of the lateral prefrontal cortex when all factors unrelated to the type of stimulus material are appropriately controlled. These results provide evidence that spatial and nonspatial working memory may not be mediated, respectively, by mid-dorsolateral and mid-ventrolateral regions of the frontal lobe, as widely assumed, and support the alternative notion that specific regions of the lateral prefrontal cortex make identical executive functional contributions to both spatial and nonspatial working memory.


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There is considerable evidence from animal studies that gonadal steroid hormones modulate neuronal activity and affect behavior. To study this in humans directly, we used H215O positron-emission tomography to measure regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) in young women during three pharmacologically controlled hormonal conditions spanning 4–5 months: ovarian suppression induced by the gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonist leuprolide acetate (Lupron), Lupron plus estradiol replacement, and Lupron plus progesterone replacement. Estradiol and progesterone were administered in a double-blind cross-over design. On each occasion positron-emission tomography scans were performed during (i) the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test, a neuropsychological test that physiologically activates prefrontal cortex (PFC) and an associated cortical network including inferior parietal lobule and posterior inferolateral temporal gyrus, and (ii) a no-delay matching-to-sample sensorimotor control task. During treatment with Lupron alone (i.e., with virtual absence of gonadal steroid hormones), there was marked attenuation of the typical Wisconsin Card Sorting Test activation pattern even though task performance did not change. Most strikingly, there was no rCBF increase in PFC. When either progesterone or estrogen was added to the Lupron regimen, there was normalization of the rCBF activation pattern with augmentation of the parietal and temporal foci and return of the dorsolateral PFC activation. These data directly demonstrate that the hormonal milieu modulates cognition-related neural activity in humans.


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Following striate cortex damage in monkeys and humans there can be residual function mediated by parallel visual pathways. In humans this can sometimes be associated with a “feeling” that something has happened, especially with rapid movement or abrupt onset. For less transient events, discriminative performance may still be well above chance even when the subject reports no conscious awareness of the stimulus. In a previous study we examined parameters that yield good residual visual performance in the “blind” hemifield of a subject with unilateral damage to the primary visual cortex. With appropriate parameters we demonstrated good discriminative performance, both with and without conscious awareness of a visual event. These observations raise the possibility of imaging the brain activity generated in the “aware” and the “unaware” modes, with matched levels of discrimination performance, and hence of revealing patterns of brain activation associated with visual awareness. The intact hemifield also allows a comparison with normal vision. Here we report the results of a functional magnetic resonance imaging study on the same subject carried out under aware and unaware stimulus conditions. The results point to a shift in the pattern of activity from neocortex in the aware mode, to subcortical structures in the unaware mode. In the aware mode prestriate and dorsolateral prefrontal cortices (area 46) are active. In the unaware mode the superior colliculus is active, together with medial and orbital prefrontal cortical sites.


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Antipsychotic drug treatment of schizophrenia may be complicated by side effects of widespread dopaminergic antagonism, including exacerbation of negative and cognitive symptoms due to frontal cortical hypodopaminergia. Atypical antipsychotics have been shown to enhance frontal dopaminergic activity in animal models. We predicted that substitution of risperidone for typical antipsychotic drugs in the treatment of schizophrenia would be associated with enhanced functional activation of frontal cortex. We measured cerebral blood oxygenation changes during periodic performance of a verbal working memory task, using functional MRI, on two occasions (baseline and 6 weeks later) in two cohorts of schizophrenic patients. One cohort (n = 10) was treated with typical antipsychotic drugs throughout the study. Risperidone was substituted for typical antipsychotics after baseline assessment in the second cohort (n = 10). A matched group of healthy volunteers (n = 10) was also studied on a single occasion. A network comprising bilateral dorsolateral prefrontal and lateral premotor cortex, the supplementary motor area, and posterior parietal cortex was activated by working memory task performance in both the patients and comparison subjects. A two-way analysis of covariance was used to estimate the effect of substituting risperidone for typical antipsychotics on power of functional response in the patient group. Substitution of risperidone increased functional activation in right prefrontal cortex, supplementary motor area, and posterior parietal cortex at both voxel and regional levels of analysis. This study provides direct evidence for significantly enhanced frontal function in schizophrenic patients after substitution of risperidone for typical antipsychotic drugs, and it indicates the potential value of functional MRI as a tool for longitudinal assessment of psychopharmacological effects on cerebral physiology.


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Using an event-related functional MRI design, we explored the relative roles of dorsal and ventral prefrontal cortex (PFC) regions during specific components (Encoding, Delay, Response) of a working memory task under different memory-load conditions. In a group analysis, effects of increased memory load were observed only in dorsal PFC in the encoding period. Activity was lateralized to the right hemisphere in the high but not the low memory-load condition. Individual analyses revealed variability in activation patterns across subjects. Regression analyses indicated that one source of variability was subjects’ memory retrieval rate. It was observed that dorsal PFC plays a differentially greater role in information retrieval for slower subjects, possibly because of inefficient retrieval processes or a reduced quality of mnemonic representations. This study supports the idea that dorsal and ventral PFC play different roles in component processes of working memory.


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To investigate the types of memory traces recovered by the medial temporal lobe (MTL), neural activity during veridical and illusory recognition was measured with the use of functional MRI (fMRI). Twelve healthy young adults watched a videotape segment in which two speakers alternatively presented lists of associated words, and then the subjects performed a recognition test including words presented in the study lists (True items), new words closely related to studied words (False items), and new unrelated words (New items). The main finding was a dissociation between two MTL regions: whereas the hippocampus was similarly activated for True and False items, suggesting the recovery of semantic information, the parahippocampal gyrus was more activated for True than for False items, suggesting the recovery of perceptual information. The study also yielded a dissociation between two prefrontal cortex (PFC) regions: whereas bilateral dorsolateral PFC was more activated for True and False items than for New items, possibly reflecting monitoring of retrieved information, left ventrolateral PFC was more activated for New than for True and False items, possibly reflecting semantic processing. Precuneus and lateral parietal regions were more activated for True and False than for New items. Orbitofrontal cortex and cerebellar regions were more activated for False than for True items. In conclusion, the results suggest that activity in anterior MTL regions does not distinguish True from False, whereas activity in posterior MTL regions does.


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Working memory is the process of actively maintaining a representation of information for a brief period of time so that it is available for use. In monkeys, visual working memory involves the concerted activity of a distributed neural system, including posterior areas in visual cortex and anterior areas in prefrontal cortex. Within visual cortex, ventral stream areas are selectively involved in object vision, whereas dorsal stream areas are selectively involved in spatial vision. This domain specificity appears to extend forward into prefrontal cortex, with ventrolateral areas involved mainly in working memory for objects and dorsolateral areas involved mainly in working memory for spatial locations. The organization of this distributed neural system for working memory in monkeys appears to be conserved in humans, though some differences between the two species exist. In humans, as compared with monkeys, areas specialized for object vision in the ventral stream have a more inferior location in temporal cortex, whereas areas specialized for spatial vision in the dorsal stream have a more superior location in parietal cortex. Displacement of both sets of visual areas away from the posterior perisylvian cortex may be related to the emergence of language over the course of brain evolution. Whereas areas specialized for object working memory in humans and monkeys are similarly located in ventrolateral prefrontal cortex, those specialized for spatial working memory occupy a more superior and posterior location within dorsal prefrontal cortex in humans than in monkeys. As in posterior cortex, this displacement in frontal cortex also may be related to the emergence of new areas to serve distinctively human cognitive abilities.


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Patients suffering from schizophrenia display subtle cognitive abnormalities that may reflect a difficulty in rapidly coordinating the steps that occur in a variety of mental activities. Working interactively with the prefrontal cortex, the cerebellum may play a role in coordinating both motor and cognitive performance. This positron-emission tomography study suggests the presence of a prefrontal-thalamic-cerebellar network that is activated when normal subjects recall complex narrative material, but is dysfunctional in schizophrenic patients when they perform the same task. These results support a role for the cerebellum in cognitive functions and suggest that patients with schizophrenia may suffer from a "cognitive dysmetria" due to dysfunctional prefrontal-thalamic-cerebellar circuitry.


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Lesions to left frontal cortex in humans produce speech production impairments (nonfluent aphasia). These impairments vary from subject to subject and performance on certain speech production tasks can be relatively preserved in some patients. A possible explanation for preservation of function under these circumstances is that areas outside left prefrontal cortex are used to compensate for the injured brain area. We report here a direct demonstration of preserved language function in a stroke patient (LF1) apparently due to the activation of a compensatory brain pathway. We used functional brain imaging with positron emission tomography (PET) as a basis for this study.


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Planning a goal-directed sequence of behavior is a higher function of the human brain that relies on the integrity of prefrontal cortical areas. In the Tower of London test, a puzzle in which beads sliding on pegs must be moved to match a designated goal configuration, patients with lesioned prefrontal cortex show deficits in planning a goal-directed sequence of moves. We propose a neuronal network model of sequence planning that passes this test and, when lesioned, fails in a way that mimics prefrontal patients’ behavior. Our model comprises a descending planning system with hierarchically organized plan, operation, and gesture levels, and an ascending evaluative system that analyzes the problem and computes internal reward signals that index the correct/erroneous status of the plan. Multiple parallel pathways connecting the evaluative and planning systems amend the plan and adapt it to the current problem. The model illustrates how specialized hierarchically organized neuronal assemblies may collectively emulate central executive or supervisory functions of the human brain.


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Pregnenolone sulfate (PREG S) is synthesized in the nervous system and is a major neurosteroid in the rat brain. Its concentrations were measured in the hippocampus and other brain areas of single adult and aged (22–24 month-old) male Sprague–Dawley rats. Significantly lower levels were found in aged rats, although the values were widely scattered and reached, in about half the animals, the same range as those of young ones. The spatial memory performances of aged rats were investigated in two different spatial memory tasks, the Morris water maze and Y-maze. Performances in both tests were significantly correlated and, accompanied by appropriate controls, likely evaluated genuine memory function. Importantly, individual hippocampal PREG S and distance to reach the platform in the water maze were linked by a significant correlation, i.e., those rats with lower memory deficit had the highest PREG S levels, whereas no relationship was found with the PREG S content in other brain areas (amygdala, prefrontal cortex, parietal cortex, striatum). Moreover, the memory deficit of cognitively impaired aged rats was transiently corrected after either intraperitoneal or bilateral intrahippocampal injection of PREG S. PREG S is both a γ-aminobutyric acid antagonist and a positive allosteric modulator at the N-methyl-d-aspartate receptor, and may reinforce neurotransmitter system(s) that decline with age. Indeed, intracerebroventricular injection of PREG S was shown to stimulate acetylcholine release in the adult rat hippocampus. In conclusion, it is proposed that the hippocampal content of PREG S plays a physiological role in preserving and/or enhancing cognitive abilities in old animals, possibly via an interaction with central cholinergic systems. Thus, neurosteroids should be further studied in the context of prevention and/or treatment of age-related memory disorders.


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What are the neural bases of semantic memory? Traditional beliefs that the temporal lobes subserve the retrieval of semantic knowledge, arising from lesion studies, have been recently called into question by functional neuroimaging studies finding correlations between semantic retrieval and activity in left prefrontal cortex. Has neuroimaging taught us something new about the neural bases of cognition that older methods could not reveal or has it merely identified brain activity that is correlated with but not causally related to the process of semantic retrieval? We examined the ability of patients with focal frontal lesions to perform a task commonly used in neuroimaging experiments, the generation of semantically appropriate action words for concrete nouns, and found evidence of the necessity of the left inferior frontal gyrus for certain components of the verb generation task. Notably, these components did not include semantic retrieval per se.


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The conditioning of cocaine's subjective actions with environmental stimuli may be a critical factor in long-lasting relapse risk associated with cocaine addiction. To study the significance of learning factors in persistent addictive behavior as well as the neurobiological basis of this phenomenon, rats were trained to associate discriminative stimuli (SD) with the availability of i.v. cocaine vs. nonrewarding saline solution, and then placed on extinction conditions during which the i.v. solutions and SDs were withheld. The effects of reexposure to the SD on the recovery of responding at the previously cocaine-paired lever and on Fos protein expression then were determined in two groups. One group was tested immediately after extinction, whereas rats in the second group were confined to their home cages for an additional 4 months before testing. In both groups, the cocaine SD, but not the non-reward SD, elicited strong recovery of responding and increased Fos immunoreactivity in the basolateral amygdala and medial prefrontal cortex (areas Cg1/Cg3). The response reinstatement and Fos expression induced by the cocaine SD were both reversed by selective dopamine D1 receptor antagonists. The undiminished efficacy of the cocaine SD to elicit drug-seeking behavior after 4 months of abstinence parallels the long-lasting nature of conditioned cue reactivity and cue-induced cocaine craving in humans, and confirms a significant role of learning factors in the long-lasting addictive potential of cocaine. Moreover, the results implicate D1-dependent neural mechanisms within the medial prefrontal cortex and basolateral amygdala as substrates for cocaine-seeking behavior elicited by cocaine-predictive environmental stimuli.


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There are defined medullary, mesencephalic, hypothalamic, and thalamic functions in regulation of respiration, but knowledge of cortical control and the elements subserving the consciousness of breathlessness and air hunger is limited. In nine young adults, air hunger was produced acutely by CO2 inhalation. Comparisons were made with inhalation of a N2/O2 gas mixture with the same apparatus, and also with paced breathing, and with eyes closed rest. A network of activations in pons, midbrain (mesencephalic tegmentum, parabrachial nucleus, and periaqueductal gray), hypothalamus, limbic and paralimbic areas (amygdala and periamygdalar region) cingulate, parahippocampal and fusiform gyrus, and anterior insula were seen along with caudate nuclei and pulvinar activations. Strong deactivations were seen in dorsal cingulate, posterior cingulate, and prefrontal cortex. The striking response of limbic and paralimbic regions points to these structures having a singular role in the affective sequelae entrained by disturbance of basic respiratory control whereby a process of which we are normally unaware becomes a salient element of consciousness. These activations and deactivations include phylogenetically ancient areas of allocortex and transitional cortex that together with the amygdalar/periamygdalar region may subserve functions of emotional representation and regulation of breathing.