167 resultados para class I aldolase


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Analysis of the antitumor immune response after gene transfer of a foreign major histocompatibility complex class I protein, HLA-B7, was performed. Ten HLA-B7-negative patients with stage IV melanoma were treated in an effort to stimulate local tumor immunity. Plasmid DNA was detected within treated tumor nodules, and RNA encoding recombinant HLA-B7 or HLA-B7 protein was demonstrated in 9 of 10 patients. T cell migration into treated lesions was observed and tumor-infiltrating lymphocyte reactivity was enhanced in six of seven and two of two patients analyzed, respectively. In contrast, the frequency of cytotoxic T lymphocyte against autologous tumor in circulating peripheral blood lymphocytes was not altered significantly, suggesting that peripheral blood lymphocyte reactivity is not indicative of local tumor responsiveness. Local inhibition of tumor growth was detected after gene transfer in two patients, one of whom showed a partial remission. This patient subsequently received treatment with tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes derived from gene-modified tumor, with a complete regression of residual disease. Thus, gene transfer with DNA–liposome complexes encoding an allogeneic major histocompatibility complex protein stimulated local antitumor immune responses that facilitated the generation of effector cells for immunotherapy of cancer.


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The immunodominant, CD8+ cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) response to the HLA-B8-restricted peptide, RAKFKQLL, located in the Epstein–Barr virus immediate-early antigen, BZLF1, is characterized by a diverse T cell receptor (TCR) repertoire. Here, we show that this diversity can be partitioned on the basis of crossreactive cytotoxicity patterns involving the recognition of a self peptide—RSKFRQIV—located in a serine/threonine kinase and a bacterial peptide—RRKYKQII—located in Staphylococcus aureus replication initiation protein. Thus CTL clones that recognized the viral, self, and bacterial peptides expressed a highly restricted αβ TCR phenotype. The CTL clones that recognized viral and self peptides were more oligoclonal, whereas clones that strictly recognized the viral peptide displayed a diverse TCR profile. Interestingly, the self and bacterial peptides equally were substantially less effective than the cognate viral peptide in sensitizing target cell lysis, and also resulted only in a weak reactivation of memory CTLs in limiting dilution assays, whereas the cognate peptide was highly immunogenic. The described crossreactions show that human antiviral, CD8+ CTL responses can be shaped by peptide ligands derived from autoantigens and environmental bacterial antigens, thereby providing a firm structural basis for molecular mimicry involving class I-restricted CTLs in the pathogenesis of autoimmune disease.


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The γ-herpesviruses, in contrast to the α- and β-herpesviruses, are not known to inhibit antigen presentation to CD8+ cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs) during lytic cycle replication. However, murine γ-herpesvirus 68 causes a chronic lytic infection in CD4+ T cell-deficient mice despite the persistence of a substantial CTL response, suggesting that CTL evasion occurs. Here we show that, distinct from host protein synthesis shutoff, γ-herpesvirus 68 down-regulates surface MHC class I expression on lytically infected fibroblasts and inhibits their recognition by antigen-specific CTLs. The viral K3 gene, encoding a zinc-finger-containing protein, dramatically reduced the half-life of nascent class I molecules and the level of surface MHC class I expression and was by itself sufficient to block antigen presentation. The homologous K3 and K5 genes of the related Kaposi's sarcoma-associated virus also inhibited antigen presentation and decreased cell surface expression of HLA class I antigens. Thus it appears that an immune evasion strategy shared by at least two γ-herpesviruses allows continued lytic infection in the face of strong CTL immunity.


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NY-ESO-1 elicits frequent antibody responses in cancer patients, accompanied by strong CD8+ T cell responses against HLA-A2-restricted epitopes. To broaden the range of cancer patients who can be assessed for immunity to NY-ESO-1, a general method was devised to detect T cell reactivity independent of prior characterization of epitopes. A recombinant adenoviral vector encoding the full cDNA sequence of NY-ESO-1 was used to transduce CD8-depleted peripheral blood lymphocytes as antigen-presenting cells. These modified antigen-presenting cells were then used to restimulate memory effector cells against NY-ESO-1 from the peripheral blood of cancer patients. Specific CD8+ T cells thus sensitized were assayed on autologous B cell targets infected with a recombinant vaccinia virus encoding NY-ESO-1. Strong polyclonal responses were observed against NY-ESO-1 in antibody-positive patients, regardless of their HLA profile. Because the vectors do not cross-react immunologically, only responses to NY-ESO-1 were detected. The approach described here allows monitoring of CD8+ T cell responses to NY-ESO-1 in the context of various HLA alleles and has led to the definition of NY-ESO-1 peptides presented by HLA-Cw3 and HLA-Cw6 molecules.


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The major histocompatibility complex class I complex consists of a heavy chain and a light chain (β2-microglobulin, β2m), which assemble with a short endogenously derived peptide in the endoplasmic reticulum. The class I peptide can be directly exchanged, either at the cell surface or, as recently described, in vesicles of the endocytic compartments, thus allowing exogenous peptides to enter the class I presentation pathway. To probe the interactions between the components of the class I molecule, we analyzed the exchange of peptide and β2m by using purified, recombinant H2-Kb/peptide complexes in a cell-free in vitro system. The exchange of competitor peptide was primarily dependent on the off-rate of the original peptide in the class I binding groove. Peptide exchange was not enhanced by the presence of exogenous β2m, as exchange occurred to the same extent in its absence. Thus, the exchange of peptide and β2m are independent events. The exchange rate of β2m also was not affected by the dissociation rates of the original peptides. Furthermore, peptides could substantially exchange into class I molecules over a pH range of 5.5 to 7.5, conditions prevalent in certain endocytic compartments. We conclude that the dynamic properties of the components of class I molecules explain its function as a highly peptide-receptive molecule. The major histocompatibility complex class I can readily receive peptides independent of the presence of exogenous β2m, even at a low pH. Such properties are relevant to class I peptide acquisition, which can occur at the cell surface, as well as in specialized endosomes.


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The binding of killer cell Ig-like Receptors (KIR) to their Class I MHC ligands was shown previously to be characterized by extremely rapid association and dissociation rate constants. During experiments to investigate the biochemistry of receptor–ligand binding in more detail, the kinetic parameters of the interaction were observed to alter dramatically in the presence of Zn2+ but not other divalent cations. The basis of this phenomenon is Zn2+-induced multimerization of the KIR molecules as demonstrated by BIAcore, analytical ultracentrifugation, and chemical cross-linking experiments. Zn2+-dependent multimerization of KIR may be critical for formation of the clusters of KIR and HLA-C molecules, the “natural killer (NK) cell immune synapse,” observed at the site of contact between the NK cell and target cell.


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A deranged expression of MHC class I glycoproteins, characteristic of a variety of malignancies, contributes to the ability of cancer to avoid destruction by T cell-mediated immunity. An abrogation of the metastatic capacity of B16 melanoma cells has been achieved by transfecting an MHC class I-encoding vector into class I-deficient B16 melanoma clones [Gorelik, E., Kim, M., Duty, L. & Galili, U. (1993) Clin. Exp. Metastasis 11, 439–452]. We report here that the deranged expression of class I molecules by B16 melanoma cells is more than a mere acquisition of the capacity to escape immune recognition. Namely, cells of the B16 melanoma prompted splenic lymphocytes to commit death after coculture. However, a class I-expressing and nonmetastatic CL8-2 clone was found to be less potent as an inducer of apoptosis than class I-deficient and metastatic BL9 and BL12 clones. Both Thy1.2+ and Thy1.2− splenocytes underwent cell death when exposed to the class I-deficient BL9 clone. A proportion of CD4+ and CD8+ cells among splenocytes exposed to the BL9 clone was lower than that observed in a coculture with cells of the CL8-2 clone. Consistently, none of the melanoma clones studied produced a ligand to the FAS receptor (FAS-L). Thus, our results provide evidence that (i) the production of FAS-L may not be the sole mechanism by which malignant cells induce apoptosis in immunocytes, and (ii) absence of MHC class I glycoproteins plays an important role in preventing the elimination of potential effector immunocytes by tumor cells.


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In eukaryotes with the universal genetic code a single class I release factor (eRF1) most probably recognizes all stop codons (UAA, UAG and UGA) and is essential for termination of nascent peptide synthesis. It is well established that stop codons have been reassigned to amino acid codons at least three times among ciliates. The codon specificities of ciliate eRF1s must have been modified to accommodate the variant codes. In this study we have amplified, cloned and sequenced eRF1 genes of two hypotrichous ciliates, Oxytricha trifallax (UAA and UAG for Gln) and Euplotes aediculatus (UGA for Cys). We also sequenced/identified three protist and two archaeal class I RF genes to enlarge the database of eRF1/aRF1s with the universal code. Extensive comparisons between universal code eRF1s and those of Oxytricha, Euplotes and Tetrahymena, which represent three lineages that acquired variant codes independently, provide important clues to identify stop codon-binding regions in eRF1. Domain 1 in the five ciliate eRF1s, particulary the TASNIKS heptapeptide and its adjacent region, differs significantly from domain 1 in universal code eRF1s. This observation suggests that domain 1 contains the codon recognition site, but that the mechanism of eRF1 codon recognition may be more complex than proposed by Nakamura et al. or Knight and Landweber.


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Major histocompatibility complex class I (MHC-I) molecules have been implicated in several nonimmunological functions including the regulation and intracellular trafficking of the insulin-responsive glucose transporter GLUT4. We have used confocal microscopy to compare the effects of insulin on the intracellular trafficking of MHC-I and GLUT4 in freshly isolated rat brown adipose cells. We also used a recombinant vaccinia virus (rVV) to express influenza virus hemagglutinin (HA) as a generic integral membrane glycoprotein to distinguish global versus specific enhancement of protein export from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) in response to insulin. In the absence of insulin, MHC-I molecules largely colocalize with the ER-resident protein calnexin and remain distinct from intracellular pools of GLUT4. Surprisingly, insulin induces the rapid export of MHC-I molecules from the ER with a concomitant approximately three-fold increase in their level on the cell surface. This ER export is blocked by brefeldin A and wortmannin but is unaffected by cytochalasin D, indicating that insulin stimulates the rapid transport of MHC-I molecules from the ER to the plasma membrane via the Golgi complex in a phosphatidyl-inositol 3-kinase–dependent and actin-independent manner. We further show that the effect of insulin on MHC-I molecules is selective, because insulin does not affect the intracellular distribution or cell-surface localization of rVV-expressed HA. These results demonstrate that in rat brown adipose cells MHC-I molecule export from the ER is stimulated by insulin and provide the first evidence that the trafficking of MHC-I molecules is acutely regulated by a hormone.


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2-Keto-3-deoxy-6-phosphogluconate (KDPG) aldolase catalyzes the reversible cleavage of KDPG to pyruvate and glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate. The enzyme is a class I aldolase whose reaction mechanism involves formation of Schiff base intermediates between Lys-133 and a keto substrate. A covalent adduct was trapped by flash freezing KDPG aldolase crystals soaked with 10 mM pyruvate in acidic conditions at pH 4.6. Structure determination to 1.95-Å resolution showed that pyruvate had undergone nucleophilic attack with Lys-133, forming a protonated carbinolamine intermediate, a functional Schiff base precursor, which was stabilized by hydrogen bonding with active site residues. Carbinolamine interaction with Glu-45 indicates general base catalysis of several rate steps. Stereospecific addition is ensured by aromatic interaction of Phe-135 with the pyruvate methyl group. In the native structure, Lys-133 donates all of its hydrogen bonds, indicating the presence of an ɛ-ammonium salt group. Nucleophilic activation is postulated to occur by proton transfer in the monoprotonated zwitterionic pair (Glu-45/Lys-133). Formation of the zwitterionic pair requires prior side chain rearrangement by protonated Lys-133 to displace a water molecule, hydrogen bonded to the zwitterionic residues.


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Langerhans cells are a subset of dendritic cells (DCs) found in the human epidermis with unique morphological and molecular properties that enable their function as “sentinels” of the immune system. DCs are pivotal in the initiation and regulation of primary MHC class I restricted T lymphocyte immune responses and are able to present both endogenous and exogenous antigen onto class I molecules. Here, we study the MHC class I presentation pathway following activation of immature, CD34-derived human Langerhans cells by lipopolysaccharide (LPS). LPS induces an increase in all components of the MHC class I pathway including the transporter for antigen presentation (TAP), tapasin and ERp57, and the immunoproteasome subunits LMP2 and LMP7. Moreover, in CD34-derived Langerhans cells, the rapid increase in expression of MHC class I molecules seen at the cell surface following LPS activation is because of mobilization of MHC class I molecules from HLA-DM positive endosomal compartments, a pathway not seen in monocyte-derived DCs. Mobilization of class I from this compartment is primaquine sensitive and brefeldin A insensitive. These data demonstrate the regulation of the class I pathway in concert with the maturation of the CD34-derived Langerhans cells and suggest potential sites for antigen loading of class I proteins.


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Oncolytic herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) vectors are promising therapeutic agents for cancer. Their efficacy depends on the extent of both intratumoral viral replication and induction of a host antitumor immune response. To enhance these properties while employing ample safeguards, two conditionally replicating HSV-1 vectors, termed G47Δ and R47Δ, have been constructed by deleting the α47 gene and the promoter region of US11 from γ34.5-deficient HSV-1 vectors, G207 and R3616, respectively. Because the α47 gene product is responsible for inhibiting the transporter associated with antigen presentation (TAP), its absence led to increased MHC class I expression in infected human cells. Moreover, some G47Δ-infected human melanoma cells exhibited enhanced stimulation of matched antitumor T cell activity. The deletion also places the late US11 gene under control of the immediate-early α47 promoter, which suppresses the reduced growth properties of γ34.5-deficient mutants. G47Δ and R47Δ showed enhanced viral growth in a variety of cell lines, leading to higher virus yields and enhanced cytopathic effect in tumor cells. G47Δ was significantly more efficacious in vivo than its parent G207 at inhibiting tumor growth in both immune-competent and immune-deficient animal models. Yet, when inoculated into the brains of HSV-1-sensitive A/J mice at 2 × 106 plaque forming units, G47Δ was as safe as G207. These results suggest that G47Δ may have enhanced antitumor activity in humans.


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Many persistent viruses have evolved the ability to subvert MHC class I antigen presentation. Indeed, human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) encodes at least four proteins that down-regulate cell-surface expression of class I. The HCMV unique short (US)2 glycoprotein binds newly synthesized class I molecules within the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and subsequently targets them for proteasomal degradation. We report the crystal structure of US2 bound to the HLA-A2/Tax peptide complex. US2 associates with HLA-A2 at the junction of the peptide-binding region and the α3 domain, a novel binding surface on class I that allows US2 to bind independently of peptide sequence. Mutation of class I heavy chains confirms the importance of this binding site in vivo. Available data on class I-ER chaperone interactions indicate that chaperones would not impede US2 binding. Unexpectedly, the US2 ER-luminal domain forms an Ig-like fold. A US2 structure-based sequence alignment reveals that seven HCMV proteins, at least three of which function in immune evasion, share the same fold as US2. The structure allows design of further experiments to determine how US2 targets class I molecules for degradation.


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The alloreactive human T cell clone MBM15 was found to exhibit dual specificity recognizing both an antigen in the context of the HLA class I A2 molecule and an antigen in the context of the HLA class II DR1. We demonstrated that the dual reactivity that was mediated via a single clonal T cell population depended on specific peptide binding. For complete recognition of the HLA-A2-restricted specificity the interaction of CD8 with HLA class I is essential. Interestingly, interaction of the CD8 molecule with HLA class I contributed to the HLA-DR1-restricted specificity. T cell clone MBM15 expressed two in-frame T cell receptor (TCR) Vα transcripts (Vα1 and Vα2) and one TCR Vβ transcript (Vβ13). To elucidate whether two TCR complexes were responsible for the dual recognition or one complex, cytotoxic T cells were transduced with retroviral vectors encoding the different TCR chains. Only T cells transduced with the TCR Vα1Vβ13 combination specifically recognized both the HLA-A2+ and HLA-DR1+ target cells, whereas the Vα2Vβ13 combination did not result in a TCR on the cell surface. Thus a single TCRαβ complex can have dual specificity, recognizing both a peptide in the context of HLA class I as well as a peptide in the context of HLA class II. Transactivation of T cells by an unrelated antigen in the context of HLA class II may evoke an HLA class I-specific T cell response. We propose that this finding may have major implications for immunotherapeutic interventions and insight into the development of autoimmune diseases.