36 resultados para class D audio amplifier
Recently, the biosynthesis of an unusual membrane phospholipid, N-acylphosphatidylethanolamine (NAPE), was found to increase in elicitor-treated tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) cells (K.D. Chapman, A. Conyers-Hackson, R.A. Moreau, S. Tripathy [1995] Physiol Plant 95: 120–126). Here we report that before induction of NAPE biosynthesis, N-acylethanolamine (NAE) is released from NAPE in cultured tobacco cells 10 min after treatment with the fungal elicitor xylanase. In radiolabeling experiments [14C]NAE (labeled on the ethanolamine carbons) increased approximately 6-fold in the culture medium, whereas [14C]NAPE associated with cells decreased approximately 5-fold. Two predominant NAE molecular species, N-lauroylethanolamine and N-myristoylethanolamine, were specifically identified by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry in lipids extracted from culture medium, and both increased in concentration after elicitor treatment. NAEs were found to accumulate extracellularly only. A microsomal phospholipase D activity was discovered that formed NAE from NAPE; its activity in vitro was stimulated about 20-fold by mastoparan, suggesting that NAPE hydrolysis is highly regulated, perhaps by G-proteins. Furthermore, an NAE amidohydrolase activity that catalyzed the hydrolysis of NAE in vitro was detected in homogenates of tobacco cells. Collectively, these results characterize structurally a new class of plant lipids and identify the enzymatic machinery involved in its formation and inactivation in elicitor-treated tobacco cells. Recent evidence indicating a signaling role for NAPE metabolism in mammalian cells (H.H.O. Schmid, P.C. Schmid, V. Natarajan [1996] Chem Phys Lipids 80: 133–142) raises the possibility that a similar mechanism may operate in plant cells.
Natural killer (NK) cells are inhibited from killing cellular targets by major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I molecules. In the mouse, this can be mediated by the Ly-49A NK cell receptor that specifically binds the H-2Dd MHC class I molecule, then inhibits NK cell activity. Previous experiments have indicated that Ly-49A recognizes the alpha 1/alpha 2 domains of MHC class I and that no specific MHC-bound peptide appeared to be involved. We demonstrate here that alanine-substituted peptides, having only the minimal anchor motifs, stabilized H-2Dd expression and provided resistance to H-2Dd-transfected, transporter associated with processing (TAP)-deficient cells from lysis by Ly-49A+ NK cells. Peptide-induced resistance was blocked only by an mAb that binds a conformational determinant on H-2Dd. Moreover, stabilization of "empty" H-2Dd heavy chains by exogenous beta 2-microglobulin did not confer resistance. In contrast to data for MHC class I-restricted T cells that are specific for peptides displayed MHC molecules, these data indicate that NK cells are specific for a peptide-induced conformational determinant, independent of specific peptide. This fundamental distinction between NK cells and T cells further implies that NK cells are sensitive only to global changes in MHC class I conformation or expression, rather than to specific pathogen-encoded peptides. This is consistent with the "missing self" hypothesis, which postulates that NK cells survey tissues for normal expression of MHC class I.
Graves disease is an autoimmune thyroid disease characterized by the presence of antibodies against the thyrotropin receptor (TSHR), which stimulate the thyroid to cause hyperthyroidism and/or goiter. By immunizing mice with fibroblasts transfected with both the human TSHR and a major histocompatibility complex class II molecule, but not by either alone, we have induced immune hyperthyroidism that has the major humoral and histological features of Graves disease: stimulating TSHR antibodies, thyrotropin binding inhibiting immunoglobulins, which are different from the stimulating TSHR antibodies, increased thyroid hormone levels, thyroid enlargement, thyrocyte hypercellularity, and thyrocyte intrusion into the follicular lumen. The results suggest that the aberrant expression of major histocompatibility complex class II molecules on cells that express a native form of the TSHR can result in the induction of functional anti-TSHR antibodies that stimulate the thyroid. They additionally suggest that the acquisition of antigen-presenting ability on a target cell containing the TSHR can activate T and B cells normally present in an animal and induce a disease with the major features of autoimmune Graves.
Rad51 is a highly conserved eukaryotic homolog of the prokaryotic recombination protein RecA, which has been shown to function in both recombinational repair of DNA damage and meiotic recombination in yeast. In primary murine B cells cultured with lipopolysaccharide (LPS) to stimulate heavy chain class switch recombination, Rad51 protein levels are dramatically induced. Immunofluorescent microscopy shows that anti-Rad51 antibodies stain foci that are localized within the nuclei of switching B cells. Immunohistochemical analysis of splenic sections shows that clusters of cells that stain brightly with anti-Rad51 antibodies are evident within several days after primary immunization and that Rad51 staining in vivo is confined to B cells that are switching from expression of IgM to IgG antibodies. Following switch recombination, B cells populate splenic germinal centers, where somatic hypermutation and clonal proliferation occur. Germinal center B cells are not stained by anti-Rad51 antibodies. Rad51 expression is therefore not coincident with somatic hypermutation, nor does Rad51 expression correlate simply with cell proliferation. These data suggest that Rad51, or a highly related member of the conserved RecA family, may function in class switch recombination.
Tumors express peptide antigens capable of being recognized by tumor-specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL). Immunization of mice with a carcinogen-induced colorectal tumor, CT26, engineered to secrete granulocyte/macrophage colony-stimulating factor, routinely generated both short-term and long-term CTL lines that not only lysed the parental tumor in vitro, but also cured mice of established tumor following adoptive transfer in vivo. When either short-term or long-term CTL lines were used to screen peptides isolated from CT26, one reverse-phase high performance liquid chromatography peptide fraction consistently sensitized a surrogate target for specific lysis. The bioactivity remained localized within one fraction following multiple purification procedures, indicating that virtually all of the CT26-specific CTL recognized a single peptide. This result contrasts with other tumor systems, where multiple bioactive peptide fractions have been detected. The bioactive peptide was identified as a nonmutated nonamer derived from the envelope protein (gp70) of an endogenous ecotropic murine leukemia provirus. Adoptive transfer with CTL lines specific for this antigen demonstrated that this epitope represents a potent tumor rejection antigen. The selective expression of this antigen in multiple non-viral-induced tumors provides evidence for a unique class of shared immunodominant tumor associated antigens as targets for antitumor immunity.
We have cloned, from a beetle and a locust, genes that are homologous to the class 3 Hox genes of vertebrates. Outside the homeobox they share sequence motifs with the Drosophila zerknüllt (zen) and z2 genes, and like zen, are expressed only in extraembryonic membranes. We conclude that the zen genes of Drosophila derive from a Hox class 3 sequence that formed part of the common ancestral Hox cluster, but that in insects this (Hox) gene has lost its role in patterning the anterio-posterior axis of the embryo, and acquired a new function. In the lineage leading to Drosophila, the zen genes have diverged particularly rapidly.
Bullous pemphigoid (BP) is an autoimmune subepidermal blistering disease seen primarily in elderly persons. It is characterized clinically by the development of tense bullae and by the presence of an antibasement membrane antibody. In BP, the antigens involved in the autoimmunity are epidermal basement membrane peptides BPAg1 and BPAg2. We have compared high resolution typing of major histocompatibility complex class II loci (HLA-DRB1, DQB1) in 21 patients with BP, 17 with ocular cicatricial pemphigoid (OCP), and 22 with oral pemphigoid (OP) to a panel of 218 haplotypes of normal individuals. We found that the three diseases (BP, OCP, and OP) have significant association with DQB1*0301 (P = 0.005, P < 0.0001, and P = 0.001, respectively). The frequencies of alleles DQB1*0302, 0303, and 06, which share a specific amino acid sequence from position 71 to 77 (Thr-Arg-Ala-Glu-Leu-Val-Thr) were also increased (P = 0.01). We suggest that an identical major histocompatibility complex class II allele (DQB1*0301) is a common marker for enhanced susceptibility and that the same amino acid residues in positions 71-77 (DQB1*0301, -0302, -0305, -0602, -0603 alleles) are found in patients with BP, OCP and OP. Our findings propose that the autoimmune response in the three different clinical variants of pemphigoid, involves the recognition by T cells of a class II region of DQB1, bound to a peptide from the basement membrane of conjunctiva, oral mucosa, and skin.
Proteasomes are involved in the proteolytic generation of major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I epitopes but their exact role has not been elucidated. We used highly purified murine 20S proteasomes for digestion of synthetic 22-mer and 41/44-mer ovalbumin partial sequences encompassing either an immunodominant or a marginally immunogenic epitope. At various times, digests were analyzed by pool sequencing and by semiquantitative electrospray ionization mass spectrometry. Most dual cleavage fragments derived from 22-mer peptides were 7-10 amino acids long, with octa- and nonamers predominating. Digestion of 41/44-mer peptides initially revealed major cleavage sites spaced by two size ranges, 8 or 9 amino acids and 14 or 15 amino acids, followed by further degradation of the latter as well as of larger single cleavage fragments. The final size distribution was slightly broader than that of fragments derived from 22-mer peptides. The majority of peptide bonds were cleaved, albeit with vastly different efficiencies. This resulted in multiple overlapping proteolytic fragments including a limited number of abundant peptides. The immunodominant epitope was generated abundantly whereas only small amounts of the marginally immunogenic epitope were detected. The frequency distributions of amino acids flanking proteasomal cleavage sites are correlated to that reported for corresponding positions of MHC class I binding peptides. The results suggest that proteasomal degradation products may include fragments with structural properties similar to MHC class I binding peptides. Proteasomes may thus be involved in the final stages of proteolytic epitope generation, often without the need for downstream proteolytic events.
Natural killer (NK) cells expressing specific p58 NK receptors are inhibited from lysing target cells that express human leukocyte antigen (HLA)-C class I major histocompatibility complex molecules. To investigate the interaction between p58 NK receptors and HLA-Cw4, the extracellular domain of the p58 NK receptor specific for HLA-Cw4 was overexpressed in Escherichia coli and refolded from purified inclusion bodies. The refolded NK receptor is a monomer in solution. It interacts specifically with HLA-Cw4, blocking the binding of a p58-Ig fusion protein to HLA-Cw4-expressing cells, but does not block the binding of a p58-Ig fusion protein specific for HLA-Cw3 to HLA-Cw3-expressing cells. The bacterially expressed extracellular domain of HLA-Cw4 heavy chain and beta2-microglobulin were refolded in the presence of a HLA-Cw4-specific peptide. Direct binding between the soluble p58 NK receptor and the soluble HLA-Cw4-peptide complex was observed by native gel electrophoresis. Titration binding assays show that soluble monomeric receptor forms a 1:1 complex with HLA-Cw4, independent of the presence of Zn2+. The formation of complexes between soluble, recombinant molecules indicates that HLA-Cw4 is sufficient for specific ligation by the NK receptor and that neither glycoprotein requires carbohydrate for the interaction.
Recognition of peptides bound to class I major histocompatibility complex (MHC) molecules by specific receptors on T cells regulates the development and activity of the cellular immune system. We have designed and synthesized de novo cyclic peptides that incorporate PEG in the ring structure for binding to class I MHC molecules. The large PEG loops are positioned to extend out of the peptide binding site, thus creating steric effects aimed at preventing the recognition of class I MHC complexes by T-cell receptors. Peptides were synthesized and cyclized on polymer support using high molecular weight symmetrical PEG dicarboxylic acids to link the side chains of lysine residues substituted at positions 4 and 8 in the sequence of the HLA-A2-restricted human T-lymphotrophic virus type I Tax peptide. Cyclic peptides promoted the in vitro folding and assembly of HLA-A2 complexes. Thermal denaturation studies using circular dichroism spectroscopy showed that these complexes are as stable as complexes formed with antigenic peptides.
Graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) is a T-cell-mediated disease of transplanted donor T cells recognizing host alloantigens. Data presented in this report show, to our knowledge, for the first time that a synthetic copolymer of the amino acids L-Glu, L-Lys, L-Ala, and L-Tyr (molecular ratio, 1.9:6.0:4.7:1.0; Mr, 6000-8500) [corrected], termed GLAT, with promiscuous binding to multiple major histocompatibility complex class II alleles is capable of preventing lethal GVHD in the B10.D2 --> BALB/c model (both H-2d) across minor histocompatibility barriers. Administration of GLAT over a limited time after transplant significantly reduced the incidence, onset, and severity of disease. GLAT also improved long-term survival from lethal GVHD: 14/25 (56%) of experimental mice survived > 140 days after transplant compared to 2/26 of saline-treated or to 1/10 of hen egg lysozyme-treated control mice (P < 0.01). Long-term survivors were documented to be fully chimeric by PCR analysis of a polymorphic microsatellite region in the interleukin 1beta gene. In vitro, GLAT inhibited the mixed lymphocyte culture in a dose-dependent fashion across a variety of major barriers tested. Furthermore, GLAT inhibited the response of nylon wool-enriched T cells to syngeneic antigen-presenting cells presenting minor histocompatibility antigens. Prepulsing of the antigen-presenting cells with GLAT reduced the proliferative response, suggesting that GLAT inhibits antigen presentation.
The role of inflammatory T cells in Crohn's disease suggests that inherited variations in major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II genes may be of pathogenetic importance in inflammatory bowel disease. The absence of consistent and strong associations with MHC class II genes in Caucasian patients with inflammatory bowel disease probably reflects the use of less precise typing approaches and the failure to type certain loci by any means. A PCR-sequence-specific oligonucleotide-based approach was used to type individual alleles of the HLA class II DRB1, DRB3, DRB4, and DRB5 loci in 40 patients with ulcerative colitis, 42 Crohn's disease patients, and 93 ethnically matched healthy controls. Detailed molecular typing of the above alleles has previously not been reported in patients with inflammatory bowel disease. A highly significant positive association with the HLA-DRB3*0301 allele was observed in patients with Crohn's disease (P = 0.0004) but not in patients with ulcerative colitis. The relative risk for this association was 7.04. Other less significant HLA class II associations were also noted in patients with Crohn's disease. One of these associations involved the HLA-DRB1*1302 allele, which is known to be in linkage disequilibrium with HLA-DRB3*0301. These data suggest that a single allele of an infrequently typed HLA class II locus is strongly associated with Crohn's disease and that MHC class II molecules may be important in its pathogenesis.
We show that interleukin 3 (IL-3) enhances the generation of tumor-specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs) through the stimulation of host antigen-presenting cells (APCs). The BALB/c (H-2d) spontaneous lung carcinoma line 1 was modified by gene transfection to express ovalbumin as a nominal "tumor antigen" and to secrete IL-3, a cytokine enhancing myeloid development. IL-3-transfected tumor cells are less tumorigenic than the parental cell line, and tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes isolated from these tumors contain increased numbers of tumor-specific CTLs. By using B3Z86/90.14 (B3Z), a unique T-cell hybridoma system restricted to ovalbumin/H-2b and implanting the tumors in (BALB/c x C57BL/6)F1 (H-2d/b) mice, we demonstrate that the IL-3-transfected tumors contain an increased number of a rare population of host cells that can process and "re-present" tumor antigen to CTLs. Electron microscopy allowed direct visualization of these host APCs, and these studies, along with surface marker phenotyping, indicate that these APCs are macrophage-like. The identification of these cells and their enhancement by IL-3 offers a new opportunity for tumor immunotherapy.
During Drosophila development, nuclear and cell divisions are coordinated in response to developmental signals. In yeast and mammalian cells, signals that control cell division regulate the activity of cyclin-dependent kinases (Cdks) through proteins such as cyclins that interact with the Cdks. Here we describe two Drosophila cyclins identified from a set of Cdk-interacting proteins. One, cyclin J, is of a distinctive sequence type; its exclusive maternal expression pattern suggests that it may regulate oogenesis or the early nuclear divisions of embryogenesis. The other belongs to the D class of cyclins, previously identified in mammalian cells. We show that Drosophila cyclin D is expressed in early embryos and in imaginal disc cells in a pattern that anticipates cell divisions. Expression in the developing eye disc at the anterior edge of the morphogenetic furrow suggests that cyclin D acts early, prior to cyclin E, in inducing G1-arrested cells to enter S phase. Our results also suggest that, although cyclin D may be necessary, its expression alone is not sufficient to initiate the events leading to S phase.
Natural killer (NK) cells express clonally distributed receptors for different groups of HLA class I alleles. The Z27 monoclonal antibody described in this study recognizes a p70 receptor specific for HLA-B alleles belonging to the Bw4 supertypic specificity. Single amino acid substitutions in the peptide-binding groove of HLA-B2705 molecules influenced the recognition by some, but not all, p7O/Z27+ clones. This suggests the existence of a limited polymorphism within the p7O family of receptors. The pattern of reactivity of monoclonal antibody Z27 revealed that Bw4-specific receptors may be expressed alone or in combination with different (GL183 and/or EB6) p58 molecules. Analysis of NK clones coexpressing p58 and p7O receptors allowed us to demonstrate that the two molecules represent physically and functionally independent receptors. The expression of p7O molecules either alone or in combination with EB6 molecules provided the molecular basis for understanding the cytolytic pattern of two previously defined groups of "alloreactive" NK cell clones ("group 3" and "group 5").