41 resultados para circadian and ultradian rhythms


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Interlocked feedback loops may represent a common feature among the regulatory systems controlling circadian rhythms. The Neurospora circadian feedback loops involve white collar-1 (wc-1), wc-2, and frequency (frq) genes. We show that WC-1 and WC-2 proteins activate the transcription of frq gene, whereas FRQ protein plays dual roles: repressing its own transcription, probably by interacting with the WC-1/WC-2 complex, and activating the expression of both WC proteins. Thus, they form two interlocked feedback loops: one negative and one positive. We establish the physiological significance of the interlocked positive feedback loops by showing that the levels of WC-1 and WC-2 determine the robustness and stability of the clock. Our data demonstrate that with WC-1 being the limiting factor in the WC-1/WC-2 complex, the greater the levels of WC-1 and WC-2, the higher the level of the FRQ oscillation and the more robust the overt rhythms. Our data also show that, despite considerable changes in the levels of WC-1, WC-2, and FRQ, the period of the clock has been limited to a small range, suggesting that the interlocked circadian feedback loops are also important for determining the circadian period length of the clock.


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Overnight low-temperature exposure inhibits photosynthesis in chilling-sensitive species such as tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) and cucumber by as much as 60%. In an earlier study we showed that one intriguing effect of low temperature on chilling-sensitive plants is to stall the endogenous rhythm controlling transcription of certain nuclear-encoded genes, causing the synthesis of the corresponding transcripts and proteins to be mistimed when the plant is rewarmed. Here we show that the circadian rhythm controlling the activity of sucrose phosphate synthase (SPS) and nitrate reductase (NR), key control points of carbon and nitrogen metabolism in plant cells, is delayed in tomato by chilling treatments. Using specific protein kinase and phosphatase inhibitors, we further demonstrate that the chilling-induced delay in the circadian control of SPS and NR activity is associated with the activity of critical protein phosphatases. The sensitivity of the pattern of SPS activity to specific inhibitors of transcription and translation indicates that there is a chilling-induced delay in SPS phosphorylation status that is caused by an effect of low temperature on the expression of a gene coding for a phosphoprotein phosphatase, perhaps the SPS phosphatase. In contrast, the chilling-induced delay in NR activity does not appear to arise from effects on NR phosphorylation status, but rather from direct effects on NR expression. It is likely that the mistiming in the regulation of SPS and NR, and perhaps other key metabolic enzymes under circadian regulation, underlies the chilling sensitivity of photosynthesis in these plant species.


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We isolated and characterized a novel light-regulated cDNA from the short-day plant Pharbitis nil that encodes a protein with a leucine (Leu) zipper motif, designated PNZIP (Pharbitis nil Leu zipper). The PNZIP cDNA is not similar to any other gene with a known function in the database, but it shares high sequence homology with an Arabidopsis expressed sequence tag and to two other sequences of unknown function from the cyanobacterium Synechocystis spp. and the red alga Porphyra purpurea, which together define a new family of evolutionarily conserved Leu zipper proteins. PNZIP is a single-copy gene that is expressed specifically in leaf photosynthetically active mesophyll cells but not in other nonphotosynthetic tissues such as the epidermis, trichomes, and vascular tissues. When plants were exposed to continuous darkness, PNZIP exhibited a rhythmic pattern of mRNA accumulation with a circadian periodicity of approximately 24 h, suggesting that its expression is under the control of an endogenous clock. However, the expression of PNZIP was unusual in that darkness rather than light promoted its mRNA accumulation. Accumulation of PNZIP mRNA during the dark is also regulated by phytochrome, since a brief exposure to red light in the middle of the night reduced its mRNA levels. Moreover, a far-red-light treatment at the end of day also reduced PNZIP mRNA accumulation during the dark, and that effect could be inhibited by a subsequent exposure to red light, showing the photoreversible response attributable to control through the phytochrome system.


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To ascertain whether the circadian oscillator in the prokaryotic cyanobacterium Synechococcus PCC 7942 regulates the timing of cell division in rapidly growing cultures, we measured the rate of cell division, DNA content, cell size, and gene expression (monitored by luminescence of the PpsbAI::luxAB reporter) in cultures that were continuously diluted to maintain an approximately equal cell density. We found that populations dividing at rates as rapid as once per 10 h manifest circadian gating of cell division, since phases in which cell division slows or stops recur with a circadian periodicity. The data clearly show that Synechococcus cells growing with doubling times that are considerably faster than once per 24 h nonetheless express robust circadian rhythms of cell division and gene expression. Apparently Synechococcus cells are able to simultaneously sustain two timing circuits that express significantly different periods.


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In the vertebrate retina, the light responses of post-receptor neurons depend on the ambient or background illumination. Using intracellular recording, we have found that a circadian clock regulates the light responses of dark-adapted fish cone horizontal cells. Goldfish were maintained on a 12-hr light/12-hr dark cycle. At different times of the day or night, retinas were superfused in darkness for 90 min ("prolonged darkness"), following which horizontal cells were impaled without the aid of any light flashes. In some of the experiments, fish were kept in constant darkness for 3-48 hr prior to surgery. After prolonged darkness during the night, but not during the day, the light responses of L-type cone horizontal cells resembled those of rod horizontal cells with respect to threshold, waveform, intensity-response functions, and spectral sensitivity. Following light sensitization during the night and day, the light responses of rod and cone horizontal cells were clearly different with respect to threshold, waveform, intensity-response functions, and spectral sensitivity. Under conditions of constant darkness for two full light/dark cycles, average responses of cone horizontal cells to a bright light stimulus during the subjective day were greater than during the subjective night. Prior reversal of the light/dark cycle reversed the 24-hr rhythm of cone horizontal cell responses to bright lights. In addition, following one full cycle of constant darkness, average cone horizontal cell spectral sensitivity during the subjective night closely matched that of rod horizontal cells, whereas average cone horizontal cell spectral sensitivity during the subjective day was similar to that of red (625 nm) cones. These results indicate that the effects of dark adaptation depend on the time of day and are regulated by a circadian clock so that cone input to cone horizontal cells predominates in the day and rod input predominates in the night.


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Levels of mRNA for the chloroplast-encoded elongation factor Tu (tufA) showed a dramatic daily oscillation in the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, peaking once each day in the early light period. The oscillation of tufA mRNA levels continued in cells shifted to continuous light or continuous dark for at least 2-3 days. Run-off transcription analyses showed that the rate of tufA transcription also peaked early in the light period and, moreover, that this transcriptional oscillation continued in cells shifted to continuous conditions. The half-life of tufA mRNA was estimated at different times and found to vary considerably during a light-dark cycle but not in cells shifted to continuous light. Light-dark patterns of transcription of several other chloroplast-encoded genes were examined and also found to persist in cells shifted to continuous light or dark. These results indicate that a circadian clock controls the transcription of tufA and other chloroplast-encoded genes.


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Little is known about plant circadian oscillators, in spite of how important they are to sessile plants, which require accurate timekeepers that enable the plants to respond to their environment. Previously, we identified a circadian clock-associated (CCA1) gene that encodes an Myb-related protein that is associated with phytochrome control and circadian regulation in plants. To understand the role CCA1 plays in phytochrome and circadian regulation, we have isolated an Arabidopsis line with a T DNA insertion that results in the loss of CCA1 RNA, of CCA1 protein, and of an Lhcb-promoter binding activity. This mutation affects the circadian expression of all four clock-controlled genes that we examined. The results show that, despite their similarity, CCA1 and LHY are only partially redundant. The lack of CCA1 also affects the phytochrome regulation of gene expression, suggesting that CCA1 has an additional role in a signal transduction pathway from light, possibly acting at the point of integration between phytochrome and the clock. Our results indicate that CCA1 is an important clock-associated protein involved in circadian regulation of gene expression.


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Protoporphyrinogen IX oxidase is the last enzyme in the common pathway of heme and chlorophyll synthesis and provides precursor for the mitochondrial and plastidic heme synthesis and the predominant chlorophyll synthesis in plastids. We cloned two different, full-length tobacco cDNA sequences by complementation of the protoporphyrin-IX-accumulating Escherichia coli hemG mutant from heme auxotrophy. The two sequences show similarity to the recently published Arabidopsis PPOX, Bacillus subtilis hemY, and to mammalian sequences encoding protoporphyrinogen IX oxidase. One cDNA sequence encodes a 548-amino acid residues protein with a putative transit sequence of 50 amino acid residues, and the second cDNA encodes a protein of 504 amino acid residues. Both deduced protein sequences share 27.2% identical amino acid residues. The first in vitro translated protoporphyrinogen IX oxidase could be translocated to plastids, and the approximately 53-kDa mature protein was detected in stroma and membrane fraction. The second enzyme was targeted to mitochondria without any detectable reduction in size. Localization of both enzymes in subcellular fractions was immunologically confirmed. Steady-state RNA analysis indicates an almost synchronous expression of both genes during tobacco plant development, greening of young seedlings, and diurnal and circadian growth. The mature plastidal and the mitochondrial isoenzyme were overexpressed in E. coli. Bacterial extracts containing the recombinant mitochondrial enzyme exhibit high protoporphyrinogen IX oxidase activity relative to control strains, whereas the plastidal enzyme could only be expressed as an inactive peptide. The data presented confirm a compartmentalized pathway of tetrapyrrole synthesis with protoporphyrinogen IX oxidase in plastids and mitochondria.


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An endogenous circadian biological clock controls the temporal aspects of life in most organisms, including rhythmic control of genes involved in clock output pathways. In the fungus Neurospora crassa, one pathway known to be under control of the clock is asexual spore (conidia) development. To understand more fully the processes that are regulated by the N. crassa circadian clock, systematic screens were carried out for genes that oscillate at the transcriptional level. Time-of-day-specific cDNA libraries were generated and used in differential screens to identify six new clock-controlled genes (ccgs). Transcripts specific for each of the ccgs preferentially accumulate during the late night to early morning, although they vary with respect to steady-state mRNA levels and amplitude of the rhythm. Sequencing of the ends of the new ccg cDNAs revealed that ccg-12 is identical to N. crassa cmt encoding copper metallothionein, providing the suggestion that not all clock-regulated genes in N. crassa are specifically involved in the development of conidia. This was supported by finding that half of the new ccgs, including cmt(ccg-12), are not transcriptionally induced by developmental or light signals. These data suggest a major role for the clock in the regulation of biological processes distinct from development.


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From pharmacological studies using histamine antagonists and agonists, it has been demonstrated that histamine modulates many physiological functions of the hypothalamus, such as arousal state, locomotor activity, feeding, and drinking. Three kinds of receptors (H1, H2, and H3) mediate these actions. To define the contribution of the histamine H1 receptors (H1R) to behavior, mutant mice lacking the H1R were generated by homologous recombination. In brains of homozygous mutant mice, no specific binding of [3H]pyrilamine was seen. [3H]Doxepin has two saturable binding sites with higher and lower affinities in brains of wild-type mice, but H1R-deficient mice showed only the weak labeling of [3H]doxepin that corresponds to lower-affinity binding sites. Mutant mice develop normally, but absence of H1R significantly increased the ratio of ambulation during the light period to the total ambulation for 24 hr in an accustomed environment. In addition, mutant mice significantly reduced exploratory behavior of ambulation and rearings in a new environment. These results indicate that through H1R, histamine is involved in circadian rhythm of locomotor activity and exploratory behavior as a neurotransmitter.


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Various transcription factors act as nuclear effectors of the cAMP-dependent signaling pathway. These are the products of three genes in the mouse, CREB, CRE modulator (CREM), and ATF-1. CREM proteins are thought to play important roles within the hypothalamic–pituitary axis and in the control of rhythmic functions in the pineal gland. We have generated CREM-mutant mice and investigated their response in a variety of behavioral tests. CREM-null mice show a drastic increase in locomotion. In contrast to normal mice, the CREM-deficient mice show equal locomotor activity during the circadian cycle. The anatomy of the hypothalamic suprachiasmatic nuclei, the center of the endogenous pacemaker, is normal in mutant mice. Remarkably, CREM mutant mice also elicit a different emotional state, revealed by a lower anxiety in two different behavioral models, but they preserve the conditioned reactiveness to stress. These results demonstrate the high degree of functional specificity of each cAMP-responsive transcription factor in behavioral control.


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The pervasive role of circadian clocks in regulating physiology and behavior is widely recognized. Their adaptive value is their ability to be entrained by environmental cues such that the internal circadian phase is a reliable predictor of solar time. In mammals, both light and nonphotic behavioral cues can entrain the principal oscillator of the hypothalamic suprachiasmatic nuclei (SCN). However, although light can advance or delay the clock during circadian night, behavioral events trigger phase advances during the subjective day, when the clock is insensitive to light. The recent identification of Period (Per) genes in mammals, homologues of dperiod, which encodes a core element of the circadian clockwork in Drosophila, now provides the opportunity to explain circadian timing and entrainment at a molecular level. In mice, expression of mPer1 and mPer2 in the SCN is rhythmic and acutely up-regulated by light. Moreover, the temporal relations between mRNA and protein cycles are consistent with a clock based on a transcriptional/translational feedback loop. Here we describe circadian oscillations of Per1 and Per2 in the SCN of the Syrian hamster, showing that PER1 protein and mRNA cycles again behave in a manner consistent with a negative-feedback oscillator. Furthermore, we demonstrate that nonphotic resetting has the opposite effect to light: acutely down-regulating these genes. Their sensitivity to nonphotic resetting cues supports their proposed role as core elements of the circadian oscillator. Moreover, this study provides an explanation at the molecular level for the contrasting but convergent effects of photic and nonphotic cues on the clock.


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Circadian expression of the luciferin-binding protein (LBP) from the dinoflagellate Gonyaulax polyedra is regulated at the translational level. A small interval in the lbp 3′-untranslated region, which contains seven UG-repeats, serves as a cis-acting element to which a trans-acting factor (CCTR) binds in a circadian manner. Its binding activity correlates negatively with the circadian expression of LBP. Here I report the identification of a protein in the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii that represents a CCTR analog. It binds both specifically and under control of the circadian clock to the UG-repeat region. The data show for the first time that circadian cis-elements implicated in translational regulation have been conserved during evolution.


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Photoreceptors of the Xenopus laevis retina are the site of a circadian clock. As part of a differential display screen for rhythmic gene products in this system, we have identified a photoreceptor-specific mRNA expressed in peak abundance at night. cDNA cloning revealed an open reading frame encoding a putative 388 amino acid protein that we have named “nocturnin” (for night-factor). This protein has strong sequence similarity to the C-terminal domain of the yeast transcription factor, CCR4, as well as a leucine zipper-like dimerization motif. Nocturnin mRNA levels exhibit a high amplitude circadian rhythm and nuclear run-on analysis indicates that it is controlled by the retinal circadian clock at the level of transcription. Our observations suggest that nocturnin may function through protein–protein interaction either as a component of the circadian clock or as a downstream effector of clock function.


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We investigated the circadian function of Drosophila dopamine receptors by using a behaviorally active decapitated preparation that allows for direct application of drugs to the nerve cord. Quinpirole, a D2-like dopamine receptor agonist, induces reflexive locomotion in decapitated flies. We show that the amount of locomotion induced changes as a function of the time of day, with the highest responsiveness to quinpirole during the subjective night. Furthermore, dopamine receptor responsiveness is under circadian control and depends on the normal function of the period gene. The head pacemaker is at least partly dispensable for the circadian modulation of quinpirole-induced locomotion, because changes in agonist responsiveness persist in decapitated flies that are aged for 12 h. This finding suggests a role for the period-dependent molecular oscillators in the body in the modulation of amine receptor responsiveness.