36 resultados para cell viability


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Attachment of ubiquitin to cellular proteins frequently targets them to the 26S proteasome for degradation. In addition, ubiquitination of cell surface proteins stimulates their endocytosis and eventual degradation in the vacuole or lysosome. In the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, ubiquitin is a long-lived protein, so it must be efficiently recycled from the proteolytic intermediates to which it becomes linked. We identified previously a yeast deubiquitinating enzyme, Doa4, that plays a central role in ubiquitin-dependent proteolysis by the proteasome. Biochemical and genetic data suggest that Doa4 action is closely linked to that of the proteasome. Here we provide evidence that Doa4 is required for recycling ubiquitin from ubiquitinated substrates targeted to the proteasome and, surprisingly, to the vacuole as well. In the doa4Δ mutant, ubiquitin is strongly depleted under certain conditions, most notably as cells approach stationary phase. Ubiquitin depletion precedes a striking loss of cell viability in stationary phase doa4Δ cells. This loss of viability and several other defects of doa4Δ cells are rescued by provision of additional ubiquitin. Ubiquitin becomes depleted in the mutant because it is degraded much more rapidly than in wild-type cells. Aberrant ubiquitin degradation can be partially suppressed by mutation of the proteasome or by inactivation of vacuolar proteolysis or endocytosis. We propose that Doa4 helps recycle ubiquitin from both proteasome-bound ubiquitinated intermediates and membrane proteins destined for destruction in the vacuole.


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We describe the isolation of fission yeast homologues of tubulin-folding cofactors B (Alp11) and E (Alp21), which are essential for cell viability and the maintenance of microtubules. Alp11B contains the glycine-rich motif (the CLIP-170 domain) involved in microtubular functions, whereas, unlike mammalian cofactor E, Alp21E does not. Both mammalian and yeast cofactor E, however, do contain leucine-rich repeats. Immunoprecipitation analysis shows that Alp11B interacts with both α-tubulin and Alp21E, but not with the cofactor D homologue Alp1, whereas Alp21E also interacts with Alp1D. The cellular amount of α-tubulin is decreased in both alp1 and alp11 mutants. Overproduction of Alp11B results in cell lethality and the disappearance of microtubules, which is rescued by co-overproduction of α-tubulin. Both full-length Alp11B and the C-terminal third containing the CLIP-170 domain localize in the cytoplasm, and this domain is required for efficient binding to α-tubulin. Deletion of alp11 is suppressed by multicopy plasmids containing either alp21+ or alp1+, whereas alp21 deletion is rescued by overexpression of alp1+ but not alp11+. Finally, the alp1 mutant is not complemented by either alp11+ or alp21+. The results suggest that cofactors operate in a linear pathway (Alp11B-Alp21E-Alp1D), each with distinct roles.


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Escherichia coli muk mutants are temperature-sensitive and produce anucleate cells. A spontaneously occurring mutation was found in a ΔmukB∷kan mutant strain that suppressed the temperature-sensitive phenotype and mapped in or near topA, the gene that encodes topoisomerase I. Previously characterized topA mutations, topA10 and topA66, were found to be general suppressors of muk mutants: they suppressed temperature sensitivity and anucleate cell production of cells containing null or point mutations in mukB and null mutations in mukE or mukF. The suppression correlated with excess negative supercoiling by DNA gyrase, and the gyrase inhibitor, coumermycin, reversed it. Defects in topA allow 99% of cell division events in muk null mutants to proceed without chromosome loss or loss of cell viability. This observation imposes important limitations on models for Muk activity and is consistent with a role for MukBEF in chromosome folding and DNA condensation.


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Flavin-containing monooxygenase from yeast (yFMO) carries out the O2- and NADPH-dependent oxidation of biological thiols, including oxidizing glutathione to glutathione disulfide. FMO provides a large fraction of the oxidizing necessary for proper folding of disulfide bond-containing proteins; deletion of the enzyme reduces proper folding of endogenous carboxypeptidase Y by about 40%. The enzyme is not essential to cell viability because other enzymes can generate a significant fraction of the oxidizing equivalents required by the cell. However, yFMO is vital to the yeast response to reductive stress. FMO1 deletion mutants grow poorly under reductive stress, and carboxypeptidase Y activity is less than 10% of that in a stressed wild type. The FMO1 gene appears to be under control of an unfolded protein response element and is inducible by factors, such as reductive stress, that elicit the unfolded protein response. Reductive stress can increase yFMO activity at least 6-fold. This increased activity allows the cell to process endogenous disulfide bond-containing proteins and also to allow correct folding of disulfide-bonded proteins expressed from multicopy plasmids. The unfolded protein response is mediated by the Hac1p transcription factor that mediates virtually all of the induction of yFMO triggered by exogenous reducing agents.


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Wilson disease is an autosomal recessive disorder of hepatic copper metabolism caused by mutations in a gene encoding a copper-transporting P-type ATPase. To elucidate the function of the Wilson protein, wild-type and mutant Wilson cDNAs were expressed in a Menkes copper transporter-deficient mottled fibroblast cell line defective in copper export. Expression of the wild-type cDNA demonstrated trans-Golgi network localization and copper-dependent trafficking of the Wilson protein identical to previous observations for the endogenously expressed protein in hepatocytes. Furthermore, expression of the Wilson cDNA rescued the mottled phenotype as evidenced by a reduction in copper accumulation and restoration of cell viability. In contrast, expression of an H1069Q mutant Wilson cDNA did not rescue the mottled phenotype, and immunofluorescence studies showed that this mutant Wilson protein was localized in the endoplasmic reticulum. Consistent with these findings, pulse–chase analysis demonstrated a 5-fold decrease in the half-life of the H1069Q mutant as compared with the wild-type protein. Maintenance of these transfected cell lines at 28°C resulted in localization of the H1069Q protein in the trans-Golgi network, suggesting that a temperature-sensitive defect in protein folding followed by degradation constitutes the molecular basis of Wilson disease in patients harboring the H1069Q mutation. Taken together, these studies describe a tractable expression system for elucidating the function and localization of the copper-transporting ATPases in mammalian cells and provide compelling evidence that the Wilson protein can functionally substitute for the Menkes protein, supporting the concept that these proteins use common biochemical mechanisms to effect cellular copper homeostasis.


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The Schizosaccharomyces pombe dhp1+ gene is an ortholog of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae RAT1 gene, which encodes a nuclear 5′→3′ exoribonuclease, and is essential for cell viability. To clarify the cellular functions of the nuclear 5′→3′ exoribonuclease, we isolated and characterized a temperature-sensitive mutant of dhp1 (dhp1-1 mutant). The dhp1-1 mutant showed nuclear accumulation of poly(A)+ RNA at the restrictive temperature, as was already reported for the rat1 mutant. Interestingly, the dhp1-1 mutant exhibited aberrant chromosome segregation at the restrictive temperature. The dhp1-1 cells frequently contained condensed chromosomes, most of whose sister chromatids failed to separate during mitosis despite normal mitotic spindle elongation. Finally, chromosomes were displaced or unequally segregated. As similar mitotic defects were also observed in Dhp1p-depleted cells, we concluded that dhp1+ is required for proper chromosome segregation as well as for poly(A)+ RNA metabolism in fission yeast. Furthermore, we isolated a multicopy suppressor of the dhp1-1 mutant, referred to as din1+. We found that the gene product of dhp1-1 was unstable at high temperatures, but that reduced levels of Dhp1-1p could be suppressed by overexpressing Din1p at the restrictive temperature. Thus, Din1p may physically interact with Dhp1p and stabilize Dhp1p and/or restore its activity.


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To investigate the cell cycle checkpoint response to aberrant S phase-initiation, we analyzed mutations of the two DNA primase subunit genes of Schizosaccharomyces pombe, spp1+ and spp2+ (S. pombe primase 1 and 2). spp1+ encodes the catalytic subunit that synthesizes the RNA primer, which is then utilized by Polα to synthesize the initiation DNA. Here, we reported the isolation of the fission yeast spp1+ gene and cDNA and the characterization of Spp1 protein and its cellular localization during the cell cycle. Spp1 is essential for cell viability, and thermosensitive mutants of spp1+ exhibit an allele-specific abnormal mitotic phenotype. Mutations of spp1+ reduce the steady-state cellular levels of Spp1 protein and compromised the formation of Polα–primase complex. The spp1 mutant displaying an aberrant mitotic phenotype also fails to properly activate the Chk1 checkpoint kinase, but not the Cds1 checkpoint kinase. Mutational analysis of Polα has previously shown that activation of the replication checkpoint requires the initiation of DNA synthesis by Polα. Together, these have led us to propose that suboptimal cellular levels of polα–primase complex due to the allele-specific mutations of Spp1 might not allow Polα to synthesize initiation DNA efficiently, resulting in failure to activate a checkpoint response. Thus, a functional Spp1 is required for the Chk1-mediated, but not the Cds1-mediated, checkpoint response after an aberrant initiation of DNA synthesis.


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The Schizosaccharomyces pombe spo20-KC104 mutation was originally isolated in a screen for sporulation-deficient mutants, and the spo20-KC104 mutant exhibits temperature-sensitive growth. Herein, we report that S. pombe, spo20+ is essential for fission yeast cell viability and is constitutively expressed throughout the life cycle. We also demonstrate that the spo20+ gene product is structurally homologous to Saccharomyces cerevisiae Sec14, the major phosphatidylinositol transfer protein of budding yeast. This structural homology translates to a significant degree of functional relatedness because reciprocal complementation experiments demonstrate that each protein is able to fulfill the essential function of the other. Moreover, biochemical experiments show that, like Sec14, Spo20 is a phosphatidylinositol/phosphatidylcholine-transfer protein. That Spo20 is required for Golgi secretory function in vegetative cells is indicated by our demonstration that the spo20-KC104 mutant accumulates aberrant Golgi cisternae at restrictive temperatures. However, a second phenotype observed in Spo20-deficient fission yeast is arrest of cell division before completion of cell separation. Consistent with a direct role for Spo20 in controlling cell septation in vegetatively growing cells, localization experiments reveal that Spo20 preferentially localizes to the cell poles and to sites of septation of fission yeast cells. We also report that, when fission yeasts are challenged with nitrogen starvation, Spo20 translocates to the nucleus. This nuclear localization persists during conjugation and meiosis. On completion of meiosis, Spo20 translocates to forespore membranes, and it is the assembly of forespore membranes that is abnormal in spo20-KC104 cells. In such mutants, a considerable fraction of forming prespores fail to encapsulate the haploid nucleus. Our results indicate that Spo20 regulates the formation of specialized membrane structures in addition to its recognized role in regulating Golgi secretory function.


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Yeast phosphatidylinositol-transfer protein (Sec14p) is essential for Golgi secretory function and cell viability. This requirement of Sec14p is relieved by genetic inactivation of the cytidine diphosphate-choline pathway for phosphatidycholine (PtdCho) biosynthesis. Standard phenotypic analyses indicate that inactivation of the phosphatidylethanolamine (PtdEtn) pathway for PtdCho biosynthesis, however, does not rescue the growth and secretory defects associated with Sec14p deficiency. We now report inhibition of choline uptake from the media reveals an efficient “bypass Sec14p” phenotype associated with PtdEtn-methylation pathway defects. We further show that the bypass Sec14p phenotype associated with PtdEtn-methylation pathway defects resembles other bypass Sec14p mutations in its dependence on phospholipase D activity. Finally, we find that increased dosage of enzymes that catalyze phospholipase D-independent turnover of PtdCho, via mechanisms that do not result in a direct production of phosphatidic acid or diacylglycerol, effect a partial rescue of sec14-1ts-associated growth defects. Taken together, these data support the idea that PtdCho is intrinsically toxic to yeast Golgi secretory function.


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The posttranslational modification of eukaryotic intracellular proteins by O-linked N-acetylglucosamine (O-GlcNAc) monosaccharides is essential for cell viability, yet its precise functional roles are largely unknown. O-GlcNAc transferase utilizes UDP-GlcNAc, the end product of hexosamine biosynthesis, to catalyze this modification. The availability of UDP-GlcNAc correlates with glycosylation levels of intracellular proteins as well as with transcriptional levels of some genes. Meanwhile, transcription factors and RNA polymerase II can be modified by O-GlcNAc. A linkage between transcription factor O-GlcNAcylation and transcriptional regulation therefore has been postulated. Here, we show that O-GlcNAcylation of a chimeric transcriptional activator containing the second activation domain of Sp1 decreases its transcriptional activity both in an in vitro transcription system and in living cells, which is in concert with our observation that O-GlcNAcylation of Sp1 activation domain blocks its in vitro and in vivo interactions with other Sp1 molecules and TATA-binding protein-associated factor II 110. Furthermore, overexpression of O-GlcNAc transferase specifically inhibits transcriptional activation by native Sp1 in cells. Thus, our studies provide direct evidence that O-GlcNAcylation of transcription factors is involved in transcriptional regulation.


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The mouse Rad51 gene is a mammalian homologue of the Escherichia coli recA and yeast RAD51 genes, both of which are involved in homologous recombination and DNA repair. To elucidate the physiological role of RAD51 protein, the gene was targeted in embryonic stem (ES) cells. Mice heterozygous for the Rad51 null mutation were intercrossed and their offspring were genotyped. There were no homozygous (Rad51-/-) pups among 148 neonates examined but a few Rad51-/- embryos were identified when examined during the early stages of embryonic development. Doubly knocked-out ES cells were not detected under conditions of selective growth. These results are interpreted to mean that RAD51 protein plays an essential role in the proliferation of cell. The homozygous Rad51 null mutation can be categorized in cell-autonomous defects. Pre-implantational lethal mutations that disrupt basic molecular functions will thus interfere with cell viability.


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Hematopoiesis gives rise to blood cells of different lineages throughout normal life. Abnormalities in this developmental program lead to blood cell diseases including leukemia. The establishment of a cell culture system for the clonal development of hematopoietic cells made it possible to discover proteins that regulate cell viability, multiplication and differentiation of different hematopoietic cell lineages, and the molecular basis of normal and abnormal blood cell development. These regulators include cytokines now called colony-stimulating factors (CSFs) and interleukins (ILs). There is a network of cytokine interactions, which has positive regulators such as CSFs and ILs and negative regulators such as transforming growth factor beta and tumor necrosis factor (TNF). This multigene cytokine network provides flexibility depending on which part of the network is activated and allows amplification of response to a particular stimulus. Malignancy can be suppressed in certain types of leukemic cells by inducing differentiation with cytokines that regulate normal hematopoiesis or with other compounds that use alternative differentiation pathways. This created the basis for the clinical use of differentiation therapy. The suppression of malignancy by inducing differentiation can bypass genetic abnormalities that give rise to malignancy. Different CSFs and ILs suppress programmed cell death (apoptosis) and induce cell multiplication and differentiation, and these processes of development are separately regulated. The same cytokines suppress apoptosis in normal and leukemic cells, including apoptosis induced by irradiation and cytotoxic cancer chemotherapeutic compounds. An excess of cytokines can increase leukemic cell resistance to cytotoxic therapy. The tumor suppressor gene wild-type p53 induces apoptosis that can also be suppressed by cytokines. The oncogene mutant p53 suppresses apoptosis. Hematopoietic cytokines such as granulocyte CSF are now used clinically to correct defects in hematopoiesis, including repair of chemotherapy-associated suppression of normal hematopoiesis in cancer patients, stimulation of normal granulocyte development in patients with infantile congenital agranulocytosis, and increase of hematopoietic precursors for blood cell transplantation. Treatments that decrease the level of apoptosis-suppressing cytokines and downregulate expression of mutant p53 and other apoptosis suppressing genes in cancer cells could improve cytotoxic cancer therapy. The basic studies on hematopoiesis and leukemia have thus provided new approaches to therapy.


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Growing evidence indicates that cells of the mononuclear phagocyte lineage, which includes peripheral blood monocytes (PBM) and tissue macrophages, participate in a variety of neurodestructive events and may play a pivotal role in neurodegenerative conditions such as Alzheimer disease. The present study sought to determine whether exposure of PBM to beta-amyloid peptide (A beta), the major protein of the amyloid fibrils that accumulate in the brain in Alzheimer disease, could induce cytopathic activity in these cells upon their subsequent incubation with neural tissue. PBM were incubated with A beta for 3 days, centrifuged and washed to remove traces of cell-free A beta, and then applied to organotypic cultures of rat brain for varying periods of time. By using a cell-viability assay to quantitate neurocytopathic effect, an increase in the ratio of dead to live cells was detected in cultures containing A beta-stimulated PBM versus control PBM (stimulated with either bovine serum albumin or reverse A beta peptide) as early as 3 days after coculture. The ratio of dead to live cells increased further by 10 days of coculture. By 30 days of coculture, the dead to live cell ratio remained elevated, and the intensity of neurocytopathic effect was such that large areas of brain mass dissociated from the cultures. These results indicate that stimulation of PBM with A beta significantly heightens their neurocytopathic activity and highlight the possibility that inflammatory reactions in the brain play a role in the neurodegeneration that accompanies Alzheimer disease.


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We have shown elsewhere that acidification is an early event in apoptosis, preceding DNA cleavage. Cells expressing the most common mutation (delF508) of the cystic fibrosis transmembrane regulator (CFTR) exhibit a higher resting intracellular pH and are unable to secrete chloride and bicarbonate in response to cAMP. We hypothesized that defective acidification in cells expressing delF508 CFTR would interfere with the acidification that accompanies apoptosis, which in turn, would prevent endonuclease activation and cleavage of DNA. We therefore determined whether the function of the CFTR would affect the process of apoptosis in mouse mammary epithelial C127 cells stably transfected with the wild-type CFTR (C127/wt) or the delF508 mutation of the CFTR (C127/508). C127 cells possessed an acid endonuclease capable of DNA degradation at low pH. Sixteen hours after treatment with cycloheximide, C127/wt cells underwent cytoplasmic acidification. In contrast, C127/508 cells failed to demonstrate acidification. Furthermore, the C127/508 cells did not show nuclear condensation or DNA fragmentation detected by in situ nick-end labeling after treatment with cycloheximide or etoposide, in contrast to the characteristic features of apoptosis demonstrated by the C127/wt cells. Measurement of cell viability indicated a preservation of cell viability in C127/508 cells but not in C127/wt cells. That this resistance to the induction of apoptosis depended upon the loss of CFTR activity is shown by the finding that inhibition of the CFTR with diphenylamine carboxylate in C127/wt cells conferred similar protection. These findings suggest a role for the CFTR in acidification during the initiation of apoptosis in epithelial cells and imply that a failure to undergo programmed cell death could contribute to the pathogenesis of cystic fibrosis.


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Many cancers overexpress a member of the bcl-2 family of inhibitors of apoptosis. To determine the role of these proteins in maintaining cancer cell viability, an adenovirus vector that expresses bcl-xs, a functional inhibitor of these proteins, was constructed. Even in the absence of an exogenous apoptotic signal such as x-irradiation, this virus specifically and efficiently kills carcinoma cells arising from multiple organs including breast, colon, stomach, and neuroblasts. In contrast, normal hematopoietic progenitor cells and primitive cells capable of repopulating severe combined immunodeficient mice were refractory to killing by the bcl-xs adenovirus. These results suggest that Bcl-2 family members are required for survival of cancer cells derived from solid tissues. The bcl-xs adenovirus vector may prove useful in killing cancer cells contaminating the bone marrow of patients undergoing autologous bone marrow transplantation.