26 resultados para axonal regeneration


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A decade ago it was discovered that mature birds are able to regenerate hair cells, the receptors for auditory perception. This surprising finding generated hope in the field of auditory neuroscience that new hair cells someday may be coaxed to form in another class of warm-blooded vertebrates, mammals. We have made considerable progress toward understanding some cellular and molecular events that lead to hair cell regeneration in birds. This review discusses our current understanding of avian hair cell regeneration, with some comparisons to other vertebrate classes and other regenerative systems.


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The liver responds to multiple types of injury with an extraordinarily well orchestrated and tightly regulated form of regeneration. The response to partial hepatectomy has been used as a model system to elucidate the molecular basis of this regenerative response. In this study, we used cyclooxygenase (COX)-selective antagonists and -null mice to determine the role of prostaglandin signaling in the response of liver to partial hepatectomy. The results show that liver regeneration is markedly impaired when both COX-1 and COX-2 are inhibited by indocin or by a combination of the COX-1 selective antagonist, SC-560, and the COX-2 selective antagonist, SC-236. Inhibition of COX-2 alone partially inhibits regeneration whereas inhibition of COX-1 alone tends to delay regeneration. Neither the rise in IL-6 nor the activation of signal transducer and activator of transcription-3 (STAT3) that is seen during liver regeneration is inhibited by indocin or the selective COX antagonists. In contrast, indocin treatment prevents the activation of CREB by phosphorylation that occurs during hepatic regeneration. These data indicate that prostaglandin signaling is required during liver regeneration, that COX-2 plays a particularly important role but COX-1 is also involved, and implicate the activation of CREB rather than STAT3 as the mediator of prostaglandin signaling during liver regeneration.


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Neuronal function is dependent on the transport of materials from the cell body to the synapse via anterograde axonal transport. Anterograde axonal transport consists of several components that differ in both rate and protein composition. In fast transport, membranous organelles are moved along microtubules by the motor protein kinesin. The cytoskeleton and the cytomatrix proteins move in the two components of slow transport. While the mechanisms underlying slow transport are unknown, it has been hypothesized that the movement of microtubules in slow transport is generated by sliding. To determine whether dynein, a motor protein that causes microtubule sliding in flagella, may play a role in slow axonal transport, we identified the transport rate components with which cytoplasmic dynein is associated in rat optic nerve. Nearly 80% of the anterogradely moving dynein was associated with slow transport, whereas only approximately 15% of the dynein was associated with the membranous organelles of anterograde fast axonal transport. A segmental analysis of the transport of dynein through contiguous regions of the optic nerve and tract showed that dynein is associated with the microfilaments and other proteins of slow component b. Dynein from this transport component has the capacity to bind microtubules in vitro. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that cytoplasmic dynein generates the movement of microtubules in slow axonal transport. A model is presented to illustrate how dynein attached to the slow component b complex of proteins is appropriately positioned to generate force of the correct polarity to slide microtubules down the axon.


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Neurite outgrowth across spinal cord lesions in vitro is rapid in preparations isolated from the neonatal opossum Monodelphis domestica up to the age of 12 days. At this age oligodendrocytes, myelin, and astrocytes develop and regeneration ceases to occur. The role of myelin-associated neurite growth-inhibitory proteins, which increase in concentration at 10-13 days, was investigated in culture by applying the antibody IN-1, which blocks their effects. In the presence of IN-1, 22 out of 39 preparations from animals aged 13-17 days showed clear outgrowth of processes into crushes. When 34 preparations from 13-day-old animals were crushed and cultured without antibody, no axons grew into the lesion. The success rate with IN-1 was comparable to that seen in younger animals but the outgrowth was less profuse. IN-1 was shown by immunocytochemistry to penetrate the spinal cord. Other antibodies which penetrated the 13-day cord failed to promote fiber outgrowth. To distinguish between regeneration by cut neurites and outgrowth by developing uncut neurites, fibers in the ventral fasciculus were prelabeled with carbocyanine dyes and subsequently injured. The presence of labeled fibers in the lesion indicated that IN-1 promoted regeneration. These results show that the development of myelin-associated growth-inhibitory proteins contributes to the loss of regeneration as the mammalian central nervous system matures. The definition of a critical period for regeneration, coupled with the ability to apply trophic as well as inhibitory molecules to the culture, can permit quantitative assessment of molecular interactions that promote spinal cord regeneration.


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Synapsin I, the most abundant of all neuronal phosphoproteins, is enriched in synaptic vesicles. It has been hypothesized to regulate synaptogenesis and neurotransmitter release from adult nerve terminals. The evidence for such roles has been highly suggestive but not compelling. To evaluate the possible involvement of synapsin I in synaptogenesis and in the function of adult synapses, we have generated synapsin I-deficient mice by homologous recombination. We report herein that outgrowth of predendritic neurites and of axons was severely retarded in the hippocampal neurons of embryonic synapsin I mutant mice. Furthermore, synapse formation was significantly delayed in these mutant neurons. These results indicate that synapsin I plays a role in regulation of axonogenesis and synaptogenesis.


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Using data derived from peptide sequencing of p68/70, a protein doublet induced during optic nerve regeneration in goldfish, we have isolated cDNAs that encode RICH (regeneration-induced CNPase homolog) from a goldfish regenerating retina cDNA library. The predicted RICH protein comprises 411 amino acids, possesses a pI of 4.48, and shows significant homology to the mammalian myelin marker enzyme 2',3'-cyclic-nucleotide 3'-phosphodiesterase (CNPase; EC The mRNA encoding RICH was demonstrated, by both Northern blot analysis and RNase protection assays, to be induced as much as 8-fold in regenerating goldfish retinas at 20 days after nerve crush. Analysis of total RNA samples from various tissues showed a broad distribution of RICH mRNA, with the highest levels observed in gravid ovary. The data obtained strongly suggest that RICH is identical or very similar to p68/70. The molecular cloning of RICH provides the means for a more detailed analysis of its function in nerve regeneration. Additionally, the homology of RICH and CNPase suggests that further investigation may provide additional insight into the role of these proteins in the nervous system.


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The recently cloned, distant member of the transforming growth factor beta (TGF-beta) family, glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF), has potent trophic actions on fetal mesencephalic dopamine neurons. GDNF also has protective and restorative activity on adult mesencephalic dopaminergic neurons and potently protects motoneurons from axotomy-induced cell death. However, evidence for a role for endogenous GDNF as a target-derived trophic factor in adult midbrain dopaminergic circuits requires documentation of specific transport from the sites of synthesis in the target areas to the nerve cell bodies themselves. Here, we demonstrate that GDNF is retrogradely transported by mesencephalic dopamine neurons of the nigrostriatal pathway. The pattern of retrograde transport following intrastriatal injections indicates that there may be subpopulations of neurons that are GDNF responsive. Retrograde axonal transport of biologically active 125I-labeled GDNF was inhibited by an excess of unlabeled GDNF but not by an excess of cytochrome c. Specificity was further documented by demonstrating that another TGF-beta family member, TGF-beta 1, did not appear to affect retrograde transport. Retrograde transport was also demonstrated by immunohistochemistry by using intrastriatal injections of unlabeled GDNF. GDNF immunoreactivity was found specifically in dopamine nerve cell bodies of the substantia nigra pars compacta distributed in granules in the soma and proximal dendrites. Our data implicate a specific receptor-mediated uptake mechanism operating in the adult. Taken together, the present findings suggest that GDNF acts endogenously as a target-derived physiological survival/maintenance factor for dopaminergic neurons.


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Cell differentiation, tissue formation, and organogenesis are fundamental patterns during the development of multicellular animals from the dividing cells of fertilized eggs. Hence, the complete morphogenesis of any developing organism of the animal kingdom is based on a complex series of interactions that is always associated with the development of a blastula, a one-layered hollow sphere. Here we document an alternative pathway of differentiation, organogenesis, and morphogenesis occurring in an adult protochordate colonial organism. In this system, any minute fragment of peripheral blood vessel containing a limited number of blood cells isolated from Botrylloides, a colonial sea squirt, has the potential to give rise to a fully functional organism possessing all three embryonic layers. Regeneration probably results from a small number of totipotent stem cells circulating in the blood system. The developmental process starts from disorganized, chaotic masses of blood cells. At first an opaque cell mass is formed. Through intensive cell divisions, a hollow, blastula-like structure results, which may produce a whole organism within a short period of a week. This regenerative power of the protochordates may be compared with some of the characteristics associated with the formation of mammalian embryonal carcinomous bodies. It may also serve as an in vivo model system for studying morphogenesis and differentiation by shedding more light on the controversy of the "stem cell" vs. the "dedifferentiation" theories of regeneration and pattern formation.


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Retrovirus-mediated gene transfer into hepatocytes in vivo results in long-term gene expression. Limitations include the need to remove two-thirds of the liver and the relatively low frequency of gene transfer. To increase gene transfer without surgical hepatectomy, mouse hepatocytes were transduced in vivo with a recombinant adenovirus that transiently expressed urokinase, resulting in high rates of asynchronous liver regeneration. During the regenerative phase, in vivo retroviral-mediated gene transfer in hepatocytes resulted in 5- to 10-fold greater transduction efficiencies than that obtained by conventional partial hepatectomy. In 3-4 weeks, the architecture and microscopic structure of the recipient livers were normal. The two-viral system of achieving permanent transgene expression from hepatocytes in vivo offers an alternative approach to current ex vivo and in vivo gene-transfer models.


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Regeneration of eye tissues, such as lens, seen in some urodeles involves dedifferentiation of the dorsal pigmented epithelium and subsequent differentiation to lens cells. Such spatial regulation implies possible action of genes known to be specific for particular cell lineages and/or axis. Hox genes have been the best examples of genes for such actions. We have, therefore, investigated the possibility that such genes are expressed during lens regeneration in the newt. The pax-6 gene (a gene that contains a homeobox and a paired box) has been implicated in the development of the eye and lens determination in various species ranging from Drosophila to human and, because of these properties, could be instrumental in the regeneration of the urodele eye tissues as well. We present data showing that pax-6 transcripts are present in the developing and the regenerating eye tissues. Furthermore, expression in eye tissues, such as in retina, declines when a urodele not capable of lens regeneration (axolotl) surpasses the embryonic stages. Such a decline is not seen in adult newts capable of lens regeneration. This might indicate a vital role of pax-6 in newt lens regeneration.