122 resultados para ZINC-FINGER PROTEIN


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The genome expression of positive-stranded RNA viruses starts with translation rather than transcription. For some viruses, the genome is the only viral mRNA and expression is regulated primarily at the translational level and by limited proteolysis of polyproteins. Other virus groups also generate subgenomic mRNAs later in the reproductive cycle. For nidoviruses, subgenomic mRNA synthesis (transcription) is discontinuous and yields a 5′ and 3′ coterminal nested set of mRNAs. Nidovirus transcription is not essential for genome replication, which relies on the autoprocessing products of two replicase polyproteins that are translated from the genome. We now show that the N-terminal replicase subunit, nonstructural protein 1 (nsp1), of the nidovirus equine arteritis virus is in fact dispensable for replication but crucial for transcription, thereby coupling replicase expression and subgenomic mRNA synthesis in an unprecedented manner. Nsp1 is composed of two papain-like protease domains and a predicted N-terminal zinc finger, which was implicated in transcription by site-directed mutagenesis. The structural integrity of nsp1 is essential, suggesting that the protease domains form a platform for the zinc finger to operate in transcription.


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To identify changes in gene expression that occur in chicken embryo brain (CEB) cells as a consequence of their binding to the extracellular matrix molecule cytotactin/tenascin (CT/TN), a subtractive hybridization cloning strategy was employed. One of the cDNA clones identified was predicted to encode 381 amino acids and although it did not resemble any known sequences in the nucleic acid or protein data bases, it did contain the sequence motif for the cysteine-rich C3HC4 type of zinc finger, also known as a RING-finger. This sequence was therefore designated the chicken-RING zinc finger (C-RZF). In addition to the RING-finger, the C-RZF sequence also contained motifs for a leucine zipper, a nuclear localization signal, and a stretch of acidic amino acids similar to the activation domains of some transcription factors. Southern analysis suggested that C-RZF is encoded by a single gene. Northern and in situ hybridization analyses of E8 chicken embryo tissues indicated that expression of the C-RZF gene was restricted primarily to brain and heart. Western analysis of the nuclear and cytoplasmic fractions of chicken embryo heart cells and immunofluorescent staining of chicken embryo cardiocytes with anti-C-RZF antibodies demonstrated that the C-RZF protein was present in the nucleus. The data suggest that we have identified another member of the RING-finger family of proteins whose expression in CEB cells may be affected by CT/TN and whose nuclear localization and sequence motifs predict a DNA-binding function in the nucleus.


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The glass gene is required for proper photo-receptor differentiation during development of the Drosophila eye glass codes for a DNA-binding protein containing five zinc fingers that we show is a transcriptional activator. A comparison of the sequences of the glass genes from two species of Drosophila and a detailed functional domain analysis of the Drosophila melanogaster glass gene reveal that both the DNA-binding domain and the transcriptional-activation domain are highly conserved between the two species. Analysis of the DNA-binding domain of glass indicates that the three carboxyl-terminal zinc fingers alone are necessary and sufficient for DNA binding. We also show that a deletion mutant of glass containing only the DNA-binding domain can behave in a dominant-negative manner both in vivo and in a cell culture assay that measures transcriptional activation.


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Zinc finger domains are structures that mediate sequence recognition for a large number of DNA-binding proteins. These domains consist of sequences of amino acids containing cysteine and histidine residues tetrahedrally coordinated to a zinc ion. In this report, we present a means to selectively inhibit a zinc finger transcription factor with cobalt(III) Schiff-base complexes. 1H NMR spectroscopy confirmed that the structure of a zinc finger peptide is disrupted by axial ligation of the cobalt(III) complex to the nitrogen of the imidazole ring of a histidine residue. Fluorescence studies reveal that the zinc ion is displaced from the model zinc finger peptide in the presence of the cobalt complex. In addition, gel-shift and filter-binding assays reveal that cobalt complexes inhibit binding of a complete zinc finger protein, human transcription factor Sp1, to its consensus sequence. Finally, a DNA-coupled conjugate of the cobalt complexes selectively inhibited Sp1 in the presence of several other transcription factors.


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We have used two monovalent phage display libraries containing variants of the Zif268 DNA-binding domain to obtain families of zinc fingers that bind to alterations in the last 4 bp of the DNA sequence of the Zif268 consensus operator, GCG TGGGCG. Affinity selection was performed by altering the Zif268 operator three base pairs at a time, and simultaneously selecting for sets of 16 related DNA sequences. In this way, only four experiments were required to select for all possible 64 combinations of DNA triplet sequences. The results show that (i) for high-affinity DNA binding in the range observed for the Zif268 wild-type complex (Kd = 0.5–5 nM), finger 1 specifically requires the arginine at the carboxy terminus of its recognition helix that forms a bidentate hydrogen-bond with the guanine base (G) in the crystal structure of Zif268 complexed to its DNA operator sequence GCG TGG GCG; (ii) when the guanine base (G) is replaced by A, C, or T, a lower-affinity family (Kd ⩾ 50 nM) can be detected that shows an overall tendency to bind G-rich DNA; (iii) the residues at position 2 on the finger 2 recognition helix do not appear to interact strongly with the complementary 5′ base in the finger 1 binding site; and (iv) unexpected substitutions at the amino terminus of finger 1 can occasionally result in specificity for the 3′ base in the finger 1 binding site. A DNA recognition directory was constructed for high-affinity zinc fingers that recognize all three bases in a DNA triplet for seven sequences of the type GNN. Similar approaches may be applied to other zinc fingers to broaden the scope of the directory.


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We have developed a strategy for the identification of peptides able to functionally replace a zinc finger domain in a transcription factor. This strategy could have important ramifications for basic research on gene regulation and for the development of therapeutic agents. In this study in yeast, we expressed chimeric proteins that included a random peptide combinatorial library in association with two zinc finger domains and a transactivating domain. The library was screened for chimeric proteins capable of activating transcription from a target sequence in the upstream regulatory regions of selectable or reporter genes. In a screen of approximately 1.5 × 107 transformants we identified 30 chimeric proteins that exhibited transcriptional activation, some of which were able to discriminate between wild-type and mutant DNA targets. Chimeric library proteins expressed as glutathione S-transferase fusions bound to double-stranded oligonucleotides containing the target sequence, suggesting that the chimeras bind directly to DNA. Surprisingly, none of the peptides identified resembled a zinc finger or other well-known transcription factor DNA binding domain.


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A 14 nt DNA sequence 5′-AGAATGTGGCAAAG-3′ from the zinc finger repeat of the human KRAB zinc finger protein gene ZNF91 bearing the intercalator 2-methoxy,6-chloro,9-amino acridine (Acr) attached to the sugar–phosphate backbone in various positions has been shown to form a specific triple helix (triplex) with a 16 bp hairpin (intramolecular) or a two-stranded (intermolecular) duplex having the identical sequence in the same (parallel) orientation. Intramolecular targets with the identical sequence in the antiparallel orientation and a non-specific target sequence were tested as controls. Apparent binding constants for formation of the triplex were determined by quantitating electrophoretic band shifts. Binding of the single-stranded oligonucleotide probe sequence to the target led to an increase in the fluorescence anisotropy of acridine. The parallel orientation of the two identical sequence segments was confirmed by measurement of fluorescence resonance energy transfer between the acridine on the 5′-end of the probe strand as donor and BODIPY-Texas Red on the 3′-amino group of either strand of the target duplex as acceptor. There was full protection from OsO4-bipyridine modification of thymines in the probe strand of the triplex, in accordance with the presumed triplex formation, which excluded displacement of the homologous duplex strand by the probe–intercalator conjugate. The implications of these results for the existence of protein-independent parallel triplexes are discussed.


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Dopamine receptor genes are under complex transcription control, determining their unique regional distribution in the brain. We describe here a zinc finger type transcription factor, designated dopamine receptor regulating factor (DRRF), which binds to GC and GT boxes in the D1A and D2 dopamine receptor promoters and effectively displaces Sp1 and Sp3 from these sequences. Consequently, DRRF can modulate the activity of these dopamine receptor promoters. Highest DRRF mRNA levels are found in brain with a specific regional distribution including olfactory bulb and tubercle, nucleus accumbens, striatum, hippocampus, amygdala, and frontal cortex. Many of these brain regions also express abundant levels of various dopamine receptors. In vivo, DRRF itself can be regulated by manipulations of dopaminergic transmission. Mice treated with drugs that increase extracellular striatal dopamine levels (cocaine), block dopamine receptors (haloperidol), or destroy dopamine terminals (1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine) show significant alterations in DRRF mRNA. The latter observations provide a basis for dopamine receptor regulation after these manipulations. We conclude that DRRF is important for modulating dopaminergic transmission in the brain.


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The yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae has two separate systems for zinc uptake. One system has high affinity for substrate and is induced in zinc-deficient cells. The second system has lower affinity and is not highly regulated by zinc status. The ZRT1 gene encodes the transporter for the high-affinity system, called Zrt1p. The predicted amino acid sequence of Zrt1p is similar to that of Irt1p, a probable Fe(II) transporter from Arabidopsis thaliana. Like Irt1p, Zrt1p contains eight potential transmembrane domains and a possible metal-binding domain. Consistent with the proposed role of ZRT1 in zinc uptake, overexpressing this gene increased high-affinity uptake activity, whereas disrupting it eliminated that activity and resulted in poor growth of the mutant in zinc-limited media. Furthermore, ZRT1 mRNA levels and uptake activity were closely correlated, as was zinc-limited induction of a ZRT1-lacZ fusion. These results suggest that ZRT1 is regulated at the transcriptional level by the intracellular concentration of zinc. ZRT1 is an additional member of a growing family of metal transport proteins.


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A long-term goal in the field of restriction-modification enzymes has been to generate restriction endonucleases with novel sequence specificities by mutating or engineering existing enzymes. This will avoid the increasingly arduous task of extensive screening of bacteria and other microorganisms for new enzymes. Here, we report the deliberate creation of novel site-specific endonucleases by linking two different zinc finger proteins to the cleavage domain of Fok I endonuclease. Both fusion proteins are active and under optimal conditions cleave DNA in a sequence-specific manner. Thus, the modular structure of Fok I endonuclease and the zinc finger motifs makes it possible to create "artificial" nucleases that will cut DNA near a predetermined site. This opens the way to generate many new enzymes with tailor-made sequence specificities desirable for various applications.


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WT1 encodes a zinc-finger protein, expressed as distinct isoforms, that is inactivated in a subset of Wilms tumors. Both constitutional and somatic mutations disrupting the DNA-binding domain of WT1 result in a potentially dominant-negative phenotype. In generating inducible cell lines expressing wild-type isoforms of WT1 and WT1 mutants, we observed dramatic differences in the subnuclear localization of the induced proteins. The WT1 isoform that binds with high affinity to a defined DNA target, WT1(-KTS), was diffusely localized throughout the nucleus. In contrast, expression of an alternative splicing variant with reduced DNA binding affinity, WT1 (+KTS), or WT1 mutants with a disrupted zinc-finger domain resulted in a speckled pattern of expression within the nucleus. Although similar in appearance, the localization of WT1 variants to subnuclear clusters was clearly distinct from that of the essential splicing factor SC35, suggesting that WT1 is not directly involved in pre-mRNA splicing. Localization to subnuclear clusters required the N terminus of WT1, and coexpression of a truncated WT1 mutant and wild-type WT1(-KTS) resulted in their physical association, the redistribution of WT1(-KTS) from a diffuse to a speckled pattern, and the inhibition of its transactivational activity. These observations suggest that different WT1 isoforms and WT1 mutants have distinct subnuclear compartments. Dominant-negative WT1 proteins physically associate with wild-type WT1 in vivo and may result in its sequestration within subnuclear structures.


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The SSN6-TUP1 protein complex represses transcription of diversely regulated genes in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Here we present evidence that MIG1, a zinc-finger protein in the EGR1/Zif268 family, recruits SSN6-TUP1 to glucose-repressed promoters. DNA-bound LexA-MIG1 represses transcription of a target gene in glucose-grown cells, and repression requires SSN6 and TUP1. We also show that MIG1 and SSN6 fusion proteins interact in the two-hybrid system. Unexpectedly, we found that LexA-MIG1 activates transcription strongly in an ssn6 mutant and weakly in a tup1 mutant. Finally, LexA-MIG1 does not repress transcription in glucose-deprived cells, and MIG1 is differentially phosphorylated in response to glucose availability. We suggest a role for phosphorylation in regulating repression.


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The Gfi-1 protooncogene encodes a nuclear zinc-finger protein that carries a novel repressor domain, SNAG, and functions as a position- and orientation-independent active transcriptional repressor. The Gfi-1 repressor allows interleukin 2 (IL-2)-dependent T cells to escape G1 arrest induced by IL-2 withdrawal in culture and collaborates with c-myc and pim-1 for the induction of retrovirus-induced lymphomas in animals. Here we show that overexpression of Gfi-1 also inhibits cell death induced by cultivation of IL-2-dependent T-cell lines in IL-2-deficient media. Similarly, induction of Gfi-1 in primary thymocytes from mice carrying a metal-inducible Gfi-1 transgene inhibits cell death induced by cultivation in vitro. The protein and mRNA levels of the proapoptotic regulator Bax are down-regulated by Gfi-1 in both immortalized T-cell lines and primary transgenic thymocytes. The repression is direct and depends on several Gfi-1-binding sites in the p53-inducible Bax promoter. In addition to Bax, Gfi-1 also represses Bak, another apoptosis-promoting member of the Bcl-2 gene family. Therefore, Gfi-1 may inhibit apoptosis by means of its repression of multiple proapoptotic regulators. The antiapoptotic properties of Gfi-1 provide a potential explanation for its strong collaboration with c-myc during oncogenesis.


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Mutation in human ZIC2, a zinc finger protein homologous to Drosophila odd-paired, causes holoprosencephaly (HPE), which is a common, severe malformation of the brain in humans. However, the pathogenesis is largely unknown. Here we show that reduced expression (knockdown) of mouse Zic2 causes neurulation delay, resulting in HPE and spina bifida. Differentiation of the most dorsal neural plate, which gives rise to both roof plate and neural crest cells, also was delayed as indicated by the expression lag of a roof plate marker, Wnt3a. In addition the development of neural crest derivatives such as dorsal root ganglion was impaired. These results suggest that the Zic2 expression level is crucial for the timing of neurulation. Because the Zic2 knockdown mouse is the first mutant with HPE and spina bifida to survive to the perinatal period, the mouse will promote analyses of not only the neurulation but also the pathogenesis of human HPE.