26 resultados para XYLEM


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Elongation rates of barley (Hordeum vulgare L. cv Hanna) leaves decreased with decreasing soil water content, whereas the pH of xylem sap increased from 5.9 to 6.9 over 6 d as the soil dried. The reduction in leaf-elongation rate (LER) was correlated with the increase in sap pH. Artificial sap buffered to different pH values was fed via the subcrown internode to derooted seedlings. Although leaves elongated at in planta rates when fed artificial sap at a well-watered pH of 6.0, LER declined with increasing sap pH. This effect persisted in the light and in the dark. pH had no effect on the relative water content or the bulk abscisic acid (ABA) concentration of the growing zone of these leaves. LERs of the ABA-deficient mutant Az34 were uniformly high over the pH range tested, whereas those of its isogenic wild-type cultivar Steptoe were reduced as the artificial sap pH was increased from 6.0 to 7.0. However, supplying a well-watered concentration of ABA (3 × 10−8 m) in the artificial xylem sap restored the pH response of the Az34 mutant. The results suggest that increased xylem sap pH acts as a drought signal to reduce LER via an ABA-dependent mechanism.


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We investigated Zn compartmentation in the root, Zn transport into the xylem, and Zn absorption into leaf cells in Thlaspi caerulescens, a Zn-hyperaccumulator species, and compared them with those of a related nonaccumulator species, Thlaspi arvense. 65Zn-compartmental analysis conducted with roots of the two species indicated that a significant fraction of symplasmic Zn was stored in the root vacuole of T. arvense, and presumably became unavailable for loading into the xylem and subsequent translocation to the shoot. In T. caerulescens, however, a smaller fraction of the absorbed Zn was stored in the root vacuole and was readily transported back into the cytoplasm. We conclude that in T. caerulescens, Zn absorbed by roots is readily available for loading into the xylem. This is supported by analysis of xylem exudate collected from detopped Thlaspi species seedlings. When seedlings of the two species were grown on either low (1 μm) or high (50 μm) Zn, xylem sap of T. caerulescens contained approximately 5-fold more Zn than that of T. arvense. This increase was not correlated with a stimulated production of any particular organic or amino acid. The capacity of Thlaspi species cells to absorb 65Zn was studied in leaf sections and leaf protoplasts. At low external Zn levels (10 and 100 μm), there was no difference in leaf Zn uptake between the two Thlaspi species. However, at 1 mm Zn2+, 2.2-fold more Zn accumulated in leaf sections of T. caerulescens. These findings indicate that altered tonoplast Zn transport in root cells and stimulated Zn uptake in leaf cells play a role in the dramatic Zn hyperaccumulation expressed in T. caerulescens.


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Lignin is an integral cell wall component of all vascular plants. Peroxidases are widely believed to catalyze the last enzymatic step in the biosynthesis of lignin, the dehydrogenation of the p-coumaryl alcohols. As the first stage in identifying lignin-specific peroxidase isoenzymes, the classical anionic peroxidases found in the xylem of poplar (Populus trichocarpa Trichobel) were purified and characterized. Five different poplar xylem peroxidases (PXP 1, PXP 2, PXP 3–4, PXP 5, and PXP 6) were isolated. All five peroxidases were strongly glycosylated (3.6% to 4.9% N-glucosamine), with apparent molecular masses between 46 and 54 kD and pI values between pH 3.1 and 3.8. Two of the five isolated peroxidases (PXP 3–4 and PXP 5) could oxidize the lignin monomer analog syringaldazine, an activity previously correlated with lignification in poplar. Because these isoenzymes were specifically or preferentially expressed in xylem, PXP 3–4 and PXP 5 are suggested to be involved in lignin polymerization.


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Aquaporins are integral membrane proteins of the tonoplast and the plasma membrane that facilitate the passage of water through these membranes. Because of their potentially important role in regulating water flow in plants, studies documenting aquaporin gene expression in specialized tissues involved in water and solute transport are important. We used in situ hybridization to examine the expression pattern of the tonoplast aquaporin ZmTIP1 in different organs of maize (Zea mays L.). This tonoplast water channel is highly expressed in the root epidermis, the root endodermis, the small parenchyma cells surrounding mature xylem vessels in the root and the stem, phloem companion cells and a ring of cells around the phloem strand in the stem and the leaf sheath, and the basal endosperm transfer cells in developing kernels. We postulate that the high level of expression of ZmTIP1 in these tissues facilitates rapid flow of water through the tonoplast to permit osmotic equilibration between the cytosol and the vacuolar content, and to permit rapid transcellular water flow through living cells when required.


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Xylem cavitation in winter and recovery from cavitation in the spring were visualized in two species of diffuse-porous trees, Betula platyphylla var. japonica Hara and Salix sachalinensis Fr. Schm., by cryo-scanning electron microscopy after freeze-fixation of living twigs. Water in the vessel lumina of the outer three annual rings of twigs of B. platyphylla var. japonica and of S. sachalinensis gradually disappeared during the period from January to March, an indication that cavitation occurs gradually in these species during the winter. In April, when no leaves had yet expanded, the lumina of most of the vessels of both species were filled with water. Many vessel lumina in twigs of both species were filled with water during the period from the subsequent growth season to the beginning of the next winter. These observations indicate that recovery in spring occurs before the onset of transpiration and that water transport through twigs occurs during the subsequent growing season. We found, moreover, that vessels repeat an annual cycle of winter cavitation and spring recovery from cavitation for several years until irreversible cavitation occurs.


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Trans-isomers of cytokinins (CK) are thought to predominate and have greater biological activity than corresponding cis-isomers in higher plants. However, this study demonstrates a system within which the predominant CK are cis-isomers. CK were measured at four developmental stages in developing chickpea (Cicer arietinum L. cultivar Kaniva) seeds by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Concentrations were highest at an early endospermic fluid stage and fell considerably when the cotyledons expanded. The cis-isomers of zeatin nucleotide ([9R-MP]Z), zeatin riboside ([9R]Z), and zeatin (Z) were present in greater concentrations than those of corresponding trans-isomers: (trans)[9R-MP]Z, (trans)[9R]Z, (trans)Z, or dihydrozeatin riboside. Dihydrozeatin, dihydrozeatin nucleotide, and the isopentenyl-type CK concentrations were either low or not detectable. Root xylem exudates also contained predominantly cis-isomers of [9R-MP]Z and [9R]Z. Identities of (cis)[9R]Z and (cis)Z were confirmed by comparison of ion ratios and retention indices, and a full spectrum was obtained for (cis)[9R]Z. Tissues were extracted under conditions that minimized the possibility of RNase hydrolysis of tRNA following tissue disruption, being a significant source of the cis-CK. Since no isomerization of (trans)[2H]CK internal standards occurred, it is unlikely that the cis-CK resulted from enzymic or nonenzymic isomerization during extraction. Although quantities of total CK varied, similar CK profiles were found among three different chickpea cultivars and between adequately watered and water-stressed plants. Developing chickpea seeds will be a useful system for investigating the activity of cis-CK or determining the origin and metabolism of free CK.


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Indian mustard (Brassica juncea) plants exposed to Pb and EDTA in hydroponic solution were able to accumulate up to 55 mmol kg−1 Pb in dry shoot tissue (1.1% [w/w]). This represents a 75-fold concentration of Pb in shoot tissue over that in solution. A threshold concentration of EDTA (0.25 mm) was found to be required to stimulate this dramatic accumulation of both Pb and EDTA in shoots. Below this threshold concentration, EDTA also accumulated in shoots but at a reduced rate. Direct measurement of a complex of Pb and EDTA (Pb-EDTA) in xylem exudate of Indian mustard confirmed that the majority of Pb in these plants is transported in coordination with EDTA. The accumulation of EDTA in shoot tissue was also observed to be directly correlated with the accumulation of Pb. Exposure of Indian mustard to high concentrations of Pb and EDTA caused reductions in both the transpiration rate and the shoot water content. The onset of these symptoms was correlated with the presence of free protonated EDTA (H-EDTA) in the hydroponic solution, suggesting that free H-EDTA is more phytotoxic than Pb-EDTA. These studies clearly demonstrate that coordination of Pb transport by EDTA enhances the mobility within the plants of this otherwise insoluble metal ion, allowing plants to accumulate high concentrations of Pb in shoots. The finding that both H-EDTA and Pb-EDTA are mobile within plants also has important implications for the use of metal chelates in plant nutritional research.


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Homologous sense suppression of a gene encoding lignin pathway caffeic acid O-methyltransferase (CAOMT) in the xylem of quaking aspen (Populus tremuloides Michx.) resulted in transgenic plants exhibiting novel phenotypes with either mottled or complete red-brown coloration in their woody stems. These phenotypes appeared in all independent transgenic lines regenerated with a sense CAOMT construct but were absent from all plants produced with antisense CAOMT. The CAOMT sense transgene expression was undetectable, and the endogenous CAOMT transcript levels and enzyme activity were reduced in the xylem of some transgenic lines. In contrast, the sense transgene conferred overexpression of CAOMT and significant CAOMT activity in all of the transgenic plants' leaves and sclerenchyma, where normally the expression of the endogenous CAOMT gene is negligible. Thus, our results support the notion that the occurrence of sense cosuppression depends on the degree of sequence homology and endogene expression. Furthermore, the suppression of CAOMT in the xylem resulted in the incorporation of a higher amount of coniferyl aldehyde residues into the lignin in the wood of the sense plants. Characterization of the lignins isolated from these transgenic plants revealed that a high amount of coniferyl aldehyde is the origin of the red-brown coloration—a phenotype correlated with CAOMT-deficient maize (Zea mays L.) brown-midrib mutants.


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The vascular cambium produces secondary xylem and phloem in plants and is responsible for wood formation in forest trees. In this study we used a microscale mass-spectrometry technique coupled with cryosectioning to visualize the radial concentration gradient of endogenous indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) across the cambial meristem and the differentiating derivatives in Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) trees that had different rates of cambial growth. This approach allowed us to investigate the relationship between growth rate and the concentration of endogenous IAA in the dividing cells. We also tested the hypothesis that IAA is a positional signal in xylem development (C. Uggla, T. Moritz, G. Sandberg, B. Sundberg [1996] Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 93: 9282–9286). This idea postulates that the width of the radial concentration gradient of IAA regulates the radial number of dividing cells in the cambial meristem, which is an important component for determining cambial growth rate. The relationship between IAA concentration in the dividing cells and growth rate was poor, although the highest IAA concentration was observed in the fastest-growing cambia. The radial width of the IAA concentration gradient showed a strong correlation with cambial growth rate. The results indicate that IAA gives positional information in plants.


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High Cd content in durum wheat (Triticum turgidum L. var durum) grain grown in the United States and Canada presents potential health and economic problems for consumers and growers. In an effort to understand the biological processes that result in excess Cd accumulation, root Cd uptake and xylem translocation to shoots in seedlings of bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and durum wheat cultivars were studied. Whole-plant Cd accumulation was somewhat greater in the bread wheat cultivar, but this was probably because of increased apoplastic Cd binding. Concentration-dependent 109Cd2+-influx kinetics in both cultivars were characterized by smooth, nonsaturating curves that could be dissected into linear and saturable components. The saturable component likely represented carrier-mediated Cd influx across root-cell plasma membranes (Michaelis constant, 20–40 nm; maximum initial velocity, 26–29 nmol g−1 fresh weight h−1), whereas linear Cd uptake represented cell wall binding of 109Cd. Cd translocation to shoots was greater in the bread wheat cultivar than in the durum cultivar because a larger proportion of root-absorbed Cd moved to shoots. Our results indicate that excess Cd accumulation in durum wheat grain is not correlated with seedling-root influx rates or root-to-shoot translocation, but may be related to phloem-mediated Cd transport to the grain.


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Root cortical and stelar protoplasts were isolated from maize (Zea mays L.) plants that were either well watered or water stressed, and the patch-clamp technique was used to investigate their plasma membrane K+ channel activity. In the root cortex water stress did not significantly affect inward- or outward-rectifying K+ conductances relative to those observed in well-watered plants. In contrast, water stress significantly reduced the magnitude of the outward-rectifying K+ current in the root stele but had little effect on the inward-rectifying K+ current. Pretreating well-watered plants with abscisic acid also significantly affected K+ currents in a way that was consistent with abscisic acid mediating, at least in part, the response of roots to water stress. It is proposed that the K+ channels underlying the K+ currents in the root stelar cells represent pathways that allow K+ exchange between the root symplasm and xylem apoplast. It is suggested that the regulation of K+ channel activity in the root in response to water stress could be part of an important adaptation of the plant to survive drying soils.