47 resultados para Ventilator-induced lung injury


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Coronary artery disease is a leading cause of death in individuals with chronic spinal cord injury (SCI). However, platelets of those with SCI (n = 30) showed neither increased aggregation nor resistance to the antiaggregatory effects of prostacyclin when compared with normal controls (n = 30). Prostanoid-induced cAMP synthesis was similar in both groups. In contrast, prostacyclin, which completely inhibited the platelet-stimulated thrombin generation in normal controls, failed to do so in those with SCI. Scatchard analysis of the binding of [3H]prostaglandin E1, used as a prostacyclin receptor probe, showed the presence of one high-affinity (Kd1 = 8.11 +/- 2.80 nM; n1 = 172 +/- 32 sites per cell) and one low-affinity (Kd2 = 1.01 +/- 0.3 microM; n2 = 1772 +/- 226 sites per cell) prostacyclin receptor in normal platelets. In contrast, the same analysis in subjects with SCI showed significant loss (P < 0.001) of high-affinity receptor sites (Kd1 = 6.34 +/- 1.91 nM; n1 = 43 +/- 10 sites per cell) with no significant change in the low affinity-receptors (Kd2 = 1.22 +/- 0.23; n2 = 1820 +/- 421). Treatment of these platelets with insulin, which has been demonstrated to restore both of the high- and low-affinity prostaglandin receptor numbers to within normal ranges in coronary artery disease, increased high-affinity receptor numbers and restored the prostacyclin effect on thrombin generation. These results demonstrate that the loss of the inhibitory effect of prostacyclin on the stimulation of thrombin generation was due to the loss of platelet high-affinity prostanoid receptors, which may contribute to atherogenesis in individuals with chronic SCI.


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Glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) has been shown to rescue developing motoneurons in vivo and in vitro from both naturally occurring and axotomy-induced cell death. To test whether GDNF has trophic effects on adult motoneurons, we used a mouse model of injury-induced adult motoneuron degeneration. Injuring adult motoneuron axons at the exit point of the nerve from the spinal cord (avulsion) resulted in a 70% loss of motoneurons by 3 weeks following surgery and a complete loss by 6 weeks. Half of the loss was prevented by GDNF treatment. GDNF also induced an increase (hypertrophy) in the size of surviving motoneurons. These data provide strong evidence that the survival of injured adult mammalian motoneurons can be promoted by a known neurotrophic factor, suggesting the potential use of GDNF in therapeutic approaches to adult-onset motoneuron diseases such as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.


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The role of the lysosomal proteases cathepsins B and L and the calcium-dependent cytosolic protease calpain in hypoxia-induced renal proximal tubular injury was investigated. As compared to normoxic tubules, cathepsin B and L activity, evaluated by the specific fluorescent substrate benzyloxycarbonyl-L-phenylalanyl-L-arginine-7-amido-4-methylcoumarin, was not increased in hypoxic tubules or the medium used for incubation of hypoxic tubules in spite of high lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) release into the medium during hypoxia. These data in rat proximal tubules suggest that cathepsins are not released from lysosomes and do not gain access to the medium during hypoxia. An assay for calpain activity in isolated proximal tubules using the fluorescent substrate N-succinyl-Leu-Tyr-7-amido-4-methylcoumarin was developed. The calcium ionophore ionomycin induced a dose-dependent increase in calpain activity. This increase in calpain activity occurred prior to cell membrane damage as assessed by LDH release. Tubular calpain activity increased significantly by 7.5 min of hypoxia, before there was significant LDH release, and further increased during 20 min of hypoxia. The cysteine protease inhibitor N-benzyloxycarbonyl-Val-Phe methyl ester (CBZ) markedly decreased LDH release after 20 min of hypoxia and completely prevented the increase in calpain activity during hypoxia. The increase in calpain activity during hypoxia and the inhibitor studies with CBZ therefore supported a role for calpain as a mediator of hypoxia-induced proximal tubular injury.


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We have developed a technique, methylation-specific PCR in situ hybridization (MSP-ISH), which allows for the methylation status of specific DNA sequences to be visualized in individual cells. We use MSP-ISH to monitor the timing and consequences of aberrant hypermethylation of the p16 tumor suppresser gene during the progression of cancers of the lung and cervix. Hypermethylation of p16 was localized only to the neoplastic cells in both in situ lesions and invasive cancers, and was associated with loss of p16 protein expression. MSP-ISH allowed us to dissect the surprising finding that p16 hypermethylation occurs in cervical carcinoma. This tumor is associated with infection of the oncogenic human papillomavirus, which expresses a protein, E7, that inactivates the retinoblastoma (Rb) protein. Thus, simultaneous Rb and p16 inactivation would not be needed to abrogate the critical cyclin D–Rb pathway. MSP-ISH reveals that p16 hypermethylation occurs heterogeneously within early cervical tumor cell populations that are separate from those expressing viral E7 transcripts. In advanced cervical cancers, the majority of cells have a hypermethylated p16, lack p16 protein, but no longer express E7. These data suggest that p16 inactivation is selected as the most effective mechanism of blocking the cyclin D–Rb pathway during the evolution of an invasive cancer from precursor lesions. These studies demonstrate that MSP-ISH is a powerful approach for studying the dynamics of aberrant methylation of critical tumor suppressor genes during tumor evolution.


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Drosophila Mad proteins are intracellular signal transducers of decapentaplegic (dpp), the Drosophila transforming growth factor β (TGF-β)/bone morphogenic protein (BMP) homolog. Studies in which the mammalian Smad homologs were transiently overexpressed in cultured cells have implicated Smad2 in TGF-β signaling, but the physiological relevance of the Smad3 protein in signaling by TGF-β receptors has not been established. Here we stably expressed Smad proteins at controlled levels in epithelial cells using a novel approach that combines highly efficient retroviral gene transfer and quantitative cell sorting. We show that upon TGF-β treatment Smad3 becomes rapidly phosphorylated at the SSVS motif at its very C terminus. Either attachment of an epitope tag to the C terminus or replacement of these three serine residues with alanine abolishes TGF-β-induced Smad3 phosphorylation; these proteins act in a dominant-negative fashion to block the antiproliferative effect of TGF-β in mink lung epithelial cells. A Smad3 protein in which the three C-terminal serines have been replaced by aspartic acids is also a dominant inhibitor of TGF-β signaling, but can activate plasminogen activator inhibitor 1 (PAI-1) transcription in a ligand-independent fashion when its nuclear localization is forced by transient overexpression. Phosphorylation of the three C-terminal serine residues of Smad3 by an activated TGF-β receptor complex is an essential step in signal transduction by TGF-β for both inhibition of cell proliferation and activation of the PAI-1 promoter.


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The objective of this study was to clarify the relative roles of medial versus luminal factors in the induction of thickening of the arterial intima after balloon angioplasty injury. Platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) and thrombin, both associated with thrombosis, and basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF), stored in the arterial wall, have been implicated in this process. To unequivocally isolate the media from luminally derived factors, we used a 20-μm thick hydrogel barrier that adhered firmly to the arterial wall to block thrombus deposition after balloon-induced injury of the carotid artery of the rat. Thrombosis, bFGF mobilization, medial repopulation, and intimal thickening were measured. Blockade of postinjury arterial contact with blood prevented thrombosis and dramatically inhibited both intimal thickening and endogenous bFGF mobilization. By blocking blood contact on the two time scales of thrombosis and of intimal thickening, and by using local protein release to probe, by reconstitution, the individual roles of PDGF-BB and thrombin, we were able to conclude that a luminally derived factor other than PDGF or thrombin is required for the initiation of cellular events leading to intimal thickening after balloon injury in the rat. We further conclude that a luminally derived factor is required for mobilization of medial bFGF.


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NF-κB is a major transcription factor consisting of 50(p50)- and 65(p65)-kDa proteins that controls the expression of various genes, among which are those encoding cytokines, cell adhesion molecules, and inducible NO synthase (iNOS). After initial activation of NF-κB, which involves release and proteolysis of a bound inhibitor, essential cysteine residues are maintained in the active reduced state through the action of thioredoxin and thioredoxin reductase. In the present study, activation of NF-κB in human T cells and lung adenocarcinoma cells was induced by recombinant human tumor necrosis factor α or bacterial lipopolysaccharide. After lipopolysaccharide activation, nuclear extracts were treated with increasing concentrations of selenite, and the effects on DNA-binding activity of NF-κB were examined. Binding of NF-κB to nuclear responsive elements was decreased progressively by increasing selenite levels and, at 7 μM selenite, DNA-binding activity was completely inhibited. Selenite inhibition was reversed by addition of a dithiol, DTT. Proportional inhibition of iNOS activity as measured by decreased NO products in the medium (NO2− and NO3−) resulted from selenite addition to cell suspensions. This loss of iNOS activity was due to decreased synthesis of NO synthase protein. Selenium at low essential levels (nM) is required for synthesis of redox active selenoenzymes such as glutathione peroxidases and thioredoxin reductase, but in higher toxic levels (>5–10 μM) selenite can react with essential thiol groups on enzymes to form RS–Se–SR adducts with resultant inhibition of enzyme activity. Inhibition of NF-κB activity by selenite is presumed to be the result of adduct formation with the essential thiols of this transcription factor.


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A combination of in vitro embryonic stem (ES) cell differentiation and targeted gene disruption has defined complex regulatory events underlying oxidative stress-induced cardiac apoptosis, a model of postischemic reperfusion injury of myocardium. ES cell-derived cardiac myocytes (ESCM) having targeted disruption of the MEKK1 gene were extremely sensitive, relative to wild-type ESCM, to hydrogen peroxide-induced apoptosis. In response to oxidative stress, MEKK1−/− ESCM failed to activate c-Jun kinase (JNK) but did activate p38 kinase similar to that observed in wild-type ESCM. The increased apoptosis was mediated through enhanced tumor necrosis factor α production, a response that was positively and negatively regulated by p38 and the MEKK1-JNK pathway, respectively. Thus, MEKK1 functions in the survival of cardiac myocytes by inhibiting the production of a proapoptotic cytokine. MEKK1 regulation of the JNK pathway is a critical response for the protection against oxidative stress-induced apoptosis in cardiac myocytes.


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Previous studies have shown that proinflammatory cytokines, such as tumor necrosis factor (TNF), are expressed after acute hemodynamic overloading and myocardial ischemia/infarction. To define the role of TNF in the setting of ischemia/infarction, we performed a series of acute coronary artery occlusions in mice lacking one or both TNF receptors. Left ventricular infarct size was assessed at 24 h after acute coronary occlusion by triphenyltetrazolium chloride (TTC) staining in wild-type (both TNF receptors present) and mice lacking either the type 1 (TNFR1), type 2 (TNFR2), or both TNF receptors (TNFR1/TNFR2). Left ventricular infarct size as assessed by TTC staining was significantly greater (P < 0.005) in the TNFR1/TNFR2-deficient mice (77.2% ± 15.3%) when compared with either wild-type mice (46.8% ± 19.4%) or TNFR1-deficient (47.9% ± 10.6%) or TNFR2-deficient (41.6% ± 16.5%) mice. Examination of the extent of necrosis in wild-type and TNFR1/TNFR2-deficient mice by anti-myosin Ab staining demonstrated no significant difference between groups; however, the peak frequency and extent of apoptosis were accelerated in the TNFR1/TNFR2-deficient mice when compared with the wild-type mice. The increase in apoptosis in the TNFR1/TNFR2-deficient mice did not appear to be secondary to a selective up-regulation of the Fas ligand/receptor system in these mice. These data suggest that TNF signaling gives rise to one or more cytoprotective signals that prevent and/or delay the development of cardiac myocyte apoptosis after acute ischemic injury.


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The cytokine IL-1 mediates diverse forms of neurodegeneration, but its mechanism of action is unknown. We have demonstrated previously that exogenous and endogenous IL-1 acts specifically in the rat striatum to dramatically enhance ischemic and excitotoxic brain damage and cause extensive cortical injury. Here we tested the hypothesis that this distant effect of IL-1 is mediated through polysynaptic striatal outputs to the cortex via the hypothalamus. We show that IL-1β injected into the rat striatum with the excitotoxin α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionate (S-AMPA) caused increased expression of IL-1β (mRNA and protein) mainly in the cortex where maximum injury occurs. Marked increases in IL-1β mRNA and protein were also observed in the hypothalamus. S-AMPA, injected alone into the striatum, caused only localized damage, but administration of IL-1β into either the striatum or the lateral hypothalamus immediately after striatal S-AMPA resulted in widespread cell loss throughout the ipsilateral cortex. Finally we showed that the cortical cell death produced by striatal coinjection of S-AMPA and IL-1β was significantly reduced by administration of the IL-1 receptor antagonist into the lateral hypothalamus. These data suggest that IL-1β can act in the hypothalamus to modify cell viability in the cortex. We conclude that IL-1-dependent pathways project from the striatum to the cortex via the hypothalamus and lead to cortical injury, and that these may contribute to a number of human neurological conditions including stroke and head trauma.


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CYP1B1-null mice, created by targeted gene disruption in embryonic stem cells, were born at the expected frequency from heterozygous matings with no observable phenotype, thus establishing that CYP1B1 is not required for mouse development. CYP1B1 was not detectable in cultured embryonic fibroblast (EF) or in different tissues, such as lung, of the CYP1B1-null mouse treated with the aryl hydrocarbon receptor agonist 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin whereas the equivalent wild-type EF cells express basal and substantial inducible CYP1B1 and lung expresses inducible CYP1B1. CYP1A1 is induced to far higher levels than CYP1B1 in liver, kidney, and lung in wild-type mice and is induced to a similar extent in CYP1B1-null mice. 7,12-dimethylbenz[a]anthracene (DMBA) was toxic in wild-type EFs that express CYP1B1 but not CYP1A1. These cells effectively metabolized DMBA, consistent with CYP1B1 involvement in producing the procarcinogenic 3,4-dihydrodiol as a major metabolite, whereas CYP1B1-null EF showed no significant metabolism and were resistant to DMBA-mediated toxicity. When wild-type mice were administered high levels of DMBA intragastrically, 70% developed highly malignant lymphomas whereas only 7.5% of CYP1B1-null mice had lymphomas. Skin hyperplasia and tumors were also more frequent in wild-type mice. These results establish that CYP1B1, located exclusively at extrahepatic sites, mediates the carcinogenicity of DMBA. Surprisingly, CYP1A1, which has a high rate of DMBA metabolism in vitro, is not sufficient for this carcinogenesis, which demonstrates the importance of extrahepatic P450s in determining susceptibility to chemical carcinogens and validates the search for associations between P450 expression and cancer risk in humans.


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Caspases are key mediators in liver inflammation and apoptosis. In the present study we provide evidence that a nitric oxide (NO) derivative of ursodeoxycholic acid (UDCA), NCX-1000 ([2-(acetyloxy)benzoic acid 3-(nitrooxymethyl)phenyl ester]), protects against liver damage in murine models of autoimmune hepatitis induced by i.v. injection of Con A or a Fas agonistic antibody, Jo2. Con A administration causes CD4+ T lymphocytes to accumulate in the liver and up-regulates FasL expression, resulting in FasL-mediated cytotoxicity. Cotreating mice with NCX-1000, but not with UDCA, protected against liver damage induced by Con A and Jo2, inhibited IL-1β, IL-18, and IFN-γ release and caspase 3, 8, and 9 activation. Studies on HepG2 cells demonstrated that NCX-1000, but not UDCA, directly prevented multiple caspase activation induced by Jo2. Incubating HepG2 cells with NCX-1000 resulted in intracellular NO formation and a DTT-reversible inhibition of proapoptotic caspases, suggesting that cysteine S-nitrosylation was the main mechanism responsible for caspase inhibition. Collectively, these data suggest that NCX-1000 protects against T helper 1-mediated liver injury by inhibiting both the proapoptotic and the proinflammatory branches of the caspase superfamily.


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We have previously shown that human munc13 (hmunc13) is up-regulated by hyperglycemia under in vitro conditions in human mesangial cell cultures. The purpose of the present study was to determine the cellular function of hmunc13. To do this, we have investigated the subcellular localization of hmunc13 in a transiently transfected renal cell line, opossum kidney cells. We have found that hmunc13 is a cytoplasmic protein and is translocated to the Golgi apparatus after phorbol ester stimulation. In addition, cells transfected with hmunc13 demonstrate apoptosis after treatment with phorbol ester, but cells transfected with an hmunc13 deletion mutant in which the diacylglycerol (C1) binding domain is absent exhibit no change in intracellular distribution and no induction of apoptosis in the presence of phorbol ester stimulation. We conclude that both the diacylglycerol-induced translocation and the apoptosis represent functional activity of hmunc13. We have also demonstrated that munc13-1 and munc13-2 are localized mainly to cortical epithelial cells in rat kidney and both are overexpressed under conditions of hyperglycemia in a streptozotocin-treated diabetic rat model. Taken together, our data suggest that hmunc13 serves as a diacylglycerol-activated, PKC-independent signaling pathway capable of inducing apoptosis and that this pathway may contribute to the renal cell complications of hyperglycemia.


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Liver-specific and nonliver-specific methionine adenosyltransferases (MATs) are products of two genes, MAT1A and MAT2A, respectively, that catalyze the formation of S-adenosylmethionine (AdoMet), the principal biological methyl donor. Mature liver expresses MAT1A, whereas MAT2A is expressed in extrahepatic tissues and is induced during liver growth and dedifferentiation. To examine the influence of MAT1A on hepatic growth, we studied the effects of a targeted disruption of the murine MAT1A gene. MAT1A mRNA and protein levels were absent in homozygous knockout mice. At 3 months, plasma methionine level increased 776% in knockouts. Hepatic AdoMet and glutathione levels were reduced by 74 and 40%, respectively, whereas S-adenosylhomocysteine, methylthioadenosine, and global DNA methylation were unchanged. The body weight of 3-month-old knockout mice was unchanged from wild-type littermates, but the liver weight was increased 40%. The Affymetrix genechip system and Northern and Western blot analyses were used to analyze differential expression of genes. The expression of many acute phase-response and inflammatory markers, including orosomucoid, amyloid, metallothionein, Fas antigen, and growth-related genes, including early growth response 1 and proliferating cell nuclear antigen, is increased in the knockout animal. At 3 months, knockout mice are more susceptible to choline-deficient diet-induced fatty liver. At 8 months, knockout mice developed spontaneous macrovesicular steatosis and predominantly periportal mononuclear cell infiltration. Thus, absence of MAT1A resulted in a liver that is more susceptible to injury, expresses markers of an acute phase response, and displays increased proliferation.


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Members of the fibroblast growth factor (FGF) family play a critical role in embryonic lung development and adult lung physiology. The in vivo investigation of the role FGFs play in the adult lung has been hampered because the constitutive pulmonary expression of these factors often has deleterious effects and frequently results in neonatal lethality. To circumvent these shortcomings, we expressed FGF-3 in the lungs under the control of the progesterone antagonist-responsive binary transgenic system. Four binary transgenic lines were obtained that showed ligand-dependent induction of FGF-3 with induced levels of FGF-3 expression dependent on the levels of expression of the GLp65 regulator as well as the dose of the progesterone antagonist, RU486, administered. FGF-3 expression in the adult mouse lung resulted in two phenotypes depending on the levels of induction of FGF-3. Low levels of FGF-3 expression resulted in massive free alveolar macrophage infiltration. High levels of FGF-3 expression resulted in diffuse alveolar type II cell hyperplasia. Both phenotypes were reversible after the withdrawal of RU486. This system will be a valuable means of investigating the diverse roles of FGFs in the adult lung.