32 resultados para The three Lines of Defence
5′-End fragments of two genes encoding plastid-localized acetyl-CoA carboxylase (ACCase; EC of wheat (Triticum aestivum) were cloned and sequenced. The sequences of the two genes, Acc-1,1 and Acc-1,2, are 89% identical. Their exon sequences are 98% identical. The amino acid sequence of the biotin carboxylase domain encoded by Acc-1,1 and Acc-1,2 is 93% identical with the maize plastid ACCase but only 80–84% identical with the cytosolic ACCases from other plants and from wheat. Four overlapping fragments of cDNA covering the entire coding region were cloned by PCR and sequenced. The wheat plastid ACCase ORF contains 2,311 amino acids with a predicted molecular mass of 255 kDa. A putative transit peptide is present at the N terminus. Comparison of the genomic and cDNA sequences revealed introns at conserved sites found in the genes of other plant multifunctional ACCases, including two introns absent from the wheat cytosolic ACCase genes. Transcription start sites of the plastid ACCase genes were estimated from the longest cDNA clones obtained by 5′-RACE (rapid amplification of cDNA ends). The untranslated leader sequence encoded by the Acc-1 genes is at least 130–170 nucleotides long and is interrupted by an intron. Southern analysis indicates the presence of only one copy of the gene in each ancestral chromosome set. The gene maps near the telomere on the short arm of chromosomes 2A, 2B, and 2D. Identification of three different cDNAs, two corresponding to genes Acc-1,1 and Acc-1,2, indicates that all three genes are transcriptionally active.
In human cells, hMLH1, hMLH3, hPMS1 and hPMS2 are four recognised and distinctive homologues of MutL, an essential component of the bacterial DNA mismatch repair (MMR) system. The hMLH1 protein forms three different heterodimers with one of the other MutL homologues. As a first step towards functional analysis of these molecules, we determined the interacting domains of each heterodimer and tried to understand their common features. Using a yeast two-hybrid assay, we show that these MutL homologues can form heterodimers by interacting with the same amino acid residues of hMLH1, residues 492–742. In contrast, three hMLH1 partners, hMLH3, hPMS1 and hPMS2 contain the 36 homologous amino acid residues that interact strongly with hMLH1. Contrary to the previous studies, these homologous residues reside at the N-terminal regions of three subdomains conserved in MutL homologues in many species. Interestingly, these residues in hPMS2 and hMLH3 may form coiled-coil structures as predicted by the MULTICOIL program. Furthermore, we show that there is competition for the interacting domain in hMLH1 among the three other MutL homologues. Therefore, the quantitative balance of these three MutL heterodimers may be important in their functions.
H2O2 is a widespread molecule in many biological systems. It is created enzymatically in living cells during various oxidation reactions and by leakage of electrons from the electron transport chains. Depending on the concentration H2O2 can induce cell protective responses, programmed cell death, or necrosis. Here we provide evidence that H2O2 may function as a developmental signal in the differentiation of secondary walls in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) fibers. Three lines of evidence support this conclusion: (a) the period of H2O2 generation coincided with the onset of secondary wall deposition, (b) inhibition of H2O2 production or scavenging the available H2O2 from the system prevented the wall differentiation process, and (c) exogenous addition of H2O2 prematurely promoted secondary wall formation in young fibers. Furthermore, we provide support for the concept that H2O2 generation could be mediated by the expression of the small GTPase Rac, the accumulation of which was shown previously to be strongly induced during the onset of secondary wall differentiation. In support of Rac's role in the activation of NADPH oxidase and the generation of reactive oxygen species, we transformed soybean (Glycine max) and Arabidopsis cells with mutated Rac genes. Transformation with a dominantly activated cotton Rac13 gene resulted in constitutively higher levels of H2O2, whereas transformation with the antisense and especially with dominant-negative Rac constructs decreased the levels of H2O2.
We investigated the expression patterns of three 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate (ACC) synthase genes in carnation (Dianthus caryophyllus cv White Sim) under conditions previously shown to induce ethylene biosynthesis. These included treatment of flowers with 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid, ethylene, LiCl, cycloheximide, and natural and pollination-induced flower senescence. Accumulation of ACC synthase transcripts in leaves following mechanical wounding and treatment with 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid or LiCl was also determined by RNA gel-blot analysis. As in other species, the carnation ACC synthase genes were found to be differentially regulated in a tissue-specific manner. DCACS2 and DCACS3 were preferentially expressed in styles, whereas DCACS1 mRNA was most abundant in petals. Cycloheximide did not induce increased accumulation of ACC synthase transcripts in carnation flowers, whereas the expression of ACC synthase was up-regulated by auxin, ethylene, LiCl, pollination, and senescence in a floral-organ-specific manner. Expression of the three ACC synthases identified in carnation did not correspond to elevated ethylene biosynthesis from wounded or auxin-treated leaves, and there are likely additional members of the carnation ACC synthase gene family responsible for ACC synthase expression in vegetative tissues.
PAS domains are found in diverse proteins throughout all three kingdoms of life, where they apparently function in sensing and signal transduction. Although a wealth of useful sequence and functional information has become recently available, these data have not been integrated into a three-dimensional (3D) framework. The very early evolutionary development and diverse functions of PAS domains have made sequence analysis and modeling of this protein superfamily challenging. Limited sequence similarities between the ∼50-residue PAS repeats and one region of the bacterial blue-light photosensor photoactive yellow protein (PYP), for which ground-state and light-activated crystallographic structures have been determined to high resolution, originally were identified in sequence searches using consensus sequence probes from PAS-containing proteins. Here, we found that by changing a few residues particular to PYP function, the modified PYP sequence probe also could select PAS protein sequences. By mapping a typical ∼150-residue PAS domain sequence onto the entire crystallographic structure of PYP, we show that the PAS sequence similarities and differences are consistent with a shared 3D fold (the PAS/PYP module) with obvious potential for a ligand-binding cavity. Thus, PYP appears to prototypically exhibit all the major structural and functional features characteristic of the PAS domain superfamily: the shared PAS/PYP modular domain fold of ∼125–150 residues, a sensor function often linked to ligand or cofactor (chromophore) binding, and signal transduction capability governed by heterodimeric assembly (to the downstream partner of PYP). This 3D PAS/PYP module provides a structural model to guide experimental testing of hypotheses regarding ligand-binding, dimerization, and signal transduction.
We studied the expression of three promoter 5′ deletion constructs (−218, −599, and −1312) of the LEA (late embryogenesis abundant)-class gene Dc3 fused to β-glucuronidase (GUS), where each construct value refers to the number of base pairs upstream of the transcription start site at which the deletion occurred. The Dc3 gene is noted for its induction by abscisic acid (ABA), but its response to other plant hormones and various environmental stresses has not been reported previously for vegetative cells. Fourteen-day-old transgenic tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) seedlings were exposed to dehydration, hypoxia, salinity, exogenous ethylene, or exogenous methyl jasmonate (MeJa). GUS activity was quantified fluorimetrically and expression was observed by histochemical staining of the seedlings. An increase in GUS activity was observed in plants with constructs −599 and −1312 in response to dehydration and salinity within 6 h of stress, and at 12 h in response to hypoxia. No increase in endogenous ABA was found in any of the three lines, even after 72 h of hypoxia. An ABA-independent increase in GUS activity was observed when endogenous ABA biosynthesis was blocked by fluridone and plants were exposed to 5 μL L−1 ethylene in air or 100 μm MeJa. Virtually no expression was observed in construct −218 in response to dehydration, salinity, or MeJa, but there was a moderate response to ethylene and hypoxia. This suggests that the region between −218 and −599 is necessary for ABA (dehydration and salinity)- and MeJa-dependent expression, whereas ethylene-mediated expression does not require this region of the promoter.
Ca2+ in rooting medium is essential for root elongation, even in the absence of added toxicants. In the presence of rhizotoxic levels of Al3+, H+, or Na+ (or other cationic toxicants), supplementation of the medium with higher levels of Ca2+ alleviates growth inhibition. Experiments to determine the mechanisms of alleviation entailed measurements of root elongation in wheat (Triticum aestivum L. cv Scout 66) seedlings in controlled medium. A Gouy-Chapman-Stern model was used to compute the electrical potentials and the activities of ions at the root-cell plasma membrane surfaces. Analysis of root elongation relative to the computed surface activities of ions revealed three separate mechanisms of Ca2+ alleviation. Mechanism I is the displacement of cell-surface toxicant by the Ca2+-induced reduction in cell-surface negativity. Mechanism II is the restoration of Ca2+ at the cell surface if the surface Ca2+ has been reduced by the toxicant to growth-limiting levels. Mechanism III is the collective ameliorative effect of Ca2+ beyond mechanisms I and II, and may involve Ca2+-toxicant interactions at the cell surface other than the displacement interactions of mechanisms I and II. Mechanism I operated in the alleviation of all of the tested toxicities; mechanism II was generally a minor component of alleviation; and mechanism III was toxicant specific and operated strongly in the alleviation of Na+ toxicity, moderately in the alleviation of H+ toxicity, and not at all in the alleviation of Al3+ toxicity.
Many marine algae produce 3-dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP), a potent osmoprotective compound whose degradation product dimethylsulfide plays a central role in the biogeochemical S cycle. Algae are known to synthesize DMSP via the four-step pathway, l-Met → 4-methylthio-2-oxobutyrate → 4-methylthio-2-hydroxybutyrate → 4-dimethylsulfonio-2-hydroxy-butyrate (DMSHB) → DMSP. Substrate-specific enzymes catalyzing the first three steps in this pathway were detected and partially characterized in cell-free extracts of the chlorophyte alga Enteromorpha intestinalis. The first is a 2-oxoglutarate-dependent aminotransferase, the second an NADPH-linked reductase, and the third an S-adenosylmethionine-dependent methyltransferase. Sensitive radiometric assays were developed for these enzymes, and used to show that their activities are high enough to account for the estimated in vivo flux from Met to DMSP. The activities of these enzymes in other DMSP-rich chlorophyte algae were at least as high as those in E. intestinalis, but were ≥20-fold lower in algae without DMSP. The reductase and methyltransferase were specific for the d-enantiomer of 4-methylthio-2-hydroxybutyrate in vitro, and both the methyltransferase step and the step(s) converting DMSHB to DMSP were shown to prefer d-enantiomers in vivo. The intermediate DMSHB was shown to act as an osmoprotectant, which indicates that the first three steps of the DMSP synthesis pathway may be sufficient to confer osmotolerance.
The three-dimensional structure of Aspergillus niger pectin lyase B (PLB) has been determined by crystallographic techniques at a resolution of 1.7 Å. The model, with all 359 amino acids and 339 water molecules, refines to a final crystallographic R factor of 16.5%. The polypeptide backbone folds into a large right-handed cylinder, termed a parallel β helix. Loops of various sizes and conformations protrude from the central helix and probably confer function. The largest loop of 53 residues folds into a small domain consisting of three antiparallel β strands, one turn of an α helix, and one turn of a 310 helix. By comparison with the structure of Erwinia chrysanthemi pectate lyase C (PelC), the primary sequence alignment between the pectate and pectin lyase subfamilies has been corrected and the active site region for the pectin lyases deduced. The substrate-binding site in PLB is considerably less hydrophilic than the comparable PelC region and consists of an extensive network of highly conserved Trp and His residues. The PLB structure provides an atomic explanation for the lack of a catalytic requirement for Ca2+ in the pectin lyase family, in contrast to that found in the pectate lyase enzymes. Surprisingly, however, the PLB site analogous to the Ca2+ site in PelC is filled with a positive charge provided by a conserved Arg in the pectin lyases. The significance of the finding with regard to the enzymatic mechanism is discussed.
Objective: To study the circulation of monographs during the first three years of shelf life at an academic health sciences library.
We have previously shown that the G protein of vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV-G) can be incorporated into the virions of retroviruses. Since expression of VSV-G is toxic to most mammalian cells, development of stable VSV-G packaging cell lines requires inducible VSV-G expression. We have modified the tetracycline-inducible system by fusing the ligand binding domain of the estrogen receptor to the carboxy terminus of a tetracycline-regulated transactivator. Using this system, we show that VSV-G expression is tetracycline-dependent and can be modulated by beta-estradiol. Stable packaging cell lines can readily be established and high-titer pseudotyped retroviral vectors can be generated upon induction of VSV-G expression.
The hypothesis that morphological evolution may largely result from changes in gene regulation rather than gene structure has been difficult to test. Morphological differences among insects are often apparent in the cuticle structures produced. The dopa decarboxylase (Ddc) and alpha-methyldopa hypersensitive (amd) genes arose from an ancient gene duplication. In Drosophila, they have evolved nonoverlapping functions, including the production of distinct types of cuticle, and for Ddc, the production of the neurotransmitters, dopamine and serotonin. The amd gene is particularly active in the production of specialized flexible cuticles in the developing embryo. We have compared the pattern of amd expression in three Drosophila species. Several regions of expression conserved in all three species but, surprisingly, a unique domain of expression is found in Drosophila simulans that does occur in the closely related (2-5 million years) Drosophila melanogaster or in the more remote (40-50 million years) Drosophila virilis. The "sudden" appearance of a completely new and robust domain of expression provides a glimpse of evolutionary variation resulting from changes in regulation of structural gene expression.
The three-dimensional structure of protein kinase C interacting protein 1 (PKCI-1) has been solved to high resolution by x-ray crystallography using single isomorphous replacement with anomalous scattering. The gene encoding human PKCI-1 was cloned from a cDNA library by using a partial sequence obtained from interactions identified in the yeast two-hybrid system between PKCI-1 and the regulatory domain of protein kinase C-beta. The PKCI-1 protein was expressed in Pichia pastoris as a dimer of two 13.7-kDa polypeptides. PKCI-1 is a member of the HIT family of proteins, shown by sequence identity to be conserved in a broad range of organisms including mycoplasma, plants, and humans. Despite the ubiquity of this protein sequence in nature, no distinct function has been shown for the protein product in vitro or in vivo. The PKCI-1 protomer has an alpha+beta meander fold containing a five-stranded antiparallel sheet and two helices. Two protomers come together to form a 10-stranded antiparallel sheet with extensive contacts between a helix and carboxy terminal amino acids of a protomer with the corresponding amino acids in the other protomer. PKCI-1 has been shown to interact specifically with zinc. The three-dimensional structure has been solved in the presence and absence of zinc and in two crystal forms. The structure of human PKCI-1 provides a model of this family of proteins which suggests a stable fold conserved throughout nature.
Eubacterial transducers are transmembrane, methyl-accepting proteins central to chemotaxis systems and share common structural features. We identified a large family of transducer proteins in the Archaeon Halobacterium salinarium using a site-specific multiple antigenic peptide antibody raised against 23 amino acids, representing the highest homology region of eubacterial transducers. This immunological observation was confirmed by isolating 13 methyl-accepting taxis genes using a 27-mer oligonucleotide probe, corresponding to conserved regions between the eubacterial and first halobacterial phototaxis transducer gene htrI. On the basis of the comparison of the predicted structural domains of these transducers, we propose that at least three distinct subfamilies of transducers exist in the Archaeon H. salinarium: (i) a eubacterial chemotaxis transducer type with two hydrophobic membrane-spanning segments connecting sizable domains in the periplasm and cytoplasm; (ii) a cytoplasmic domain and two or more hydrophobic transmembrane segments without periplasmic domains; and (iii) a cytoplasmic domain without hydrophobic transmembrane segments. We fractionated the halobacterial cell lysate into soluble and membrane fractions and localized different halobacterial methyl-accepting taxis proteins in both fractions.
Glycosylation-inhibiting factor (GIF) is a cytokine that is involved in the regulation of IgE synthesis. The crystal structure of recombinant human GIF was determined by the multiple isomorphous replacement method. The structure was refined to an R factor of 0.168 at 1.9 angstrom resolution. The overall structure is seen to consist of three interconnected subunits forming a barrel with three 6-stranded beta-sheets on the inside and six alpha-helices on the outside. There is a 5-angstrom-diameter "hole" through the middle of the barrel. The barrel structure of GIF in part resembles other "trefoil" cytokines such as interleukin 1 and fibroblast growth factor. Each subunit has a new class of alpha + beta sandwich structure consisting of two beta-alpha-beta motifs. These beta-alpha-beta motifs are related by a pseudo-twofold axis and resemble both interleukin 8 and the peptide binding domain of major histocompatibility complex protein, although the topology of the polypeptide chain is quite different.