33 resultados para TRITICUM TURGIDUM
The level of mRNAs derived from the plastid-encoded psbD light-responsive promoter (LRP) is controlled by a circadian clock(s) in wheat (Triticum aestivum). The circadian oscillations in the psbD LRP mRNA level persisted for at least three cycles in continuous light and for one cycle in continuous dark, with maxima in subjective morning and minima in subjective early night. In vitro transcription in chloroplast extracts revealed that the circadian cycles in the psbD LRP mRNA level were dominantly attributed to the circadian-regulated transcription of the psbD LRP. The effects of various mutations introduced into the promoter region on the psbD LRP activity in vitro suggest the existence of two positive elements located between −54 and −36, which generally enhance the transcription activity, and an anomalous core promoter structure lacking the functional “−35” element, which plays a crucial role in the circadian fluctuation and light dependency of psbD LRP transcription activity.
Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) was grown under CO2 partial pressures of 36 and 70 Pa with two N-application regimes. Responses of photosynthesis to varying CO2 partial pressure were fitted to estimate the maximal carboxylation rate and the nonphotorespiratory respiration rate in flag and preceding leaves. The maximal carboxylation rate was proportional to ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco) content, and the light-saturated photosynthetic rate at 70 Pa CO2 was proportional to the thylakoid ATP-synthase content. Potential photosynthetic rates at 70 Pa CO2 were calculated and compared with the observed values to estimate excess investment in Rubisco. The excess was greater in leaves grown with high N application than in those grown with low N application and declined as the leaves senesced. The fraction of Rubisco that was estimated to be in excess was strongly dependent on leaf N content, increasing from approximately 5% in leaves with 1 g N m−2 to approximately 40% in leaves with 2 g N m−2. Growth at elevated CO2 usually decreased the excess somewhat but only as a consequence of a general reduction in leaf N, since relationships between the amount of components and N content were unaffected by CO2. We conclude that there is scope for improving the N-use efficiency of C3 crop species under elevated CO2 conditions.
Waxy wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) lacks the waxy protein, which is also known as granule-bound starch synthase I (GBSSI). The starch granules of waxy wheat endosperm and pollen do not contain amylose and therefore stain red-brown with iodine. However, we observed that starch from pericarp tissue of waxy wheat stained blue-black and contained amylose. Significantly higher starch synthase activity was detected in pericarp starch granules than in endosperm starch granules. A granule-bound protein that differed from GBSSI in molecular mass and isoelectric point was detected in the pericarp starch granules but not in granules from endosperm. This protein was designated GBSSII. The N-terminal amino acid sequence of GBSSII, although not identical to wheat GBSSI, showed strong homology to waxy proteins or GBSSIs of cereals and potato, and contained the motif KTGGL, which is the putative substrate-binding site of GBSSI of plants and of glycogen synthase of Escherichia coli. GBSSII cross-reacted specifically with antisera raised against potato and maize GBSSI. This study indicates that GBSSI and GBSSII are expressed in a tissue-specific manner in different organs, with GBSSII having an important function in amylose synthesis in the pericarp.
A Gouy-Chapman-Stern model has been developed for the computation of surface electrical potential (ψ0) of plant cell membranes in response to ionic solutes. The present model is a modification of an earlier version developed to compute the sorption of ions by wheat (Triticum aestivum L. cv Scout 66) root plasma membranes. A single set of model parameters generates values for ψ0 that correlate highly with published ζ potentials of protoplasts and plasma membrane vesicles from diverse plant sources. The model assumes ion binding to a negatively charged site (R− = 0.3074 μmol m−2) and to a neutral site (P0 = 2.4 μmol m−2) according to the reactions R− + IΖ ⇌ RIΖ−1 and P0 + IΖ ⇌ PIΖ, where IΖ represents an ion of charge Ζ. Binding constants for the negative site are 21,500 m−1 for H+, 20,000 m−1 for Al3+, 2,200 m−1 for La3+, 30 m−1 for Ca2+ and Mg2+, and 1 m−1 for Na+ and K+. Binding constants for the neutral site are 1/180 the value for binding to the negative site. Ion activities at the membrane surface, computed on the basis of ψ0, appear to determine many aspects of plant-mineral interactions, including mineral nutrition and the induction and alleviation of mineral toxicities, according to previous and ongoing studies. A computer program with instructions for the computation of ψ0, ion binding, ion concentrations, and ion activities at membrane surfaces may be requested from the authors.
Ca2+ in rooting medium is essential for root elongation, even in the absence of added toxicants. In the presence of rhizotoxic levels of Al3+, H+, or Na+ (or other cationic toxicants), supplementation of the medium with higher levels of Ca2+ alleviates growth inhibition. Experiments to determine the mechanisms of alleviation entailed measurements of root elongation in wheat (Triticum aestivum L. cv Scout 66) seedlings in controlled medium. A Gouy-Chapman-Stern model was used to compute the electrical potentials and the activities of ions at the root-cell plasma membrane surfaces. Analysis of root elongation relative to the computed surface activities of ions revealed three separate mechanisms of Ca2+ alleviation. Mechanism I is the displacement of cell-surface toxicant by the Ca2+-induced reduction in cell-surface negativity. Mechanism II is the restoration of Ca2+ at the cell surface if the surface Ca2+ has been reduced by the toxicant to growth-limiting levels. Mechanism III is the collective ameliorative effect of Ca2+ beyond mechanisms I and II, and may involve Ca2+-toxicant interactions at the cell surface other than the displacement interactions of mechanisms I and II. Mechanism I operated in the alleviation of all of the tested toxicities; mechanism II was generally a minor component of alleviation; and mechanism III was toxicant specific and operated strongly in the alleviation of Na+ toxicity, moderately in the alleviation of H+ toxicity, and not at all in the alleviation of Al3+ toxicity.
Long-term exposure of plants to elevated partial pressures of CO2 (pCO2) often depresses photosynthetic capacity. The mechanistic basis for this photosynthetic acclimation may involve accumulation of carbohydrate and may be promoted by nutrient limitation. However, our current knowledge is inadequate for making reliable predictions concerning the onset and extent of acclimation. Many studies have sought to investigate the effects of N supply but the methodologies used generally do not allow separation of the direct effects of limited N availability from those caused by a N dilution effect due to accelerated growth at elevated pCO2. To dissociate these interactions, wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) was grown hydroponically and N was added in direct proportion to plant growth. Photosynthesis did not acclimate to elevated pCO2 even when growth was restricted by a low-N relative addition rate. Ribulose-1, 5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase activity and quantity were maintained, there was no evidence for triose phosphate limitation of photosynthesis, and tissue N content remained within the range recorded for healthy wheat plants. In contrast, wheat grown in sand culture with N supplied at a fixed concentration suffered photosynthetic acclimation at elevated pCO2 in a low-N treatment. This was accompanied by a significant reduction in the quantity of active ribulose-1, 5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase and leaf N content.
High-affinity K+ uptake in plant roots is rapidly up-regulated when K+ is withheld and down-regulated when K+ is resupplied. These processes make important contributions to plant K+ homeostasis. A cDNA coding for a high-affinity K+ transporter, HKT1, was earlier cloned from wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) roots and functionally characterized. We demonstrate here that in both barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) and wheat roots, a rapid and large up-regulation of HKT1 mRNA levels resulted when K+ was withdrawn from growth media. This effect was specific for K+; withholding N caused a modest reduction of HKT1 mRNA levels. Up-regulation of HKT1 transcript levels in barley roots occurred within 4 h of removing K+, which corresponds to the documented increase of high-affinity K+ uptake in roots following removal of K+. Increased expression of HKT1 mRNA was evident before a decline in total root K+ concentration could be detected. Resupply of 1 mm K+ was sufficient to strongly reduce HKT1 transcript levels. In wheat root cortical cells, both membrane depolarizations in response to 100 μm K+, Cs+, and Rb+, and high-affinity K+ uptake were enhanced by K+ deprivation. Thus, in both plant systems the observed physiological changes associated with manipulating external K+ supply were correlated with levels of HKT1 mRNA expression. Implications of these findings for K+ sensing and regulation of the HKT1 mRNA levels in plant roots are discussed.
Previous studies of photosynthetic acclimation to elevated CO2 have focused on the most recently expanded, sunlit leaves in the canopy. We examined acclimation in a vertical profile of leaves through a canopy of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). The crop was grown at an elevated CO2 partial pressure of 55 Pa within a replicated field experiment using free-air CO2 enrichment. Gas exchange was used to estimate in vivo carboxylation capacity and the maximum rate of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate-limited photosynthesis. Net photosynthetic CO2 uptake was measured for leaves in situ within the canopy. Leaf contents of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco), light-harvesting-complex (LHC) proteins, and total N were determined. Elevated CO2 did not affect carboxylation capacity in the most recently expanded leaves but led to a decrease in lower, shaded leaves during grain development. Despite this acclimation, in situ photosynthetic CO2 uptake remained higher under elevated CO2. Acclimation at elevated CO2 was accompanied by decreases in both Rubisco and total leaf N contents and an increase in LHC content. Elevated CO2 led to a larger increase in LHC/Rubisco in lower canopy leaves than in the uppermost leaf. Acclimation of leaf photosynthesis to elevated CO2 therefore depended on both vertical position within the canopy and the developmental stage.
Protein extracted from root and leaf tissue of the dicotyledonous plants pea (Pisum sativum) and broad bean (Vicia faba) and the monocotyledonous plants wheat (Triticum aestivum) and barley (Hordeum vulgare) were shown to catalyze the incorporation of biotin-labeled cadaverine into microtiter-plate-bound N′,N′-dimethylcasein and the cross-linking of biotin-labeled casein to microtiter-plate-bound casein in a Ca2+-dependent manner. The cross-linking of biotinylated casein and the incorporation of biotin-labeled cadaverine into N′,N′-dimethylcasein were time-dependent reactions with a pH optimum of 7.9. Transglutaminase activity was shown to increase over a 2-week growth period in both the roots and leaves of pea. The product of transglutaminase's protein-cross-linking activity, ε-(γ-glutamyl)-lysine isodipeptide, was detected in root and shoot protein from pea, broad bean, wheat, and barley by cation-exchange chromatography. The presence of the isodipeptide was confirmed by reversed-phase chromatography. Hydrolysis of the isodipeptide after cation-exchange chromatography confirmed the presence of glutamate and lysine.
Chlorophyll (Chl) biosynthesis in chill (7°C)- and heat (42°C)-stressed cucumber (Cucumis sativus L. cv poinsette) seedlings was affected by 90 and 60%, respectively. Inhibition of Chl biosynthesis was partly due to impairment of 5-aminolevulinic acid biosynthesis both in chill- (78%) and heat-stress (70%) conditions. Protochlorophyllide (Pchlide) synthesis in chill- and heat-stressed seedlings was inhibited by 90 and 70%, respectively. Severe inhibition of Pchlide biosynthesis in chill-stressed seedlings was caused by inactivations of all of the enzymes involved in protoporphyrin IX (Proto IX) synthesis, Mg-chelatase, and Mg-protoporphyrin IX monoester cyclase. In heat-stressed seedlings, although 5-aminolevulinic acid dehydratase and porphobilinogen deaminase were partially inhibited, one of the porphyrinogen-oxidizing enzymes, uroporphyrinogen decarboxylase, was stimulated and coproporphyrinogen oxidase and protoporphyrinogen oxidase were not substantially affected, which demonstrated that protoporphyrin IX synthesis was relatively more resistant to heat stress. Pchlide oxidoreductase, which is responsible for phototransformation of Pchlide to chlorophyllide, increased in heat-stress conditions by 46% over that of the control seedlings, whereas it was not affected in chill-stressed seedlings. In wheat (Triticum aestivum L. cv HD2329) seedlings porphobilinogen deaminase, Pchlide synthesis, and Pchlide oxidoreductase were affected in a manner similar to that of cucumber, suggesting that temperature stress has a broadly similar effect on Chl biosynthetic enzymes in both cucumber and wheat.
In wheat (Triticum aestivum) seedlings subjected to a mild water stress (water potential of −0.3 MPa), the leaf-elongation rate was reduced by one-half and the mitotic activity of mesophyll cells was reduced to 42% of well-watered controls within 1 d. There was also a reduction in the length of the zone of mesophyll cell division to within 4 mm from the base compared with 8 mm in control leaves. However, the period of division continued longer in the stressed than in the control leaves, and the final cell number in the stressed leaves reached 85% of controls. Cyclin-dependent protein kinase enzymes that are required in vivo for DNA replication and mitosis were recovered from the meristematic zone of leaves by affinity for p13suc1. Water stress caused a reduction in H1 histone kinase activity to one-half of the control level, although amounts of the enzyme were unaffected. Reduced activity was correlated with an increased proportion of the 34-kD Cdc2-like kinase (an enzyme sharing with the Cdc2 protein of other eukaryotes the same size, antigenic sites, affinity for p13suc1, and H1 histone kinase catalytic activity) deactivated by tyrosine phosphorylation. Deactivation to 50% occurred within 3 h of stress imposition in cells at the base of the meristematic zone and was therefore too fast to be explained by a reduction in the rate at which cells reached mitosis because of slowing of growth; rather, stress must have acted more immediately on the enzyme. The operation of controls slowing the exit from the G1 and G2 phases is discussed. We suggest that a water-stress signal acts on Cdc2 kinase by increasing phosphorylation of tyrosine, causing a shift to the inhibited form and slowing cell production.
Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PEPC) activity and corresponding mRNA levels were investigated in developing and germinating wheat (Triticum aestivum) grains. During grain development PEPC activity increased to reach a maximum 15 d postanthesis. Western-blot experiments detected two main PEPC polypeptides with apparent molecular masses of 108 and 103 kD. The most abundant 103-kD PEPC subunit remained almost constant throughout the process of grain development and in the scutellum and aleurone layer of germinating grains. The less-abundant 108-kD polypeptide progressively disappeared during the second half of grain development and was newly synthesized in the scutellum and aleurone layer of germinating grains. PEPC mRNA was detected throughout the process of grain development; however, in germinating grains PEPC mRNA accumulated transiently in the scutellum and aleurone layer, showing a sharp maximum 24 h after imbibition. Immunolocalization studies revealed the presence of the enzyme in tissues with a high metabolic activity, as well as in the vascular tissue of the crease area of developing grains. A clear increase in PEPC was observed in the scutellar epithelium of grains 24 h after imbibition. The data suggest that the transiently formed PEPC mRNA in the scutellar epithelium encodes the 108-kD PEPC subunit.
A Cd2+-selective vibrating microelectrode was constructed using a neutral carrier-based Cd ionophore to investigate ion-transport processes along the roots of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and two species of Thlaspi, one a Zn/Cd hyperaccumulator and the other a related nonaccumulator. In simple Cd(NO3)2 solutions, the electrode exhibited a Nernstian response in solutions with Cd2+ activities as low as 50 nm. Addition of Ca2+ to the calibration solutions did not influence the slope of the calibration curve but reduced the detection limit to a solution activity of 1 μm Cd2+. Addition of high concentrations of K+ and Mg2+ to the calibration solution to mimic the ionic composition of the cytoplasm affected neither the slope nor the sensitivity of the electrode, demonstrating the pH-insensitive electrode's potential for intracellular investigations. The electrode was assayed for selectivity and was shown to be at least 1000 times more selective for Cd2+ than for any of those potentially interfering ions tested. Flux measurements along the roots of the two Thlaspi species showed no differences in the pattern or the magnitude of Cd2+ uptake within the time frame considered. The Cd2+-selective microelectrode will permit detailed investigations of heavy-metal ion transport in plant roots, especially in the area of phytoremediation.
Treatment of the xyloglucan isolated from the seeds of Hymenaea courbaril with Humicola insolens endo-1,4-β-d-glucanase I produced xyloglucan oligosaccharides, which were then isolated and characterized. The two most abundant compounds were the heptasaccharide (XXXG) and the octasaccharide (XXLG), which were examined by reference to the biological activity of other structurally related xyloglucan compounds. The reduced oligomer (XXLGol) was shown to promote growth of wheat (Triticum aestivum) coleoptiles independently of the presence of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D). In the presence of 2,4-D, XXLGol at nanomolar concentrations increased the auxin-induced response. It was found that XXLGol is a signaling molecule, since it has the ability to induce, at nanomolar concentrations, a rapid increase in an α-l-fucosidase response in suspended cells or protoplasts of Rubus fruticosus L. and to modulate 2,4-D or gibberellic acid-induced α-l-fucosidase.
Dichloroacetamide safeners protect maize (Zea mays L.) against injury from chloroacetanilide and thiocarbamate herbicides. Etiolated maize seedlings have a high-affinity cytosolic-binding site for the safener [3H](R,S)-3-dichloroacetyl-2,2,5-trimethyl-1,3-oxazol-idine ([3H]Saf), and this safener-binding activity (SafBA) is competitively inhibited by the herbicides. The safener-binding protein (SafBP), purified to homogeneity, has a relative molecular weight of 39,000, as shown by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, and an isoelectric point of 5.5. Antiserum raised against purified SafBP specifically recognizes a 39-kD protein in etiolated maize and sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.), which have SafBA, but not in etiolated wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), oat (Avena sativa L.), barley (Hordeum vulgare L.), tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.), or Arabidopsis, which lack SafBA. SafBP is most abundant in the coleoptile and scarcest in the leaves, consistent with the distribution of SafBA. SBP1, a cDNA encoding SafBP, was cloned using polymerase chain reaction primers based on purified proteolytic peptides. Extracts of Escherichia coli cells expressing SBP1 have strong [3H]Saf binding, which, like binding to the native maize protein, is competitively inhibited by the safener dichlormid and the herbicides S-ethyl dipropylthiocarbamate, alachlor, and metolachlor. SBP1 is predicted to encode a phenolic O-methyltransferase, but SafBP does not O-methylate catechol or caffeic acid. The acquisition of its encoding gene opens experimental approaches for the evaluation of the role of SafBP in response to the relevant safeners and herbicides.