29 resultados para THERM COUPLES
The invasive signal amplification reaction has been previously developed for quantitative detection of nucleic acids and discrimination of single-nucleotide polymorphisms. Here we describe a method that couples two invasive reactions into a serial isothermal homogeneous assay using fluorescence resonance energy transfer detection. The serial version of the assay generates more than 107 reporter molecules for each molecule of target DNA in a 4-h reaction; this sensitivity, coupled with the exquisite specificity of the reaction, is sufficient for direct detection of less than 1,000 target molecules with no prior target amplification. Here we present a kinetic analysis of the parameters affecting signal and background generation in the serial invasive signal amplification reaction and describe a simple kinetic model of the assay. We demonstrate the ability of the assay to detect as few as 600 copies of the methylene tetrahydrofolate reductase gene in samples of human genomic DNA. We also demonstrate the ability of the assay to discriminate single base differences in this gene by using 20 ng of human genomic DNA.
Quinol:fumarate reductase (QFR) is a membrane protein complex that couples the reduction of fumarate to succinate to the oxidation of quinol to quinone, in a reaction opposite to that catalyzed by the related enzyme succinate:quinone reductase (succinate dehydrogenase). In the previously determined structure of QFR from Wolinella succinogenes, the site of fumarate reduction in the flavoprotein subunit A of the enzyme was identified, but the site of menaquinol oxidation was not. In the crystal structure, the acidic residue Glu-66 of the membrane spanning, diheme-containing subunit C lines a cavity that could be occupied by the substrate menaquinol. Here we describe that, after replacement of Glu-C66 with Gln by site-directed mutagenesis, the resulting mutant is unable to grow on fumarate and the purified enzyme lacks quinol oxidation activity. X-ray crystal structure analysis of the Glu-C66 → Gln variant enzyme at 3.1-Å resolution rules out any major structural changes compared with the wild-type enzyme. The oxidation-reduction potentials of the heme groups are not significantly affected. We conclude that Glu-C66 is an essential constituent of the menaquinol oxidation site. Because Glu-C66 is oriented toward a cavity leading to the periplasm, the release of two protons on menaquinol oxidation is expected to occur to the periplasm, whereas the uptake of two protons on fumarate reduction occurs from the cytoplasm. Thus our results indicate that the reaction catalyzed by W. succinogenes QFR generates a transmembrane electrochemical potential.
The eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4A (eIF4A) is a member of the DEA(D/H)-box RNA helicase family, a diverse group of proteins that couples an ATPase activity to RNA binding and unwinding. Previous work has provided the structure of the amino-terminal, ATP-binding domain of eIF4A. Extending those results, we have solved the structure of the carboxyl-terminal domain of eIF4A with data to 1.75 Å resolution; it has a parallel α-β topology that superimposes, with minor variations, on the structures and conserved motifs of the equivalent domain in other, distantly related helicases. Using data to 2.8 Å resolution and molecular replacement with the refined model of the carboxyl-terminal domain, we have completed the structure of full-length eIF4A; it is a “dumbbell” structure consisting of two compact domains connected by an extended linker. By using the structures of other helicases as a template, compact structures can be modeled for eIF4A that suggest (i) helicase motif IV binds RNA; (ii) Arg-298, which is conserved in the DEA(D/H)-box RNA helicase family but is absent from many other helicases, also binds RNA; and (iii) motifs V and VI “link” the carboxyl-terminal domain to the amino-terminal domain through interactions with ATP and the DEA(D/H) motif, providing a mechanism for coupling ATP binding and hydrolysis with conformational changes that modulate RNA binding.
The GNAS1 gene encodes the α subunit of the guanine nucleotide-binding protein Gs, which couples signaling through peptide hormone receptors to cAMP generation. GNAS1 mutations underlie the hormone resistance syndrome pseudohypoparathyroidism type Ia (PHP-Ia), so the maternal inheritance displayed by PHP-Ia has raised suspicions that GNAS1 is imprinted. Despite this suggestion, in most tissues Gsα is biallelically encoded. In contrast, the large G protein XLαs, also encoded by GNAS1, is paternally derived. Because the inheritance of PHP-Ia predicts the existence of maternally, rather than paternally, expressed transcripts, we have investigated the allelic origin of other mRNAs derived from GNAS1. We find this gene to be remarkable in the complexity of its allele-specific regulation. Two upstream promoters, each associated with a large coding exon, lie only 11 kb apart, yet show opposite patterns of allele-specific methylation and monoallelic transcription. The more 5′ of these exons encodes the neuroendocrine secretory protein NESP55, which is expressed exclusively from the maternal allele. The NESP55 exon is 11 kb 5′ to the paternally expressed XLαs exon. The transcripts from these two promoters both splice onto GNAS1 exon 2, yet share no coding sequences. Despite their structural unrelatedness, the encoded proteins, of opposite allelic origin, both have been implicated in regulated secretion in neuroendocrine tissues. Remarkably, maternally (NESP55), paternally (XLαs), and biallelically (Gsα) derived proteins all are produced by different patterns of promoter use and alternative splicing of GNAS1, a gene showing simultaneous imprinting in both the paternal and maternal directions.
The syndecans are transmembrane proteoglycans that place structurally heterogeneous heparan sulfate chains at the cell surface and a highly conserved polypeptide in the cytoplasm. Their versatile heparan sulfate moieties support various processes of molecular recognition, signaling, and trafficking. Here we report the identification of a protein that binds to the cytoplasmic domains of the syndecans in yeast two-hybrid screens, surface plasmon resonance experiments, and ligand-overlay assays. This protein, syntenin, contains a tandem repeat of PDZ domains that reacts with the FYA C-terminal amino acid sequence of the syndecans. Recombinant enhanced green fluorescent protein (eGFP)–syntenin fusion proteins decorate the plasmamembrane and intracellular vesicles, where they colocalize and cosegregate with syndecans. Cells that overexpress eGFP–syntenin show numerous cell surface extensions, suggesting effects of syntenin on cytoskeleton–membrane organization. We propose that syntenin may function as an adaptor that couples syndecans to cytoskeletal proteins or cytosolic downstream signal-effectors.
Objectives: To investigate the impact of the postcoital test on the pregnancy rate among subfertile couples and on the number of other diagnostic tests and treatments.
The goal of this study was to determine whether β1-adrenergic receptor (AR) and β2-AR differ in regulating cardiomyocyte survival and apoptosis and, if so, to explore underlying mechanisms. One potential mechanism is that cardiac β2-AR can activate both Gs and Gi proteins, whereas cardiac β1-AR couples only to Gs. To avoid complicated crosstalk between β-AR subtypes, we expressed β1-AR or β2-AR individually in adult β1/β2-AR double knockout mouse cardiac myocytes by using adenoviral gene transfer. Stimulation of β1-AR, but not β2-AR, markedly induced myocyte apoptosis, as indicated by increased terminal deoxynucleotidyltransferase-mediated UTP end labeling or Hoechst staining positive cells and DNA fragmentation. In contrast, β2-AR (but not β1-AR) stimulation elevated the activity of Akt, a powerful survival signal; this effect was fully abolished by inhibiting Gi, Gβγ, or phosphoinositide 3 kinase (PI3K) with pertussis toxin, βARK-ct (a peptide inhibitor of Gβγ), or LY294002, respectively. This indicates that β2-AR activates Akt via a Gi-Gβγ-PI3K pathway. More importantly, inhibition of the Gi-Gβγ-PI3K-Akt pathway converts β2-AR signaling from survival to apoptotic. Thus, stimulation of a single class of receptors, β2-ARs, elicits concurrent apoptotic and survival signals in cardiac myocytes. The survival effect appears to predominate and is mediated by the Gi-Gβγ-PI3K-Akt signaling pathway.
We present evidence that a bacterial signal transduction cascade that couples morphogenesis with cell cycle progression is regulated by dynamic localization of its components. Previous studies have implicated two histidine kinases, DivJ and PleC, and the response regulator, DivK, in the regulation of morphogenesis in the dimorphic bacterium Caulobacter crescentus. Here, we show that the cytoplasmic response regulator, DivK, exhibits a dynamic, cyclical localization that culminates in asymmetric distribution of DivK within the two cell types that are characteristic of the Caulobacter cell cycle; DivK is dispersed throughout the cytoplasm of the progeny swarmer cell and is localized to the pole of the stalked cell. The membrane-bound DivJ and PleC histidine kinases, which are asymmetrically localized at the opposite poles of the predivisional cell, control the temporal and spatial localization of DivK. DivJ mediates DivK targeting to the poles whereas PleC controls its release from one of the poles at times and places that are consistent with the activities and location of DivJ and PleC in the late predivisional cell. Thus, dynamic changes in subcellular location of multiple components of a signal transduction cascade may constitute a novel mode of prokaryotic regulation to generate and maintain cellular asymmetry.
There is abundant evidence for large amounts of unseen matter in the universe. This dark matter, by its very nature, couples feebly to ordinary matter and is correspondingly difficult to detect. Nonetheless, several experiments are now underway with the sensitivity required to detect directly galactic halo dark matter through their interactions with matter and radiation. These experiments divide into two broad classes: searches for weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPs) and searches for axions. There exists a very strong theoretical bias for supposing that supersymmetry (SUSY) is a correct description of nature. WIMPs are predicted by this SUSY theory and have the required properties to be dark matter. These WIMPs are detected from the byproducts of their occasional recoil against nucleons. There are efforts around the world to detect these rare recoils. The WIMP part of this overview focuses on the cryogenic dark matter search (CDMS) underway in California. Axions, another favored dark matter candidate, are predicted to arise from a minimal extension of the standard model that explains the absence of the expected large CP violating effects in strong interactions. Axions can, in the presence of a large magnetic field, turn into microwave photons. It is the slight excess of photons above noise that signals the axion. Axion searches are underway in California and Japan. The axion part of this overview focuses on the California effort. Brevity does not allow me to discuss other WIMP and axion searches, likewise for accelerator and satellite based searches; I apologize for their omission.
DGq is the alpha subunit of the heterotrimeric GTPase (G alpha), which couples rhodopsin to phospholipase C in Drosophila vision. We have uncovered three duplicated exons in dgq by scanning the GenBank data base for unrecognized coding sequences. These alternative exons encode sites involved in GTPase activity and G beta-binding, NorpA (phospholipase C)-binding, and rhodopsin-binding. We examined the in vivo splicing of dgq in adult flies and find that, in all but the male gonads, only two isoforms are expressed. One, dgqA, is the original visual isoform and is expressed in eyes, ocelli, brain, and male gonads. The other, dgqB, has the three novel exons and is widely expressed. Remarkably, all three nonvisual B exons are highly similar (82% identity at the amino acid level) to the Gq alpha family consensus, from Caenorhabditis elegans to human, but all three visual A exons are divergent (61% identity). Intriguingly, we have found a third isoform, dgqC, which is specifically and abundantly expressed in male gonads, and shares the divergent rhodopsin-binding exon of dgqA. We suggest that DGqC is a candidate for the light-signal transducer of a testes-autonomous photosensory clock. This proposal is supported by the finding that rhodopsin 2 and arrestin 1, two photoreceptor-cell-specific genes, are also expressed in male gonads.
Recovery of cell volume in response to osmotic stress is mediated in part by increases in the Cl- permeability of the plasma membrane. These studies evaluate the hypothesis that ATP release and autocrine stimulation of purinergic (P2) receptors couple increases in cell volume to opening of Cl- channels. In HTC rat hepatoma cells, swelling induced by hypotonic exposure increased membrane Cl- current density to 44.8 +/- 7.1 pA/pF at -80 mV. Both the rate of volume recovery and the increase in Cl- permeability were inhibited in the presence of the ATP hydrolase apyrase (3 units/ml) or by exposure to the P2 receptor blockers suramin and Reactive Blue 2 (10-100 microM). Cell swelling also stimulated release of ATP. Hypotonic exposure increased the concentration of ATP in the effluent of perfused cells by 170 +/- 36 nM in the presence of a nucleotidase inhibitor (P < 0.01). In whole-cell recordings with ATP as the charge carrier, cell swelling increased membrane current density approximately 30-fold to 16.5 +/- 10.4 pA/pF. These findings indicate that increases in cell volume lead to efflux of ATP through opening of a conductive pathway consistent with a channel, and that extracellular ATP is required for recovery from swelling. ATP may function as an autocrine factor that couples increases in cell volume to opening of Cl- channels through stimulation of P2 receptors.
Two major intermediaries in signal transduction pathways are pp60v-sre family tyrosine kinases and heterotrimeric guanine nucleotide-binding proteins. In Rat-1 fibroblasts transformed by the v-src oncogene, endothelin-1 (ET-1)-induced inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate accumulation is increased 6-fold, without any increases in the numbers of ET-1 receptors or in the response to another agonist, thrombin. This ET-1 hyperresponse can be inhibited by an antibody directed against the carboxyl terminus of the Gq/G11 alpha subunit, suggesting that the Gq/G11 protein couples ET-1 receptors to phospholipase C (PLC). While v-src transformation did not increase the expression of the Gq/G11 alpha subunit, immunoblotting with anti-phosphotyrosine antibodies and phosphoamino acid analysis demonstrated that the Gq/G11 alpha subunit becomes phosphorylated on tyrosine residues in v-src-transformed cells. Moreover, when the Gq/G11 protein was extracted from control and transformed cell lines and reconstituted with exogenous PLC, AIF*4-stimulated Gq/G11 activity was markedly increased in extracts from v-src-transformed cells. Our results demonstrate that the process of v-src transformation can increase the tyrosine phosphorylation state of the Gq/G11 alpha-subunit in intact cells and that the process causes an increase in the Gq/G11 alpha-subunit's ability to stimulate PLC following activation with AIF-4.
To improve our understanding of the mechanism that couples nucleotide-excision repair to transcription in expressed genes, we have examined the effects of mutations in several different DNA repair genes on the removal of cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers from the individual strands of the induced lactose operon in UV-irradiated Escherichia coli. As expected, we found little repair in either strand of the lactose operon in strains with mutations in established nucleotide excision-repair genes (uvrA, uvrB, uvrC, or uvrD). In contrast, we found that mutations in either of two genes required for DNA-mismatch correction (mutS and mutL) selectively abolish rapid repair in the transcribed strand and render the cells moderately sensitive to UV irradiation. Similar results were found in a strain with a mutation in the mfd gene, the product of which has been previously shown to be required for transcription-coupled repair in vitro. Our results demonstrate an association between mismatch-correction and nucleotide-excision repair and implicate components of DNA-mismatch repair in transcription-coupled repair. In addition, they may have important consequences for human disease and may enhance our understanding of the etiology of certain cancers which have been associated with defects in mismatch correction.
Plants possess multiple resistance mechanisms that guard against pathogen attack. Among these are inducible systems such as systemic acquired resistance (SAR). SAR is activated by pathogen exposure and leads to an increase in salicylic acid (SA), high-level expression of SAR-related genes, and resistance to a spectrum of pathogens. To identify components of the signal transduction pathways regulating SAR, a mutant screen was developed that uses 2,6-dichloroisonicotinic acid as an activator of SAR gene expression and pathogen resistance, followed by assays for resistance to the fungal pathogen Peronospora parasitica. Mutants from this screen were subsequently examined to assess their defense responses. We describe here a recessive mutation that causes a phenotype of insensitivity to chemical and biological inducers of SAR genes and resistance. These data indicate the existence of a common signaling pathway that couples these diverse stimuli to induction of SAR genes and resistance. Because of its non-inducible immunity phenotype, we call this mutant nim1. Although nim1 plants fail to respond to SA, they retain the ability to accumulate wild-type levels of SA, a probable endogenous signal for SAR. Further, the ability of nim1 plants to support growth of normally incompatible races of a fungal pathogen indicates a role for this pathway in expression of genetically determined resistance, consistent with earlier findings for transgenic plants engineered to break down SA. These results suggest that the wild-type NIM1 gene product functions in a pathway regulating acquired resistance, at a position downstream of SA accumulation and upstream of SAR gene induction and expression of resistance.