23 resultados para Steroid 17-alpha-Hydroxylase


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Previously, we have shown that agonists and antagonists interact with distinct, though overlapping regions within the human progesterone receptor (hPR) resulting in the formation of structurally different complexes. Thus, a link was established between the structure of a ligand-receptor complex and biological activity. In this study, we have utilized a series of in vitro assays with which to study hPR pharmacology and have identified a third class of hPR ligands that induce a receptor conformation which is distinct from that induced by agonists or antagonists. Importantly, when assayed on PR-responsive target genes these compounds were shown to exhibit partial agonist activity; an activity that was influenced by cell context. Thus, as has been shown previously for estrogen receptor, the overall structure of the ligand-receptor complex is influenced by the nature of the ligand. It appears, therefore, that the observed differences in the activity of some PR and estrogen receptor ligands reflect the ability of the cellular transcription machinery to discriminate between the structurally different complexes that result following ligand interaction. These data support the increasingly favored hypothesis that different ligands can interact with different regions within the hormone binding domains of steroid hormone receptors resulting in different biologies.


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The yeast two-hybrid system was used to isolate a clone from a 17-day-old mouse embryo cDNA library that codes for a novel 812-aa long protein fragment, glucocorticoid receptor-interacting protein 1 (GRIP1), that can interact with the hormone binding domain (HBD) of the glucocorticoid receptor. In the yeast two-hybrid system and in vitro, GRIP1 interacted with the HBDs of the glucocorticoid, estrogen, and androgen receptors in a hormone-regulated manner. When fused to the DNA binding domain of a heterologous protein, the GRIP1 fragment activated a reporter gene containing a suitable enhancer site in yeast cells and in mammalian cells, indicating that GRIP1 contains a transcriptional activation domain. Overexpression of the GRIP1 fragment in mammalian cells interfered with hormone-regulated expression of mouse mammary tumor virus-chloramphenicol acetyltransferase gene and constitutive expression of cytomegalovirus-beta-galactosidase reporter gene, but not constitutive expression from a tRNA gene promoter. This selective squelching activity suggests that GRIM can interact with an essential component of the RNA polymerase II transcription machinery. Finally, while a steroid receptor HBD fused with a GAL4 DNA binding domain did not, by itself, activate transcription of a reporter gene in yeast, coexpression of this fusion protein with GRIP1 strongly activated the reporter gene. Thus, in yeast, GRIP1 can serve as a coactivator, potentiating the transactivation functions in steroid receptor HBDs, possibly by acting as a bridge between HBDs of the receptors and the basal transcription machinery.


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Promyelocytic leukemia zinc finger-retinoic acid receptor a (PLZF-RARalpha), a fusion receptor generated as a result of a variant t(11;17) chromosomal translocation that occurs in a small subset of acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL) patients, has been shown to display a dominant-negative effect against the wild-type RARalpha/retinoid X receptor alpha (RXRalpha). We now show that its N-terminal region (called the POZ-domain), which mediates protein-protein interaction as well as specific nuclear localization of the wild-type PLZF and chimeric PLZF-RARalpha proteins, is primarily responsible for this activity. To further investigate the mechanisms of PLZF-RARalpha action, we have also studied its ligand-receptor, protein-protein, and protein-DNA interaction properties and compared them with those of the promyelocytic leukemia gene (PML)-RARalpha, which is expressed in the majority of APLs as a result of t(15;17) translocation. PLZF-RARalpha and PML-RARalpha have essentially the same ligand-binding affinities and can bind in vitro to retinoic acid response elements (RAREs) as homodimers or heterodimers with RXRalpha. PLZF-RARalpha homodimerization and heterodimerization with RXRalpha were primarily mediated by the POZ-domain and RARalpha sequence, respectively. Despite having identical RARalpha sequences, PLZF-RARalpha and PML-RARalpha homodimers recognized with different affinities distinct RAREs. Furthermore, PLZF-RARalpha could heterodimerize in vitro with the wild-type PLZF, suggesting that it may play a role in leukemogenesis by antagonizing actions of not only the retinoid receptors but also the wild-type PLZF and possibly other POZ-domain-containing regulators. These different protein-protein interactions and the target gene specificities of PLZF-RARalpha and PML-RARalpha may underlie, at least in part, the apparent resistance of APL with t(11;17) to differentiation effects of all-trans-retinoic acid.


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The estrogen receptor (ER), a 66-kDa protein that mediates the actions of estrogens in estrogen-responsive tissues, is a member of a large superfamily of nuclear hormone receptors that function as ligand-activated transcription factors. ER shares a conserved structural and functional organization with other members of this superfamily, including two transcriptional activation functions (AFs), one located in its amino-terminal region (AF-1) and the second located in its carboxyl-terminal, ligand-binding region (AF-2). In most promoter contexts, synergism between AF-1 and AF-2 is required for full ER activity. In these studies, we demonstrate a functional interaction of the two AF-containing regions of ER, when expressed as separate polypeptides in mammalian cells, in response to 17 beta-estradiol (E2) and antiestrogen binding. The interaction was transcriptionally productive only in response to E2, and was eliminated by point or deletion mutations that destroy AF-1 or AF-2 activity or E2 binding. Our results suggest a definitive mechanistic role for E2 in the activity of ER--namely, to alter receptor conformation to promote an association of the amino- and carboxyl-terminal regions, leading to transcriptional synergism between AF-1 and AF-2. The productive re assembly of two portions of ER expressed in cells as separate polypeptides demonstrates the evolutionarily conserved modular structural and functional organization of the nuclear hormone receptors. The ligand-dependent interaction of the two AF-containing regions of ER allows for the assembly of a complete activation function from two distinct regions within the same protein, providing a mechanism for hormonally regulated transcription.


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Transcription of the late genes of simian virus 40 (SV40) is repressed during the early phase of the lytic cycle of infection of binding of cellular factors, called IBP-s, to the SV40 late promoter; repression is relieved after the onset of viral DNA replication by titration of these repressors. Preliminary data indicated that one of the major components of IBP-s was human estrogen-related receptor 1 (hERR1). We show here that several members of the steroid/thyroid hormone receptor superfamily, including testis receptor 2, thyroid receptor alpha 1 in combination with retinoid X receptor alpha, chicken ovalbumin upstream promoter transcription factors 1 and 2 (COUP-TF1 and COUP-TF2), as well as hERR1, possess the properties of IBP-s. These receptors bind specifically to hormone receptor binding sites present in the SV40 major late promoter. Recombinant COUP-TF1 specifically represses transcription from the SV40 major late promoter in a cell-free transcription system. Expression of COUP-TF1, COUP-TF2, or hERR1 in monkey cells results in repression of the SV40 late promoter, but not the early promoter, in the absence of the virally encoded large tumor antigen. Overexpression of COUP-TF1 leads to a delay in the early-to-late switch in SV40 gene expression during the lytic cycle of infection. Thus, members of this superfamily can play major direct roles in regulating expression of SV40. Possibly, natural or synthetic ligands to these receptors can serve as antiviral drugs. Our findings also provide the basis for the development of assays to screen for the ligands to testis receptor 2 and hERR1.


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The guinea pig estrogen sulfotransferase gene has been cloned and compared to three other cloned steroid and phenol sulfotransferase genes (human estrogen sulfotransferase, human phenol sulfotransferase, and guinea pig 3 alpha-hydroxysteroid sulfotransferase). The four sulfotransferase genes demonstrate a common outstanding feature: the splice sites for their 3'-terminal exons are identically located. That is, the 3'-terminal exon splice sites involve a glycine that constitutes the N-terminal glycine of an invariably conserved GXXGXXK motif present in all steroid and phenol sulfotransferases for which primary structures are known. This consistency strongly suggests that all steroid and phenol sulfotransferase genes will be similarly spliced. The GXXGXXK motif forms the active binding site for the universal sulfonate donor 3'-phosphoadenosine 5'-phosphosulfate. Amino acid sequence alignment of 19 cloned steroid and phenol sulfotransferases starting with the GXXGXXK motif indicates that the 3'-terminal exon for each steroid and phenol sulfotransferase gene encodes a similarly sized C-terminal fragment of the protein. Interestingly, on further analysis of the alignment, three distinct amino acid sequence patterns emerge. The presence of the conserved functional GXXGXXK motif suggests that the protein domains encoded by steroid and phenol sulfotransferase 3'-terminal exons have evolved from a common ancestor. Furthermore, it is hypothesized that during the course of evolution, the 3'-terminal exon further diverged into at least three sulfotransferase subdivisions: a phenol or aryl group, an estrogen or phenolic steroid group, and a neutral steroid group.


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The t(15;17) chromosomal translocation, specific for acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL), fuses the PML gene to the retinoic acid receptor alpha (RAR alpha) gene, resulting in expression of a PML-RAR alpha hybrid protein. In this report, we analyzed the nature of PML-RAR alpha-containing complexes in nuclear protein extracts of t(15;17)-positive cells. We show that endogenous PML-RAR alpha can bind to DNA as a homodimer, in contrast to RAR alpha that requires the retinoid X receptor (RXR) dimerization partner. In addition, these cells contain oligomeric complexes of PML-RAR alpha and endogenous RXR. Treatment with retinoic acid results in a decrease of PML-RAR alpha protein levels and, as a consequence, of DNA binding by the different complexes. Using responsive elements from various hormone signaling pathways, we show that PML-RAR alpha homodimers have altered DNA-binding characteristics when compared to RAR alpha-RXR alpha heterodimers. In transfected Drosophila SL-3 cells that are devoid of endogenous retinoid receptors PML-RAR alpha inhibits transactivation by RAR alpha-RXR alpha heterodimers in a dominant fashion. In addition, we show that both normal retinoid receptors and the PML-RAR alpha hybrid bind and activate the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor responsive element from the Acyl-CoA oxidase gene, indicating that retinoids and peroxisome proliferator receptors may share common target genes. These properties of PML-RAR alpha may contribute to the transformed phenotype of APL cells.


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vpr is one of the auxiliary genes of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) and is conserved in the related HIV-2/simian immunodeficiency virus lentiviruses. The unique feature of Vpr is that it is the only nonstructural protein incorporated into the virus particle. Secondary structural analysis predicted an amphipathic alpha-helical domain in the amino terminus of Vpr (residues 17-34) which contains five acidic and four leucine residues. To evaluate the role of specific residues of the helical domain for virion incorporation, mutagenesis of this domain was carried out. Substitution of proline for any of the individual acidic residues (Asp-17 and Glu-21, -24, -25, and -29) eliminated the virion incorporation of Vpr and also altered the stability of Vpr in cells. Conservative replacement of glutamic residues of the helical domain with aspartic residues resulted in Vpr characteristic of wild type both in stability and virion incorporation, as did substitution of glutamine for the acidic residues. In contrast, replacement of leucine residues of the helical domain (residues 20, 22, 23, and 26) by alanine eliminated virion incorporation function of Vpr. These data indicate that acidic and hydrophobic residues and the helical structure in this region are critical for the stability of Vpr and its efficient incorporation into virus-like particles.