18 resultados para Shulman, Alix Kates
To examine the impact of insulin resistance on the insulin-dependent and insulin-independent portions of muscle glycogen synthesis during recovery from exercise, we studied eight young, lean, normoglycemic insulin-resistant (IR) offspring of individuals with non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus and eight age-weight matched control (CON) subjects after plantar flexion exercise that lowered muscle glycogen to approximately 25% of resting concentration. After approximately 20 min of exercise, intramuscular glucose 6-phosphate and glycogen were simultaneously monitored with 31P and 13C NMR spectroscopies. The postexercise rate of glycogen resynthesis was nonlinear. Glycogen synthesis rates during the initial insulin independent portion (0-1 hr of recovery) were similar in the two groups (IR, 15.5 +/- 1.3 mM/hr and CON, 15.8 +/- 1.7 mM/hr); however, over the next 4 hr, insulin-dependent glycogen synthesis was significantly reduced in the IR group [IR, 0.1 +/- 0.5 mM/hr and CON, 2.9 +/- 0.2 mM/hr; (P < or = 0.001)]. After exercise there was an initial rise in glucose 6-phosphate concentrations that returned to baseline after the first hour of recovery in both groups. In summary, we found that following muscle glycogen-depleting exercise, IR offspring of parents with non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus had (i) normal rates of muscle glycogen synthesis during the insulin-independent phase of recovery from exercise and (ii) severely diminished rates of muscle glycogen synthesis during the subsequent recovery period (2-5 hr), which has previously been shown to be insulin-dependent in normal CON subjects. These data provide evidence that exercise and insulin stimulate muscle glycogen synthesis in humans by different mechanisms and that in the IR subjects the early response to stimulation by exercise is normal.
Activation of single whisker barrel in rat brain localized by functional magnetic resonance imaging.
The previously established cortical representation of rat whiskers in layer IV of the cortex contains distinct cylindrical columns of cellular aggregates, which are termed barrels and correlate in a one-to-one relation to whiskers on the contralateral rat face. In the present study, functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) of the rat brain was used to map whisker barrel activation during mechanical up-down movement (+/- 2.5 mm amplitude at 8 Hz) of single/multiple whisker(s). Multislice gradient echo fMRI experiments were performed at 7 T with in-plane image resolution of 220 x 220 microns, slice thickness of 1 mm, and echo time of 16 ms. Highly significant (P < 0.001) and localized contralateral regions of activation were observed upon stimulation of single/multiple whisker(s). In all experiments (n = 10), the locations of activation relative to bregma and midline were highly correlated with the neuroanatomical position of the corresponding whisker barrels, and the results were reproducible intra- and interanimal. Our results indicate that fMRI based on blood oxygenation level-dependent image contrast has the sensitivity to depict activation of a single whisker barrel in the rat brain. This noninvasive technique will supplement existing methods in the study of rat barrel cortex and should be particularly useful for the long-term investigations of central nervous system in the same animal.
The activity of glycogen synthase (GSase; EC is regulated by covalent phosphorylation. Because of this regulation, GSase has generally been considered to control the rate of glycogen synthesis. This hypothesis is examined in light of recent in vivo NMR experiments on rat and human muscle and is found to be quantitatively inconsistent with the data under conditions of glycogen synthesis. Our first experiments showed that muscle glycogen synthesis was slower in non-insulin-dependent diabetics compared to normals and that their defect was in the glucose transporter/hexokinase (GT/HK) part of the pathway. From these and other in vivo NMR results a quantitative model is proposed in which the GT/HK steps control the rate of glycogen synthesis in normal humans and rat muscle. The flux through GSase is regulated to match the proximal steps by "feed forward" to glucose 6-phosphate, which is a positive allosteric effector of all forms of GSase. Recent in vivo NMR experiments specifically designed to test the model are analyzed by metabolic control theory and it is shown quantitatively that the GT/HK step controls the rate of glycogen synthesis. Preliminary evidence favors the transporter step. Several conclusions are significant: (i) glucose transport/hexokinase controls the glycogen synthesis flux; (ii) the role of covalent phosphorylation of GSase is to adapt the activity of the enzyme to the flux and to control the metabolite levels not the flux; (iii) the quantitative data needed for inferring and testing the present model of flux control depended upon advances of in vivo NMR methods that accurately measured the concentration of glucose 6-phosphate and the rate of glycogen synthesis.