35 resultados para Secretory Iga


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The evolutionarily conserved Sec61 protein complex mediates the translocation of secretory proteins into the endoplasmic reticulum. To investigate the role of Sec61p, which is the main subunit of this complex, we generated recessive, cold-sensitive alleles of sec61 that encode stably expressed proteins with strong defects in translocation. The stage at which posttranslational translocation was blocked was probed by chemical crosslinking of radiolabeled secretory precursors added to membranes isolated from wild-type and mutant strains. Two classes of sec61 mutants were distinguished. The first class of mutants was defective in preprotein docking onto a receptor site of the translocon that included Sec61p itself. The second class of mutants allowed docking of precursors onto the translocon but was defective in the ATP-dependent release of precursors from this site that in wild-type membranes leads to pore insertion and full translocation. Only mutants of the second class were partially suppressed by overexpression of SEC63, which encodes a subunit of the Sec61 holoenzyme complex responsible for positioning Kar2p (yeast BiP) at the translocation channel. These mutants thus define two early stages of translocation that require SEC61 function before precursor protein transfer across the endoplasmic reticulum membrane.


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Insulin and guanosine-5′-O-(3-thiotriphosphate) (GTPγS) both stimulate glucose transport and translocation of the insulin-responsive glucose transporter 4 (GLUT4) to the plasma membrane in adipocytes. Previous studies suggest that these effects may be mediated by different mechanisms. In this study we have tested the hypothesis that these agonists recruit GLUT4 by distinct trafficking mechanisms, possibly involving mobilization of distinct intracellular compartments. We show that ablation of the endosomal system using transferrin-HRP causes a modest inhibition (∼30%) of insulin-stimulated GLUT4 translocation. In contrast, the GTPγS response was significantly attenuated (∼85%) under the same conditions. Introduction of a GST fusion protein encompassing the cytosolic tail of the v-SNARE cellubrevin inhibited GTPγS-stimulated GLUT4 translocation by ∼40% but had no effect on the insulin response. Conversely, a fusion protein encompassing the cytosolic tail of vesicle-associated membrane protein-2 had no significant effect on GTPγS-stimulated GLUT4 translocation but inhibited the insulin response by ∼40%. GTPγS- and insulin-stimulated GLUT1 translocation were both partially inhibited by GST-cellubrevin (∼50%) but not by GST-vesicle-associated membrane protein-2. Incubation of streptolysin O-permeabilized 3T3-L1 adipocytes with GTPγS caused a marked accumulation of Rab4 and Rab5 at the cell surface, whereas other Rab proteins (Rab7 and Rab11) were unaffected. These data are consistent with the localization of GLUT4 to two distinct intracellular compartments from which it can move to the cell surface independently using distinct sets of trafficking molecules.


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The biogenesis of peptide hormone secretory granules involves a series of sorting, modification, and trafficking steps that initiate in the trans-Golgi and trans-Golgi network (TGN). To investigate their temporal order and interrelationships, we have developed a pulse–chase protocol that follows the synthesis and packaging of a sulfated hormone, pro-opiomelanocortin (POMC). In AtT-20 cells, sulfate is incorporated into POMC predominantly on N-linked endoglycosidase H-resistant oligosaccharides. Subcellular fractionation and pharmacological studies confirm that this sulfation occurs at the trans-Golgi/TGN. Subsequent to sulfation, POMC undergoes a number of molecular events before final storage in dense-core granules. The first step involves the transfer of POMC from the sulfation compartment to a processing compartment (immature secretory granules, ISGs): Inhibiting export of pulse-labeled POMC by brefeldin A (BFA) or a 20°C block prevents its proteolytic conversion to mature adrenocorticotropic hormone. Proteolytic cleavage products were found in vesicular fractions corresponding to ISGs, suggesting that the processing machinery is not appreciably activated until POMC exits the sulfation compartment. A large portion of the labeled hormone is secreted from ISGs as incompletely processed intermediates. This unregulated secretory process occurs only during a limited time window: Granules that have matured for 2 to 3 h exhibit very little unregulated release, as evidenced by the efficient storage of the 15-kDa N-terminal fragment that is generated by a relatively late cleavage event within the maturing granule. The second step of granule biogenesis thus involves two maturation events: proteolytic activation of POMC in ISGs and a transition of the organelle from a state of high unregulated release to one that favors intracellular storage. By using BFA, we show that the two processes occurring in ISGs may be uncoupled: although the unregulated secretion from ISGs is impaired by BFA, proteolytic processing of POMC within this organelle proceeds unaffected. The finding that BFA impairs constitutive secretion from both the TGN and ISGs also suggests that these secretory processes may be related in mechanism. Finally, our data indicate that the unusually high levels of unregulated secretion often associated with endocrine tumors may result, at least in part, from inefficient storage of secretory products at the level of ISGs.


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To investigate the relationship between major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II compartments, secretory granules, and secretory lysosomes, we analyzed the localization and fate of MHC class II molecules in mast cells. In bone marrow-derived mast cells, the bulk of MHC class II molecules is contained in two distinct compartments, with features of both lysosomal compartments and secretory granules defined by their protein content and their accessibility to endocytic tracers. Type I granules display internal membrane vesicles and are accessed by exogenous molecules after a time lag of 20 min; type II granules are reached by the endocytic tracer later and possess a serotonin-rich electron-dense core surrounded by a multivesicular domain. In these type I and type II granules, MHC class II molecules, mannose-6-phosphate receptors and lysosomal membrane proteins (lamp1 and lamp2) localize to small intralumenal vesicles. These 60–80-nm vesicles are released along with inflammatory mediators during mast cell degranulation triggered by IgE-antigen complexes. These observations emphasize the intimate connection between the endocytic and secretory pathways in cells of the hematopoietic lineage which allows regulated secretion of the contents of secretory lysosomes, including membrane proteins associated with small vesicles.


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Inflammation plays a critical role in atherogenesis, yet the mediators linking inflammation to specific atherogenic processes remain to be elucidated. One such mediator may be secretory sphingomyelinase (S-SMase), a product of the acid sphingomyelinase gene. The secretion of S-SMase by cultured endothelial cells is induced by inflammatory cytokines, and in vivo data have implicated S-SMase in subendothelial lipoprotein aggregation, macrophage foam cell formation, and possibly other atherogenic processes. Thus, the goal of this study was to seek evidence for S-SMase regulation in vivo during a physiologically relevant inflammatory response. First, wild-type mice were injected with saline or lipopolysaccharide (LPS) as a model of acute systemic inflammation. Serum S-SMase activity 3 h postinjection was increased 2- to 2.5-fold by LPS (P < 0.01). To determine the role of IL-1 in the LPS response, we used IL-1 converting enzyme knockout mice, which exhibit deficient IL-1 bioactivity. The level of serum S-SMase activity in LPS-injected IL-1 converting enzyme knockout mice was ≈35% less than that in identically treated wild-type mice (P < 0.01). In LPS-injected IL-1-receptor antagonist knockout mice, which have an enhanced response to IL-1, serum S-SMase activity was increased 1.8-fold compared with LPS-injected wild-type mice (P < 0.01). Finally, when wild-type mice were injected directly with IL-1β, tumor necrosis factor α, or both, serum S-SMase activity increased 1.6-, 2.3-, and 2.9-fold, respectively (P < 0.01). These data show regulation of S-SMase activity in vivo and they raise the possibility that local stimulation of S-SMase may contribute to the effects of inflammatory cytokines in atherosclerosis.


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The ability to sense orientation relative to gravity requires dense particles, called otoconia, which are localized in the vestibular macular organs. In mammals, otoconia are composed of proteins (otoconins) and calcium carbonate crystals in a calcite lattice. Little is known about the mechanisms that regulate otoconial biosynthesis. To begin to elucidate these mechanisms, we have partially sequenced and cloned the major protein component of murine otoconia, otoconin-90 (OC90). The amino acid sequence identified an orphan chimeric human cDNA. Because of its similarity to secretory phospholipase A2 (sPLA2), this gene was referred to as PLA2-like (PLA2L) and enabled the identification of human Oc90. Partial murine cDNA and genomic clones were isolated and shown to be specifically expressed in the developing mouse otocyst. The mature mouse OC90 is composed of 453 residues and contains two domains homologous to sPLA2. The cloning of Oc90 will allow an examination of the role of this protein in otoconial biosynthesis and in diseases that affect the vestibular system.


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Secretory granules store neuropeptides and hormones and exhibit regulated exocytosis upon appropriate cellular stimulation. They are generated in the trans-Golgi network as immature secretory granules, short-lived vesicular intermediates, which undergo a complex and poorly understood maturation process. Due to their short half-life and low abundance, real-time studies of immature secretory granules have not been previously possible. We describe here a pulse/chase-like system based on the expression of a human chromogranin B-GFP fusion protein in neuroendocrine PC12 cells, which permits direct visualization of the budding of immature secretory granules and their dynamics during maturation. Live cell imaging revealed that newly formed immature secretory granules are transported in a direct and microtubule-dependent manner within a few seconds to the cell periphery. Our data suggest that the cooperative action of microtubules and actin filaments restricts immature secretory granules to the F-actin-rich cell cortex, where they move randomly and mature completely within a few hours. During this maturation period, secretory granules segregate into pools of different motility. In a late phase of maturation, 60% of secretory granules were found to be immobile and about half of these underwent F-actin-dependent tethering.


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Homotypic fusion of immature secretory granules (ISGs) gives rise to mature secretory granules (MSGs), the storage compartment in endocrine and neuroendocrine cells for hormones and neuropeptides. With the use of a cell-free fusion assay, we investigated which soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive fusion protein attachment receptor (SNARE) molecules are involved in the homotypic fusion of ISGs. Interestingly, the SNARE molecules mediating the exocytosis of MSGs in neuroendocrine cells, syntaxin 1, SNAP-25, and VAMP2, were not involved in homotypic ISG fusion. Instead, we have identified syntaxin 6 as a component of the core machinery responsible for homotypic ISG fusion. Subcellular fractionation studies and indirect immunofluorescence microscopy show that syntaxin 6 is sorted away during the maturation of ISGs to MSGs. Although, syntaxin 6 on ISG membranes is associated with SNAP-25 and SNAP-29/GS32, we could not find evidence that these target (t)-SNARE molecules are involved in homotypic ISG fusion. Nor could we find any involvement for the vesicle (v)-SNARE VAMP4, which is known to be associated with syntaxin 6. Importantly, we have shown that homotypic fusion requires the function of syntaxin 6 on both donor as well as acceptor membranes, which suggests that t–t-SNARE interactions, either direct or indirect, may be required during fusion of ISG membranes.


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Mouse mast cells express gp49B1, a cell-surface member of the Ig superfamily encoded by the gp49B gene. We now report that by ALIGN comparison of the amino acid sequence of gp49B1 with numerous receptors of the Ig superfamily, a newly recognized family has been established that includes gp49B1, the human myeloid cell Fc receptor for IgA, the bovine myeloid cell Fc receptor for IgG2, and the human killer cell inhibitory receptors expressed on natural killer cells and T lymphocyte subsets. Furthermore, the cytoplasmic domain of gp49B1 contains two immunoreceptor tyrosine-based inhibition motifs that are also present in killer cell inhibitory receptors; these motifs downregulate natural killer cell and T-cell activation signals that lead to cytotoxic activity. As assessed by flow cytometry with transfectants that express either gp49B1 or gp49A, which are 89% identical in the amino acid sequences of their extracellular domains, mAb B23.1 was shown to recognize only gp49B1. Coligation of mAb B23.1 bound to gp49B1 and IgE fixed to the high-affinity Fc receptor for IgE on the surface of mouse bone marrow-derived mast cells inhibited exocytosis in a dose-related manner, as defined by the release of the secretory granule constituent beta-hexosaminidase, as well as the generation of the membrane-derived lipid mediator, leukotriene C4. Thus, gp49B1 is an immunoreceptor tyrosine-based inhibition motif-containing integral cell-surface protein that downregulates the high-affinity Fc receptor for IgE-mediated release of proinflammatory mediators from mast cells. Our findings establish a novel counterregulatory transmembrane pathway by which mast cell activation can be inhibited.


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Atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) is a 28-aa peptide hormone secreted predominantly from atrial cardiocytes. ANP is first synthesized in the form of a 126-aa precursor (proANP) which is targeted to dense core granules of the regulated secretory pathway. ProANP is stored until the cell receives a signal that triggers the processing and release of the mature peptide (regulated secretion). Various models have been proposed to explain the targeting of selected proteins to the regulated secretory pathway, including specific "sorting receptors" and calcium-mediated aggregation. As potential calcium binding regions had previously been reported in the profragment of ANP, the current study was undertaken in an effort to determine the relationship between the ability of ANP to enter the regulated secretory pathway and its calcium-mediated aggregation. Deletion and site-directed mutagenesis of selected regions of the prosegment demonstrates that acidic amino acids at positions 23 and 24 are critical for both regulated secretion of proANP from transfected AtT-20 cells and calcium-mediated aggregation of purified recombinant proANP in vitro. These results demonstrate that the ability of certain proteins to enter secretory granules is directly linked to their calcium-mediated aggregation.


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The effects of ischemia on the maturation of secretory proteins are not well understood. Among several events that occur during ischemia-reperfusion are a rapid and extensive decrease in ATP levels and an alteration of cellular oxidative state. Since the normal folding and assembly of secretory proteins are mediated by endoplasmic reticulum (ER) molecular chaperones, the function of which depends on ATP and maintenance of an appropriate redox environment, ischemia might be expected to perturb folding of secretory proteins. In this study, whole animal and cultured cell models for the epithelial ischemic state were used to examine this possibility. After acute kidney ischemia, marked increases in the mRNA levels of the ER chaperones glucose-regulated protein (grp)78/immunoglobulin-binding protein (BiP), grp94, and ER protein (ERp)72 were noted. Likewise, when cellular ATP was depleted to less than 10% of control with antimycin A, mRNA levels of BiP, ERp72, and grp94 were increased in kidney and thyroid epithelial cell culture models. Since the signal for the up-regulation of these stress proteins is believed to be the accumulation of misfolded/misassembled secretory proteins in the ER, their induction after ischemia in vivo and antimycin treatment of cultured cells suggests that maturation of secretory proteins in the ER lumen might indeed be perturbed. To analyze the effects of antimycin A on the maturation of secretory proteins, we studied the fate of thyroglobulin (Tg), a large oligomeric secretory glycoprotein, the folding and assembly of which seems to require a variety of ER chaperones. Treatment of cultured thyroid epithelial cells with antimycin A greatly inhibited ( > 90%) the secretion of Tg. Sucrose density gradient analysis revealed that in antimycin A-treated cells Tg associates into large macromolecular complexes which, by immunofluorescence, appeared to localize to the ER. Furthermore, coimmunoprecipitation studies after antimycin A treatment demonstrated that Tg stably associates with BiP, grp94, and ERp72. Together, our results suggest that a key cellular lesion in ischemia is the misfolding of secretory proteins as they transit the ER, and this leads not only to increased expression of ER chaperones but also to their stable association with and the subsequent retention of at least some misfolded secretory proteins.


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Chromogranin B (CgB, secretogranin I) is a widespread constituent of neuroendocrine secretory granules whose function is unknown. To determine whether CgB affects the sorting of peptide hormone and neuropeptide precursors to secretory granules, we overexpressed CgB in AtT-20 cells, which exhibit an only moderate capacity to sort proopiomelanocortin and proteolytic fragments derived therefrom. In mock-transfected AtT-20 cells, a substantial proportion of newly synthesized proopiomelanocortin and its two primary proteolytic products generated in the trans-Golgi network, the N-terminal 23-kDa fragment containing adrenocorticotropin and the C-terminal beta-lipotropin fragment, was secreted via the constitutive pathway. Two- to three-fold overexpression of CgB markedly reduced the constitutive secretion of the 23-kDa fragment, but not beta-lipotropin and tripled the amount of adrenocorticotropin generated and stored in secretory granules. Our results indicate the existence of neuroendocrine-specific helper proteins which promote the sorting from the trans-Golgi network to secretory granules of certain processing intermediates derived from peptide hormone and neuropeptide precursors and demonstrate that CgB functions as such.


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It has been reported that the inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor subtype 3 is expressed in islet cells and is localized to both insulin and somatostatin granules [Blondel, O., Moody, M. M., Depaoli, A. M., Sharp, A. H., Ross, C. A., Swift, H. & Bell, G. I. (1994) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 91, 7777-7781]. This subcellular localization was based on electron microscope immunocytochemistry using antibodies (affinity-purified polyclonal antiserum AB3) directed to a 15-residue peptide of rat inositol trisphosphate receptor subtype 3. We now show that these antibodies cross-react with rat, but not human, insulin. Accordingly, the anti-inositol trisphosphate receptor subtype 3 (AB3) antibodies label electron dense cores of mature (insulin-rich) granules of rat pancreatic beta cells, and rat granule labeling was blocked by preabsorption of the AB3 antibodies with rat insulin. The immunostaining of immature, Golgi-associated proinsulin-rich granules with AB3 antibodies was very weak, indicating that cross-reactivity is limited to the hormone and not its precursor. Also, the AB3 antibodies labeled pure rat insulin crystals grown in vitro but failed to stain crystals grown from pure human insulin. By immunoprecipitation, the antibodies similarly displayed a higher affinity for rat than for human insulin. We could not confirm the labeling of somatostatin granules using AB3 antibodies.


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Coatomer, a cytosolic heterooligomeric protein complex that consists of seven subunits [alpha-, beta-, beta'-, gamma-, delta-, epsilon-, and zeta-COP (nonclathrin coat protein)], has been shown to interact with dilysine motifs typically found in the cytoplasmic domains of various endoplasmic-reticulum-resident membrane proteins [Cosson, P. & Letourneur, F. (1994) Science 263, 1629-1631]. We have used a photo-cross-linking approach to identify the site of coatomer that is involved in binding to the dilysine motifs. An octapeptide corresponding to the C-terminal tail of Wbp1p, a component of the yeast N-oligosaccharyltransferase complex, has been synthesized with a photoreactive phenylalanine at position -5 and was radioactively labeled with [125I]iodine at a tyrosine residue introduced at the N terminus of the peptide. Photolysis of isolated coatomer in the presence of this peptide and immunoprecipitation of coatomer from photo-cross-linked cell lysates reveal that gamma-COP is the predominantly labeled protein. From these results, we conclude that coatomer is able to bind to the cytoplasmic dilysine motifs of membrane proteins of the early secretory pathway via its gamma-COP subunit, whose complete cDNA-derived amino acid sequence is also presented.