20 resultados para Salacia (angiosperm)


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NADP+-isocitrate dehydrogenase (NADP+-IDH; EC is involved in the supply of 2-oxoglutarate for ammonia assimilation and glutamate synthesis in higher plants through the glutamine synthetase/glutamate synthase (GS/GOGAT) cycle. Only one NADP+-IDH form of cytosolic localization was detected in green cotyledons of pine (Pinus spp.) seedlings. The pine enzyme was purified and exhibited molecular and kinetic properties similar to those described for NADP+-IDH from angiosperm, with a higher catalytic efficiency (105 m−1 s−1) than the deduced efficiencies for GS and GOGAT in higher plants. A polyclonal antiserum was raised against pine NADP+-IDH and used to assess protein expression in the seedlings. Steady-state levels of NADP+-IDH were coordinated with GS during seed germination and were associated with GS/GOGAT enzymes during chloroplast biogenesis, suggesting that NADP+-IDH is involved in the provision of carbon skeletons for the synthesis of nitrogen-containing molecules. However, a noncoordinated pattern of NADP+-IDH and GS/GOGAT was observed in advanced stages of cotyledon development and in the hypocotyl. A detailed analysis in hypocotyl sections revealed that NADP+-IDH abundance was inversely correlated with the presence of GS, GOGAT, and ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase but was associated with the differentiation of the organ. These results cannot be explained by the accepted role of the enzyme in nitrogen assimilation and strongly suggest that NADP+-IDH may have other, as-yet-unknown, biological functions.


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The alcohol dehydrogenase (Adh; alcohol:NAD+ oxidoreductase, EC gene family has two or three loci in a broad array of angiosperm species. The relative stability in the number of Adh loci led Gottlieb [Gottlieb, L. D. (1982) Science 216, 373-380] to propose that the Adh gene family arose from an ancient gene duplication. In this study, the isolation of three loci from the California fan palm (Washingtonia robusta) is reported. The three loci from palm are highly diverged. One palm Adh gene, referred to here as adhB, has been completely sequenced, including 950 nucleotides of the upstream regulatory region. For the second locus, adhA, 81% of the exon sequence is complete. Both show the same basic structure as grass Adh genes in terms of intron number and intron location. The third locus, adhC, for which only a small amount of sequence is available (12% of exon sequence) appears to be more highly diverged. Comparison of the Adh gene families from palms and grasses shows that the adh1 and adh2 genes of grasses, and the adhA and adhB genes of palms, arose by duplication following the divergence of the two families. This finding suggests that the multiple Adh loci in different monocot lineages are not the result of a single ancestral duplication but, rather, of multiple duplication events.


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Numerous island-inhabiting species of predominantly herbaceous angiosperm genera are woody shrubs or trees. Such "insular woodiness" is strongly manifested in the genus Echium, in which the continental species of circummediterranean distribution are herbaceous, whereas endemic species of islands along the Atlantic coast of north Africa are woody perennial shrubs. The history of 37 Echium species was traced with 70 kb of noncoding DNA determined from both chloroplast and nuclear genomes. In all, 239 polymorphic positions with 137 informative sites, in addition to 27 informative indels, were found. Island-dwelling Echium species are shown to descend from herbaceous continental ancestors via a single island colonization event that occurred < 20 million years ago. Founding colonization appears to have taken place on the Canary Islands, from which the Madeira and Cape Verde archipelagos were invaded. Colonization of island habitats correlates with a recent origin of perennial woodiness from herbaceous habit and was furthermore accompanied by intense speciation, which brought forth remarkable diversity of forms among contemporary island endemics. We argue that the origin of insular woodiness involved response to counter-selection of inbreeding depression in founding island colonies.


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Plant-specific polyketide synthase genes constitute a gene superfamily, including universal chalcone synthase [CHS; malonyl-CoA:4-coumaroyl-CoA malonyltransferase (cyclizing) (EC] genes, sporadically distributed stilbene synthase (SS) genes, and atypical, as-yet-uncharacterized CHS-like genes. We have recently isolated from Gerbera hybrida (Asteraceae) an unusual CHS-like gene, GCHS2, which codes for an enzyme with structural and enzymatic properties as well as ontogenetic distribution distinct from both CHS and SS. Here, we show that the GCHS2-like function is encoded in the Gerbera genome by a family of at least three transcriptionally active genes. Conservation within the GCHS2 family was exploited with selective PCR to study the occurrence of GCHS2-like genes in other Asteraceae. Parsimony analysis of the amplified sequences together with CHS-like genes isolated from other taxa of angiosperm subclass Asteridae suggests that GCHS2 has evolved from CHS via a gene duplication event that occurred before the diversification of the Asteraceae. Enzyme activity analysis of proteins produced in vitro indicates that the GCHS2 reaction is a non-SS variant of the CHS reaction, with both different substrate specificity (to benzoyl-CoA) and a truncated catalytic profile. Together with the recent results of Durbin et al. [Durbin, M. L., Learn, G. H., Jr., Huttley, G. A. & Clegg, M. T. (1995) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 92, 3338-3342], our study confirms a gene duplication-based model that explains how various related functions have arisen from CHS during plant evolution.


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The phenomenon of RNA editing has been found to occur in chloroplasts of several angiosperm plants. Comparative analysis of the entire nucleotide sequence of a gymnosperm [Pinus thunbergii (black pine)] chloroplast genome allowed us to predict several potential editing sites in its transcripts. Forty-nine such sites from 14 genes/ORFs were analyzed by sequencing both cDNAs from the transcripts and the corresponding chloroplast DNA regions, and 26 RNA editing sites were identified in the transcripts from 12 genes/ORFs, indicating that chloroplast RNA editing is not restricted to angiosperms but occurs in the gymnosperm, too. All the RNA editing events are C-to-U conversions; however, many new codon substitutions and creation of stop codons that have not so far been reported in angiosperm chloroplasts were observed. The most striking is that two editing events result in the creation of an initiation and a stop codon within a single transcript, leading to the formation of a new reading frame of 33 codons. The predicted product is highly homologous to that deduced from the ycf7 gene (ORF31), which is conserved in the chloroplast genomes of many other plant species.