166 resultados para SMALL NUCLEAR-RNA


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Vertebrate cells contain a large number of small nucleolar RNA (snoRNA) species, the vast majority of which bind fibrillarin. Most of the fibrillarin-associated snoRNAs can form 10- to 21-nt duplexes with rRNA and are thought to guide 2′-O-methylation of selected nucleotides in rRNA. These include mammalian UHG (U22 host gene)-encoded U25–U31 snoRNAs. We have characterized two novel human snoRNA species, U62 and U63, which similarly exhibit 15- (with one interruption) and 12-nt complementarities and are therefore predicted to direct 2′-O-methylation of A590 in 18S and A4531 in 28S rRNA, respectively. To establish the function of antisense snoRNAs in vertebrates, we exploited the Xenopus oocyte system. Cloning of the Xenopus U25–U31 snoRNA genes indicated that they are encoded within multiple homologs of mammalian UHG. Depletion of U25 from the Xenopus oocyte abolished 2′-O-methylation of G1448 in 18S rRNA; methylation could be restored by injecting either the Xenopus or human U25 transcript into U25-depleted oocytes. Comparison of Xenopus and human U25 sequences revealed that only boxes C, D, and D′, as well as the 18S rRNA complement, were invariant, suggesting that they may be the only elements required for U25 snoRNA stability and function.


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We previously identified a novel nuclear RNA species derived from the preproenkephalin (PPE) gene. This transcript, which we have named PPEIA-3′ RNA, hybridizes with probes directed at a region of PPE intron A downstream of an alternative germ-cell transcription start site, but does not contain PPE protein coding sequences. We now report that estrogen treatment of ovariectomized rats increases the expression of conventional PPE heteronuclear RNA, and also induces the expression of PPEIA-3′ RNA, apparently in separate cell populations within the ventromedial nucleus of the hypothalamus. Further, we show that cells expressing PPEIA-3′ are found in several neuronal groups in the rat forebrain and brainstem, with a distinct topographical distribution. High densities of PPEIA-3′ containing cells are found in the reticular thalamic nucleus, the basal forebrain, the vestibular complex, the deep cerebellar nuclei, and the trapezoid body, a pattern that parallels the distribution of atypical nuclear RNAs described by other groups. These results suggest that this diverse neuronal population shares a common set of nuclear factors responsible for the expression and retention of this atypical RNA transcript. The implication of these results for cell-specific gene transcription and regulation in the brain and the possible relationship of PPEIA-3′ RNA and other atypical nuclear RNAs is discussed.


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The induction of autoantibodies to U1 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein (U1 snRNP) complexes is not well understood. We present evidence that healthy individuals with cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection have an increased frequency and quantity of antibodies to ribonucleoprotein, directed primarily against the U1-70k protein. A significant association between the presence of antibodies to CMV and antibodies to the total RNP targeted by the immune response to the spliceosome (to both the Sm and RNP; Sm/RNP) was found for patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) but not those with mixed connective-tissue disease. CMV thus may play a role in inducing autoimmune responses in a subset of patients with systemic lupus erythematosus.


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A newly recognized gamma herpesvirus known as Kaposi sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (KSHV) or human herpesvirus 8 (HHV8) is present in Kaposi sarcomas and body-cavity-based lymphomas. Here we identify a novel abundant 1.2-kb RNA, polyadenylated nuclear RNA (PAN RNA), encoded by the virus. The majority of cDNAs produced from poly(A)-selected RNA isolated from a human body cavity lymphoma cell line 48 hr after butyrate induction of KSHV lytic replication represented PAN RNA. Within PAN RNA were two 9 and 16 nt stretches with 89% and 94% identity to U1 RNA. A third stretch of 14 nt was 93% complementary to U1. The 5' upstream region of PAN RNA contained both proximal and distal sequence elements characteristic of regulatory regions of U snRNAs, whereas the 3' end was polyadenylylated. PAN RNA was transcribed by RNA polymerase II, lacked a trimethylguanosine cap, and did not associate with polyribosomes. PAN RNA formed a speckled pattern in the nucleus typical of U snRNAs and colocalized with Sm protein. Therefore, PAN represents a new type of RNA, possessing features of both U snRNA and mRNA.


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Chlorarachniophyte algae contain a complex, multi-membraned chloroplast derived from the endosymbiosis of a eukaryotic alga. The vestigial nucleus of the endosymbiont, called the nucleomorph, contains only three small linear chromosomes with a haploid genome size of 380 kb and is the smallest known eukaryotic genome. Nucleotide sequence data from a subtelomeric fragment of chromosome III were analyzed as a preliminary investigation of the coding capacity of this vestigial genome. Several housekeeping genes including U6 small nuclear RNA (snRNA), ribosomal proteins S4 and S13, a core protein of the spliceosome [small nuclear ribonucleoprotein (snRNP) E], and a cip-like protease (clpP) were identified. Expression of these genes was confirmed by combinations of Northern blot analysis, in situ hybridization, immunocytochemistry, and cDNA analysis. The protein-encoding genes are typically eukaryotic in overall structure and their messenger RNAs are polyadenylylated. A novel feature is the abundance of 18-, 19-, or 20-nucleotide introns; the smallest spliceosomal introns known. Two of the genes, U6 and S13, overlap while another two genes, snRNP E and clpP, are cotranscribed in a single mRNA. The overall gene organization is extraordinarily compact, making the nucleomorph a unique model for eukaryotic genomics.


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An in vitro genetic system was developed as a rapid means for studying the specificity determinants of RNA-binding proteins. This system was used to investigate the origin of the RNA-binding specificity of the mammalian spliceosomal protein U1A. The U1A domain responsible for binding to U1 small nuclear RNA was locally mutagenized and displayed as a combinatorial library on filamentous bacteriophage. Affinity selection identified four U1A residues in the mutagenized region that are important for specific binding to U1 hairpin II. One of these residues (Leu-49) disproportionately affects the rates of binding and release and appears to play a critical role in locking the protein onto the RNA. Interestingly, a protein variant that binds more tightly than U1A emerged during the selection, showing that the affinity of U1A for U1 RNA has not been optimized during evolution.


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Alternative splicing of precursor messenger RNAs (pre-mRNAs) is an important mechanism for the regulation of gene expression. The members of the SR protein family of pre-mRNA splicing factors have distinct functions in promoting alternative splice site usage. Here we show that SR proteins are required for the first step of spliceosome assembly, interaction of the U1 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein complex (U1 snRNP) with the 5' splice site of the pre-mRNA. Further, we find that individual SR proteins have distinct abilities to promote interaction of U1 snRNP with alternative 5' splice junctions. These results suggest that SR proteins direct 5' splice site selection by regulation of U1 snRNP assembly onto the pre-mRNA.


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A significant percentage of the gene clusters that contain the human genes for U1 small nuclear RNA (snRNA) or for U2 snRNA have been found associated with small nuclear domains, known as coiled bodies. We show here, by immunofluorescent labeling of human cells, that coiled bodies are enriched in factors required for the transcription of these snRNA genes. The 45-kDa γ-subunit of the transcription factor, proximal element sequence-binding transcription factor (PTF), which is specific for the snRNA genes, was found in high concentrations in coiled bodies, along with the general transcription factor TATA-box binding protein and a subset of RNA polymerase II. We show that the transcription factors and RNA polymerase II are concentrated in irregularly shaped domains that not only overlap with coiled bodies but also extend to their immediate surroundings. Fluorescent in situ hybridization showed that these domains can overlap with U2 snRNA genes adjacent to coiled bodies. In addition, we found the domains to contain newly synthesized RNA, visualized by 5-bromo-uridine triphosphate labeling. Our data suggest that coiled bodies are involved in the expression of snRNA genes, which leads us to propose the model that coiled bodies are associated with snRNA genes to facilitate and regulate their transcription. These findings point to a general principle of higher order organization of gene expression in the nucleus.


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The herpes simplex virus 1 infected cell protein 4 (ICP4) binds to DNA and regulates gene expression both positively and negatively. EAP (Epstein-Barr virus-encoded small nuclear RNA-associated protein) binds to small nonpolyadenylylated nuclear RNAs and is found in nucleoli and in ribosomes, where it is also known as L22. We report that EAP interacts with a domain of ICP4 that is known to bind viral DNA response elements and transcriptional factors. In a gel-shift assay, a glutathione S-transferase (GST)-EAP fusion protein disrupted the binding of ICP4 to its cognate site on DNA in a dose-dependent manner. This effect appeared to be specifically due to EAP binding to ICP4 because (i) GST alone did not alter the binding of ICP4 to DNA, (ii) GST-EAP did not bind to the probe DNA, and (iii) GST-EAP did not influence the binding of the alpha gene trans-inducing factor (alphaTIF or VP16) to its DNA cognate site. Early in infection, ICP4 was dispersed throughout the nucleoplasm, whereas EAP was localized to the nucleoli. Late in infection, EAP was translocated from nucleoli and colocalized with ICP4 in small, dense nuclear structures. The formation of dense structures and the colocalization of EAP and ICP4 did not occur if virus DNA synthesis and late gene expression were prevented by the infection of cells at the nonpermissive temperature with a mutant virus defective in DNA synthesis, or in cells infected and maintained in the presence of phosphonoacetate, which is an inhibitor of viral DNA synthesis. These results suggest that the translocation of EAP from the nucleolus to the nucleoplasm is a viral function and that EAP plays a role in the regulatory functions expressed by ICP4.


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A hyperphosphorylated form of the largest subunit of RNA polymerase II (pol IIo) is associated with the pre-mRNA splicing process. Pol IIo was detected in association with a subset of small nuclear ribonucleoprotein particle and Ser-Arg protein splicing factors and also with pre-mRNA splicing complexes assembled in vitro. A subpopulation of pol IIo was localized to nuclear "speckle" domains enriched in splicing factors, indicating that it may also be associated with RNA processing in vivo. Moreover, pol IIo was retained in a similar pattern following in situ extraction of cells and was quantitatively recovered in the nuclear matrix fraction. The results implicate nuclear matrix-associated hyperphosphorylated pol IIo as a possible link in the coordination of transcription and splicing processes.


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Splicing of nuclear precursors of mRNA (pre-mRNA) involves dynamic interactions between the RNA constituents of the spliceosome. The rearrangement of RNA–RNA interactions, such as the unwinding of the U4/U6 duplex, is believed to be driven by ATP-dependent RNA helicases. We recently have shown that spliceosomal U5 small nuclear ribonucleoproteins (snRNPs) from HeLa cells contain two proteins, U5–200kD and U5–100kD, which share homology with the DEAD/DEXH-box families of RNA helicases. Here we demonstrate that purified U5 snRNPs exhibit ATP-dependent unwinding of U4/U6 RNA duplices in vitro. To identify the protein responsible for this activity, U5 snRNPs were depleted of a subset of proteins under high salt concentrations and assayed for RNA unwinding. The activity was retained in U5 snRNPs that contain the U5–200kD protein but lack U5–100kD, suggesting that the U5–200kD protein could mediate U4/U6 duplex unwinding. Finally, U5–200kD was purified to homogeneity by glycerol gradient centrifugation of U5 snRNP proteins in the presence of sodium thiocyanate, followed by ion exchange chromatography. The RNA unwinding activity was found to reside exclusively with the U5–200kD DEXH-box protein. Our data raise the interesting possibility that this RNA helicase catalyzes unwinding of the U4/U6 RNA duplex in the spliceosome.


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Fractionation of the abundant small ribonucleoproteins (RNPs) of the trypanosomatid Leptomonas collosoma revealed the existence of a group of unidentified small RNPs that were shown to fractionate differently than the well-characterized trans-spliceosomal RNPs. One of these RNAs, an 80-nt RNA, did not possess a trimethylguanosine (TMG) cap structure but did possess a 5′ phosphate terminus and an invariant consensus U5 snRNA loop 1. The gene coding for the RNA was cloned, and the coding region showed 55% sequence identity to the recently described U5 homologue of Trypanosoma brucei [Dungan, J. D., Watkins, K. P. & Agabian, N. (1996) EMBO J. 15, 4016–4029]. The L. collosoma U5 homologue exists in multiple forms of RNP complexes, a 10S monoparticle, and two subgroups of 18S particles that either contain or lack the U4 and U6 small nuclear RNAs, suggesting the existence of a U4/U6⋅U5 tri-small nuclear RNP complex. In contrast to T. brucei U5 RNA (62 nt), the L. collosoma homologue is longer (80 nt) and possesses a second stem–loop. Like the trypanosome U3, U6, and 7SL RNA genes, a tRNA gene coding for tRNACys was found 98 nt upstream to the U5 gene. A potential for base pair interaction between U5 and SL RNA in the 5′ splice site region (positions −1 and +1) and downstream from it is proposed. The presence of a U5-like RNA in trypanosomes suggests that the most essential small nuclear RNPs are ubiquitous for both cis- and trans-splicing, yet even among the trypanosomatids the U5 RNA is highly divergent.


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We have examined the distribution of RNA transcription and processing factors in the amphibian oocyte nucleus or germinal vesicle. RNA polymerase I (pol I), pol II, and pol III occur in the Cajal bodies (coiled bodies) along with various components required for transcription and processing of the three classes of nuclear transcripts: mRNA, rRNA, and pol III transcripts. Among these components are transcription factor IIF (TFIIF), TFIIS, splicing factors, the U7 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein particle, the stem–loop binding protein, SR proteins, cleavage and polyadenylation factors, small nucleolar RNAs, nucleolar proteins that are probably involved in pre-rRNA processing, and TFIIIA. Earlier studies and data presented here show that several of these components are first targeted to Cajal bodies when injected into the oocyte and only subsequently appear in the chromosomes or nucleoli, where transcription itself occurs. We suggest that pol I, pol II, and pol III transcription and processing components are preassembled in Cajal bodies before transport to the chromosomes and nucleoli. Most components of the pol II transcription and processing pathway that occur in Cajal bodies are also found in the many hundreds of B-snurposomes in the germinal vesicle. Electron microscopic images show that B-snurposomes consist primarily, if not exclusively, of 20- to 30-nm particles, which closely resemble the interchromatin granules described from sections of somatic nuclei. We suggest the name pol II transcriptosome for these particles to emphasize their content of factors involved in synthesis and processing of mRNA transcripts. We present a model in which pol I, pol II, and pol III transcriptosomes are assembled in the Cajal bodies before export to the nucleolus (pol I), to the B-snurposomes and eventually to the chromosomes (pol II), and directly to the chromosomes (pol III). The key feature of this model is the preassembly of the transcription and processing machinery into unitary particles. An analogy can be made between ribosomes and transcriptosomes, ribosomes being unitary particles involved in translation and transcriptosomes being unitary particles for transcription and processing of RNA.


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In eukaryotes, RNA polymerase II transcribes messenger RNAs and several small nuclear RNAs. Like RNA polymerases I and III, polymerase II cannot act alone. Instead, general initiation factors [transcription factor (TF) IIB, TFIID, TFIIE, TFIIF, and TFIIH] assemble on promoter DNA with polymerase II, creating a large multiprotein–DNA complex that supports accurate initiation. Another group of accessory factors, transcriptional activators and coactivators, regulate the rate of RNA synthesis from each gene in response to various developmental and environmental signals. Our current knowledge of this complex macromolecular machinery is reviewed in detail, with particular emphasis on insights gained from structural studies of transcription factors.


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We have previously shown that specific nuclear pre-mRNA transcripts and their splicing products, as well as the general population of nuclear poly(A)+ RNA, are packaged in large nuclear ribonucleoprotein (InRNP) particles that sediment at the 200S region in sucrose gradients. The InRNP particles contain all uridine-rich small nuclear ribonucleoprotein complexes required for pre-mRNA splicing, as well as protein splicing factors. In this paper we show that all of the phosphorylated, mAb 104 detectable, Ser/Arg-rich essential splicing factors (SR proteins) in the nucleoplasm are integral components of the InRNP particles, whereas only part of the essential splicing factor U2AF65 (U2 snRNP auxiliary factor) and the polypyrimidine tract binding protein (PTB) are associated with these particles. This finding suggests a limiting role for SR proteins in the assembly of the InRNP particles. We further show that the structural integrity of InRNP particles is sensitive to variations in the phosphorylation levels of the SR proteins.