23 resultados para Rhizobium leguminosarum
In the current model for bacterial cell division, FtsZ protein forms a ring that marks the division plane, creating a cytoskeletal framework for the subsequent action of other proteins such as FtsA. This putative protein complex ultimately generates the division septum. Herein we report that FtsZ and FtsA proteins tagged with green fluorescent protein (GFP) colocalize to division-site ring-like structures in living bacterial cells in a visible space between the segregated nucleoids. Cells with higher levels of FtsZ–GFP or with FtsA–GFP plus excess wild-type FtsZ were inhibited for cell division and often exhibited bright fluorescent spiral tubules that spanned the length of the filamentous cells. This suggests that FtsZ may switch from a septation-competent localized ring to an unlocalized spiral under some conditions and that FtsA can bind to FtsZ in both conformations. FtsZ–GFP also formed nonproductive but localized aggregates at a higher concentration that could represent FtsZ nucleation sites. The general domain structure of FtsZ–GFP resembles that of tubulin, since the C terminus of FtsZ is not required for polymerization but may regulate polymerization state. The N-terminal portion of Rhizobium FtsZ polymerized in Escherichia coli and appeared to copolymerize with E. coli FtsZ, suggesting a degree of interspecies functional conservation. Analysis of several deletions of FtsA–GFP suggests that multiple segments of FtsA are important for its localization to the FtsZ ring.
Leguminous plants regulate the number of Bradyrhizobium- or Rhizobium-infected sites that develop into nitrogen-fixing root nodules. Ethylene has been implicated in the regulation of nodule formation in some species, but this role has remained in question for soybean (Glycine max). The present study used soybean mutants with decreased responsiveness to ethylene, soybean mutants with defective regulation of nodule number, and Ag+ inhibition of ethylene perception to examine the role of ethylene in the regulation of nodule number. Nodule numbers on ethylene-insensitive mutants and plants treated with Ag+ were similar to those on wild-type plants and untreated plants, respectively. Hypernodulating mutants displayed wild-type ethylene sensitivity. Suppression of nodule numbers by high nitrate was also similar between ethylene-insensitive plants, wild-type plants, and plants treated with Ag+. Ethylene insensitivity of the roots of etr1-1 mutants was confirmed using assays for sensitivity to 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid and for ethylene-stimulated root-hair formation. Additional phenotypes of etr1-1 roots were also characterized. Ethylene-dependent pathways regulate the number of nodules that form on species such as pea and Medicago truncatula, but our data indicate that ethylene is less significant in regulating the number of nodules that form on soybean.
The root hair is a specialized cell type involved in water and nutrient uptake in plants. In legumes the root hair is also the primary site of recognition and infection by symbiotic nitrogen-fixing Rhizobium bacteria. We have studied the root hairs of Medicago truncatula, which is emerging as an increasingly important model legume for studies of symbiotic nodulation. However, only 27 genes from M. truncatula were represented in GenBank/EMBL as of October, 1997. We report here the construction of a root-hair-enriched cDNA library and single-pass sequencing of randomly selected clones. Expressed sequence tags (899 total, 603 of which have homology to known genes) were generated and made available on the Internet. We believe that the database and the associated DNA materials will provide a useful resource to the community of scientists studying the biology of roots, root tips, root hairs, and nodulation.
Early nodulin 2 (ENOD2) transcripts and protein are specifically found in the inner cortex of legume nodules, a location that coincides with the site of a barrier to O2 diffusion. The extracellular glycoprotein that binds the monoclonal antibody MAC236 has also been localized to this site. Thus, it has been proposed that these proteins function in the regulation of nodule permeability to O2 diffusion. It would then be expected that the levels of ENOD2 mRNA/protein and MAC236 antigen would differ in nodules with different permeabilities to O2. We examined the expression of ENOD2 and other nodule-expressed genes in Rhizobium meliloti-induced alfalfa nodules grown under 8, 20, or 50% O2. Although there was a change in the amount of MAC236 glycoprotein, the levels of ENOD2 mRNA and protein did not differ significantly among nodules grown at the different [O2], suggesting that neither ENOD2 transcription nor synthesis is involved in the long-term regulation of nodule permeability. Moreover, although nodules from all treatments reduced their permeability to O2 as the partial pressure of O2 (pO2) was increased to 100%, the levels of extractable ENOD2 and MAC236 proteins did not differ from those measured at the growth pO2, further suggesting that if these proteins are involved in a short-term regulation of the diffusion barrier, they must be involved in a way that does not require increased transcription or protein synthesis.
ENOD40, an early nodulin gene, is expressed following inoculation with Rhizobium meliloti or by adding R. meliloti-produced nodulation (Nod) factors or the plant hormone cytokinin to uninoculated roots. We isolated two MsENOD40 clones, designated MsENOD40–1 and MsENOD40–2, with distinct promoters from an alfalfa (Medicago sativa cv Chief) genomic library. The promoters were fused to the reporter gene uidA (gus), and the constructs were introduced into alfalfa. We observed that the MsENOD40–1 construct was expressed almost exclusively under symbiotic conditions. The MsENOD40–2 construct was transcribed under both symbiotic and nonsymbiotic conditions and in nonnodular and nodular tissues. Both MsENOD40 promoter-gus constructs were similarly expressed as nodules developed, and both were expressed in roots treated with 6-benzylaminopurine or purified Nod factor. However, no blue color was detected in nodule-like structures induced by the auxin transport inhibitor N-1-(naphthyl)phthalamic acid on roots of plants containing the MsENOD40–1 promoter construct, whereas pseudonodules from plants containing the MsENOD40–2 promoter construct stained blue. A 616-bp region at the distal 5′ end of the promoter is important for proper spatial expression of MsENOD40 in nodules and also for Nod-factor and cytokinin-induced expression.
The Xenopus developmental gene DG42 is expressed during early embryonic development, between the midblastula and neurulation stages. The deduced protein sequence of Xenopus DG42 shows similarity to Rhizobium Nod C, Streptococcus Has A, and fungal chitin synthases. Previously, we found that the DG42 protein made in an in vitro transcription/translation system catalyzed synthesis of an array of chitin oligosaccharides. Here we show that cell extracts from early Xenopus and zebrafish embryos also synthesize chitooligosaccharides. cDNA fragments homologous to DG42 from zebrafish and mouse were also cloned and sequenced. Expression of these homologs was similar to that described for Xenopus based on Northern and Western blot analysis. The Xenopus anti-DG42 antibody recognized a 63-kDa protein in extracts from zebrafish embryos that followed a similar developmental expression pattern to that previously described for Xenopus. The chitin oligosaccharide synthase activity found in extracts was inactivated by a specific DG42 antibody; synthesis of hyaluronic acid (HA) was not affected under the conditions tested. Other experiments demonstrate that expression of DG42 under plasmid control in mouse 3T3 cells gives rise to chitooligosaccharide synthase activity without an increase in HA synthase level. A possible relationship between our results and those of other investigators, which show stimulation of HA synthesis by DG42 in mammalian cell culture systems, is provided by structural analyses to be published elsewhere that suggest that chitin oligosaccharides are present at the reducing ends of HA chains. Since in at least one vertebrate system hyaluronic acid formation can be inhibited by a pure chitinase, it seems possible that chitin oligosaccharides serve as primers for hyaluronic acid synthesis.
In response to infection by Rhizobium, highly differentiated organs called nodules form on legume roots. Within these organs, the symbiotic association between the host plant and bacteria is established. A putative plant transcription factor, NMH7, has been identified in alfalfa root nodules. nmh7 contains a MADS-box DNA-binding region and shows homology to flower homeotic genes. This gene is a member of a multigene family in alfalfa and was identified on the basis of nucleic acid homology to plant regulatory protein genes (MADS-box-containing genes) from Antirrhinum and Arabidopsis. RNA analysis and in situ hybridization showed that expression of this class of regulatory genes is limited to the infected cells of alfalfa root nodules and is likely to be involved in the signal transduction pathway initiated by the bacterial symbiont, Rhizobium meliloti. The expression of nmh7 in a root-derived organ is unusual for this class of regulatory genes.
The Xenopus DG42 gene is expressed only between the late midblastula and neurulation stages of embryonic development. Recent database searches show that DG42 has striking sequence similarity to the Rhizobium NodC protein. NodC catalyzes the synthesis of chitin oligosaccharides which subsequently are transformed into bacterium-plant root signaling molecules. We find that the DG42 protein made in an in vitro coupled transcription-translation system catalyzes the synthesis of an array of chitin oligosaccharides. The result suggests the intriguing possibility that a bacterium-plant type of "Nod" signaling system may operate during early stages of vertebrate embryonic development and raises issues about the use of chitin synthase inhibitors as fungal-specific drugs.