38 resultados para Refolding
Protein folding can be described in terms of the development of specific contacts between residues as a highly disordered polypeptide chain converts into the native state. Here we describe an NMR based strategy designed to detect such contacts by observation of nuclear Overhauser effects (NOEs). Experiments with α-lactalbumin reveal the existence of extensive NOEs between aromatic and aliphatic protons in the archetypal molten globule formed by this protein at low pH. Analysis of their time development provides direct evidence for near-native compactness of this state. Through a rapid refolding procedure the NOE intensity can be transferred efficiently into the resolved and assigned spectrum of the native state. This demonstrates the viability of using this approach to map out time-averaged interactions between residues in a partially folded protein.
Amino acid substitutions widely distributed throughout the influenza hemagglutinin (HA) influence the pH of its membrane fusion activity. We have combined a number of these substitutions in double mutants and determined the effects on the pH of fusion and on the pH at which the refolding of HA required for fusion occurs. By analyzing combinations of mutations in three regions of the metastable neutral-pH HA that are rearranged at fusion pH we obtain evidence for both additive and nonadditive effects and for an apparent order of dominance in the effects of amino acid substitutions in particular regions on the pH of fusion. We conclude that there are at least three components in the structural transition required for membrane fusion activity and consider possible pathways for the transition in relation to the known differences between neutral and fusion pH HA structures.
Ribosome display was applied for affinity selection of antibody single-chain fragments (scFv) from a diverse library generated from mice immunized with a variant peptide of the transcription factor GCN4 dimerization domain. After three rounds of ribosome display, positive scFvs were isolated and characterized. Several different scFvs were selected, but those in the largest group were closely related to each other and differed in 0 to 5 amino acid residues with respect to their consensus sequence, the likely common progenitor. The best scFv had a dissociation constant of (4 ± 1) × 10−11 M, measured in solution. One amino acid residue in complementarity determining region L1 was found to be responsible for a 65-fold higher affinity than the likely progenitor. It appears that this high-affinity scFv was selected from the mutations occurring during ribosome display in vitro, and that this constitutes an affinity maturation inherent in this method. The in vitro-selected scFvs could be functionally expressed in the Escherichia coli periplasm with good yields or prepared by in vitro refolding. Thus, ribosome display can be a powerful methodology for in vitro library screening and simultaneous sequence evolution.
Small, single-domain proteins typically fold via a compact transition-state ensemble in a process well fitted by a simple, two-state model. To characterize the rate-limiting conformational changes that underlie two-state folding, we have investigated experimentally the effects of changing solvent viscosity on the refolding of the IgG binding domain of protein L. In conjunction with numerical simulations, our results indicate that the rate-limiting conformational changes of the folding of this domain are strongly coupled to solvent viscosity and lack any significant “internal friction” arising from intrachain collisions. When compared with the previously determined solvent viscosity dependencies of other, more restricted conformational changes, our results suggest that the rate-limiting folding transition involves conformational fluctuations that displace considerable amounts of solvent. Reconciling evidence that the folding transition state ensemble is comprised of highly collapsed species with these and similar, previously reported results should provide a significant constraint for theoretical models of the folding process.
Severe heat stress causes protein denaturation in various cellular compartments. If Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells grown at 24°C are preconditioned at 37°C, proteins denatured by subsequent exposure to 48–50°C can be renatured when the cells are allowed to recover at 24°C. Conformational repair of vital proteins is essential for survival, because gene expression is transiently blocked after the thermal insult. Refolding of cytoplasmic proteins requires the Hsp104 chaperone, and refolding of lumenal endoplasmic reticulum (ER) proteins requires the Hsp70 homologue Lhs1p. We show here that conformational repair of heat-damaged glycoproteins in the ER of living yeast cells required functional Hsp104. A heterologous enzyme and a number of natural yeast proteins, previously translocated and folded in the ER and thereafter denatured by severe heat stress, failed to be refolded to active and secretion-competent structures in the absence of Hsp104 or when an ATP-binding site of Hsp104 was mutated. During recovery at 24°C, the misfolded proteins persisted in the ER, although the secretory apparatus was fully functional. Hsp104 appears to control conformational repair of heat-damaged proteins even beyond the ER membrane.
Dominant negative inhibition is most commonly seen when a mutant subunit of a multisubunit protein is coexpressed with the wild-type protein so that assembly of a functional oligomer is impaired. By analogy, it should be possible to interfere with the functional assembly of a monomeric enzyme by interfering with the folding pathway. Experiments in vitro by others suggested that fragments of a monomeric enzyme might be exploited for this purpose. We report here dominant negative inhibition of bacterial cell growth by expression of fragments of a tRNA synthetase. Inhibition is fragment-specific, as not all fragments cause inhibition. An inhibitory fragment characterized in more detail forms a specific complex with the intact enzyme in vivo, leading to enzyme inactivation. This fragment also associated stoichiometrically with the full-length enzyme in vitro after denaturation and refolding, and the resulting complex was catalytically inactive. Inhibition therefore appears to arise from an interruption in the folding pathway of the wild-type enzyme, thus suggesting a new strategy to design dominant negative inhibitors of monomeric enzymes.
The chaperonin GroEL is a large complex composed of 14 identical 57-kDa subunits that requires ATP and GroES for some of its activities. We find that a monomeric polypeptide corresponding to residues 191 to 345 has the activity of the tetradecamer both in facilitating the refolding of rhodanese and cyclophilin A in the absence of ATP and in catalyzing the unfolding of native barnase. Its crystal structure, solved at 2.5 Å resolution, shows a well-ordered domain with the same fold as in intact GroEL. We have thus isolated the active site of the complex allosteric molecular chaperone, which functions as a “minichaperone.” This has mechanistic implications: the presence of a central cavity in the GroEL complex is not essential for those representative activities in vitro, and neither are the allosteric properties. The function of the allosteric behavior on the binding of GroES and ATP must be to regulate the affinity of the protein for its various substrates in vivo, where the cavity may also be required for special functions.
The small all-β protein tendamistat folds and unfolds with two-state kinetics. We determined the volume changes associated with the folding process by performing kinetic and equilibrium measurements at variable pressure between 0.1 and 100 MPa (1 to 1,000 bar). GdmCl-induced equilibrium unfolding transitions reveal that the volume of the native state is increased by 41.4 ± 2.0 cm3/mol relative to the unfolded state. This value is virtually independent of denaturant concentration. The use of a high-pressure stopped-flow instrument enabled us to measure the activation volumes for the refolding (ΔVf0‡) and unfolding reaction (ΔVu0‡) over a broad range of GdmCl concentrations. The volume of the transition state is 60% native-like (ΔVf0‡ = 25.0 ± 1.2 cm3/mol) in the absence of denaturant, indicating partial solvent accessibility of the core residues. The volume of the transition state increases linearly with denaturant concentration and exceeds the volume of the native state above 6 M GdmCl. This result argues for a largely desolvated transition state with packing deficiencies at high denaturant concentrations and shows that the structure of the transition state depends strongly on the experimental conditions.
We present multiple native and denaturation simulations of the B and E domains of the three-helix bundle protein A, totaling 60 ns. The C-terminal helix (H3) consistently denatures later than either of the other two helices and contains residual helical structure in the denatured state. These results are consistent with experiments suggesting that the isolated H3 fragment is more stable than H1 and H2 and that H3 forms early in folding. Interestingly, the denatured state of the B domain is much more compact than that of the E domain. This sequence-dependent effect on the dimensions of the denatured state and the lack of correlation with structure suggest that the radius of gyration can be a misleading reaction coordinate for unfolding/folding. Various unfolding and refolding events are observed in the denaturation simulations. In some cases, the transitions are facilitated through interactions with other portions of the protein—contact-assisted helix formation. In the native simulations, the E domain is very stable: after 6 ns, the Cα root-mean-square deviation from the starting structure is less than 1.4 Å. In contrast, the native state of the B domain deviates more and its inter-helical angles fluctuate. In apparent contrast, we note that the B domain is thermodynamically more stable than the E domain. The simulations suggest that the increased stability of the B domain may be due to heightened mobility, and therefore entropy, in the native state and decreased mobility/entropy in the more compact denatured state.
Recent advances in single molecule manipulation methods offer a novel approach to investigating the protein folding problem. These studies usually are done on molecules that are naturally organized as linear arrays of globular domains. To extend these techniques to study proteins that normally exist as monomers, we have developed a method of synthesizing polymers of protein molecules in the solid state. By introducing cysteines at locations where bacteriophage T4 lysozyme molecules contact each other in a crystal and taking advantage of the alignment provided by the lattice, we have obtained polymers of defined polarity up to 25 molecules long that retain enzymatic activity. These polymers then were manipulated mechanically by using a modified scanning force microscope to characterize the force-induced reversible unfolding of the individual lysozyme molecules. This approach should be general and adaptable to many other proteins with known crystal structures. For T4 lysozyme, the force required to unfold the monomers was 64 ± 16 pN at the pulling speed used. Refolding occurred within 1 sec of relaxation with an efficiency close to 100%. Analysis of the force versus extension curves suggests that the mechanical unfolding transition follows a two-state model. The unfolding forces determined in 1 M guanidine hydrochloride indicate that in these conditions the activation barrier for unfolding is reduced by 2 kcal/mol.
Highly nonexponential folding kinetics in aqueous solution have been observed during temperature jump-induced refolding of two proteins, yeast phosphoglycerate kinase and a ubiquitin mutant. The observations are most easily interpreted in terms of downhill folding, which posits a heterogeneous ensemble of structures en route to the folded state. The data are also reconciled with exponential kinetics measured under different experimental conditions and with titration experiments indicating cooperative folding.
Limited solubility and precipitation of amyloidogenic sequences such as the Alzheimer peptide (β-AP) are major obstacles to a molecular understanding of protein fibrillation and deposition processes. Here we have circumvented the solubility problem by stepwise engineering a β-AP homology into a soluble scaffold, the monomeric protein S6. The S6 construct with the highest β-AP homology crystallizes as a tetramer that is linked by the β-AP residues forming intermolecular antiparallel β-sheets. This construct also shows increased coil aggregation during refolding, and a 14-mer peptide encompassing the engineered sequence forms fibrils. Mutational analysis shows that intermolecular association is linked to the overall hydrophobicity of the sticky sequence and implies the existence of “structural gatekeepers” in the wild-type protein, that is, charged side chains that prevent aggregation by interrupting contiguous stretches of hydrophobic residues in the primary sequence.
We have analyzed the effects of different components of the GroE chaperonin system on protein folding by using a nonpermissive substrate (i.e., one that has very low spontaneous refolding yield) for which rate data can be acquired. In the absence of GroES and nucleotides, the rate of GroEL-mediated refolding of heat- and DTT-denatured mitochondrial malate dehydrogenase was extremely low, but some three times higher than the spontaneous rate. This GroEL-mediated rate was increased 17-fold by saturating concentrations of ATP, 11-fold by ADP and GroES, and 465-fold by ATP and GroES. Optimal refolding activity was observed when the dissociation of GroES from the chaperonin complex was dramatically reduced. Although GroEL minichaperones were able to bind denatured mitochondrial malate dehydrogenase, they were ineffective in enhancing the refolding rate. The spectrum of mechanisms for GroE-mediated protein folding depends on the nature of the substrate. The minimal mechanism for permissive substrates (i.e., having significant yields of spontaneous refolding), requires only binding to the apical domain of GroEL. Slow folding rates of nonpermissive substrates are limited by the transitions between high- and low-affinity states of GroEL alone. The optimal mechanism, which requires holoGroEL, physiological amounts of GroES, and ATP hydrolysis, is necessary for the chaperonin-mediated folding of nonpermissive substrates at physiologically relevant rates under conditions in which retention of bound GroES prevents the premature release of aggregation-prone folding intermediates from the chaperonin complex. The different mechanisms are described in terms of the structural features of mini- and holo-chaperones.
Water is the natural medium for protein folding, which is also used in all in vitro studies. In the present work, we posed, and answered affirmatively, a question of whether it is possible to fold correctly a typical protein in a nonaqueous solvent. To this end, unfolded and reduced hen egg-white lysozyme was refolded and reoxidized in glycerol containing varying amounts of water. The unfolded/reduced enzyme was found to regain spontaneously substantial catalytic activity even in the nearly anhydrous solvent; for example, the refolding yield in 99% glycerol was still some one-third of that in pure water, and one-half of that was regained even in 99.8% glycerol. The less than full recovery of the enzymatic activity in glycerol is, as in water, because of competing protein aggregation during the refolding. Lysozyme reoxidation in glycerol was successfully mediated by two dissimilar oxidizing systems, and the refolding yield was markedly affected by the pH of the last aqueous solution before the transfer into glycerol. No recovery of the lysozyme activity was observed when the refolding/reoxidation reaction was carried out in the denaturing solvent dimethyl sulfoxide. This study paves the way for a systematic investigation of the solvent effect on protein folding and demonstrates that water is not a unique milieu for this process.
In native apomyoglobin, His-24 cannot be protonated, although at pH 4 the native protein forms a molten globule folding intermediate in which the histidine residues are readily protonated. The inability to protonate His-24 in the native protein dramatically affects the unfolding/refolding kinetics, as demonstrated by simulations for a simple model. Kinetic data for wild type and for a mutant lacking His-24 are analyzed. The pKa values of histidine residues in native apomyoglobin are known from earlier studies, and the average histidine pKa in the molten globule is determined from the pH dependence of the equilibrium between the native and molten globule forms. Analysis of the pH-dependent unfolding/refolding kinetics reveals that the average pKa of the histidine residues, including His-24, is closely similar in the folding transition state to the value found in the molten globule intermediate. Consequently, protonation of His-24 is not a barrier to refolding of the molten globule to the native protein. Instead, the normal pKa of His-24 in the transition state, coupled with its inaccessibility in the native state, promotes fast unfolding at low pH. The analysis of the wild-type results is confirmed and extended by using the wild-type parameters to fit the unfolding kinetics of a mutant lacking His-24.