32 resultados para Pulmonary Vascular Function


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This paper is devoted to the quantization of the degree of nonlinearity of the relationship between two biological variables when one of the variables is a complex nonstationary oscillatory signal. An example of the situation is the indicial responses of pulmonary blood pressure (P) to step changes of oxygen tension (ΔpO2) in the breathing gas. For a step change of ΔpO2 beginning at time t1, the pulmonary blood pressure is a nonlinear function of time and ΔpO2, which can be written as P(t-t1 | ΔpO2). An effective method does not exist to examine the nonlinear function P(t-t1 | ΔpO2). A systematic approach is proposed here. The definitions of mean trends and oscillations about the means are the keys. With these keys a practical method of calculation is devised. We fit the mean trends of blood pressure with analytic functions of time, whose nonlinearity with respect to the oxygen level is clarified here. The associated oscillations about the mean can be transformed into Hilbert spectrum. An integration of the square of the Hilbert spectrum over frequency yields a measure of oscillatory energy, which is also a function of time, whose mean trends can be expressed by analytic functions. The degree of nonlinearity of the oscillatory energy with respect to the oxygen level also is clarified here. Theoretical extension of the experimental nonlinear indicial functions to arbitrary history of hypoxia is proposed. Application of the results to tissue remodeling and tissue engineering of blood vessels is discussed.


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von Hippel–Lindau (VHL) disease is a pleomorphic familial tumor syndrome that is characterized by the development of highly vascularized tumors. Homozygous disruption of the VHL gene in mice results in embryonic lethality. To investigate VHL function in the adult we have generated a conditional VHL null allele (2-lox allele) and null allele (1-lox allele) by Cre-mediated recombination in embryonic stem cells. We show here that mice heterozygous for the 1-lox allele develop cavernous hemangiomas of the liver, a rare manifestation of the human disease. Histologically these tumors were associated with hepatocellular steatosis and focal proliferations of small vessels. To study the cellular origin of these lesions we inactivated VHL tissue-specifically in hepatocytes. Deletion of VHL in the liver resulted in severe steatosis, many blood-filled vascular cavities, and foci of increased vascularization within the hepatic parenchyma. These histopathological changes were similar to those seen in livers from mice heterozygous for the 1-lox allele. Hypoxia-inducible mRNAs encoding vascular endothelial growth factor, glucose transporter 1, and erythropoietin were up-regulated. We thus provide evidence that targeted inactivation of mouse VHL can model clinical features of the human disease and underline the importance of the VHL gene product in the regulation of hypoxia-responsive genes in vivo.


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Notch proteins function as receptors for membrane-bound ligands (Jagged and Delta-like) to regulate cell-fate determination. We have investigated the role of Notch signaling in embryonic endothelium of the mouse by expressing an activated form of the Notch4 protein in vasculature under the regulation of the Flk1 (VEGFR) locus. Expression of activated Notch4 results in a growth and developmental delay and embryonic lethality at about 10 days postcoitum. The extent of the developing vasculature in mutant embryos was restricted, fewer small vessels were seen, and vascular networks were disorganized. The brain periphery of mutant embryos contained large dilated vessels with evidence of compromised vessel-wall integrity and large areas of necrosis; yolk-sac vasculature was abnormal. Expression of an activated form of Notch4 in embryonic vasculature leads to abnormal vessel structure and patterning, implicating the Notch pathway in phases of vascular development associated with vessel patterning and remodeling.


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The surfactant protein C (SP-C) gene encodes an extremely hydrophobic, 4-kDa peptide produced by alveolar epithelial cells in the lung. To discern the role of SP-C in lung function, SP-C-deficient (−/−) mice were produced. The SP-C (−/−) mice were viable at birth and grew normally to adulthood without apparent pulmonary abnormalities. SP-C mRNA was not detected in the lungs of SP-C (−/−) mice, nor was mature SP-C protein detected by Western blot of alveolar lavage from SP-C (−/−) mice. The levels of the other surfactant proteins (A, B, D) in alveolar lavage were comparable to those in wild-type mice. Surfactant pool sizes, surfactant synthesis, and lung morphology were similar in SP-C (−/−) and SP-C (+/+) mice. Lamellar bodies were present in SP-C (−/−) type II cells, and tubular myelin was present in the alveolar lumen. Lung mechanics studies demonstrated abnormalities in lung hysteresivity (a term used to reflect the mechanical coupling between energy dissipative forces and tissue-elastic properties) at low, positive-end, expiratory pressures. The stability of captive bubbles with surfactant from the SP-C (−/−) mice was decreased significantly, indicating that SP-C plays a role in the stabilization of surfactant at low lung volumes, a condition that may accompany respiratory distress syndrome in infants and adults.


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The VHL tumor suppressor gene is inactivated in patients with von Hippel-Lindau disease and in most sporadic clear cell renal carcinomas. Although VHL protein function remains unclear, VHL does interact with the elongin BC subunits in vivo and regulates RNA polymerase II elongation activity in vitro by inhibiting formation of the elongin ABC complex. Expression of wild-type VHL in renal carcinoma cells with inactivated endogenous VHL resulted in unaltered in vitro cell growth and decreased vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) mRNA expression and responsiveness to serum deprivation. VEGF is highly expressed in many tumors, including VHL-associated and sporadic renal carcinomas, and it stimulates neoangiogenesis in growing solid tumors. Despite 5-fold differences in VEGF mRNA levels, VHL overexpression did not affect VEGF transcription initiation or elongation as would have been suggested by VHL-elongin association. These results suggest that VHL regulates VEGF expression at a post-transcriptional level and that VHL inactivation in target cells causes a loss of VEGF suppression, leading to formation of a vascular stroma.


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The surfactant protein A (SP-A) gene was disrupted by homologous recombination in embryonic stem cells that were used to generate homozygous SP-A-deficient mice. SP-A mRNA and protein were not detectable in the lungs of SP-A(-/-) mice, and perinatal survival of SP-A(-/-) mice was not altered compared with wild-type mice. Lung morphology, surfactant proteins B-D, lung tissue, alveolar phospholipid pool sizes and composition, and lung compliance in SP-A(-/-) mice were unaltered. At the highest concentration tested, surfactant from SP-A(-/-) mice produced the same surface tension as (+/+) mice. At lower concentrations, minimum surface tensions were higher for SP-A(-/-) mice. At the ultrastructural level, type II cell morphology was the same in SP-A(+/+) and (-/-) mice. While alveolar phospholipid pool sizes were unperturbed, tubular myelin figures were decreased in the lungs of SP-A(-/-) mice. A null mutation of the murine SP-A gene interferes with the formation of tubular myelin without detectably altering postnatal survival or pulmonary function.


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Decreased nitric oxide (NO) activity, the formation of reactive oxygen species, and increased endothelial expression of the redox-sensitive vascular cell adhesion molecule 1 (VCAM-1) gene in the vessel wall are early and characteristic features of atherosclerosis. To explore whether these phenomena are functionally interrelated, we tested the hypothesis that redox-sensitive VCAM-1 gene expression is regulated by a NO-sensitive mechanism. In early passaged human umbilical vein endothelial cells and human dermal microvascular endothelial cells, the NO donor diethylamine-NO (DETA-NO, 100 microM) reduced VCAM-1 gene expression induced by the cytokine tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha, 100 units/ml) at the cell surface level by 65% and intracellular adhesion molecule 1 (ICAM-1) gene expression by 35%. E-selectin gene expression was not affected. No effect on expression of cell adhesion molecules was observed with DETA alone. Moreover, DETA-NO suppressed TNF-alpha-induced mRNA accumulation of VCAM-1 and TNF-alpha-mediated transcriptional activation of the human VCAM-1 promoter. Conversely, treatment with NG-monomethyl-L-arginine (L-NMMA, 1 mM), an inhibitor of NO synthesis, augmented cytokine induction of VCAM-1 and ICAM-1 mRNA accumulation. By gel mobility shift analysis, DETA-NO inhibited TNF-alpha activation of DNA binding protein activity to the VCAM-1 NF-kappa B like binding sites. Peroxy-fatty acids such as 13-hydroperoxydodecanoeic acid (linoleyl hydroperoxide) may serve as an intracellular signal for NF-kappa B activation. Using thin layer chromatography, DETA-NO (100 microM) suppressed formation of this metabolite, suggesting that DETA-NO modifies the reactivity of oxygen intermediates in the vascular endothelium. Through this mechanism, NO may function as an immunomodulator of the vessel wall and thus mediate inflammatory events involved in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis.


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Tumor-derived adhesion factor (TAF) was previously identified as a cell adhesion molecule secreted by human bladder carcinoma cell line EJ-1. To elucidate the physiological function of TAF, we examined its distribution in human normal and tumor tissues. Immunochemical staining with an anti-TAF monoclonal antibody showed that TAF was specifically accumulated in small blood vessels and capillaries within and adjacent to tumor nests, but not in those in normal tissues. Tumor blood vessel-specific staining of TAF was observed in various human cancers, such as esophagus, brain, lung, and stomach cancers. Double immunofluorescent staining showed apparent colocalization of TAF and type IV collagen in the vascular basement membrane. In vitro experiments demonstrated that TAF preferentially bound to type IV collagen among various extracellular matrix components tested. In cell culture experiments, TAF promoted adhesion of human umbilical vein endothelial cells to type IV collagen substrate and induced their morphological change. Furthermore, when the endothelial cells were induced to form capillary tube-like structures by type I collagen, TAF and type IV collagen were exclusively detected on the tubular structures. The capillary tube formation in vitro was prevented by heparin, which inhibited the binding of TAF to the endothelial cells. These results strongly suggest that TAF contributes to the organization of new capillary vessels in tumor tissues by modulating the interaction of endothelial cells with type IV collagen.


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Reactive oxygen species play a central role in vascular inflammation and atherogenesis, with enhanced superoxide (O2.-) production contributing significantly to impairment of nitric oxide (.NO)-dependent relaxation of vessels from cholesterol-fed rabbits. We investigated potential sources of O2.- production, which contribute to this loss of endothelium-dependent vascular responses. The vasorelaxation elicited by acetylcholine (ACh) in phenylephrine-contracted, aortic ring segments was impaired by cholesterol feeding. Pretreatment of aortic vessels with either heparin, which competes with xanthine oxidase (XO) for binding to sulfated glycosaminoglycans, or the XO inhibitor allopurinol resulted in a partial restoration (36-40% at 1 muM ACh) of ACh-dependent relaxation. Furthermore, O2.(-)-dependent lucigenin chemiluminescence, measured in intact ring segments from hypercholesterolemic rabbits, was decreased by addition of heparin, allopurinol or a chimeric, heparin-binding superoxide dismutase. XO activity was elevated more than two-fold in plasma of hypercholesterolemic rabbits. Incubation of vascular rings from rabbits on a normal diet with purified XO (10 milliunits/ml) also impaired .NO-dependent relaxation but only in the presence of purine substrate. As with vessels from hypercholesterolemic rabbits, this effect was prevented by heparin and allopurinol treatment. We hypothesize that increases in plasma cholesterol induce the release of XO into the circulation, where it binds to endothelial cell glycosaminoglycans. Only in hypercholesterolemic vessels is sufficient substrate available to sustain the production of O2.- and impair NO-dependent vasorelaxation. Chronically, the continued production of peroxynitrite, (ONOO-) which the simultaneous generation of NO and O2.- implies, may irreversibly impair vessel function.


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Albumin-binding proteins identified in vascular endothelial cells have been postulated to contribute to the transport of albumin via a process involving transcytosis. In the present study, we have purified and characterized a 57- to 60-kDa (gp60) putative albumin-binding protein from bovine pulmonary microvessel endothelial cells. The endothelial cell membranes were isolated from cultured cells by differential centrifugation and solubilized with sodium cholate and urea. The solubilized extract was concentrated after dialysis by ethanol precipitation and reextracted with Triton X-100, and the resulting extract was subjected to DEAE-cellulose column chromatography. Proteins eluted from this column were further separated using preparative sodium dodecyl sulfate/polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and used for immunizing rabbits. Fluorescence-activated cell sorter analysis using the anti-gp60 antibodies demonstrated the expression of gp60 on the endothelial cell surface. Affinity-purified anti-gp60 antibodies inhibited approximately 90% of the specific binding of 125I-labeled albumin to bovine pulmonary microvessel endothelial cell surface. The anti-gp60 antibodies reacted with gp60 from bovine pulmonary artery, bovine pulmonary microvessel, human umbilical vein, and rat lung endothelial cell membranes. Bovine anti-gp60 antibodies also reacted with bovine secreted protein, acidic and rich in cysteine (SPARC). However, bovine SPARC NH2-terminal sequence (1-56 residues) antibodies did not react with gp60, indicating that the endothelial cell-surface-associated albumin-binding protein gp60 was different from the secreted albumin-binding protein SPARC. We conclude that the endothelial cell-surface-associated gp60 mediates the specific binding of native albumin to endothelial cells and thus may regulate the uptake of albumin and its transcytosis.


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In most plants amino acids represent the major transport form for organic nitrogen. A sensitive selection system in yeast mutants has allowed identification of a previously unidentified amino acid transporter in Arabidopsis. AAT1 encodes a hydrophobic membrane protein with 14 membrane-spanning regions and shares homologies with the ecotropic murine leukemia virus receptor, a bifunctional protein serving also as a cationic amino acid transporter in mammals. When expressed in yeast, AAT1 mediates high-affinity transport of basic amino acids, but to a lower extent also recognizes acidic and neutral amino acids. AAT1-mediated histidine transport is sensitive to protonophores and occurs against a concentration gradient, indicating that AAT1 may function as a proton symporter. AAT1 is specifically expressed in major veins of leaves and roots and in various floral tissues--i.e., and developing seeds.


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Because repeated injury of the endothelium and subsequent turnover of intimal and medial cells have been implicated in atherosclerosis, we examined telomere length, a marker of somatic cell turnover, in cells from these tissues. Telomere lengths were assessed by Southern analysis of terminal restriction fragments (TRFs) generated by HinfI/Rsa I digestion of human genomic DNA. Mean TRF length decreased as a function of population doublings in human endothelial cell cultures from umbilical veins, iliac arteries, and iliac veins. When endothelial cells were examined for mean TRF length as a function of donor age, there was a significantly greater rate of decrease for cells from iliac arteries than from iliac veins (102 bp/yr vs. 47 bp/yr, respectively, P < 0.05), consistent with higher hemodynamic stress and increased cell turnover in arteries. Moreover, the rate of telomere loss as a function of donor age was greater in the intimal DNA of iliac arteries compared to that of the internal thoracic arteries (147 bp/yr vs. 87 bp/yr, respectively, P < 0.05), a region of the arterial tree subject to less hemodynamic stress. This indicates that the effect is not tissue specific. DNA from the medial tissue of the iliac and internal thoracic arteries showed no significant difference in the rates of decrease, suggesting that chronic stress leading to cellular senescence is more pronounced in the intima than in the media. These observations extend the use of telomere size as a marker for the replicative history of cells and are consistent with a role for focal replicative senescence in cardiovascular diseases.


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The type 1 angiotensin II (AT1) receptor is well characterized but the type 2 (AT2) receptor remains an enigma. We tested the hypothesis that the AT2 receptor can modulate the growth of vascular smooth muscle cells by transfecting an AT2 receptor expression vector into the balloon-injured rat carotid artery and observed that overexpression of the AT2 receptor attenuated neointimal formation. In cultured smooth muscle cells, AT2 receptor transfection reduced proliferation and inhibited mitogen-activated protein kinase activity. Furthermore, we demonstrated that the AT2 receptor mediated the developmentally regulated decrease in aortic DNA synthesis at the latter stages of gestation. These results suggest that the AT2 receptor exerts an antiproliferative effect, counteracting the growth action of AT1 receptor.


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Mannitol is the most abundant sugar alcohol in nature, occurring in bacteria, fungi, lichens, and many species of vascular plants. Celery (Apium graveolens L.), a plant that forms mannitol photosynthetically, has high photosynthetic rates thought to results from intrinsic differences in the biosynthesis of hexitols vs. sugars. Celery also exhibits high salt tolerance due to the function of mannitol as an osmoprotectant. A mannitol catabolic enzyme that oxidizes mannitol to mannose (mannitol dehydrogenase, MTD) has been identified. In celery plants, MTD activity and tissue mannitol concentration are inversely related. MTD provides the initial step by which translocated mannitol is committed to central metabolism and, by regulating mannitol pool size, is important in regulating salt tolerance at the cellular level. We have now isolated, sequenced, and characterized a Mtd cDNA from celery. Analyses showed that Mtd RNA was more abundant in cells grown on mannitol and less abundant in salt-stressed cells. A protein database search revealed that the previously described ELI3 pathogenesis-related proteins from parsley and Arabidopsis are MTDs. Treatment of celery cells with salicylic acid resulted in increased MTD activity and RNA. Increased MTD activity results in an increased ability to utilize mannitol. Among other effects, this may provide an additional source of carbon and energy for response to pathogen attack. These responses of the primary enzyme controlling mannitol pool size reflect the importance of mannitol metabolism in plant responses to divergent types of environmental stress.


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Cystic fibrosis (CF), a disorder of electrolyte transport manifest in the lungs, pancreas, sweat duct, and vas deferens, is caused by mutations in the CF transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR). The CFTR protein has been shown to function as a cAMP-activated chloride channel and also regulates a separate protein, the outwardly rectifying chloride channel (ORCC). To determine the consequence of disease-producing mutations upon these functions, mutant CFTR was transiently expressed in Xenopus oocytes and in human airway epithelial cells lacking functional CFTR. Both G551D, a mutation that causes severe lung disease, and A455E, a mutation associated with mild lung disease, altered but did not abolish CFTR's function as a chloride channel in Xenopus oocytes. Airway epithelial cells transfected with CFTR bearing either A455E or G551D had levels of chloride conductance significantly greater than those of mock-transfected and lower than those of wild-type CFTR-transfected cells, as measured by chloride efflux. A combination of channel blockers and analysis of current-voltage relationships were used to dissect the contribution of CFTR and the ORCC to whole cell currents of transfected cells. While CFTR bearing either mutation could function as a chloride channel, only CFTR bearing A455E retained the function of regulating the ORCC. These results indicate that CF mutations can affect CFTR functions differently and suggest that severity of pulmonary disease may be more closely associated with the regulatory rather than chloride channel function of CFTR.