91 resultados para Proto-Oncogene Proteins c-myc


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Bcl2 overexpression prevents axotomy-induced neuronal death of neonatal facial motoneurons, as defined by morphological criteria. However, the functional properties of these surviving lesioned transgenic neurons are unknown. Using transgenic mice overexpressing the protein Bcl2, we have investigated the bioelectrical properties of transgenic facial motoneurons from 7 to 20 days after neonatal unilateral axotomy using brain-stem slices and whole cell patch-clamp recording. Nonaxotomized facial motoneurons from wild-type and transgenic mice had similar properties; they had an input resistance of 38 +/- 6 M omega and fired repetitively after injection of positive current pulses. When cells were voltage-clamped at or near their resting membrane potential, alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid (AMPA), N-methyl-D-aspartic acid (NMDA), or vasopressin generated sustained inward currents. In transgenic axotomized mice, facial motoneurons could be found located ipsilaterally to the lesion; they had an input resistance of 150 +/- 30 M omega, indicating that they were smaller in size, fired repetitively, and were also responsive to AMPA, NMDA, and vasopressin. Morphological measurements achieved 1 week after the lesion have shown that application of brain-derived neurotrophic factor prevented the reduction in size of axotomized transgenic motoneurons. These data indicate that Bcl2 not only prevents morphological apoptotic death of axotomized neonatal transgenic motoneurons but also permits motoneurons to conserve functional electrophysiological properties.


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Myeloid leukemic M1 cells that do not express p53 and transfected M1 clones that constitutively express the [Val135]p53 mutant or deregulated c-myc or coexpressing both genes grew autonomously in culture with a similar growth rate and cloning efficiency. Expression of deregulated c-myc in M1 leukemic cells enhanced susceptibility to induction of apoptotic cell death and resulted in a reduced leukemogenicity when injected into isologous mice. Expression of the [Val135]p53 mutant did not change cell susceptibility to induction of apoptosis or leukemogenicity, but expression of this mutant p53 suppressed the effects of deregulated c-myc on these properties. The results indicate that the [Val135]p53 mutant can show a gain of function for susceptibility to apoptosis and leukemogenicity in leukemic cells with deregulated c-myc and, thus, enhance tumor development.


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The interleukin 2 receptor (IL-2R) consists of three subunits, the IL-2R alpha, IL-2R beta c, and IL-2R gamma c chains. Two Janus family protein tyrosine kinases (PTKs), Jak1 and Jak3, were shown to associate with IL-2R beta c and IL-2R gamma c, respectively, and their PTK activities are increased after IL-2 stimulation. A Jak3 mutant with truncation of the C-terminal PTK domain lacks its intrinsic kinase activity but can still associate with IL-2R gamma c. In a hematopoietic cell line, F7, that responds to either IL-2 or IL-3, overexpression of this Jak3 mutant results in selective inhibition of the IL-2-induced activation of Jak1/Jak3 PTKs and of cell proliferation. Of the three target nuclear protooncogenes of the IL-2 signaling, c-fos and c-myc genes, but not the bcl-2 gene, were found to be impaired. On the other hand, overexpression of the dominant negative form of the IL-2R gamma c chain, which lacks most of its cytoplasmic domain, in F7 cells resulted in the inhibition of all three protooncogenes. These results provide a further molecular basis for the critical role of Jak3 in IL-2 signaling and also suggest a Jak PTK-independent signaling pathway(s) for the bcl-2 gene induction by IL-2R.


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We studied blood lymphocytes of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-seropositive and -negative homosexual men for the presence of T(8;14) translocations that recombine c-myc and immunoglobulin heavy-chain (IgH) mu/IgH alpha switch regions. Clones with T(8;14) translocations were detected in 10.5% (12/114) of the HIV-positive and in 2.0% of the 99 uninfected patients. The majority of recombinations were found at a single time point only. Four patients, however, harbored multiple (up to four) and persistent (up to 9 years) translocation-positive cell clones. No correlation between the presence of these aberrant lymphocytes and a later lymphoma could be established. The exon 1/intron 1 region of the recombined c-myc was investigated for the presence of point mutations and these were found in the nonpersistent clones. Additional alterations detected in these clones included duplications and a deletion in the c-myc gene. The pattern of base substitution indicates that they were introduced after the translocation event.


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Smooth muscle cell (SMC) proliferation is thought to play a major role in vascular restenosis after angioplasty and is a serious complication of the procedure. Developing antisense (AS) oligonucleotides as therapeutics is attractive because of the potentially high specificity of binding to their targets, and several investigators have reported inhibition of SMC proliferation in vitro and in vivo by using AS strategies. We report here the results of our experiments on vascular SMCs using AS oligonucleotides directed toward c-myb and c-myc. We found that significant inhibition of SMC proliferation occurred with these specific AS sequences but that this inhibition was clearly not via a hybridization-dependent AS mechanism. Rather, inhibition was due to the presence of four contiguous guanosine residues in the oligonucleotide sequence. This was demonstrated in vitro in primary cultures of SMCs and in arteries ex vivo. The ex vivo model developed here provides a rapid and effective system in which to screen potential oligonucleotide drugs for restenosis. We have further explored the sequence requirements of this non-AS effect and determined that phosphorothioate oligonucleotides containing at least two sets of three or four consecutive guanosine residues inhibit SMC proliferation in vitro and ex vivo. These results suggest that previous AS data obtained using these and similar, contiguous guanosine-containing AS sequences be reevaluated and that there may be an additional class of nucleic acid compounds that have potential as antirestenosis therapeutics.


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One of the more intriguing aspects of transforming growth factor beta 1 (TGF beta 1) is its ability to function as both a mitogenic factor for certain mesenchymal cells and a potent growth inhibitor of lymphoid, endothelial, and epithelial cells. Data are presented indicating that c-myc may play a pivotal role in both the mitogenic and antiproliferative actions of TGF beta 1. In agreement with previous studies using C3H/10T1/2 fibroblasts constitutively expressing an exogenous c-myc cDNA, we show that AKR-2B fibroblasts expressing a chimeric estrogen-inducible form of c-myc (mycER) are able to form colonies in soft agar in the presence of TGF beta 1 only when c-myc is activated by hormone. Whereas these findings support a synergistic role for c-myc in mitogenic responses to TGF beta 1, we also find that c-myc can antagonize the growth-inhibitory response to TGF beta 1. Mouse keratinocytes (BALB/MK), which are normally growth-arrested by TGF beta 1, are rendered insensitive to the growth-inhibitory effects of TGF beta 1 upon mycER activation. This ability of mycER activation to block TGF beta 1-induced growth arrest was found to occur only when the fusion protein was induced with hormone in the early part of G1. Addition of estradiol late in G1 had no suppressive effect on TGF beta 1-induced growth inhibition.


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The proto-oncogene c-myc (myc) encodes a transcription factor (Myc) that promotes growth, proliferation and apoptosis. Myc has been suggested to induce these effects by induction/repression of downstream genes. Here we report the identification of potential Myc target genes in a human B cell line that grows and proliferates depending on conditional myc expression. Oligonucleotide microarrays were applied to identify downstream genes of Myc at the level of cytoplasmic mRNA. In addition, we identified potential Myc target genes in nuclear run-on experiments by changes in their transcription rate. The identified genes belong to gene classes whose products are involved in amino acid/protein synthesis, lipid metabolism, protein turnover/folding, nucleotide/DNA synthesis, transport, nucleolus function/RNA binding, transcription and splicing, oxidative stress and signal transduction. The identified targets support our current view that myc acts as a master gene for growth control and increases transcription of a large variety of genes.


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The positive effects of Myc on cellular growth and gene expression are antagonized by activities of another member of the Myc superfamily, Mad. Characterization of the mouse homolog of human mad on the structural level revealed that domains shown previously to be required in the human protein for anti-Myc repression, sequence-specific DNA-binding activity, and dimerization with its partner Max are highly conserved. Conservation is also evident on the biological level in that both human and mouse mad can antagonize the ability of c-myc to cooperate with ras in the malignant transformation of cultured cells. An analysis of c-myc and mad gene expression in the developing mouse showed contrasting patterns with respect to tissue distribution and developmental stage. Regional differences in expression were more striking on the cellular level, particularly in the mouse and human gastrointestinal system, wherein c-Myc protein was readily detected in immature proliferating cells at the base of the colonic crypts, while Mad protein distribution was restricted to the postmitotic differentiated cells in the apex of the crypts. An increasing gradient of Mad was also evident in the more differentiated subcorneal layers of the stratified squamous epithelium of the skin. Together, these observations support the view that both downregulation of Myc and accumulation of Mad may be necessary for progression of precursor cells to a growth-arrested, terminally differentiated state.


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Overexpression of the proto-oncogene MYC has been implicated in the genesis of diverse human cancers. One explanation for the role of MYC in tumorigenesis has been that this gene might drive cells inappropriately through the division cycle, leading to the relentless proliferation characteristic of the neoplastic phenotype. Herein, we report that the overexpression of MYC alone cannot sustain the division cycle of normal cells but instead leads to their arrest in G2. We used an inducible form of the MYC protein to stimulate normal human and rodent fibroblasts. The stimulated cells passed through G1 and S but arrested in G2 and frequently became aneuploid, presumably as a result of inappropriate reinitiation of DNA synthesis. Absence of the tumor suppressor gene p53 or its downstream effector p21 reduced the frequency of both G2 arrest and aneuploidy, apparently by compromising the G2 checkpoint control. Thus, relaxation of the G2 checkpoint may be an essential early event in tumorigenesis by MYC. The loss of p53 function seems to be one mechanism by which this relaxation commonly occurs. These findings dramatize how multiple genetic events can collaborate to produce neoplastic cells.


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Recent evidence suggests that the Myc and Mad1 proteins are implicated in the regulation of the gene encoding the human telomerase reverse transcriptase (hTERT), the catalytic subunit of telomerase. We have analyzed the in vivo interaction between endogenous c-Myc and Mad1 proteins and the hTERT promoter in HL60 cells with the use of the chromatin immunoprecipitation assay. The E-boxes at the hTERT proximal promoter were occupied in vivo by c-Myc in exponentially proliferating HL60 cells but not in cells induced to differentiate by DMSO. In contrast, Mad1 protein was induced and bound to the hTERT promoter in differentiated HL60 cells. Concomitantly, the acetylation of the histones at the promoter was significantly reduced. These data suggest that the reciprocal E-box occupancy by c-Myc and Mad1 is responsible for activation and repression of the hTERT gene in proliferating and differentiated HL60 cells, respectively. Furthermore, the histone deacetylase inhibitor trichostatin A inhibited deacetylation of histones at the hTERT promoter and attenuated the repression of hTERT transcription during HL60 cell differentiation. In addition, trichostatin A treatment activated hTERT transcription in resting human lymphocytes and fibroblasts. Taken together, these results indicate that acetylation/deacetylation of histones is operative in the regulation of hTERT expression.


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Signal transducer and activator of transcription (STAT) proteins perform key roles in mediating signaling by cytokines and growth factors, including platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF). In addition, Src family kinases activate STAT signaling and are required for PDGF-induced mitogenesis in normal cells. One STAT family member, Stat3, has been shown to have an essential role in cell transformation by the Src oncoprotein. However, the mechanisms by which STAT-signaling pathways contribute to mitogenesis and transformation are not fully defined. We show here that disruption of Stat3 signaling by using dominant-negative Stat3β protein in NIH 3T3 fibroblasts suppresses c-Myc expression concomitant with inhibition of v-Src-induced transformation. Ectopic expression of c-Myc is able to partially reverse this inhibition, suggesting that c-Myc is a downstream effector of Stat3 signaling in v-Src transformation. Furthermore, c-myc gene knockout fibroblasts are refractory to transformation by v-Src, consistent with a requirement for c-Myc protein in v-Src transformation. In normal NIH 3T3 cells, disruption of Stat3 signaling with dominant-negative Stat3β protein inhibits PDGF-induced mitogenesis in a manner that is reversed by ectopic c-Myc expression. Moreover, inhibition of Src family kinases with the pharmacologic agent, SU6656, blocks Stat3 activation by PDGF. These findings, combined together, delineate the signaling pathway, PDGF → Src → Stat3 → Myc, that is important in normal PDGF-induced mitogenesis and subverted in Src transformation.


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We describe a two-hybrid strategy for detection of interactions with transactivator proteins. This repressed transactivator (RTA) system employs the N-terminal repression domain of the yeast general repressor TUP1. TUP1-GAL80 fusion proteins, when coexpressed with GAL4, are shown to inhibit transcription of GAL4-dependent reporter genes. This effect requires the C-terminal 30 residues of GAL4, which are required for interaction with GAL80 in vitro. Furthermore, repression of GAL transcription by TUP1-GAL80 requires SRB10, demonstrating that the TUP1 repression domain, in the context of a two-hybrid interaction, functions by the same mechanism as endogenous TUP1. Using this strategy, we demonstrate interactions between the mammalian basic helix–loop–helix proteins MyoD and E12, and between c-Myc and Bin-1. We have also identified interacting clones from a TUP1-cDNA fusion expression library by using GAL4-VP16 as a bait fusion. These results demonstrate that RTA is generally applicable for identifying and characterizing interactions with transactivator proteins in vivo.


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BCR-ABL is a chimeric oncogene generated by translocation of sequences from the c-abl protein-tyrosine kinase gene on chromosome 9 into the BCR gene on chromosome 22. Alternative chimeric proteins, p210BCR-ABL and p190BCR-ABL, are produced that are characteristic of chronic myelogenous leukemia and acute lymphoblastic leukemia, respectively. Their role in the etiology of human leukemia remains to be defined. Transformed murine hematopoietic cells can be used as a model of BCR-ABL function since these cells can be made growth factor independent and tumorigenic by the action of the BCR-ABL oncogene. We show that the BCR-ABL oncogenes prevent apoptotic death in these cells by inducing a Bcl-2 expression pathway. Furthermore, BCR-ABL-expressing cells revert to factor dependence and nontumorigenicity after Bcl-2 expression is suppressed. These results help to explain the ability of BCR-ABL oncogenes to synergize with c-myc in cell transformation.


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The importance of CCAAT/enhancer binding proteins (C/EBPs) and binding sites for HIV-1 replication in primary macrophages, T cell lines and primary CD4+ T cells was examined. When lines overexpressing the C/EBP dominant-negative protein LIP were infected with HIV-1, replication occurred in Jurkat T cells but not in U937 promonocytes, demonstrating a requirement for C/EBP activators by HIV-1 only in promonocytes. Primary macrophages did not support the replication of HIV-1 harboring mutant C/EBP binding sites in the long terminal repeat but Jurkat, H9 and primary CD4+ T cells supported replication of wild-type and mutant HIV-1 equally well. Thus the requirement for C/EBP sites is also confined to monocyte/macrophages. The requirement for C/EBP proteins and sites identifies the first uniquely macrophage-specific regulatory mechanism for HIV-1 replication.


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Cell proliferation is regulated by the induction of growth promoting genes and the suppression of growth inhibitory genes. Malignant growth can result from the altered balance of expression of these genes in favor of cell proliferation. Induction of the transcription factor, c-Myc, promotes cell proliferation and transformation by activating growth promoting genes, including the ODC and cdc25A genes. We show that c-Myc transcriptionally represses the expression of a growth arrest gene, gas1. A conserved Myc structure, Myc box 2, is required for repression of gas1, and for Myc induction of proliferation and transformation, but not for activation of ODC. Activation of a Myc-estrogen receptor fusion protein by 4-hydroxytamoxifen was sufficient to repress gas1 gene transcription. These findings suggest that transcriptional repression of growth arrest genes, including gas1, is one step in promotion of cell growth by Myc.