19 resultados para Productive clusters
We present new methods for identifying and analyzing statistically significant residue clusters that occur in three-dimensional (3D) protein structures. Residue clusters of different kinds occur in many contexts. They often feature the active site (e.g., in substrate binding), the interface between polypeptide units of protein complexes, regions of protein-protein and protein-nucleic acid interactions, or regions of metal ion coordination. The methods are illustrated with 3D clusters centering on four themes. (i) Acidic or histidine-acidic clusters associated with metal ions. (ii) Cysteine clusters including coordination of metals such as zinc or iron-sulfur structures, cysteine knots prominent in growth factors, multiple sets of buried disulfide pairings that putatively nucleate the hydrophobic core, or cysteine clusters of mostly exposed disulfide bridges. (iii) Iron-sulfur proteins and charge clusters. (iv) 3D environments of multiple histidine residues. Study of diverse 3D residue clusters offers a new perspective on protein structure and function. The algorithms can aid in rapid identification of distinctive sites, suggest correlations among protein structures, and serve as a tool in the analysis of new structures.
Statistically significant charge clusters (basic, acidic, or of mixed charge) in tertiary protein structures are identified by new methods from a large representative collection of protein structures. About 10% of protein structures show at least one charge cluster, mostly of mixed type involving about equally anionic and cationic residues. Positive charge clusters are very rare. Negative (or histidine-acidic) charge clusters often coordinate calcium, or magnesium or zinc ions [e.g., thermolysin (PDB code: 3tln), mannose-binding protein (2msb), aminopeptidase (1amp)]. Mixed-charge clusters are prominent at interchain contacts where they stabilize quaternary protein formation [e.g., glutathione S-transferase (2gst), catalase (8act), and fructose-1,6-bisphosphate aldolase (1fba)]. They are also involved in protein-protein interaction and in substrate binding. For example, the mixed-charge cluster of aspartate carbamoyl-transferase (8atc) envelops the aspartate carbonyl substrate in a flexible manner (alternating tense and relaxed states) where charge associations can vary from weak to strong. Other proteins with charge clusters include the P450 cytochrome family (BM-3, Terp, Cam), several flavocytochromes, neuraminidase, hemagglutinin, the photosynthetic reaction center, and annexin. In each case in Table 2 we discuss the possible role of the charge clusters with respect to protein structure and function.
High levels of the p53 protein are immunohistochemically detectable in a majority of human nonmelanoma skin cancers and UVB-induced murine skin tumors. These increased protein levels are often associated with mutations in the conserved domains of the p53 gene. To investigate the timing of the p53 alterations in the process of UVB carcinogenesis, we used a well defined murine model (SKH:HR1 hairless mice) in which the time that tumors appear is predictable from the UVB exposures. The mice were subjected to a series of daily UVB exposures, either for 17 days or for 30 days, which would cause skin tumors to appear around 80 or 30 weeks, respectively. In the epidermis of these mice, we detected clusters of cells showing a strong immunostaining of the p53 protein, as measured with the CM-5 polyclonal antiserum. This cannot be explained by transient accumulation of the normal p53 protein as a physiological response to UVB-induced DNA damage. In single exposure experiments the observed transient CM-5 immunoreactivity lasted for only 3 days and was not clustered, whereas these clusters were still detectable as long as 56 days after 17 days of UVB exposure. In addition, approximately 70% of these patches reacted with the mutant-specific monoclonal antibody PAb240, whereas transiently induced p53-positive cells did not. In line with indicative human data, these experimental results in the hairless mouse model unambiguously demonstrate that constitutive p53 alterations are causally related to chronic UVB exposure and that they are a very early event in the induction of skin cancer by UVB radiation.
The estrogen receptor (ER), a 66-kDa protein that mediates the actions of estrogens in estrogen-responsive tissues, is a member of a large superfamily of nuclear hormone receptors that function as ligand-activated transcription factors. ER shares a conserved structural and functional organization with other members of this superfamily, including two transcriptional activation functions (AFs), one located in its amino-terminal region (AF-1) and the second located in its carboxyl-terminal, ligand-binding region (AF-2). In most promoter contexts, synergism between AF-1 and AF-2 is required for full ER activity. In these studies, we demonstrate a functional interaction of the two AF-containing regions of ER, when expressed as separate polypeptides in mammalian cells, in response to 17 beta-estradiol (E2) and antiestrogen binding. The interaction was transcriptionally productive only in response to E2, and was eliminated by point or deletion mutations that destroy AF-1 or AF-2 activity or E2 binding. Our results suggest a definitive mechanistic role for E2 in the activity of ER--namely, to alter receptor conformation to promote an association of the amino- and carboxyl-terminal regions, leading to transcriptional synergism between AF-1 and AF-2. The productive re assembly of two portions of ER expressed in cells as separate polypeptides demonstrates the evolutionarily conserved modular structural and functional organization of the nuclear hormone receptors. The ligand-dependent interaction of the two AF-containing regions of ER allows for the assembly of a complete activation function from two distinct regions within the same protein, providing a mechanism for hormonally regulated transcription.