31 resultados para Pathogenic microorganisms.


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We describe a multiplex nucleic acid assay that identifies and determines the abundance of four different pathogenic retroviruses (HIV-1, HIV-2, and human T-lymphotrophic virus types I and II). Retroviral DNA sequences are amplified in a single, sealed tube by simultaneous PCR assays, and the resulting amplicons are detected in real time by the hybridization of four differently colored, amplicon-specific molecular beacons. The color of the fluorescence generated in the course of amplification identifies which retroviruses are present, and the number of thermal cycles required for the intensity of each color to rise significantly above background provides an accurate measure of the number of copies of each retroviral sequence that were present originally in the sample. Fewer than 10 retroviral genomes can be detected. Moreover, 10 copies of a rare retrovirus can be detected in the presence of 100,000 copies of an abundant retrovirus. Ninety-six samples can be analyzed in 3 hr on a single plate, and the use of a closed-tube format eliminates crossover contamination. Utilizing previously well characterized clinical samples, we demonstrate that each of the pathogenic retroviruses can be identified correctly and no false positives occur. This assay enables the rapid and reliable screening of donated blood and transplantable tissues.


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Ascorbate (vitamin C) recycling occurs when extracellular ascorbate is oxidized, transported as dehydroascorbic acid, and reduced intracellularly to ascorbate. We investigated microorganism induction of ascorbate recycling in human neutrophils and in microorganisms themselves. Ascorbate recycling was determined by measuring intracellular ascorbate accumulation. Ascorbate recycling in neutrophils was induced by both Gram-positive and Gram-negative pathogenic bacteria, and the fungal pathogen Candida albicans. Induction of recycling resulted in as high as a 30-fold increase in intracellular ascorbate compared with neutrophils not exposed to microorganisms. Recycling occurred at physiologic concentrations of extracellular ascorbate within 20 min, occurred over a 100-fold range of effector/target ratios, and depended on oxidation of extracellular ascorbate to dehydroascorbic acid. Ascorbate recycling did not occur in bacteria nor in C. albicans. Ascorbate did not enter microorganisms, and dehydroascorbic acid entry was less than could be accounted for by diffusion. Because microorganism lysates reduced dehydroascorbic acid to ascorbate, ascorbate recycling was absent because of negligible entry of the substrate dehydroascorbic acid. Because ascorbate recycling occurs in human neutrophils but not in microorganisms, it may represent a eukaryotic defense mechanism against oxidants with possible clinical implications.


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Objectives: To determine the prevalence of the pathogenic strain of Neisseria meningitidis in contacts of patients with meningococcal disease, and to determine which contact groups are likely to be carriers and warrant chemoprophylaxis.


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Bacteriophage lytic enzymes quickly destroy the cell wall of the host bacterium to release progeny phage. Because such lytic enzymes specifically kill the species in which they were produced, they may represent an effective way to control pathogenic bacteria without disturbing normal microflora. In this report, we studied a murein hydrolase from the streptococcal bacteriophage C1 termed lysin. This enzyme is specific for groups A, C, and E streptococci, with little or no activity toward several oral streptococci or other commensal organisms tested. Using purified lysin in vitro, we show that 1,000 units (10 ng) of enzyme is sufficient to sterilize a culture of ≈107 group A streptococci within 5 seconds. When a single dose of lysin (250 units) is first added to the oral cavity of mice, followed by 107 live group A streptococci, it provides protection from colonization (28.5% infected, n = 21) compared with controls without lysin (70.5% infected, n = 17) (P < 0.03). Furthermore, when lysin (500 units) was given orally to 9 heavily colonized mice, no detectable streptococci were observed 2 h after lysin treatment. In all, these studies show that lysin represents a unique murein hydrolase that has a rapid lethal effect both in vitro and in vivo on group A streptococci, without affecting other indigenous microorganisms analyzed. This general approach may be used to either eliminate or reduce streptococci from the upper respiratory mucosal epithelium of either carriers or infected individuals, thus reducing associated disease.


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The complete nucleotide sequence, 5178 bp, of the totivirus Helminthosporium vicotoriae 190S virus (Hv190SV) double-stranded RNA, was determined. Computer-assisted sequence analysis revealed the presence of two large overlapping ORFs; the 5'-proximal large ORF (ORF1) codes for the coat protein (CP) with a predicted molecular mass of 81 kDa, and the 3'-proximal ORF (ORF2), which is in the -1 frame relative to ORF1, codes for an RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RDRP). Unlike many other totiviruses, the overlap region between ORF1 and ORF2 lacks known structural information required for translational frameshifting. Using an antiserum to a C-terminal fragment of the RDRP, the product of ORF2 was identified as a minor virion-associated polypeptide of estimated molecular mass of 92 kDa. No CP-RDRP fusion protein with calculated molecular mass of 165 kDa was detected. The predicted start codon of the RDRP ORF (2605-AUG-2607) overlaps with the stop codon (2606-UGA-2608) of the CP ORF, suggesting RDRP is expressed by an internal initiation mechanism. Hv190SV is associated with a debilitating disease of its phytopathogenic fungal host. Knowledge of its genome organization and expression will be valuable for understanding its role in pathogenesis and for potential exploitation in the development of biocontrol measures.


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The avian pathogenic Escherichia coli strain (chi)7122 (serotype O78:K80:H9) causes airsacculitis and colisepticemia in chickens. To identify genes associated with avian disease, a genomic subtraction technique was performed between strain (chi)7122 and the E. coli K-12 strain (chi)289. The DNA isolated using this method was found only in strain (chi)7122 and was used to identify cosmid clones carrying unique DNA from a library of (chi)7122 that were then used to map the position of unique DNA on the E. coli chromosome. A total of 12 unique regions were found, 5 of which correspond to previously identified positions for unique DNA sequence in E. coli strains. To assess the role each unique region plays in virulence, mutants of (chi)7122 were constructed in which a segment of unique DNA was replaced with E. coli K-12 DNA by cotransduction of linked transposon insertions in DNA flanking the unique sequence. The resulting replacement mutants were assessed for inability to colonize the air sac and cause septicemia in 2-week-old white Leghorn chickens. Two mutants were found to be avirulent when injected into the right caudal air sac of 2-week-old chickens. One avirulent mutant, designated (chi)7145, carries a replacement of the rfb locus at 44 min, generating a rough phenotype. The second mutant is designated (chi)7146, and carries a replacement at position 0.0 min on the genetic map. Both mutants could be complemented to partial virulence by cosmids carrying sequences unique to (chi)7122.


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Megalin (gp330), an epithelial endocytic receptor, is a major target antigen of Heymann nephritis (HN), an autoimmune disease in rats. To elucidate the mechanisms of HN, we have mapped a pathogenic epitope in megalin that binds anti-megalin antibodies. We focused our attention on four clusters of cysteine-rich, low density lipoprotein receptor (LDLR) ligand binding repeats in the extracellular domain of megalin because they represent putative ligand binding regions and therefore would be expected to be exposed in vivo and to be able to bind circulating antibodies. Rat megalin cDNA fragments I through IV encoding the first through fourth clusters of ligand-binding repeats, respectively, were expressed in a baculovirus system. All four expression products were detected by immunoblotting with two antisera capable of inducing passive HN (pHN). When antibodies eluted from glomeruli of rats with pHN were used for immunoblotting, only the expression product encoded by fragment II was detected. This indicates that the second cluster of LDLR ligand binding repeats is directly involved in binding anti-megalin antibodies and in the induction of pHN. To narrow the major epitope in this domain, fragment II was used to prepare proteins sequentially truncated from the C- and N-terminal ends by in vitro translation. Analysis of the truncated translation products by immunoprecipitation with anti-megalin IgG revealed that the fifth ligand-binding repeat (amino acids 1160-1205) contains the major epitope recognized. This suggests that a 46-amino acid sequence in the second cluster of LDLR ligand binding repeats contains a major pathogenic epitope that plays a key role in pHN. Identification of this epitope will facilitate studies on the pathogenesis of HN.


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Pathogenic bacteria rely on adhesins to bind to host tissues. Therefore, the maintenance of the functional properties of these extracellular macromolecules is essential for the pathogenicity of these microorganisms. We report that peptide methionine sulfoxide reductase (MsrA), a repair enzyme, contributes to the maintenance of adhesins in Streptococcus pneumoniae, Neisseria gonorrhoeae, and Escherichia coli. A screen of a library of pneumococcal mutants for loss of adherence uncovered a MsrA mutant with 75% reduced binding to GalNAcbeta1-4Gal containing eukaryotic cell receptors that are present on type II lung cells and vascular endothelial cells. Subsequently, it was shown that an E. coli msrA mutant displayed decreased type I fimbriae-mediated, mannose-dependent, agglutination of erythrocytes. Previous work [Taha, M. K., So, M., Seifert, H. S., Billyard, E. & Marchal, C. (1988) EMBO J. 7, 4367-4378] has shown that mutants with defects in the pilA-pilB locus from N. gonorrhoeae were altered in their production of type IV pili. We show that pneumococcal MsrA and gonococcal PilB expressed in E. coli have MsrA activity. Together these data suggest that MsrA is required for the proper expression or maintenance of functional adhesins on the surfaces of these three major pathogenic bacteria.


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Myasthenia gravis is an autoimmune disease in which T cells specific to epitopes of the autoantigen, the human acetylcholine receptor, play a role. We identified two peptides, p195-212 and p259-271, from the alpha subunit of the receptor, which bound to major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II molecules on antigen-presenting cells (APCs) from peripheral blood lymphocytes of myasthenia gravis patients and stimulated lymphocytes of >80% of the patients. We have prepared analogs of these myasthenogenic peptides and tested their ability to bind to MHC class II determinants and to interfere specifically with T-cell stimulation. We first determined relative binding efficiency of the myasthenogenic peptides and their analogs to APCs of patients. We found that single substituted analogs of p195-212 (Ala-207) and p259-271 (Lys-262) could bind to human MHC molecules on APCs as efficiently as the original peptides. Moreover, dual analogs containing the two single substituted analogs in one stretch (either sequentially, Ala-207/Lys-262, or reciprocally, Lys-262/Ala-207) could also bind to APCs of patients, including those that failed to bind one of the single substituted analogs. The single substituted analogs significantly inhibited T-cell stimulation induced by their respective myasthenogenic peptides in >95% of the patients. The dual analogs were capable of inhibiting stimulation induced by either of the peptides: They inhibited the response to p195-212 and p259-271 in >95% and >90% of the patients, respectively. Thus, the dual analogs are good candidates for inhibition of T-cell responses of myasthenia gravis patients and might have therapeutic potential.


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Comparison of immune responses to infection by a pathogenic or a nonpathogenic immunodeficiency virus in macaques may provide insights into pathogenetic events leading to simian AIDS. This work is aimed at exploring cytokine expression during infection by simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV). We used semiquantitative reverse transcription-PCR to monitor interleukin (IL)-2/interferon (IFN)-gamma (Th1-like), and IL-4/IL-10 (Th2-like) expression in unmanipulated peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs), during the acute phase of infection of eight cynomolgus macaques (Macaca fascicularis) with a pathogenic primary isolate of SIVmac251 (full-length nef), and of four other cynomolgus macaques by an attenuated molecular clone of SIVmac251 (nef-truncated). All the monkeys became infected, as clearly shown by the presence of infected PBMCs and by seroconversion. Nevertheless, PBMC-associated virus loads and p27 antigenemia in monkeys infected by the attenuated virus clone remained lower than those observed in animals infected with the pathogenic SIVmac251 isolate. A rise of IL-10 mRNA expression occurred in both groups of monkeys coincident with the peak of viral replication. In monkeys infected with the pathogenic SIVmac251, IL-2, IL-4, and IFN-gamma mRNAs were either weakly detectable or undetectable. On the contrary, animals infected by the attenuated virus exhibited an overexpression of these cytokine mRNAs during the first weeks after inoculation. The lack of expression of these cytokines in monkeys infected with the pathogenic primary isolate may reflect early immunodeficiency.


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The immune system's ability to distinguish self and nonself is essential for both host defense against foreign agents and protection of self-antigens from autoimmune destruction. Such discrimination is complicated by extensive structural homology shared between foreign and self antigens. One hypothesis to explain the development of an autoimmune response is that some B cells activated by foreign antigen acquire, through somatic mutation, specificity for both the eliciting foreign antigen and self antigen. If such clones arise frequently, there must be a mechanism for their elimination. We have analyzed the extent of autoreactivity arising in a nonautoimmune host during the response to a foreign antigen. To overcome the process of apoptosis in primary B cells that might routinely eliminate autoreactive clones, we generated B-cell hybridomas from spleen cells of immunized mice by using a fusion partner constitutively expressing bcl-2. Multiple lines were obtained that recognize simultaneously the hapten phosphorylcholine and the self antigen double-stranded DNA. This dual specificity was not present early but was detected by day 10 after immunization. Some of these cross-reactive antibodies deposit in kidneys in a pattern similar to what is seen in autoimmune disease. These results demonstrate that autoantibodies arise at a high frequency as part of a response to foreign antigen. It has previously been shown that autoreactivity is regulated by central deletion; these data demonstrate a need for negative selection in peripheral lymphoid organs also, to regulate autoantibodies acquiring their self-specificity by somatic mutation.


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To persist in macrophages and in granulomatous caseous lesions, pathogenic mycobacteria must be equipped to withstand the action of toxic oxygen metabolites. In Gram-negative bacteria, the OxyR protein is a critical component of the oxidative stress response. OxyR is both a sensor of reactive oxygen species and a transcriptional activator, inducing expression of detoxifying enzymes such as catalase/hydroperoxidase and alkyl hydroperoxidase. We have characterized the responses of various mycobacteria to hydrogen peroxide both phenotypically and at the levels of gene and protein expression. Only the saprophytic Mycobacterium smegmatis induced a protective oxidative stress response analogous to the OxyR response of Gram-negative bacteria. Under similar conditions, the pathogenic mycobacteria exhibited a limited, nonprotective response, which in the case of Mycobacterium tuberculosis was restricted to induction of a single protein, KatG. We have also isolated DNA sequences homologous to oxyR and ahpC from M. tuberculosis and Mycobacterium avium. While the M. avium oxyR appears intact, the oxyR homologue of M. tuberculosis contains numerous deletions and frameshifts and is probably nonfunctional. Apparently the response of pathogenic mycobacteria to oxidative stress differs significantly from the inducible OxyR response of other bacteria.