28 resultados para Papillomavirus infections


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Chronic Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection occurs in 75–90% of patients with cystic fibrosis (CF). It is the foremost factor in pulmonary function decline and early mortality. A connection has been made between mutant or missing CF transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) in lung epithelial cell membranes and a failure in innate immunity leading to initiation of P. aeruginosa infection. Epithelial cells use CFTR as a receptor for internalization of P. aeruginosa via endocytosis and subsequent removal of bacteria from the airway. In the absence of functional CFTR, this interaction does not occur, allowing for increased bacterial loads in the lungs. Binding occurs between the outer core of the bacterial lipopolysaccharide and amino acids 108–117 in the first predicted extracellular domain of CFTR. In experimentally infected mice, inhibiting CFTR-mediated endocytosis of P. aeruginosa by inclusion in the bacterial inoculum of either free bacterial lipopolysaccharide or CFTR peptide 108–117 resulted in increased bacterial counts in the lungs. CFTR is also a receptor on gastrointestinal epithelial cells for Salmonella enterica serovar Typhi, the etiologic agent of typhoid fever. There was a significant decrease in translocation of this organism to the gastrointestinal submucosa in transgenic mice that are heterozygous carriers of a mutant ΔF508 CFTR allele, suggesting heterozygous CFTR carriers may have increased resistance to typhoid fever. The identification of CFTR as a receptor for bacterial pathogens could underlie the biology of CF lung disease and be the basis for the heterozygote advantage for carriers of mutant alleles of CFTR.


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Urinary tract infections, caused mainly by Escherichia coli, are among the most common infectious diseases. Most isolates of the uropathogenic E.coli can express type 1 and P fimbriae containing adhesins that recognize cell receptors. While P fimbriae recognize kidney glycolipid receptors and are involved in peyelonephritis, the urothelial for type 1 fimbriae were not identified. We show that type 1-fimbriated E. coli recognize uroplakins Ia and Ib, two major glycoproteins of urothelial apical plaques. Anchorage of E. coli to urothelial surface via type 1 fimbriae-uroplakin I interactions may play a role in its bladder colonization and eventual ascent through the ureters, against urine flow, to invade the kidneys.


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High-risk human papillomaviruses (HPVs), including type 16, have been identified as factors in cervical carcinogenesis. However, the presence and expression of the virus per se appear to be insufficient for carcinogenesis. Rather, cofactors most likely are necessary in addition to viral gene expression to initiate neoplasia. One candidate cofactor is prolonged exposure to sex hormones. To examine the possible effects of estrogen on HPV-associated neoplasia, we treated transgenic mice expressing the oncogenes of HPV16 under control of the human keratin-14 promoter (K14-HPV16 transgenic mice) and nontransgenic control mice with slow release pellets of 17beta-estradiol. Squamous carcinomas developed in a multistage pathway exclusively in the vagina and cervix of K14-HPV16 transgenic mice. Estrogen-induced carcinogenesis was accompanied by an incremental increase in the incidence and distribution of proliferating cells solely within the cervical and vaginal squamous epithelium of K14-HPV16 mice. Expression of the HPV transgenes in untreated transgenic mice was detectable only during estrus; estrogen treatment resulted in transgene expression that was persistent but not further upregulated, remaining at low levels at all stages of carcinogenesis. The data demonstrate a novel mechanism of synergistic cooperation between chronic estrogen exposure and the oncogenes of HPV16 that coordinates squamous carcinogenesis in the female reproductive tract of K14-HPV16 transgenic mice.


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Infection of mucosal epithelium by papillomaviruses is responsible for the induction of genital and oral warts and plays a critical role in the development of human cervical and oropharyngeal cancer. We have employed a canine model to develop a systemic vaccine that completely protects against experimentally induced oral mucosal papillomas. The major capsid protein, L1, of canine oral papillomavirus (COPV) was expressed in Sf9 insect cells in native conformation. L1 protein, which self-assembled into virus-like particles, was purified on CsCl gradients and injected intradermally into the foot pad of beagles. Vaccinated animals developed circulating antibodies against COPV and became completely resistant to experimental challenge with COPV. Successful immunization was strictly dependent upon native L1 protein conformation and L1 type. Partial protection was achieved with as little as 0.125 ng of L1 protein, and adjuvants appeared useful for prolonging the host immune response. Serum immunoglobulins passively transferred from COPV L1-immunized beagles to naive beagles conferred protection from experimental infection with COPV. Our results indicate the feasibility of developing a human vaccine to prevent mucosal papillomas, which can progress to malignancy.


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A synthetic heptadecapeptide, CKS-17, represents the highly conserved amino acid sequences occurring within the transmembrane envelope protein of many animal and human retroviruses. CKS-17 has been demonstrated to exhibit suppressive properties for numerous immune functions. We have recently shown that CKS-17 acts as an immunomodulatory epitope causing an imbalance of human type 1 and type 2 cytokine production and suppression of cell-mediated immunities. cAMP, an intracellular second messenger, plays an important role in regulation of cytokine biosynthesis--i.e., elevation of intracellular cAMP levels selectively inhibits type 1 cytokine production but has no effect or enhances type 2 cytokine production. Here, we demonstrate that CKS-17 induces dramatic rises in the intracellular cAMP levels of a human monocyte cell line and of human peripheral blood mononuclear cells in a time- and dose-dependent manner. A peptide corresponding to the reverse sequence of CKS-17, used as control, has no effect on intracellular cAMP levels. The cAMP-inducing ability of CKS-17 is significantly blocked by SQ-22536, an inhibitor of adenylate cyclase. These results indicate that CKS-17, a highly conserved component of the transmembrane proteins of immunosuppressive retroviruses, induces increased intracellular levels of cAMP via activation of adenylate cyclase and suggest that this retroviral envelope peptide may differentially modulate type 1 and type 2 cytokine production through elevation of intracellular cAMP levels.