24 resultados para PSI core complex


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The DAN/TIR mannoprotein genes of Saccharomyces cerevisiae (DAN1, DAN2, DAN3, DAN4, TIR1, TIR2, TIR3 and TIR4) are expressed in anaerobic cells while the predominant cell wall proteins Cwp1 and Cwp2 are down-regulated. Elements involved in activation and repression of the DAN/TIR genes were defined in this study, using the DAN1 promoter as a model. Nested deletions in a DAN1/lacZ reporter pinpointed regions carrying activation and repression elements. Inspection revealed two consensus sequences subsequently shown to be independent anaerobic response elements (AR1, consensus TCGTTYAG; AR2, consensus AAAAATTGTTGA). AR1 is found in all of the DAN/TIR promoters; AR2 is found in DAN1, DAN2 and DAN3. A 120 bp segment carrying two copies of AR1 preferentially activated transcription of lacZ under anaerobic conditions. A fusion of three synthetic copies of AR1 to MEL1 was also expressed anaerobically. Mutations in either AR1 site within the 120 bp segment caused a drastic loss of expression, indicating that both are necessary for activation and implying cooperativity between adjacent transcriptional activation complexes. A single AR2 site carried on a 46 bp fragment from the DAN1 promoter activated lacZ transcription under anaerobic conditions, as did a 26 bp synthetic AR2 fragment fused to MEL1. Nucleotide substitutions within the AR2 sequence eliminated the activity of the 46 bp segment. Ablation of the AR2 sequences in the full promoter caused a partial reduction of expression. The presence of the ATTGTT core (recognized by HMG proteins) in the AR2 sequence suggests that an HMG protein may activate through AR2. One region was implicated in aerobic repression of DAN1. It contains sites for the heme-induced Mot3 and Rox1 repressors.


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The structural maintenance of chromosomes (SMC) protein encoded by the fission yeast rad18 gene is involved in several DNA repair processes and has an essential function in DNA replication and mitotic control. It has a heterodimeric partner SMC protein, Spr18, with which it forms the core of a multiprotein complex. We have now isolated the human orthologues of rad18 and spr18 and designated them hSMC6 and hSMC5. Both proteins are about 1100 amino acids in length and are 27–28% identical to their fission yeast orthologues, with much greater identity within their N- and C-terminal globular domains. The hSMC6 and hSMC5 proteins interact to form a tight complex analogous to the yeast Rad18/Spr18 heterodimer. In proliferating human cells the proteins are bound to both chromatin and the nucleoskeleton. In addition, we have detected a phosphorylated form of hSMC6 that localizes to interchromatin granule clusters. Both the total level of hSMC6 and its phosphorylated form remain constant through the cell cycle. Both hSMC5 and hSMC6 proteins are expressed at extremely high levels in the testis and associate with the sex chromosomes in the late stages of meiotic prophase, suggesting a possible role for these proteins in meiosis.


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The vaccinia virus early transcription factor (VETF), a heterodimeric protein composed of 82- and 70-kDa subunits, interacts with viral early promoters at both a sequence-specific core region upstream and a sequence-independent region downstream of the RNA start site. To determine the VETF subunit-promoter interactions, 32P-labeled DNA targets were chemically synthesized with uniquely positioned phosphorothioates to which azidophenacyl bromide moieties were coupled. After incubating the derivatized promoter with VETF and exposing the complex to 302-nm light, the protein was denatured and the individual subunits with or without covalently bound DNA were isolated with specific antiserum and analyzed by SDS/polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Using a set of 26 duplex probes, with uniquely positioned aryl azide moieties on the coding or template strands, we found that the 82-kDa subunit interacted primarily with the core region of the promoter, whereas the 70-kDa subunit interacted with the downstream region. Nucleotide substitutions in the core region that downregulate transcription affected the binding of both subunits: the 82-kDa subunit no longer exhibited specificity for upstream regions of the promoter but also bound to downstream regions, whereas the binding of the 70-kDa subunit was abolished even though the mutations were far upstream of its binding site. These results suggested mechanisms by which the interaction of the 82-kDa subunit with the core sequence directs binding of the 70-kDa subunit to DNA downstream.


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The TATA box-binding protein (TBP) is required by all three eukaryotic RNA polymerases for correct initiation of transcription of ribosomal, messenger, small nuclear, and transfer RNAs. The cocrystal structure of the C-terminal/core region of human TBP complexed with the TATA element of the adenovirus major late promoter has been determined at 1.9 angstroms resolution. Structural and functional analyses of the protein-DNA complex are presented, with a detailed comparison to our 1.9-angstroms resolution structure of Arabidopsis thaliana TBP2 bound to the same TATA box.


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Tissue and cell-type specific expression of the rat osteocalcin (rOC) gene involves the interplay of multiple transcriptional regulatory factors. In this report we demonstrate that AML-1 (acute myeloid leukemia-1), a DNA-binding protein whose genes are disrupted by chromosomal translocations in several human leukemias, interacts with a sequence essential for enhancing tissue-restricted expression of the rOC gene. Deletion analysis of rOC promoter-chloramphenicol acetyltransferase constructs demonstrates that an AML-1-binding sequence within the proximal promoter (-138 to -130 nt) contributes to 75% of the level of osteocalcin gene expression. The activation potential of the AML-1-binding sequence has been established by overexpressing AML-1 in osteoblastic as well as in nonosseous cell lines. Overexpression not only enhances rOC promoter activity in osteoblasts but also mediates OC promoter activity in a nonosseous human fibroblastic cell line. A probe containing this site forms a sequence specific protein-DNA complex with nuclear extracts from osteoblastic cells but not from nonosseous cells. Antisera supershift experiments indicate the presence of AML-1 and its partner protein core-binding factor beta in this osteoblast-restricted complex. Mutations of the critical AML-1-binding nucleotides abrogate formation of the complex and strongly diminish promoter activity. These results indicate that an AML-1 related protein is functional in cells of the osteoblastic lineage and that the AML-1-binding site is a regulatory element important for osteoblast-specific transcriptional activation of the rOC gene.


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Patients with the M4Eo subtype of acute myeloid leukemia almost invariably are found to have an inversion of chromosome 16 in their leukemic cells, which results in a gene fusion between the transcription factor called core binding factor beta (CBFbeta) on 16q and a smooth muscle myosin heavy chain (SMMHC) gene on 16p. Subcellular localizations of the wild-type CBFbeta and the CBFbeta-SMMHC fusion protein were determined by immunofluorescence of NIH 3T3 cells that overexpress wild-type or fusion protein. Normal CBFbeta showed an unexpected perinuclear pattern consistent with primary localization in the Golgi complex. The CBFbeta-SMMHC fusion protein had a very different pattern. Nuclear staining included rod-like crystalline structures as long as 11 microm. The heterodimeric partner of CBFbeta, CBFalpha, formed part of this complex. Cytoplasmic staining included stress fibers that colocalized with actin, probably as a consequence of the myosin heavy chain component of the fusion protein. Deletion of different regions of the CBFbeta portion of the fusion protein showed that binding to CBFalpha was not required for nuclear translocation. However, deletion of parts of the SMMHC domain of the fusion protein involved in myosin-mediated filament formation resulted in proteins that did not form rod-like structures. These observations confirm previous indirect evidence that the CBFbeta-SMMHC fusion protein is capable of forming macromolecular nuclear aggregates and suggests possible models for the mechanism of leukemic transformation.


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In conjunction with other general initiation factors, the TATA box-binding protein (TBP) can direct basal transcription by RNA polymerase II from TATA-containing promoters, but its stable interaction with TBP-associated factors (TAFs) in the TFIID complex is required both for activator-dependent transcription and for basal transcription directed by an initiator element. We have generated a TATA-binding-defective TFIID complex containing an amino acid substitution in the DNA-binding surface of its TBP subunit. This mutated TFIID is defective in both basal and activated transcription from core promoters containing only a TATA box but supports transcription from initiator-containing promoters independently of the presence or absence of a TATA sequence. Our results show that a functional initiator element is needed to bypass the requirement for an active TATA DNA-binding surface in TFIID and imply that gene-specific transcription can be achieved by modulating distinct core promoter-specific TFIID functions--e.g., TBP-TATA versus TAF-initiator interactions.


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We describe the isolation and characterization of cDNAs encoding the precursor polypeptide of the 6.1-kDa polypeptide associated with the reaction center core of the photosystem II complex from spinach. PsbW, the gene encoding this polypeptide, is present in a single copy per haploid genome. The mature polypeptide with 54 amino acid residues is characterized by a hydrophobic transmembrane segment, and, although an intrinsic membrane protein, it carries a bipartite transit peptide of 83 amino acid residues which directs the N terminus of the mature protein into the chloroplast lumen. Thylakoid integration of this polypeptide does not require a delta pH across the membrane, nor is it azide-sensitive, suggesting that the polypeptide chain inserts spontaneously in an as yet unknown way. The PsbW mRNA levels are light regulated. Similar to cytochrome b559 and PsbS, but different from the chlorophyll-complexing polypeptides D1, D2, CP43, and CP47 of photosystem II, PsbW is present in etiolated spinach seedlings.


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The transforming growth factors beta (TGF-beta s) are important modulators of growth and differentiation. They are intermolecular disulfide-bonded homodimeric molecules. The monomer fold has a conserved cystine knot and lacks a hydrophobic core. The biological specificity of a given member of the family is believed to be determined by the conformational flexibility of the variable loop regions of the monomer. The monomer subunit assembly in the dimer is stabilized mainly by hydrophobic contacts and a few hydrogen bonds. Since these interactions are nondirectional, we examined subunit assemblies of TGF-beta by using conformational analysis. The different subunit assemblies in TGF-beta 2 dimer were characterized in terms of the intersubunit disulfide torsion. Our analyses show that the subunit assemblies fall into two states: the crystallographically observed gauche+conformation and the previously not reported gauche--conformation, both having almost identical interaction energies. Furthermore, there is significant flexibility in the subunit assembly within the gauche+ and the gauche- states of the disulfide bond. The monomer subunit assembly is independent of the variations about the loop regions. The variations in the loop regions, coupled with flexibility in the monomer assembly, lead to a complex flexibility in the dimer of the TGF-beta superfamily. For the TGF-beta superfamily, the cystine knot acts as a scaffold and complex flexibility provides for biological selectivity. Complex flexibility might provide an explanation for the diverse range of biological activities that these important molecules display.