Positioning of the Z ring at the midcell site in Escherichia coli is assured by the min system, which masks polar sites through topological regulation of MinC, an inhibitor of division. To study how MinC inhibits division, we have generated a MalE-MinC fusion that retains full biological activity. We find that MalE-MinC interacts with FtsZ and prevents polymerization without inhibiting FtsZ's GTPase activity. MalE-MinC19 has reduced ability to inhibit division, reduced affinity for FtsZ, and reduced ability to inhibit FtsZ polymerization. These results, along with MinC localization, suggest that MinC rapidly oscillates between the poles of the cell to destabilize FtsZ filaments that have formed before they mature into polar Z rings.
We use an off-lattice minimalist model to describe the effects of pressure in slowing down the folding/unfolding kinetics of proteins when subjected to increasingly larger pressures. The potential energy function used to describe the interactions between beads in the model includes the effects of pressure on the pairwise interaction of hydrophobic groups in water. We show that pressure affects the participation of contacts in the transition state. More significantly, pressure exponentially decreases the chain reconfigurational diffusion coefficient. These results are consistent with experimental results on the kinetics of pressure-denaturation of staphylococcal nuclease.
Succinoglycan, a symbiotically important exopolysaccharide of Rhizobium meliloti, is composed of polymerized octasaccharide subunits, each of which consists of one galactose and seven glucoses with succinyl, acetyl, and pyruvyl modifications. Production of specific low molecular weight forms of R. meliloti exported and surface polysaccharides, including succinoglycan, appears to be important for nodule invasion. In a previous study of the roles of the various exo gene products in succinoglycan biosynthesis, exoP, exoQ, and exoT mutants were found to synthesize undecaprenol-linked fully modified succinoglycan octasaccharide subunits, suggesting possible roles for their gene products in polymerization or transport. Using improved techniques for analyzing succinoglycan biosynthesis by these mutants, we have obtained evidence indicating that R. meliloti has genetically separable systems for the synthesis of high molecular weight succinoglycan and the synthesis of a specific class of low molecular weight oligosaccharides consisting of dimers and trimers of the octasaccharide subunit. Models to account for our unexpected findings are discussed. Possible roles for the ExoP, ExoQ, and ExoT proteins are compared and contrasted with roles that have been suggested on the basis of homologies to key proteins involved in the biosynthesis of O-antigens and of certain exported or capsular cell surface polysaccharides.
Wiskott–Aldrich syndrome (WAS) is an X-linked immunodeficiency caused by mutations that affect the WAS protein (WASP) and characterized by cytoskeletal abnormalities in hematopoietic cells. By using the yeast two-hybrid system we have identified a proline-rich WASP-interacting protein (WIP), which coimmunoprecipitated with WASP from lymphocytes. WIP binds to WASP at a site distinct from the Cdc42 binding site and has actin as well as profilin binding motifs. Expression of WIP in human B cells, but not of a WIP truncation mutant that lacks the actin binding motif, increased polymerized actin content and induced the appearance of actin-containing cerebriform projections on the cell surface. These results suggest that WIP plays a role in cortical actin assembly that may be important for lymphocyte function.
Recent cloning of a rat brain phosphatidylinositol 3,4,5-trisphosphate binding protein, centaurin α, identified a novel gene family based on homology to an amino-terminal zinc-binding domain. In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the protein with the highest homology to centaurin α is Gcs1p, the product of the GCS1 gene. GCS1 was originally identified as a gene conditionally required for the reentry of cells into the cell cycle after stationary phase growth. Gcs1p was previously characterized as a guanosine triphosphatase-activating protein for the small guanosine triphosphatase Arf1, and gcs1 mutants displayed vesicle-trafficking defects. Here, we have shown that similar to centaurin α, recombinant Gcs1p bound phosphoinositide-based affinity resins with high affinity and specificity. A novel GCS1 disruption strain (gcs1Δ) exhibited morphological defects, as well as mislocalization of cortical actin patches. gcs1Δ was hypersensitive to the actin monomer-sequestering drug, latrunculin-B. Synthetic lethality was observed between null alleles of GCS1 and SLA2, the gene encoding a protein involved in stabilization of the actin cytoskeleton. In addition, synthetic growth defects were observed between null alleles of GCS1 and SAC6, the gene encoding the yeast fimbrin homologue. Recombinant Gcs1p bound to actin filaments, stimulated actin polymerization, and inhibited actin depolymerization in vitro. These data provide in vivo and in vitro evidence that Gcs1p interacts directly with the actin cytoskeleton in S. cerevisiae.
We have previously shown that in HEp-2 cells, multivesicular bodies (MVBs) processing internalized epidermal growth factor–epidermal growth factor receptor complexes mature and fuse directly with lysosomes in which the complexes are degraded. The MVBs do not fuse with a prelysosomal compartment enriched in mannose 6-phosphate receptor (M6PR) as has been described in other cell types. Here we show that the cation-independent M6PR does not become enriched in the endocytic pathway en route to the lysosome, but if a pulse of M6PR or an M6PR ligand, cathepsin D, is followed, a significant fraction of these proteins are routed from the trans-Golgi to MVBs. Accumulation of M6PR does not occur because when the ligand dissociates, the receptor rapidly leaves the MVB. At steady state, most M6PR are distributed within the trans-Golgi and trans-Golgi network and in vacuolar structures distributed in the peripheral cytoplasm. We suggest that these M6PR-rich vacuoles are on the return route from MVBs to the trans-Golgi network and that a separate stable M6PR-rich compartment equivalent to the late endosome/prelysosome stage does not exist on the endosome–lysosome pathway in these cells.
The long-term kinetics of T cell production following highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) were investigated in blood and lymph node in a group of HIV-infected subjects at early stage of established infection and prospectively studied for 72 wk. Before HAART, CD4 and CD8 T cell turnover was increased. However, the total number of proliferating CD4+ T lymphocytes, i.e., CD4+Ki67+ T lymphocytes, was not significantly different in HIV-infected (n = 73) and HIV-negative (n = 15) subjects, whereas proliferating CD8+Ki67+ T lymphocytes were significantly higher in HIV-infected subjects. After HAART, the total body number of proliferating CD4+Ki67+ T lymphocytes increased over time and was associated with an increase of both naive and memory CD4+ T cells. The maximal increase (2-fold) was observed at week 36, whereas at week 72 the number of proliferating CD4+ T cells dropped to baseline levels, i.e., before HAART. The kinetics of the fraction of proliferating CD4 and CD8 T cells were significantly correlated with the changes in the total body number of these T cell subsets. These results demonstrate a direct relationship between ex vivo measures of T cell production and quantitative changes in total body T lymphocyte populations. This study provides advances in the delineation of the kinetics of T cell production in HIV infection in the presence and/or in the absence of HAART.
Mutation in human ZIC2, a zinc finger protein homologous to Drosophila odd-paired, causes holoprosencephaly (HPE), which is a common, severe malformation of the brain in humans. However, the pathogenesis is largely unknown. Here we show that reduced expression (knockdown) of mouse Zic2 causes neurulation delay, resulting in HPE and spina bifida. Differentiation of the most dorsal neural plate, which gives rise to both roof plate and neural crest cells, also was delayed as indicated by the expression lag of a roof plate marker, Wnt3a. In addition the development of neural crest derivatives such as dorsal root ganglion was impaired. These results suggest that the Zic2 expression level is crucial for the timing of neurulation. Because the Zic2 knockdown mouse is the first mutant with HPE and spina bifida to survive to the perinatal period, the mouse will promote analyses of not only the neurulation but also the pathogenesis of human HPE.
Development of protrusions in the cell is indispensable in the process of cell motility. Membrane protrusion has long been suggested to occur as a result of actin polymerization immediately beneath the cell membrane at the leading edge, but elucidation of the mechanism is insufficient because of the complexity of the cell. To study the mechanism, we prepared giant liposomes containing monomeric actin (100 or 200 μM) and introduced KCl into individual liposomes by an electroporation technique. On the electroporation, the giant liposomes deformed. Most importantly, protrusive structure grew from the liposomes containing 200 μM actin at rates (ranging from 0.3 to 0.7 μm/s) similar to those obtained in the cell. The deformation occurred in a time range (30 ∼ 100 s) similar to that of actin polymerization monitored in a cuvette (ca. 50 s). Concomitant with deformation, Brownian motion of micron-sized particles entrapped in the liposomes almost ceased. From these observations, we conclude that actin polymerization in the liposomes caused the protrusive formation.
Highly nonexponential folding kinetics in aqueous solution have been observed during temperature jump-induced refolding of two proteins, yeast phosphoglycerate kinase and a ubiquitin mutant. The observations are most easily interpreted in terms of downhill folding, which posits a heterogeneous ensemble of structures en route to the folded state. The data are also reconciled with exponential kinetics measured under different experimental conditions and with titration experiments indicating cooperative folding.
Folding of the Tetrahymena self-splicing RNA into its active conformation involves a set of discrete intermediate states. The Mg2+-dependent equilibrium transition from the intermediates to the native structure is more cooperative than the formation of the intermediates from the unfolded states. We show that the degree of cooperativity is linked to the free energy of each transition and that the rate of the slow transition from the intermediates to the native state decreases exponentially with increasing Mg2+ concentration. Monovalent salts, which stabilize the folded RNA nonspecifically, induce states that fold in less than 30 s after Mg2+ is added to the RNA. A simple model is proposed that predicts the folding kinetics from the Mg2+-dependent change in the relative stabilities of the intermediate and native states.
Single-molecule force spectroscopy reveals unfolding of domains in titin on stretching. We provide a theoretical framework for these experiments by computing the phase diagrams for force-induced unfolding of single-domain proteins using lattice models. The results show that two-state folders (at zero force) unravel cooperatively, whereas stretching of non-two-state folders occurs through intermediates. The stretching rates of individual molecules show great variations reflecting the heterogeneity of force-induced unfolding pathways. The approach to the stretched state occurs in a stepwise “quantized” manner. Unfolding dynamics and forces required to stretch proteins depend sensitively on topology. The unfolding rates increase exponentially with force f till an optimum value, which is determined by the barrier to unfolding when f = 0. A mapping of these results to proteins shows qualitative agreement with force-induced unfolding of Ig-like domains in titin. We show that single-molecule force spectroscopy can be used to map the folding free energy landscape of proteins in the absence of denaturants.
The RNA cleavage reaction catalyzed by the hairpin ribozyme shows biphasic kinetics, and chase experiments show that the slow phase of the reaction results from reversible substrate binding to an inactive conformational isomer. To investigate the structural basis for the heterogeneous kinetics, we have developed an enzymatic RNA modification method that selectively traps substrate bound to the inactive conformer and allows the two forms of the ribozyme-substrate complex to be separated and analyzed by using both physical and kinetic strategies. The inactive form of the complex was trapped by the addition of T4 RNA ligase to a cleavage reaction, resulting in covalent linkage of the 5′ end of the substrate to the 3′ end of the ribozyme and in selective and quantitative ablation of the slow kinetic phase of the reaction. This result indicates that the inactive form of the ribozyme-substrate complex can adopt a conformation in which helices 2 and 3 are coaxially stacked, whereas the active form does not have access to this conformation, because of a sharp bend at the helical junction that presumably is stabilized by inter-domain tertiary contacts required for catalytic activity. These results were used to improve the activity of the hairpin ribozyme by designing new interfaces between the two domains, one containing a non-nucleotidic orthobenzene linkage and the other replacing the two-way junction with a three-way junction. Each of these modified ribozymes preferentially adopts the active conformation and displays improved catalytic efficiency.
The small GTP-binding protein Cdc42 is thought to induce filopodium formation by regulating actin polymerization at the cell cortex. Although several Cdc42-binding proteins have been identified and some of them have been implicated in filopodium formation, the precise role of Cdc42 in modulating actin polymerization has not been defined. To understand the biochemical pathways that link Cdc42 to the actin cytoskeleton, we have reconstituted Cdc42-induced actin polymerization in Xenopus egg extracts. Using this cell-free system, we have developed a rapid and specific assay that has allowed us to fractionate the extract and isolate factors involved in this activity. We report here that at least two biochemically distinct components are required, based on their chromatographic behavior and affinity for Cdc42. One component is purified to homogeneity and is identified as the Arp2/3 complex, a protein complex that has been shown to nucleate actin polymerization. However, the purified complex alone is not sufficient to mediate the activity; a second component that binds Cdc42 directly and mediates the interaction between Cdc42 and the complex also is required. These results establish an important link between a signaling molecule, Cdc42, and a complex that can directly modulate actin networks in vitro. We propose that activation of the Arp2/3 complex by Cdc42 and other signaling molecules plays a central role in stimulating actin polymerization at the cell surface.
Hypoxanthine (H), the deamination product of adenine, has been implicated in the high frequency of A to G transitions observed in retroviral and other RNA genomes. Although H·C base pairs are thermodynamically more stable than other H·N pairs, polymerase selection may be determined in part by kinetic factors. Therefore, the hypoxanthine induced substitution pattern resulting from replication by viral polymerases may be more complex than that predicted from thermodynamics. We have examined the steady-state kinetics of formation of base pairs opposite template H in RNA by HIV-RT, and for the incorporation of dITP during first- and second-strand synthesis. Hypoxanthine in an RNA template enhances the k2app for pairing with standard dNTPs by factors of 10–1000 relative to adenine at the same sequence position. The order of base pairing preferences for H in RNA was observed to be H·C >> H·T > H·A > H·G. Steady-state kinetics of insertion for all possible mispairs formed with dITP were examined on RNA and DNA templates of identical sequence. Insertion of dITP opposite all bases occurs 2–20 times more frequently on RNA templates. This bias for higher insertion frequencies on RNA relative to DNA templates is also observed for formation of mispairs at template A. This kinetic advantage afforded by RNA templates for mismatches and pairing involving H suggests a higher induction of mutations at adenines during first-strand synthesis by HIV-RT.