28 resultados para Orchid mature seeds


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The accumulation of soluble carbohydrates resulting from growth under elevated CO2 may potentially signal the repression of gene activity for the small subunit of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (rbcS). To test this hypothesis we grew rice (Oryza sativa L.) under ambient (350 μL L−1) and high (700 μL L−1) CO2 in outdoor, sunlit, environment-controlled chambers and performed a cross-switching of growth CO2 concentration at the late-vegetative phase. Within 24 h, plants switched to high CO2 showed a 15% and 23% decrease in rbcS mRNA, whereas plants switched to ambient CO2 increased 27% and 11% in expanding and mature leaves, respectively. Ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase total activity and protein content 8 d after the switch increased up to 27% and 20%, respectively, in plants switched to ambient CO2, but changed very little in plants switched to high CO2. Plants maintained at high CO2 showed greater carbohydrate pool sizes and lower rbcS transcript levels than plants kept at ambient CO2. However, after switching growth CO2 concentration, there was not a simple correlation between carbohydrate and rbcS transcript levels. We conclude that although carbohydrates may be important in the regulation of rbcS expression, changes in total pool size alone could not predict the rapid changes in expression that we observed.


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Although the occurrence of intracellular glasses in seeds and pollen has been established, physical properties such as rotational correlation times and viscosity have not been studied extensively. Using electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy, we examined changes in the molecular mobility of the hydrophilic nitroxide spin probe 3-carboxy-proxyl during melting of intracellular glasses in axes of pea (Pisum sativum L.) seeds and cattail (Typha latifolia L.) pollen. The rotational correlation time of the spin probe in intracellular glasses of both organisms was approximately 10−3 s. Using the distance between the outer extrema of the electron paramagnetic resonance spectrum (2Azz) as a measure of molecular mobility, we found a sharp increase in mobility at a definite temperature during heating. This temperature increased with decreasing water content of the samples. Differential scanning calorimetry data on these samples indicated that this sharp increase corresponded to melting of the glassy matrix. Molecular mobility was found to be inversely correlated with storage stability. With decreasing water content, the molecular mobility reached a minimum, and increased again at very low water content. Minimum mobility and maximum storage stability occurred at a similar water content. This correlation suggests that storage stability might be at least partially controlled by molecular mobility. At low temperatures, when storage longevity cannot be determined on a realistic time scale, 2Azz measurements can provide an estimate of the optimum storage conditions.


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During oil deposition in developing seeds of Arabidopsis, photosynthate is imported in the form of carbohydrates into the embryo and converted to triacylglycerols. To identify genes essential for this process and to investigate the molecular basis for the developmental regulation of oil accumulation, mutants producing wrinkled, incompletely filled seeds were isolated. A novel mutant locus, wrinkled1 (wri1), which maps to the bottom of chromosome 3 and causes an 80% reduction in seed oil content, was identified. Wild-type and homozygous wri1 mutant plantlets or mature plants were indistinguishable. However, developing homozygous wri1 seeds were impaired in the incorporation of sucrose and glucose into triacylglycerols, but incorporated pyruvate and acetate at an increased rate. Because the activities of several glycolytic enzymes, in particular hexokinase and pyrophosphate-dependent phosphofructokinase, are reduced in developing homozygous wri1 seeds, it is suggested that WRI1 is involved in the developmental regulation of carbohydrate metabolism during seed filling.


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Trans-isomers of cytokinins (CK) are thought to predominate and have greater biological activity than corresponding cis-isomers in higher plants. However, this study demonstrates a system within which the predominant CK are cis-isomers. CK were measured at four developmental stages in developing chickpea (Cicer arietinum L. cultivar Kaniva) seeds by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Concentrations were highest at an early endospermic fluid stage and fell considerably when the cotyledons expanded. The cis-isomers of zeatin nucleotide ([9R-MP]Z), zeatin riboside ([9R]Z), and zeatin (Z) were present in greater concentrations than those of corresponding trans-isomers: (trans)[9R-MP]Z, (trans)[9R]Z, (trans)Z, or dihydrozeatin riboside. Dihydrozeatin, dihydrozeatin nucleotide, and the isopentenyl-type CK concentrations were either low or not detectable. Root xylem exudates also contained predominantly cis-isomers of [9R-MP]Z and [9R]Z. Identities of (cis)[9R]Z and (cis)Z were confirmed by comparison of ion ratios and retention indices, and a full spectrum was obtained for (cis)[9R]Z. Tissues were extracted under conditions that minimized the possibility of RNase hydrolysis of tRNA following tissue disruption, being a significant source of the cis-CK. Since no isomerization of (trans)[2H]CK internal standards occurred, it is unlikely that the cis-CK resulted from enzymic or nonenzymic isomerization during extraction. Although quantities of total CK varied, similar CK profiles were found among three different chickpea cultivars and between adequately watered and water-stressed plants. Developing chickpea seeds will be a useful system for investigating the activity of cis-CK or determining the origin and metabolism of free CK.


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Cat's claw (Doxantha unguis-cati L.) vine accumulates nearly 80% palmitoleic acid (16:1Δ9) plus cis-vaccenic acid (18:1Δ11) in its seed oil. To characterize the biosynthetic origin of these unusual fatty acids, cDNAs for acyl-acyl carrier protein (acyl-ACP) desaturases were isolated from developing cat's claw seeds. The predominant acyl-ACP desaturase cDNA identified encoded a polypeptide that is closely related to the stearoyl (Δ9–18:0)-ACP desaturase from castor (Ricinis communis L.) and other species. Upon expression in Escherichia coli, the cat's claw polypeptide functioned as a Δ9 acyl-ACP desaturase but displayed a distinct substrate specificity for palmitate (16:0)-ACP rather than stearate (18:0)-ACP. Comparison of the predicted amino acid sequence of the cat's claw enzyme with that of the castor Δ9–18:0-ACP desaturase suggested that a single amino acid substitution (L118W) might account in large part for the differences in substrate specificity between the two desaturases. Consistent with this prediction, conversion of leucine-118 to tryptophan in the mature castor Δ9–18:0-ACP desaturase resulted in an 80-fold increase in the relative specificity of this enzyme for 16:0-ACP. The alteration in substrate specificity observed in the L118W mutant is in agreement with a crystallographic model of the proposed substrate-binding pocket of the castor Δ9–18:0-ACP desaturase.


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Phospholipase A2 (PLA2) was purified about 180,000 times compared with the starting soluble-protein extract from developing elm (Ulmus glabra) seeds. On sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis the purified fraction showed a single protein band with a mobility that corresponded to 15 kD, from which activity could be recovered. When analyzed by matrix-assisted laser-desorption ionization-time-of-flight mass spectrometry, the enzyme had a deduced mass of 13,900 D. A 53-amino acid-long N-terminal sequence was determined and aligned with other sequences, giving 62% identity to the deduced amino acid sequence of some rice (Oryza sativa) expressed sequence tag clones. The purified enzyme had an alkaline pH optimum and required Ca2+ for activity. It was unusually stable with regard to heat, acidity, and organic solvents but was sensitive to disulfide bond-reducing agents. The enzyme is a true PLA2, neither hydrolyzing the sn-1 position of phosphatidylcholine nor having any activity toward lysophosphatidylcholine or diacylglycerol. The biochemical data and amino acid sequence alignments indicate that the enzyme is related to the well-characterized family of animal secretory PLA2s and, to our knowledge, is the first plant enzyme of this type to be described.


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Treatment of the xyloglucan isolated from the seeds of Hymenaea courbaril with Humicola insolens endo-1,4-β-d-glucanase I produced xyloglucan oligosaccharides, which were then isolated and characterized. The two most abundant compounds were the heptasaccharide (XXXG) and the octasaccharide (XXLG), which were examined by reference to the biological activity of other structurally related xyloglucan compounds. The reduced oligomer (XXLGol) was shown to promote growth of wheat (Triticum aestivum) coleoptiles independently of the presence of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D). In the presence of 2,4-D, XXLGol at nanomolar concentrations increased the auxin-induced response. It was found that XXLGol is a signaling molecule, since it has the ability to induce, at nanomolar concentrations, a rapid increase in an α-l-fucosidase response in suspended cells or protoplasts of Rubus fruticosus L. and to modulate 2,4-D or gibberellic acid-induced α-l-fucosidase.


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Abscission explants of bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) were treated with ethylene to induce cell separation at the primary abscission zone. After several days of further incubation of the remaining petiole in endogenously produced ethylene, the distal two-thirds of the petiole became senescent, and the remaining (proximal) portion stayed green. Cell-to-cell separation (secondary abscission) takes place precisely at the interface between the senescing yellow and the enlarging green cells. The expression of the abscission-associated isoform of β-1,4-glucanhydrolase, the activation of the Golgi apparatus, and enhanced vesicle formation occurred only in the enlarging cortical cells on the green side. These changes were indistinguishable from those that occur in normal abscission cells and confirm the conversion of the cortical cells to abscission-type cells. Secondary abscission cells were also induced by applying auxin to the exposed primary abscission surface after the pulvinus was shed, provided ethylene was added. Then, the orientation of development of green and yellow tissue was reversed; the distal tissue remained green and the proximal tissue yellowed. Nevertheless, separation still occurred at the junction between green and yellow cells and, again, it was one to two cell layers of the green side that enlarged and separated from their senescing neighbors. Evaluation of Feulgen-stained tissue establishes that, although nuclear changes occur, the conversion of the cortical cell to an abscission zone cell is a true transdifferentiation event, occurring in the absence of cell division.


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In extracts of immature soybean (Glycine max [L.] Merr.) seeds inositol tetrakisphosphate was formed from [3H]inositol 1,3,4-trisphosphate but not from [3H]inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate. Inositol 1,3,4-trisphosphate kinase was purified to a specific activity of 3.55 min−1 mg−1 by polyethylenimine clarification and anion-exchange chromatography. The partially purified enzyme converted [3H]inositol 1,3,4-trisphosphate to inositol 1,3,4,5-tetrakisphosphate as the major product and inositol 1,3,4,6- and/or 1,2,3,4-tetrakisphosphate as the minor product. Subsequent experiments revealed a separate inositol 1,3,4,5-tetrakisphosphate 6-kinase activity, which could link these enzymes to inositol hexakisphosphate synthesis via the previously reported inositol 1,3,4,5,6-pentakisphosphate 2-kinase. The apparent Km values for inositol 1,3,4-trisphosphate kinase were 200 ± 0 nm for inositol 1,3,4-trisphosphate and 171 ± 4 μm for ATP, and the reaction was not reversible. The kinetics were such that no activity could be detected using unlabeled inositol 1,3,4-trisphosphate and [γ-32P]ATP, which suggested that other kinases may have been observed when less purified fractions were incubated with radiolabeled ATP. Inositol 1,3,4-trisphosphate kinase was nonspecifically inhibited more than 80% by various inositol polyphosphates at a concentration of 100 μm.


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The temporal and spatial expression patterns of three 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate (ACC) synthase genes were investigated in pollinated orchid (Phalaenopsis spp.) flowers. Pollination signals initiate a cascade of development events in multiple floral organs, including the induction of ethylene biosynthesis, which coordinates several postpollination developmental responses. The initiation and propagation of ethylene biosynthesis is regulated by the coordinated expression of three distinct ACC synthase genes in orchid flowers. One ACC synthase gene (Phal-ACS1) is regulated by ethylene and participates in amplification and interorgan transmission of the pollination signal, as we have previously described in a related orchid genus. Two additional ACC synthase genes (Phal-ACS2 and Phal-ACS3) are expressed primarily in the stigma and ovary of pollinated orchid flowers. Phal-ACS2 mRNA accumulated in the stigma within 1 h after pollination, whereas Phal-ACS1 mRNA was not detected until 6 h after pollination. Similar to the expression of Phal-ACS2, the Phal-ACS3 gene was expressed within 2 h after pollination in the ovary. Exogenous application of auxin, but not ACC, mimicked pollination by stimulating a rapid increase in ACC synthase activity in the stigma and ovary and inducing Phal-ACS2 and Phal-ACS3 mRNA accumulation in the stigma and ovary, respectively. These results provide the basis for an expanded model of interorgan regulation of three ACC synthase genes that respond to both primary (Phal-ACS2 and Phal-ACS3) and secondary (Phal-ACS1) pollination signals.


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Stimulation of the cAMP-dependent signaling pathway exerts an inhibitory effect on the proliferation and effector functions of T cells. The ability of T cells to form high intracellular levels of cAMP is acquired during development in the human thymus and is retained by the majority of mature peripheral T lymphocytes. Here we show that elevated cAMP levels in T cells correlate with the expression of the potent transcriptional repressor ICER (inducible cAMP early repressor) previously described in the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis. Further, in transcriptional assays in vivo, ICER inhibits calcineurin-mediated expression of the interleukin 2 promoter as well as Tax-mediated transactivation of the human T-lymphotropic virus type I (HTLV-I) promoter. Thus, the induction of ICER in T cells may play an important role in the cAMP-induced quiescence and the persistent latency of HTLV-I.


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Dendritic cells are potent antigen-presenting cells that initiate primary immune responses. Although dendritic cells derive from bone marrow stem cells, the intermediate stages in their development remain unknown. In this study, plastic-adherent blood monocytes (CD14+, CD1a-) cultured for 7 days with granulocyte-monocyte colony-stimulating factor, interleukin 4, and tumor necrosis factor alpha were shown to differentiate into CD1a+ CD83+ dendritic cells. These cells displayed all phenotypic and morphologic characteristics of mature dendritic cells and were the most potent stimulatory cells in allogeneic mixed leukocyte reactions. The identification of specific culture conditions that generate large numbers of dendritic cells from purified monocytes uncovers an important step in dendritic cell maturation that will allow the further characterization of their role in autoimmune diseases, graft rejection, and human immunodeficiency virus infection.


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Aberrant expression of transforming growth factor beta 1 (TGF-beta 1) has been implicated in a number of disease processes, particularly those involving fibrotic and inflammatory lesions. To determine the in vivo effects of overexpression of TGF-beta 1 on the function and structure of hepatic as well as extrahepatic tissues, transgenic mice were generated containing a fusion gene (Alb/TGF-beta 1) consisting of modified porcine TGF-beta 1 cDNA under the control of the regulatory elements of the mouse albumin gene. Five transgenic lines were developed, all of which expressed the Alb/TGF-beta 1 transgene selectively in hepatocytes. The transgenic line 25 expressing the highest level of the transgene in the liver also had high (> 10-fold over control) plasma levels of TGF-beta 1. Hepatic fibrosis and apoptotic death of hepatocytes developed in all the transgenic lines but was more pronounced in line 25. The fibrotic process was characterized by deposition of collagen around individual hepatocytes and within the space of Disse in a radiating linear pattern. Several extrahepatic lesions developed in line 25, including glomerulonephritis and renal failure, arteritis and myocarditis, as well as atrophic changes in pancreas and testis. The results from this transgenic model strongly support the proposed etiological role for TGF-beta 1 in a variety of fibrotic and inflammatory disorders. The transgenic model may also provide an appropriate paradigm for testing therapeutic interventions aimed at neutralizing the detrimental effects of this important cytokine.