44 resultados para OVERLAPPING LINES


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To better understand the structure and function of Z lines, we used sarcomeric isoforms of α-actinin and γ-filamin to screen a human skeletal muscle cDNA library for interacting proteins by using the yeast two-hybrid system. Here we describe myozenin (MYOZ), an α-actinin- and γ-filamin-binding Z line protein expressed predominantly in skeletal muscle. Myozenin is predicted to be a 32-kDa, globular protein with a central glycine-rich domain flanked by α-helical regions with no strong homologies to any known genes. The MYOZ gene has six exons and maps to human chromosome 10q22.1-q22.2. Northern blot analysis demonstrated that this transcript is expressed primarily in skeletal muscle with significantly lower levels of expression in several other tissues. Antimyozenin antisera stain skeletal muscle in a sarcomeric pattern indistinguishable from that seen by using antibodies for α-actinin, and immunogold electron microscopy confirms localization specifically to Z lines. Thus, myozenin is a skeletal muscle Z line protein that may be a good candidate gene for limb-girdle muscular dystrophy or other neuromuscular disorders.


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We have generated transgenic medaka (teleost, Oryzias latipes), which allow us to monitor germ cells by green fluorescent protein (GFP) fluorescence in live specimens. Two medaka strains, himedaka (orange–red variety) and inbred QurtE, were used. The transgenic lines were achieved by microinjection of a construct containing the putative promoter region and 3′ region of the medaka vasa gene (olvas). The intensity of GFP fluorescence increases dramatically in primordial germ cells (PGCs) located in the ventrolateral region of the posterior intestine around stage 25 (the onset of blood circulation). Whole-mount in situ hybridization and monitoring of ectopically located cells by GFP fluorescence suggested that (i) the increase in zygotic olvas expression occurs after PGC specification and (ii) PGCs can maintain their cell characteristics ectopically after stages 20–25. Around the day of hatching, the QurtE strain clearly exhibits sexual dimorphisms in the number of GFP fluorescent germ cells, a finding consistent with the appearance of leucophores, a sex-specific marker of QurtE. The GFP expression persists throughout the later stages in the mature ovary and testis. Thus, these transgenic medaka represent a live vertebrate model to investigate how germ cells migrate to form sexually dimorphic gonads, as well as a potential assay system for environmental substances that may affect gonad development. The use of a transgenic construct as a selective marker to efficiently isolate germ-line-transmitting founders during embryogenesis is also discussed.


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Cyclin-dependent kinase (Cdk) 5 is a unique member of the Cdk family, because Cdk5 kinase activity is detected only in the nervous tissue. Two neuron-specific activating subunits of Cdk5, p35 and p39, have been identified. Overlapping expression pattern of these isoforms in the embryonic mouse brain and the significant residual Cdk5 kinase activity in brain homogenate of the p35−/− mice indicate the redundant functions of the Cdk5 activators in vivo. Severe neuronal migration defects in p35−/−Cdk5 +/− mice further support the idea that the redundant expression of the Cdk5 activators may cause a milder phenotype in p35−/− mice compared with Cdk5−/− mice. Mutant mice lacking either Cdk5 or p35 exhibit certain similarities with Reelin/Dab1-mutant mice in the disorganization of cortical laminar structure in the brain. To elucidate the relationship between Cdk5/p35 and Reelin/Dab1 signaling, we generated mouse lines that have combined defects of these genes. The addition of heterozygosity of either Dab1 or Reelin mutation to p35−/− causes the extensive migration defects of cortical neurons in the cerebellum. In the double-null mice of p35 and either Dab1 or Reelin, additional migration defects occur in the Purkinje cells in the cerebellum and in the pyramidal neurons in the hippocampus. These additional defects in neuronal migration in mice lacking both Cdk5/p35 and Reelin/Dab1 indicate that Cdk5/p35 may contribute synergistically to the positioning of the cortical neurons in the developing mouse brain.


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The membrane proteins of peripheral light-harvesting complexes (LHCs) bind chlorophylls and carotenoids and transfer energy to the reaction centers for photosynthesis. LHCs of chlorophytes, chromophytes, dinophytes, and rhodophytes are similar in that they have three transmembrane regions and several highly conserved Chl-binding residues. All LHCs bind Chl a, but in specific taxa certain characteristic pigments accompany Chl a: Chl b and lutein in chlorophytes, Chl c and fucoxanthin in chromophytes, Chl c and peridinin in dinophytes, and zeaxanthin in rhodophytes. The specificity of pigment binding was examined by in vitro reconstitution of various pigments with a simple light-harvesting protein (LHCaR1), from a red alga (Porphyridium cruentum), that normally has eight Chl a and four zeaxanthin molecules. The pigments typical of a chlorophyte (Spinacea oleracea), a chromophyte (Thallasiosira fluviatilis), and a dinophyte (Prorocentrum micans) were found to functionally bind to this protein as evidenced by their participation in energy transfer to Chl a, the terminal pigment. This is a demonstration of a functional relatedness of rhodophyte and higher plant LHCs. The results suggest that eight Chl-binding sites per polypeptide are an ancestral trait, and that the flexibility to bind various Chl and carotenoid pigments may have been retained throughout the evolution of LHCs.


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The spectrum of immunogenic epitopes presented by the H2-IAb MHC class II molecule to CD4+ T cells has been defined for two different (clade B and clade D) HIV envelope (gp140) glycoproteins. Hybridoma T cell lines were generated from mice immunized by a sequential prime and boost regime with DNA, recombinant vaccinia viruses, and protein. The epitopes recognized by reactive T cell hybridomas then were characterized with overlapping peptides synthesized to span the entire gp140 sequence. Evidence of clonality also was assessed with antibodies to T cell receptor Vα and Vβ chains. A total of 80 unique clonotypes were characterized from six individual mice. Immunogenic peptides were identified within only four regions of the HIV envelope. These epitope hotspots comprised relatively short sequences (≈20–80 aa in length) that were generally bordered by regions of heavy glycosylation. Analysis in the context of the gp120 crystal structure showed a pattern of uniform distribution to exposed, nonhelical strands of the protein. A likely explanation is that the physical location of the peptide within the native protein leads to differential antigen processing and consequent epitope selection.


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The activation of the small ras-like GTPase Arf1p requires the action of guanine nucleotide exchange factors. Four Arf1p guanine nucleotide exchange factors have been identified in yeast: Sec7p, Syt1p, Gea1p, and its homologue Gea2p. We identified GEA2 as a multicopy suppressor of a sec21-3 temperature-sensitive mutant. SEC21 encodes the γ-subunit of coatomer, a heptameric protein complex that together with Arf1p forms the COPI coat. GEA1 and GEA2 have at least partially overlapping functions, because deletion of either gene results in no obvious phenotype, whereas the double null mutant is inviable. Conditional mutants defective in both GEA1 and GEA2 accumulate endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi membranes under restrictive conditions. The two genes do not serve completely overlapping functions because a Δgea1 Δarf1 mutant is not more sickly than a Δarf1 strain, whereas Δgea2 Δarf1 is inviable. Biochemical experiments revealed similar distributions and activities for the two proteins. Gea1p and Gea2p exist both in membrane-bound and in soluble forms. The membrane-bound forms, at least one of which, Gea2p, can be visualized on Golgi structures, are both required for vesicle budding and protein transport from the Golgi to the endoplasmic reticulum. In contrast, Sec7p, which is required for protein transport within the Golgi, is not required for retrograde protein trafficking.


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Eukaryotic cells contain many actin-interacting proteins, including the α-actinins and the fimbrins, both of which have actin cross-linking activity in vitro. We report here the identification and characterization of both an α-actinin-like protein (Ain1p) and a fimbrin (Fim1p) in the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe. Ain1p localizes to the actomyosin-containing medial ring in an F-actin–dependent manner, and the Ain1p ring contracts during cytokinesis. ain1 deletion cells have no obvious defects under normal growth conditions but display severe cytokinesis defects, associated with defects in medial-ring and septum formation, under certain stress conditions. Overexpression of Ain1p also causes cytokinesis defects, and the ain1 deletion shows synthetic effects with other mutations known to affect medial-ring positioning and/or organization. Fim1p localizes both to the cortical actin patches and to the medial ring in an F-actin–dependent manner, and several lines of evidence suggest that Fim1p is involved in polarization of the actin cytoskeleton. Although a fim1 deletion strain has no detectable defect in cytokinesis, overexpression of Fim1p causes a lethal cytokinesis defect associated with a failure to form the medial ring and concentrate actin patches at the cell middle. Moreover, an ain1 fim1 double mutant has a synthetical-lethal defect in medial-ring assembly and cell division. Thus, Ain1p and Fim1p appear to have an overlapping and essential function in fission yeast cytokinesis. In addition, protein-localization and mutant-phenotype data suggest that Fim1p, but not Ain1p, plays important roles in mating and in spore formation.


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Dystrobrevin is a component of the dystrophin-associated protein complex and has been shown to interact directly with dystrophin, α1-syntrophin, and the sarcoglycan complex. The precise role of α-dystrobrevin in skeletal muscle has not yet been determined. To study α-dystrobrevin's function in skeletal muscle, we used the yeast two-hybrid approach to look for interacting proteins. Three overlapping clones were identified that encoded an intermediate filament protein we subsequently named desmuslin (DMN). Sequence analysis revealed that DMN has a short N-terminal domain, a conserved rod domain, and a long C-terminal domain, all common features of type 6 intermediate filament proteins. A positive interaction between DMN and α-dystrobrevin was confirmed with an in vitro coimmunoprecipitation assay. By Northern blot analysis, we find that DMN is expressed mainly in heart and skeletal muscle, although there is some expression in brain. Western blotting detected a 160-kDa protein in heart and skeletal muscle. Immunofluorescent microscopy localizes DMN in a stripe-like pattern in longitudinal sections and in a mosaic pattern in cross sections of skeletal muscle. Electron microscopic analysis shows DMN colocalized with desmin at the Z-lines. Subsequent coimmunoprecipitation experiments confirmed an interaction with desmin. Our findings suggest that DMN may serve as a direct linkage between the extracellular matrix and the Z-discs (through plectin) and may play an important role in maintaining muscle cell integrity.


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Functional anatomical and single-unit recording studies indicate that a set of neural signals in parietal and frontal cortex mediates the covert allocation of attention to visual locations, as originally proposed by psychological studies. This frontoparietal network is the source of a location bias that interacts with extrastriate regions of the ventral visual system during object analysis to enhance visual processing. The frontoparietal network is not exclusively related to visual attention, but may coincide or overlap with regions involved in oculomotor processing. The relationship between attention and eye movement processes is discussed at the psychological, functional anatomical, and cellular level of analysis.


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Retinoid dysregulation may be an important factor in the etiology of schizophrenia. This hypothesis is supported by three independent lines of evidence that triangulate on retinoid involvement in schizophrenia: (i) congenital anomalies similar to those caused by retinoid dysfunction are found in schizophrenics and their relatives; (ii) those loci that have been suggestively linked to schizophrenia are also the loci of the genes of the retinoid cascade (convergent loci); and (iii) the transcriptional activation of the dopamine D2 receptor and numerous schizophrenia candidate genes is regulated by retinoic acid. These findings suggest a close causal relationship between retinoids and the underlying pathophysiological defects in schizophrenia. This leads to specific strategies for linkage analyses in schizophrenia. In view of the heterodimeric nature of the retinoid nuclear receptor transcription factors, e.g., retinoid X receptor β at chromosome 6p21.3 and retinoic acid receptor β at 3p24.3, two-locus linkage models incorporating genes of the retinoid cascade and their heterodimeric partners, e.g., peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor α at chromosome 22q12-q13 or nuclear-related receptor 1 at chromosome 2q22-q23, are proposed. New treatment modalities using retinoid analogs to alter the downstream expression of the dopamine receptors and other genes that are targets of retinoid regulation, and that are thought to be involved in schizophrenia, are suggested.


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We describe a method to screen pools of DNA from multiple transposon lines for insertions in many genes simultaneously. We use thermal asymmetric interlaced–PCR, a hemispecific PCR amplification protocol that combines nested, insertion-specific primers with degenerate primers, to amplify DNA flanking the transposons. In reconstruction experiments with previously characterized Arabidopsis lines carrying insertions of the maize Dissociation (Ds) transposon, we show that fluorescently labeled, transposon-flanking fragments overlapping ORFs hybridize to cognate expressed sequence tags (ESTs) on a DNA microarray. We further show that insertions can be detected in DNA pools from as many as 100 plants representing different transposon lines and that all of the tested, transposon-disrupted genes whose flanking fragments can be amplified individually also can be detected when amplified from the pool. The ability of a transposon-flanking fragment to hybridize declines rapidly with decreasing homology to the spotted DNA fragment, so that only ESTs with >90% homology to the transposon-disrupted gene exhibit significant cross-hybridization. Because thermal asymmetric interlaced–PCR fragments tend to be short, use of the present method favors recovery of insertions in and near genes. We apply the technique to screening pools of new Ds lines using cDNA microarrays containing ESTs for ≈1,000 stress-induced and -repressed Arabidopsis genes.


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We have developed an efficient reverse-genetics protocol that uses expedient pooling and hybridization strategies to identify individual transfer-DNA insertion lines from a collection of 6000 independently transformed lines in as few as 36 polymerase chain reactions. We have used this protocol to systematically isolate Arabidopsis lines containing insertional mutations in individual cytochrome P450 genes. In higher plants P450 genes encode enzymes that perform an exceptionally wide range of functions, including the biosynthesis of primary metabolites necessary for normal growth and development, the biosynthesis of secondary products, and the catabolism of xenobiotics. Despite their importance, progress in assigning enzymatic function to individual P450 gene products has been slow. Here we report the isolation of the first 12 such lines, including one (CYP83B1-1) that displays a runt phenotype (small plants with hooked leaves), and three insertions in abundantly expressed genes. The DNAs used in this study are publicly available and can be used to systematically isolate mutants in Arabidopsis.


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The spatial and temporal expression patterns of metallothionein (MT) isoforms MT1a and MT2a were investigated in vegetative and reproductive tissues of untreated and copper-treated Arabidopsis by in situ hybridization and by northern blotting. In control plants, MT1a mRNA was localized in leaf trichomes and in the vascular tissue in leaves, roots, flowers, and germinating embryos. In copper-treated plants, MT1a expression was also observed in the leaf mesophyll and in vascular tissue of developing siliques and seeds. In contrast, MT2a was expressed primarily in the trichomes of both untreated and copper-treated plants. In copper-treated plants, MT2a mRNA was also expressed in siliques. Northern-hybridization studies performed on developing seedlings and leaves showed temporal variations of MT1a gene expression but not of MT2a expression. The possible implications of these findings for the cellular roles of MTs in plants are discussed.


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To investigate correlations between phenotypic adaptation to water limitation and drought-induced gene expression, we have studied a model system consisting of a drought-tolerant line (R1) and a drought-sensitive line (S1) of sunflowers (Helianthus annuus L.) subjected to progressive drought. R1 tolerance is characterized by the maintenance of shoot cellular turgor. Drought-induced genes (HaElip1, HaDhn1, and HaDhn2) were previously identified in the tolerant line. The accumulation of the corresponding transcripts was compared as a function of soil and leaf water status in R1 and S1 plants during progressive drought. In leaves of R1 plants the accumulation of HaDhn1 and HaDhn2 transcripts, but not HaElip1 transcripts, was correlated with the drought-adaptive response. Drought-induced abscisic acid (ABA) concentration was not associated with the varietal difference in drought tolerance. Stomata of both lines displayed similar sensitivity to ABA. ABA-induced accumulation of HaDhn2 transcripts was higher in the tolerant than in the sensitive genotype. HaDhn1 transcripts were similarly accumulated in the tolerant and in the sensitive plants in response to ABA, suggesting that additional factors involved in drought regulation of HaDhn1 expression might exist in tolerant plants.


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It is reasonable to propose that gene expression profiles of purified stem cells could give clues for the molecular mechanisms of stem cell behavior. We took advantage of cDNA subtraction to identify a set of genes selectively expressed in mouse adult hematopoietic stem cells (HSC) as opposed to bone marrow (BM). Analysis of HSC-enriched genes revealed several key regulatory gene candidates, including two novel seven transmembrane (7TM) receptors. Furthermore, by using cDNA microarray techniques we found a large set of HSC-enriched genes that are expressed in mouse neurospheres (a population greatly enriched for neural progenitor cells), but not present in terminally differentiated neural cells. In situ hybridization demonstrated that many of them, including one HSC-enriched 7TM receptor, were selectively expressed in the germinal zones of fetal and adult brain, the regions harboring mouse neural stem cells. We propose that at least some of the transcripts that are selectively and commonly expressed in two or more types of stem cells define a functionally conserved group of genes evolved to participate in basic stem cell functions, including stem cell self-renewal.