27 resultados para New mutations


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The homeotic genes controlling segment identity in Drosophila are repressed by the Polycomb group of genes (PcG) and are activated by genes of the trithorax group (trxG). An F1 screen for dominant enhancers of Polycomb yielded a point mutation in the heat shock cognate gene, hsc4, along with mutations corresponding to several known PcG loci. The new mutation is a more potent enhancer of Polycomb phenotypes than an apparent null allele of hsc4 is, although even the null allele occasionally displays homeotic phenotypes associated with the PcG. Previous biochemical results had suggested that HSC4 might interact with BRAHMA, a trxG member. Further analyses now show that there is no physical or genetic interaction between HSC4 and the Brahma complex. HSC4 might be needed for the proper folding of a component of the Polycomb repression complex, or it may be a functional member of that complex.


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The recently discovered aging-dependent large accumulation of point mutations in the human fibroblast mtDNA control region raised the question of their occurrence in postmitotic tissues. In the present work, analysis of biopsied or autopsied human skeletal muscle revealed the absence or only minimal presence of those mutations. By contrast, surprisingly, most of 26 individuals 53 to 92 years old, without a known history of neuromuscular disease, exhibited at mtDNA replication control sites in muscle an accumulation of two new point mutations, i.e., A189G and T408A, which were absent or marginally present in 19 individuals younger than 34 years. These two mutations were not found in fibroblasts from 22 subjects 64 to 101 years of age (T408A), or were present only in three subjects in very low amounts (A189G). Furthermore, in several older individuals exhibiting an accumulation in muscle of one or both of these mutations, they were nearly absent in other tissues, whereas the most frequent fibroblast-specific mutation (T414G) was present in skin, but not in muscle. Among eight additional individuals exhibiting partial denervation of their biopsied muscle, four subjects >80 years old had accumulated the two muscle-specific point mutations, which were, conversely, present at only very low levels in four subjects ≤40 years old. The striking tissue specificity of the muscle mtDNA mutations detected here and their mapping at critical sites for mtDNA replication strongly point to the involvement of a specific mutagenic machinery and to the functional relevance of these mutations.


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The most recently discovered PTEN tumor suppressor gene has been found to be defective in a large number of human cancers. In addition, germ-line mutations in PTEN result in the dominantly inherited disease Cowden syndrome, which is characterized by multiple hamartomas and a high proclivity for developing cancer. A series of publications over the past year now suggest a mechanism by which PTEN loss of function results in tumors. PTEN appears to negatively control the phosphoinositide 3-kinase signaling pathway for regulation of cell growth and survival by dephosphorylating the 3 position of phosphoinositides.


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We describe a method to screen pools of DNA from multiple transposon lines for insertions in many genes simultaneously. We use thermal asymmetric interlaced–PCR, a hemispecific PCR amplification protocol that combines nested, insertion-specific primers with degenerate primers, to amplify DNA flanking the transposons. In reconstruction experiments with previously characterized Arabidopsis lines carrying insertions of the maize Dissociation (Ds) transposon, we show that fluorescently labeled, transposon-flanking fragments overlapping ORFs hybridize to cognate expressed sequence tags (ESTs) on a DNA microarray. We further show that insertions can be detected in DNA pools from as many as 100 plants representing different transposon lines and that all of the tested, transposon-disrupted genes whose flanking fragments can be amplified individually also can be detected when amplified from the pool. The ability of a transposon-flanking fragment to hybridize declines rapidly with decreasing homology to the spotted DNA fragment, so that only ESTs with >90% homology to the transposon-disrupted gene exhibit significant cross-hybridization. Because thermal asymmetric interlaced–PCR fragments tend to be short, use of the present method favors recovery of insertions in and near genes. We apply the technique to screening pools of new Ds lines using cDNA microarrays containing ESTs for ≈1,000 stress-induced and -repressed Arabidopsis genes.


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Five retrotransposon families of rice (Tos1-Tos5) have been reported previously. Here we report 15 new retrotransposon families of rice (Tos6-Tos20). In contrast to yeast and Drosophila retrotransposons, all of the rice retrotransposons examined appear inactive (or almost inactive) under normal growth conditions. Three of the rice retrotransposons (Tos10, Tos17, and Tos19) are activated under tissue culture conditions. The most active one, Tos17, was studied in detail. The copy number of Tos17 increased with prolonged culture period. In all of the plants regenerated from tissue cultures, including transgenic plants, 5 to 30 transposed Tos17 copies were detected. The transcript of Tos17 was only detected under tissue culture conditions, indicating that the transposition of Tos17 is mainly regulated at the transcriptional level. To examine the target-site specificity of Tos17 transposition, sequences flanking transposed Tos17 copies were analyzed. At least four out of eight target sites examined are coding regions. Other target sites may also be in genes because two out of four were transcribed. The regenerated plants with Tos17-insertions in the phytochrome A gene and the S-receptor kinase-related gene were identified. These results indicate that activation of Tos17 is an important cause of tissue culture-induced mutations. Tissue culture-induced activation of Tos17 may be a useful tool for insertional mutagenesis and functional analysis of genes.


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Patients with disorders involving imprinted genes such as Angelman syndrome (AS) and Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS) can have a mutation in the imprinting mechanism. Previously, we identified an imprinting center (IC) within chromosome 15q11-ql3 and proposed that IC mutations block resetting of the imprint, fixing on that chromosome the parental imprint (epigenotype) on which the mutation arose. We now describe four new microdeletions of the IC, the smallest (6 kb) of which currently defines the minimal region sufficient to confer an AS imprinting mutation. The AS deletions all overlap this minimal region, centromeric to the PWS microdeletions, which include the first exon of the SNRPN gene. None of five genes or transcripts in the 1.0 Mb vicinity of the IC (ZNF127, SNRPN, PAR-5, IPW, and PAR-1), each normally expressed only from the paternal allele, was expressed in cells from PWS imprinting mutation patients. In contrast, AS imprinting mutation patients show biparental expression of SNRPN and IPW but must lack expression of the putative AS gene 250-1000 kb distal of the IC. These data strongly support a model in which the paternal chromosome of these PWS patients carries an ancestral maternal epigenotype, and the maternal chromosome of these AS patients carries an ancestral paternal epigenotype. The IC therefore functions to reset the maternal and paternal imprints throughout a 2-Mb imprinted domain within human chromosome 15q11-q13 during gametogenesis.


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The most frequent form of inherited amyloidoses is associated with mutations in the transthyretin (TTR) gene coding for 127-amino acid residues of four identical, noncovalently linked subunits that form a pair of dimers in the plasma protein complex. Amyloid fibrils containing the variant and to a lesser extent the wild-type form of the TTR molecule are deposited in various organs, including peripheral nerves and the myocardium, with polyneuropathy and cardiomyopathy as major clinical manifestations. So far, more than 40 distinct amino acid substitutions distributed throughout the TTR sequence over 30 positions have been found to be correlated with an increased amyloidogenicity of TTR. Most of these amyloidogenic amino acid substitutions are suspected to alter the conformation and stability of the monomer. Here we identify and characterize by protein and DNA analysis a novel amyloidogenic Val-20 to Ile mutation in a German three-generation family. The index patient suffered from severe amyloid cardiomyopathy at the age of 60. Conformational stability and unfolding behavior of the Ile-20 monomer in urea gradients was found to be almost indistinguishable from that of wild-type TTR. In contrast, tetramer stability was significantly reduced in agreement with the expected change in the interactions between the two opposing dimers via the side chain of Ile-20. Our observations provide strong evidence for the view that amyloidogenic amino acid substitutions in TTR facilitate the conversion of tetrameric TTR complexes into those conformational intermediates of the TTR folding pathway that have an intrinsic amyloidogenic potential.


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Nucleotide sequences were determined for the gamma1- and gamma2-globin loci from representatives of the seven anciently separated clades in the three extant platyrrhine families (Atelidae, Pitheciidae, and Cebidae). These sequences revealed an evolutionary trend in New World monkeys either to inactivate the gamma1 gene or to fuse it with the gamma2 gene, i.e. to have only one functional fetally expressed gamma gene. This trend is clearly evident in six of the seven clades: (i) it occurred in atelids by deletion of most of the gamma1 gene in the basal ancestor of this clade; (ii-iv) in pitheciid titi, saki, and cebid capuchin monkeys by potentially debilitating nucleotide substitutions in the proximal CCAAT box of the gamma1 promoters and (v and vi) in cebid owl and squirrel monkeys by crossovers that fused 5' sequence from gamma1 with 3' sequence from gamma2. In the five clades with gamma1 and gamma2 loci separated by intergenic sequences (the fifth clade being the cebid marmosets), the gamma2 genes retained an unaltered proximal CCAAT motif and their gamma2 promoters accumulated fewer nucleotide substitutions than did the gamma1 promoters. Thus, phylogenetic considerations indicate that the stem platyrrhines, ancestral to all New World monkeys, had gamma2 as the primary fetally expressed gamma gene. A further inference is that when the earlier stem anthropoid gamma gene duplicated, gamma2 (at its greater downstream distance from epsilon) could evade embryonic activation by the locus control region but could be fetally activated once released by regulatory mutations from fetal repressors.


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In bilateral animals, the left and right sides of the body usually present asymmetric structures, the genetic bases of whose generation are still largely unknown [CIBA Foundation (1991) Biological Asymmetry and Handedness, CIBA Foundation Symposium 162 (Wiley, New York), pp. 1-327]. In Drosophila melanogaster, mutations in the rotated abdomen (rt) locus cause a clockwise helical rotation of the body. Even null alleles are viable but exhibit defects in embryonic muscle development, rotation of the whole larval body, and helical staggering of cuticular patterns in abdominal segments of the adult. rotated abdomen is expressed in the embryonic mesoderm and midgut but not in the ectoderm; it encodes a putative integral membrane glycoprotein (homologous to key yeast mannosyltransferases). Mesodermal cells defective in O-glycosylation lead to an impaired larval muscular system. We propose that the staggering of the adult abdominal segments would be a consequence of the relaxation of intrinsic rotational torque of muscle architecture, preventing the colateral alignment of the segmental histoblast cells during their proliferation at metamorphosis.


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Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) type 2, the second AIDS-associated human retrovirus, differs from HIV-1 in its natural history, infectivity, and pathogenicity, as well as in details of its genomic structure and molecular behavior. We report here that HIV-2 inhibits the replication of HIV-1 at the molecular level. This inhibition was selective, dose-dependent, and nonreciprocal. The closely related simian immunodeficiency provirus also inhibited HIV-1. The selectivity of inhibition was shown by the observation that HIV-2 did not significantly downmodulate the expression of the unrelated murine leukemia virus; neither did the murine leukemia virus markedly affect HIV-1 or HIV-2 expression. Moreover, while HIV-2 potently inhibited HIV-1, the reverse did not happen, thus identifying yet another and remarkable difference between HIV-1 and HIV-2. Mutational analysis of the HIV-2 genome suggested that the inhibition follows a complex pathway, possibly involving multiple genes and redundant mechanisms. Introduction of inactivating mutations into the structural and regulatory/accessory genes did not render the HIV-2 provirus ineffective. Some of the HIV-2 gene defects, such as that of tat and rev genes, were phenotypically transcomplemented by HIV-1. The HIV-2 proviruses with deletions in the putative packaging signal and defective for virus replication were effective in inducing the suppressive phenotype. Though the exact mechanism remains to be defined, the inhibition appeared to be mainly due to an intracellular molecular event because it could not be explained solely on the basis of cell surface receptor mediated interference. The results support the notion that the inhibition likely occurred at the level of viral RNA, possibly involving competition between viral RNAs for some transcriptional factor essential for virus replication. Induction of a cytokine is another possibility. These findings might be relevant to the clinical-epidemiological data suggesting that infection with HIV-2 may offer some protection against HIV-1 infection.


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Information obtained from studies of developmental and cellular processes in lower organisms is beginning to make significant contributions to the understanding of the pathogenesis of human birth defects, and it is now becoming possible to treat birth defects as inborn errors of development. Mutations in genes for transcription factors, receptors, cell adhesion molecules, intercellular junctions, molecules involved in signal transduction, growth factors, structural proteins, enzymes, and transporters have been identified in genetically caused human malformations and dysplasias. The identification of these mutations and the analysis of their developmental effects have been greatly facilitated by the existence of natural or engineered models in the mouse and even of related mutations in Drosophila, and in some instances a remarkable conservation of function in development has been observed, even between widely separated species.


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Conclusive evidence was provided that gamma 1, the upstream of the two linked simian gamma-globin loci (5'-gamma 1-gamma 2-3'), is a pseudogene in a major group of New World monkeys. Sequence analysis of PCR-amplified genomic fragments of predicted sizes revealed that all extant genera of the platyrrhine family Atelidae [Lagothrix (woolly monkeys), Brachyteles (woolly spider monkeys), Ateles (spider monkeys), and Alouatta (howler monkeys)] share a large deletion that removed most of exon 2, all of intron 2 and exon 3, and much of the 3' flanking sequence of gamma 1. The fact that two functional gamma-globin genes were not present in early ancestors of the Atelidae (and that gamma 1 was the dispensible gene) suggests that for much or even all of their evolution, platyrrhines have had gamma 2 as the primary fetally expressed gamma-globin gene, in contrast to catarrhines (e.g., humans and chimpanzees) that have gamma 1 as the primary fetally expressed gamma-globin gene. Results from promoter sequences further suggest that all three platyrrhine families (Atelidae, Cebidae, and Pitheciidae) have gamma 2 rather than gamma 1 as their primary fetally expressed gamma-globin gene. The implications of this suggestion were explored in terms of how gene redundancy, regulatory mutations, and distance of each gamma-globin gene from the locus control region were possibly involved in the acquisition and maintenance of fetal, rather than embryonic, expression.