30 resultados para Neonatal immune response


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Recent advances in our understanding of the immune response are allowing for the logical design of new approaches to cancer immunization. One area of interest is the development of new immune adjuvants. Immunostimulatory oligodeoxynucleotides containing the CpG motif (CpG ODN) can induce production of a wide variety of cytokines and activate B cells, monocytes, dendritic cells, and NK cells. Using the 38C13 B cell lymphoma model, we assessed whether CpG ODN can function as immune adjuvants in tumor antigen immunization. The idiotype served as the tumor antigen. Select CpG ODN were as effective as complete Freund’s adjuvant at inducing an antigen-specific antibody response but were associated with less toxicity. These CpG ODN induced a higher titer of antigen-specific IgG2a than did complete Freund’s adjuvant, suggesting an enhanced TH1 response. Mice immunized with CpG ODN as an adjuvant were protected from tumor challenge to a degree similar to that seen in mice immunized with complete Freund’s adjuvant. We conclude that CpG ODN are effective as immune adjuvants and are attractive as part of a tumor immunization strategy.


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The comparison of malaria indicators among populations that have different genetic backgrounds and are uniformly exposed to the same parasite strains is one approach to the study of human heterogeneities in the response to the infection. We report the results of comparative surveys on three sympatric West African ethnic groups, Fulani, Mossi, and Rimaibé, living in the same conditions of hyperendemic transmission in a Sudan savanna area northeast of Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso. The Mossi and Rimaibé are Sudanese negroid populations with a long tradition of sedentary farming, while the Fulani are nomadic pastoralists, partly settled and characterized by non-negroid features of possible caucasoid origin. Parasitological, clinical, and immunological investigations showed consistent interethnic differences in Plasmodium falciparum infection rates, malaria morbidity, and prevalence and levels of antibodies to various P. falciparum antigens. The data point to a remarkably similar response to malaria in the Mossi and Rimaibé, while the Fulani are clearly less parasitized, less affected by the disease, and more responsive to all antigens tested. No difference in the use of malaria protective measures was demonstrated that could account for these findings, and sociocultural or environmental factors do not seem to be involved. Known genetic factors of resistance to malaria did not show higher frequencies in the Fulani. The differences in the immune response were not explained by the entomological observations, which indicated substantially uniform exposure to infective bites. The available data support the existence of unknown genetic factors, possibly related to humoral immune responses, determining interethnic differences in the susceptibility to malaria.


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A model system for the in vivo control of tumor cell proliferation by the immune system has been used to assay for the possible immunosuppressive activity of retroviral proteins. Expression vectors for the entire or the transmembrane subunit of the Moloney murine leukemia virus envelope protein were constructed, as well as control vectors for irrelevant transmembrane proteins—or no protein. They were introduced either into MCA205 murine tumor cells, which do not proliferate upon s.c. injection into an allogeneic host, or into CL8.1 murine tumor cells, which overexpress class I antigens and are rejected in a syngeneic host. In both cases, expression of the complete envelope protein or of the transmembrane subunit resulted in tumor growth in vivo, with no effect of control vectors. Tumor cell growth results from inhibition of the host immune response, as the envelope-dependent effect was no more observed for MCA205 cells in syngeneic mice or for CL8.1 cells in x-irradiated mice. This inhibition is local because it is not observed at the level of control tumor cells injected contralaterally. These results suggest a noncanonical function of retroviral envelopes in the “penetrance” of viral infections, as well as a possible involvement of the envelope proteins of endogenous retroviruses in tumoral processes.


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The induction of autoantibodies to U1 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein (U1 snRNP) complexes is not well understood. We present evidence that healthy individuals with cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection have an increased frequency and quantity of antibodies to ribonucleoprotein, directed primarily against the U1-70k protein. A significant association between the presence of antibodies to CMV and antibodies to the total RNP targeted by the immune response to the spliceosome (to both the Sm and RNP; Sm/RNP) was found for patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) but not those with mixed connective-tissue disease. CMV thus may play a role in inducing autoimmune responses in a subset of patients with systemic lupus erythematosus.


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Despite the benefits of resistance, susceptibility to infectious disease is commonplace. Although specific susceptibility may be considered an inevitable consequence of the co-evolutionary arms race between parasite and host, a more general constraint may arise from the cost of an immune response. This “cost” hypothesis predicts a tradeoff between immune defense and other components of fitness. In particular, a tradeoff between immunity and sexually selected male behavior has been proposed. Here we provide experimental support for the direct phenotypic tradeoff between sexual activity and immunity by studying the antibacterial immune response in Drosophila melanogaster. Males exposed to more females showed a reduced ability to clear a bacterial infection, an effect that we experimentally link to changes in sexual activity. Our results suggest immunosuppression is an important cost of reproduction and that immune function and levels of disease susceptibility will be influenced by sexual selection.


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The idiotype of the Ig expressed by a B-cell malignancy (Id) can serve as a unique tumor-specific antigen and as a model for cancer vaccine development. In murine models of Id vaccination, formulation of syngeneic Id with carrier proteins or adjuvants induces an anti-idiotypic antibody response. However, inducing a potent cell-mediated response to this weak antigen instead would be highly desirable. In the 38C13 lymphoma model, we observed that low doses of free granulocyte/macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF) 10,000 units i.p. or locally s.c. daily for 4 days significantly enhanced protective antitumor immunity induced by s.c. Id-keyhole limpet hemocyanin (KLH) immunization. This effect was critically dependent upon effector CD4+ and CD8+ T cells and was not associated with any increased anti-idiotypic antibody production. Lymphocytes from spleens and draining lymph nodes of mice primed with Id-KLH plus GM-CSF, but not with Id-KLH alone, demonstrated significant proliferation to Id in vitro without any biased production of interferon gamma or interleukin 4 protein or mRNA. As a further demonstration of potency, 50% of mice immunized with Id-KLH plus GM-CSF on the same day as challenge with a large s.c. tumor inoculum remained tumor-free at day 80, compared with 17% for Id-KLH alone, when immunization was combined with cyclophosphamide. Taken together, these results demonstrate that GM-CSF can significantly enhance the immunogenicity of a defined self-antigen and that this effect is mediated exclusively by activating the T-cell arm of the immune response.


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Live vaccine vectors are usually very effective and generally elicit immune responses of higher magnitude and longer duration than nonliving vectors. Consequently, much attention has been turned to the engineering of oral pathogens for the delivery of foreign antigens to the gut-associated lymphoid tissues. However, no bacterial vector has yet been designed to specifically take advantage of the nasal route of mucosal vaccination. Herein we describe a genetic system for the expression of heterologous antigens fused to the filamentous hemagglutinin (FHA) in Bordetella pertussis. The Schistosoma mansoni glutathione S-transferase (Sm28GST) fused to FHA was detected at the cell surface and in the culture supernatants of recombinant B. pertussis. The mouse colonization capacity and autoagglutination of the recombinant microorganism were indistinguishable from those of the wild-type strain. In addition, and in contrast to the wild-type strain, a single intranasal administration of the recombinant strain induced both IgA and IgG antibodies against Sm28GST and against FHA in the bronchoalveolar lavage fluids. No anti-Sm28GST antibodies were detected in the serum, strongly suggesting that the observed immune response was of mucosal origin. This demonstrates, to our knowledge, for the first time that recombinant respiratory pathogens can induce mucosal immune responses against heterologous antigens, and this may constitute a first step toward the development of combined live vaccines administrable via the respiratory route.


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Adenoviral vectors can direct high-level expression of a transgene, but, due to a host immune response to adenoviral antigens, expression is of limited duration, and repetitive administration has generally been unsuccessful. Exposure to foreign proteins beginning in the neonatal period may alter or ablate the immune response. We injected adult and neonatal (immunocompetent) CD-1 mice intravenously with an adenoviral vector expressing human blood coagulation factor IX. In both groups of mice, expression of human factor IX persisted for 12-16 weeks. However, in mice initially injected as adults, repeat administration of the vector resulted in no detectable expression of the transgene, whereas in mice initially injected in the neonatal period, repeat administration resulted in high-level expression of human factor IX. We show that animals that fail to express the transgene on repeat administration have developed high-titer neutralizing antibodies to adenovirus, whereas those that do express factor IX have not. This experimental model suggests that newborn mice can be tolerized to adenoviral vectors and demonstrates that at least one repeat injection of the adenoviral vector is possible; the model will be useful in elucidating the immunologic mechanisms underlying successful repeat administration of adenoviral vectors.


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Direct evidence is presented in support of the longstanding but unproven hypothesis that B lymphocytes specific for self antigens (Ags) can be used in the immune response to foreign Ags. We show that the B cells in BALB/c mic responding early to pigeon cytochrome c (CYT) produce antibodies that recognize and bind the major antigenic site on mouse CYT with greater affinity than they bind pigeon CYT i.e., they are heteroclitic for the self Ag. Furthermore, these B cells express the same combination of immunoglobulin variable region (V) genes that are known to be used in B-cell recognition of mouse CYT. Over time, the response to pigeon CYT becomes more specific for the foreign Ag through the recruitment of B cells expressing different combinations of V genes and, possibly, somatic mutation of the mouse CYT specific B cells from early in the response. Cross-recognition of pigeon CYT by mouse CYT-specific B cells results from the sharing of critical amino acid residues by the two Ags. Although B-cell recognition of the self Ag, mouse CYT, is very specific, which limits the extent to which foreign Ags can cross-activate the autoreactive B cells, it is possible that polyreactive B cells to other self Ags may be used more frequently in response to foreign Ags.


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In establishing the memory B-cell population and maintaining self-tolerance during an immune response, apoptosis mediates the removal of early, low-affinity antibody-forming cells, unselected germinal center (GC) cells, and, potentially, self-reactive B cells. To address the role of the apoptosis-signaling cell surface molecule FAS in the B-cell response to antigen, we have examined the T-cell-dependent B-cell response to the carrier-conjugated hapten (4-hydroxy-3-nitrophenyl)acetyl (NP) in lpr mice in which the fas gene is mutated. High levels of FAS were expressed on normal GC B cells but the absence of FAS did not perturb the progressive decline in numbers of either GC B cells or extrafollicular antibody-forming cells. Furthermore, the rate of formation and eventual size of the NP-specific memory B-cell population in lpr mice were normal. The accumulation of cells with affinity-enhancing mutations and the appearance of high-affinity anti-NP IgG1 antibody in the serum were also normal in lpr mice. Thus, although high levels of FAS are expressed on GC B cells, FAS is not required for GC selection or for regulation of the major antigen-specific B-cell compartments. The results suggest that the size and composition of B-cell compartments in the humoral immune response are regulated by mechanisms that do not require FAS.


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Expression of cDNA libraries from human melanoma, renal cancer, astrocytoma, and Hodgkin disease in Escherichia coli and screening for clones reactive with high-titer IgG antibodies in autologous patient serum lead to the discovery of at least four antigens with a restricted expression pattern in each tumor. Besides antigens known to elicit T-cell responses, such as MAGE-1 and tyrosinase, numerous additional antigens that were overexpressed or specifically expressed in tumors of the same type were identified. Sequence analyses suggest that many of these molecules, besides being the target of a specific immune response, might be of relevance for tumor growth. Antibodies to a given antigen were usually confined to patients with the same tumor type. The unexpected frequency of human tumor antigens, which can be readily defined at the molecular level by the serological analysis of autologous tumor cDNA expression cloning, indicates that human neoplasms elicit multiple specific immune responses in the autologous host and provides diagnostic and therapeutic approaches to human cancer.


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A recombinant Mycobacterium bovis bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG) vector-based vaccine that secretes the V3 principal neutralizing epitope of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) could induce immune response to the epitope and prevent the viral infection. By using the Japanese consensus sequence of HIV-1, we successfully constructed chimeric protein secretion vectors by selecting an appropriate insertion site of a carrier protein and established the principal neutralizing determinant (PND)-peptide secretion system in BCG. The recombinant BCG (rBCG)-inoculated guinea pigs were initially screened by delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) skin reactions to the PND peptide, followed by passive transfer of the DTH by the systemic route. Further, immunization of mice with the rBCG resulted in induction of cytotoxic T lymphocytes. The guinea pig immune antisera showed elevated titers to the PND peptide and neutralized HIVMN, and administration of serum IgG from the vaccinated guinea pigs was effective in completely blocking the HIV infection in thymus/liver transplanted severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID)/hu or SCID/PBL mice. In addition, the immune serum IgG was shown to neutralize primary field isolates of HIV that match the neutralizing sequence motif by a peripheral blood mononuclear cell-based virus neutralization assay. The data support the idea that the antigen-secreting rBCG system can be used as a tool for development of HIV vaccines.


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In this paper we report a recessive mutation, immune deficiency (imd), that impairs the inducibility of all genes encoding antibacterial peptides during the immune response of Drosophila. When challenged with bacteria, flies carrying this mutation show a lower survival rate than wild-type flies. We also report that, in contrast to the antibacterial peptides, the antifungal peptide drosomycin remains inducible in a homozygous imd mutant background. These results point to the existence of two different pathways leading to the expression of two types of target genes, encoding either the antibacterial peptides or the antifungal peptide drosomycin.


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To circumvent the need to engineer pathogenic microorganisms as live vaccine-delivery vehicles, a system was developed which allowed for the stable expression of a wide range of protein antigens on the surface of Gram-positive commensal bacteria. The human oral commensal Streptococcus gordonii was engineered to surface express a 204-amino acid allergen from hornet venom (Ag5.2) as a fusion with the anchor region of the M6 protein of Streptococcus pyogenes. The immunogenicity of the M6-Ag5.2 fusion protein was assessed in mice inoculated orally and intranasally with a single dose of recombinant bacteria, resulting in the colonization of the oral/pharyngeal mucosa for 10-11 weeks. A significant increase of Ag5.2-specific IgA with relation to the total IgA was detected in saliva and lung lavages when compared with mice colonized with wild-type S. gordonii. A systemic IgG response to Ag5.2 was also induced after oral colonization. Thus, recombinant Gram-positive commensal bacteria may be a safe and effective way of inducing a local and systemic immune response.


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Successful treatment in allergic, autoimmune, and infectious diseases often requires altering the nature of a detrimental immune response mediated by a particular CD4+ T helper (Th) cell subset. While several factors contribute to the development of CD4+ Th1 and Th2 cells, the requirements for switching an established response are not understood. Here we use infection with Leishmania major as a model to investigate those requirements. We report that treatment with interleukin 12 (IL-12), in combination with the antimony-based leishmanicidal drug Pentostam, induces healing in L. major-infected mice and that healing is associated with a switch from a Th2 to a Th1 response. The data suggest that decreasing antigen levels may be required for IL-12 to inhibit a Th2 response and enhance a Th1 response. These observations are important for treatment of nonhealing forms of human leishmaniasis and also demonstrate that in a chronic infectious disease an inappropriate Th2 response can be switched to an effective Th1 response.