29 resultados para MOLECULAR CONTROL


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Cloned PCR products containing hepatitis C virus (HCV) genomic fragments have been used for analyses of HCV genomic heterogeneity and protein expression. These studies assume that the clones derived are representative of the entire virus population and that subsets are not inadvertently selected. The aim of the present study was to express HCV structural proteins. However, we found that there was a strong cloning selection for defective genomes and that most clones generated initially were incapable of expressing the HCV proteins. The HCV structural region (C-E1-E2-p7) was directly amplified by long reverse transcription–PCR from the plasma of an HCV-infected patient or from a control plasmid containing a viable full-length cDNA of HCV derived from the same patient but cloned in a different vector. The PCR products were cloned into a mammalian expression vector, amplified in Escherichia coli, and tested for their ability to produce HCV structural proteins. Twenty randomly picked clones derived from the HCV-infected patient all contained nucleotide mutations leading to absence or truncation of the expected HCV products. Of 25 clones derived from the control plasmid, only 8% were fully functional for polyprotein synthesis. The insertion of extra nucleotides in the region just upstream of the start codon of the HCV insert led to a statistically significant increase in the number of fully functional clones derived from the patient (42%) and from the control plasmid (72–92%). Nonrandom selection of clones during the cloning procedure has enormous implications for the study of viral heterogeneity, because it can produce a false spectrum of genomic diversity. It can also be an impediment to the construction of infectious viral clones.


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N-type Ca2+ channels can be inhibited by neurotransmitter-induced release of G protein βγ subunits. Two isoforms of Cav2.2 α1 subunits of N-type calcium channels from rat brain (Cav2.2a and Cav2.2b; initially termed rbB-I and rbB-II) have different functional properties. Unmodulated Cav2.2b channels are in an easily activated “willing” (W) state with fast activation kinetics and no prepulse facilitation. Activating G proteins shifts Cav2.2b channels to a difficult to activate “reluctant” (R) state with slow activation kinetics; they can be returned to the W state by strong depolarization resulting in prepulse facilitation. This contrasts with Cav2.2a channels, which are tonically in the R state and exhibit strong prepulse facilitation. Activating or inhibiting G proteins has no effect. Thus, the R state of Cav2.2a and its reversal by prepulse facilitation are intrinsic to the channel and independent of G protein modulation. Mutating G177 in segment IS3 of Cav2.2b to E as in Cav2.2a converts Cav2.2b tonically to the R state, insensitive to further G protein modulation. The converse substitution in Cav2.2a, E177G, converts it to the W state and restores G protein modulation. We propose that negatively charged E177 in IS3 interacts with a positive charge in the IS4 voltage sensor when the channel is closed and produces the R state of Cav2.2a by a voltage sensor-trapping mechanism. G protein βγ subunits may produce reluctant channels by a similar molecular mechanism.


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A reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction experiment was done to synthesize a homologous polyphenol oxidase (PPO) probe from apricot (Prunus armeniaca var Bergeron) fruit. This probe was further used to isolate a full-length PPO cDNA, PA-PPO (accession no. AF020786), from an immature-green fruit cDNA library. PA-PPO is 2070 bp long and contains a single open reading frame encoding a PPO precursor peptide of 597 amino acids with a calculated molecular mass of 67.1 kD and an isoelectric point of 6.84. The mature protein has a predicted molecular mass of 56.2 kD and an isoelectric point of 5.84. PA-PPO belongs to a multigene family. The gene is highly expressed in young, immature-green fruit and is turned off early in the ripening process. The ratio of PPO protein to total proteins per fruit apparently remains stable regardless of the stage of development, whereas PPO specific activity peaks at the breaker stage. These results suggest that, in addition to a transcriptional control of PPO expression, other regulation factors such as translational and posttranslational controls also occur.


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Certain HLA-B antigens have been associated with lack of progression to AIDS. HLA-B alleles can be divided into two mutually exclusive groups based on the expression of the molecular epitopes HLA-Bw4 and HLA-Bw6. Notably, in addition to its role in presenting viral peptides for immune recognition, the HLA-Bw4, but not HLA-Bw6, motif functions as a ligand for a natural killer cell inhibitory receptor (KIR). Here, we show that profound suppression of HIV-1 viremia is significantly associated with homozygosity for HLA-B alleles that share the HLA-Bw4 epitope. Furthermore, homozygosity for HLA-Bw4 alleles was also significantly associated with the ability to remain AIDS free and to maintain a normal CD4 T cell count in a second cohort of HIV-1-infected individuals with well defined dates of seroconversion. This association was independent of the presence of a mutation in CC chemokine receptor 5 (CCR5) associated with resistance to HIV-1 infection, and it was independent of the presence of HLA alleles that could potentially confound the results. We conclude that homozygosity for HLA-Bw4-bearing B alleles is associated with a significant advantage and that the HLA-Bw4 motif is important in AIDS pathogenesis.


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The general transcription initiation factor TFIID was originally identified, purified, and characterized with a biochemical assay in which accurate transcription initiation is reconstituted with multiple, chromatographically separable activities. Biochemical analyses have demonstrated that TFIID is a multiprotein complex that directs preinitiation complex assembly on both TATA box-containing and TATA-less promoters, and some TFIID subunits have been shown to be molecular targets for activation domains in DNA-binding regulatory proteins. These findings have most commonly been interpreted to support the view that transcriptional activation by upstream factors is the result of enhanced TFIID recruitment to the core promoter. Recent insights into the architecture and cell-cycle regulation of the multiprotein TFIID complex prompt both a reassessment of the functional role of TFIID in gene activation and a review of some of the less well-appreciated literature on TFIID. We present a speculative model for diverse functional roles of TFIID in the cell, explore the merits of the model in the context of published data, and suggest experimental approaches to resolve unanswered questions. Finally, we point out how the proposed functional roles of TFIID in eukaryotic class II transcription fit into a model for promoter recognition and activation that applies to both eubacteria and eukaryotes.


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The assembly of polymer chains in solution is a powerful method that is leading to the preparation of interesting and unique macromolecular-based synthetic nanostructures. Specific control over the intramolecular and intermolecular physical interactions dictates either the folding of single chains or the aggregation and ordering of multiple chains. This control is provided through the selective placement of functional groups along the polymer backbone and the relative strengths of their attractive and repulsive interactions.


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Structures of Watson-Crick base paired 15-nucleobase oligomer strands in A-type or B-type conformation in which one strand [a strand of alternating nucleotide and riboacetal thymidine nucleoside (RT) units, RP] is DNA and the other is composed of alternating nucleotides and riboacetal nucleosides have been studied by molecular mechanics. Analogously, oligomer strands of RNA in place of DNA have been modeled. The calculations indicate that the RP strand is more stable when complexed in an A-type duplex relative to a B-type form and that this conformational preference is presumably due to the more uniform nature of the former. Nearly planar ribose rings were more commonly observed in the minimized structures of the B-type DNA.RP duplexes as compared with A-type duplexes, despite the fact that planar ribofuranose rings are known to be energetically unfavorable in oligonucleotides. Computed relative stabilities of all duplexes containing the RP strand suggest that such heteroduplexes are less stable than the corresponding double-stranded DNA and double-stranded RNA species. These findings are in agreement with experimental results which show, when equivalent sequences were compared, that a DNA.RNA control forms a more stable duplex than RP hound to a complementary single-stranded RNA strand. In contrast, molecular mechanics studies of complementary triple-helical (DNA)2.RP, (DNA)2.DNA, and (DNA)2.RNA structures indicate that the binding of RP as a Hoogsteen strand stabilizes the underlying duplex to a greater extent compared with native oligonucleotides. These calculations suggest that puckering of the ribose ring in the riboacetal linkage leads to a more favorable interaction with a complementary nucleic acid target than the proposed planar geometry and that this puckering may account for the enhanced binding of RP to a double-stranded target.


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Hematopoiesis gives rise to blood cells of different lineages throughout normal life. Abnormalities in this developmental program lead to blood cell diseases including leukemia. The establishment of a cell culture system for the clonal development of hematopoietic cells made it possible to discover proteins that regulate cell viability, multiplication and differentiation of different hematopoietic cell lineages, and the molecular basis of normal and abnormal blood cell development. These regulators include cytokines now called colony-stimulating factors (CSFs) and interleukins (ILs). There is a network of cytokine interactions, which has positive regulators such as CSFs and ILs and negative regulators such as transforming growth factor beta and tumor necrosis factor (TNF). This multigene cytokine network provides flexibility depending on which part of the network is activated and allows amplification of response to a particular stimulus. Malignancy can be suppressed in certain types of leukemic cells by inducing differentiation with cytokines that regulate normal hematopoiesis or with other compounds that use alternative differentiation pathways. This created the basis for the clinical use of differentiation therapy. The suppression of malignancy by inducing differentiation can bypass genetic abnormalities that give rise to malignancy. Different CSFs and ILs suppress programmed cell death (apoptosis) and induce cell multiplication and differentiation, and these processes of development are separately regulated. The same cytokines suppress apoptosis in normal and leukemic cells, including apoptosis induced by irradiation and cytotoxic cancer chemotherapeutic compounds. An excess of cytokines can increase leukemic cell resistance to cytotoxic therapy. The tumor suppressor gene wild-type p53 induces apoptosis that can also be suppressed by cytokines. The oncogene mutant p53 suppresses apoptosis. Hematopoietic cytokines such as granulocyte CSF are now used clinically to correct defects in hematopoiesis, including repair of chemotherapy-associated suppression of normal hematopoiesis in cancer patients, stimulation of normal granulocyte development in patients with infantile congenital agranulocytosis, and increase of hematopoietic precursors for blood cell transplantation. Treatments that decrease the level of apoptosis-suppressing cytokines and downregulate expression of mutant p53 and other apoptosis suppressing genes in cancer cells could improve cytotoxic cancer therapy. The basic studies on hematopoiesis and leukemia have thus provided new approaches to therapy.


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The aspartate receptor of bacterial chemotaxis is representative of a large class of membrane-spanning receptors found in prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms. These receptors, which regulate histidine kinase pathways and possess two putative transmembrane helices per subunit, appear to control a wide variety of cellular processes. The best characterized subgroup of the two-helix receptor class is the homologous family of chemosensory receptors from Escherichia coli and Salmonella typhimurium, including the aspartate receptor. This receptor binds aspartate, an attractant, in the periplasmic compartment and undergoes an intramolecular, transmembrane conformational change, thereby modulating the autophosphorylation rate of a bound histidine kinase in the cytoplasm. Here, we analyze recent results from x-ray crystallographic, solution 19F NMR, and engineered disulfide studies probing the aspartate-induced structural change within the periplasmic and transmembrane regions of the receptor. Together, these approaches provide evidence that aspartate binding triggers a "swinging-piston" displacement of the second membrane-spanning helix, which is proposed to communicate the signal across the bilayer.


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Transcription from the housekeeping promoter for the acetyl coenzyme A carboxylase (ACC) gene, which encodes the rate-controlling enzyme of fatty acid biosynthesis, is shown to be regulated by cellular sterol levels through novel binding sites for the sterol-sensitive sterol regulatory element binding protein (SREBP)-1 transcription factor. The position of the SREBP sites relative to those for the ubiquitous auxiliary transcription factor Sp1 is reminiscent of that previously described for the sterol-regulated low density lipoprotein receptor promoter. The experiments provide molecular evidence that the metabolism of fatty acids and cholesterol, two different classes of essential cellular lipids, are coordinately regulated by cellular lipid levels.


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In North America there are two generally recognized pathotypes (pathotypes 1 and 2) of the fungus Entomophaga grylli which show host-preferential infection of grasshopper subfamilies. Pathotype 3, discovered in Australia, has a broader grasshopper host range and was considered to be a good biocontrol agent. Between 1989 and 1991 pathotype 3 was introduced at two field sites in North Dakota. Since resting spores are morphologically indistinguishable among pathotypes, we used pathotype-specific DNA probes to confirm pathotype identification in E. grylli-infected grasshoppers collected at the release sites in 1992, 1993, and 1994. In 1992, up to 23% of E. grylli-infected grasshoppers of the subfamilies Melanoplinae, Oedipodinae, and Gomphocerinae were infected by pathotype 3, with no infections > 1 km from the release sites. In 1993, pathotype 3 infections declined to 1.7%. In 1994 grasshopper populations were low and no pathotype 3 infections were found. The frequency of pathotype 3 infection has declined to levels where its long-term survival in North America is questionable. Analyses of biocontrol releases are critical to evaluating the environmental risks associated with these ecological manipulations, and molecular probes are powerful tools for monitoring biocontrol releases.


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Substantial progress has been made in understanding the genetic basis of temperature-compensated circadian clocks. Ultradian rhythms, with a period shorter than 24 h, are at least as widespread as circadian rhythms. We have initiated genetic analysis of defecation behavior, which is controlled by an ultradian clock in Caenorhabditis elegans. The defecation motor program is activated every 45 sec, and this rhythm is temperature compensated. We describe mutations in 12 genes that either shorten or lengthen the cycle period. We find that most of these mutations also disrupt temperature compensation, suggesting that this process is an integral part of the clock. These genes open the way for molecular genetic dissection of this ultradian clock.


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Genetic resistance in plants to root diseases is rare, and agriculture depends instead on practices such as crop rotation and soil fumigation to control these diseases. "Induced suppression" is a natural phenomenon whereby a soil due to microbiological changes converts from conducive to suppressive to a soilborne pathogen during prolonged monoculture of the susceptible host. Our studies have focused on the wheat root disease "take-all," caused by the fungus Gaeumannomyces graminis var. tritici, and the role of bacteria in the wheat rhizosphere (rhizobacteria) in a well-documented induced suppression (take-all decline) that occurs in response to the disease and continued monoculture of wheat. The results summarized herein show that antibiotic production plays a significant role in both plant defense by and ecological competence of rhizobacteria. Production of phenazine and phloroglucinol antibiotics, as examples, account for most of the natural defense provided by fluorescent Pseudomonas strains isolated from among the diversity of rhizobacteria associated with take-all decline. There appear to be at least three levels of regulation of genes for antibiotic biosynthesis: environmental sensing, global regulation that ties antibiotic production to cellular metabolism, and regulatory loci linked to genes for pathway enzymes. Plant defense by rhizobacteria producing antibiotics on roots and as cohabitants with pathogens in infected tissues is analogous to defense by the plant's production of phytoalexins, even to the extent that an enzyme of the same chalcone/stilbene synthase family used to produce phytoalexins is used to produce 2,4-diacetylphloroglucinol. The defense strategy favored by selection pressure imposed on plants by soilborne pathogens may well be the ability of plants to support and respond to rhizosphere microorganisms antagonistic to these pathogens.


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Eukaryotic initiation factor 2B (eIF-2B) is an essential component of the pathway of peptide-chain initiation in mammalian cells, yet little is known about its molecular structure and regulation. To investigate the structure, regulation, and interactions of the individual subunits of eIF-2B, we have begun to clone, characterize, and express the corresponding cDNAs. We report here the cloning and characterization of a 1510-bp cDNA encoding the alpha subunit of eIF-2B from a rat brain cDNA library. The cDNA contains an open reading frame of 918 bp encoding a polypeptide of 305 aa with a predicted molecular mass of 33.7 kDa. This cDNA recognizes a single RNA species approximately 1.6 kb in length on Northern blots of RNA from rat liver. The predicted amino acid sequence contains regions identical to the sequences of peptides derived from bovine liver eIF-2B alpha subunit. Expression of this cDNA in vitro yields a peptide which comigrates with natural eIF-2B alpha in SDS/polyacrylamide gels. The predicted amino acid sequence exhibits 42% identity to that deduced for the Saccharomyces cerevisiae GCN3 protein, the smallest subunit of yeast eIF-2B. In addition, expression of the rat cDNA in yeast functionally complements a gcn3 deletion for the inability to induce histidine biosynthetic genes under the control of GCN4. These results strongly support the hypothesis that mammalian eIF-2 alpha and GCN3 are homologues. Southern blots indicate that the eIF-2B alpha cDNA also recognizes genomic DNA fragments from several other species, suggesting significant homology between the rat eIF-2B alpha gene and that from other species.