26 resultados para MOLECULAR ASSOCIATION


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The marine slug Elysia chlorotica (Gould) forms an intracellular symbiosis with photosynthetically active chloroplasts from the chromophytic alga Vaucheria litorea (C. Agardh). This symbiotic association was characterized over a period of 8 months during which E. chlorotica was deprived of V. litorea but provided with light and CO2. The fine structure of the symbiotic chloroplasts remained intact in E. chlorotica even after 8 months of starvation as revealed by electron microscopy. Southern blot analysis of total DNA from E. chlorotica indicated that algal genes, i.e., rbcL, rbcS, psaB, psbA, and 16S rRNA are present in the animal. These genes are typically localized to the plastid genome in higher plants and algae except rbcS, which is nuclear-encoded in higher plants and green (chlorophyll a/b) algae. Our analysis suggests, however, that similar to the few other chromophytes (chlorophyll a/c) examined, rbcS is chloroplast encoded in V. litorea. Levels of psbA transcripts remained constant in E. chlorotica starved for 2 and 3 months and then gradually declined over the next 5 months corresponding with senescence of the animal in culture and in nature. The RNA synthesis inhibitor 6-methylpurine reduced the accumulation of psbA transcripts confirming active transcription. In contrast to psbA, levels of 16S rRNA transcripts remained constant throughout the starvation period. The levels of the photosystem II proteins, D1 and CP43, were high at 2 and 4 months of starvation and remained constant at a lower steady-state level after 6 months. In contrast, D2 protein levels, although high at 2 and 4 months, were very low at all other periods of starvation. At 8 months, de novo synthesis of several thylakoid membrane-enriched proteins, including D1, still occurred. To our knowledge, these results represent the first molecular evidence for active transcription and translation of algal chloroplast genes in an animal host and are discussed in relation to the endosymbiotic theory of eukaryote origins.


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The life history of Candida albicans presents an enigma: this species is thought to be exclusively asexual, yet strains show extensive phenotypic variation. To address the population genetics of C. albicans, we developed a genetic typing method for codominant single-locus markers by screening randomly amplified DNA for single-strand conformation polymorphisms. DNA fragments amplified by arbitrary primers were initially screened for single-strand conformation polymorphisms and later sequenced using locus-specific primers. A total of 12 single base mutations and insertions were detected from six out of eight PCR fragments. Patterns of sequence-level polymorphism observed for individual strains detected considerable heterozygosity at the DNA sequence level, supporting the view that most C. albicans strains are diploid. Population genetic analyses of 52 natural isolates from Duke University Medical Center provide evidence for both clonality and recombination in C. albicans. Evidence for clonality is supported by the presence of several overrepresented genotypes, as well as by deviation of genotypic frequencies from random (Hardy-Weinberg) expectations. However, tests for nonrandom association of alleles across loci reveal less evidence for linkage disequilibrium than expected for strictly clonal populations. Although C. albicans populations are primarily clonal, evidence for recombination suggests that sexual reproduction or some other form of genetic exchange occurs in this species.


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Chloroquine is thought to exert its antimalarial effect by preventing the polymerization of toxic heme released during proteolysis of hemoglobin in the Plasmodium digestive vacuole. The mechanism of this blockade has not been established. We incubated cultured parasites with subinhibitory doses of [3H]chloroquine and [3H] quinidine. These [3H]quinoline compounds became associated with hemozoin as assessed by electron microscope autoradiography and subcellular fractionation. In vitro, binding of [3H]quinoline inhibitors to the hemozoin chain depended on the addition of heme substrate. These data counter previous conclusions regarding the lack of quinoline association with hemozoin, explain the exaggerated accumulation of quinolines in the plasmodium digestive vacuole, and suggest that a quinoline heme complex incorporates into the growing polymer to terminate chain extension, blocking further sequestration of toxic heme.


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The effects of ischemia on the maturation of secretory proteins are not well understood. Among several events that occur during ischemia-reperfusion are a rapid and extensive decrease in ATP levels and an alteration of cellular oxidative state. Since the normal folding and assembly of secretory proteins are mediated by endoplasmic reticulum (ER) molecular chaperones, the function of which depends on ATP and maintenance of an appropriate redox environment, ischemia might be expected to perturb folding of secretory proteins. In this study, whole animal and cultured cell models for the epithelial ischemic state were used to examine this possibility. After acute kidney ischemia, marked increases in the mRNA levels of the ER chaperones glucose-regulated protein (grp)78/immunoglobulin-binding protein (BiP), grp94, and ER protein (ERp)72 were noted. Likewise, when cellular ATP was depleted to less than 10% of control with antimycin A, mRNA levels of BiP, ERp72, and grp94 were increased in kidney and thyroid epithelial cell culture models. Since the signal for the up-regulation of these stress proteins is believed to be the accumulation of misfolded/misassembled secretory proteins in the ER, their induction after ischemia in vivo and antimycin treatment of cultured cells suggests that maturation of secretory proteins in the ER lumen might indeed be perturbed. To analyze the effects of antimycin A on the maturation of secretory proteins, we studied the fate of thyroglobulin (Tg), a large oligomeric secretory glycoprotein, the folding and assembly of which seems to require a variety of ER chaperones. Treatment of cultured thyroid epithelial cells with antimycin A greatly inhibited ( > 90%) the secretion of Tg. Sucrose density gradient analysis revealed that in antimycin A-treated cells Tg associates into large macromolecular complexes which, by immunofluorescence, appeared to localize to the ER. Furthermore, coimmunoprecipitation studies after antimycin A treatment demonstrated that Tg stably associates with BiP, grp94, and ERp72. Together, our results suggest that a key cellular lesion in ischemia is the misfolding of secretory proteins as they transit the ER, and this leads not only to increased expression of ER chaperones but also to their stable association with and the subsequent retention of at least some misfolded secretory proteins.


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Germline loss-of-function mutations at the Wilms tumor (WT) suppressor locus WT1 are associated with a predisposition to WTs and mild genital system anomalies. In contrast, germ-line missense mutations within the WT1 gene encoding the DNA-binding domain often yield a more severe phenotype consisting of WT, sexual ambiguity, and renal nephropathy. In this report, we demonstrate that the products of mutant alleles that impair DNA recognition can antagonize WT1-mediated transcriptional repression. We demonstrate that WT1 can self-associate in vitro and in vivo and that the responsible domain maps to the amino-terminal region of the protein. Oligomers of full-length protein form less efficiently or produce less stable complexes than oligomers between truncated polypeptides and full-length protein. Our data suggest a molecular mechanism to explain how WT1 mutations may act in deregulating cellular proliferation and differentiation.


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The RBTN2 LIM-domain protein, originally identified as an oncogenic protein in human T-cell leukemia, is essential for erythropoiesis. A possible role for RBTN2 in transcription during erythropoiesis has been investigated. Direct interaction of the RBTN2 protein was observed in vivo and in vitro with the GATA1 or -2 zinc-finger transcription factors, as well as with the basic helix-loop-helix protein TAL1. By using mammalian two-hybrid analysis, complexes involving RBTN2, TAL1, and GATA1, together with E47, the basic helix-loop-helix heterodimerization partner of TAL1, could be demonstrated. Thus, a molecular link exists between three proteins crucial for erythropoiesis, and the data suggest that variations in amounts of complexes involving RBTN2, TAL1, and GATA1 could be important for erythroid differentiation.


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Murine suppressor T-cell hybridoma cells (231F1) secrete not only bioactive glycosylation-inhibiting factor (GIF) but also an inactive peptide comparable to bioactive GIF peptide in its molecular size and reactivity with anti-GIF; the amino acid sequence of the inactive peptide is identical to that of the bioactive homologue. The inactive GIF peptide in culture supernatant of both the 231F1 cells and a stable transfectant of human GIF cDNA in the murine suppressor T hybridoma selectively bound to Affi-Gel 10, whereas bioactive GIF peptides from the same sources failed to bind to the gel. The inactive cytosolic human GIF from the stable transfectant and Escherichia coli-derived recombinant human GIF also had affinity for Affi-Gel 10. Both the bioactive murine GIF peptide from the suppressor T hybridoma and bioactive recombinant human GIF from the stable transfectant bound to the anti-I-J monoclonal antibody H6 coupled to Affi-Gel. However, bioactive hGIF produced by a stable transfectant of human GIF cDNA in BMT10 cells failed to be retained in H6-coupled Affi-Gel. These results indicate that the I-J specificity is determined by the cell source of the GIF peptide and that the I-J determinant recognized by monoclonal antibody H6 does not represent a part of the primary amino acid sequence of GIF. It appears that the epitope is generated by a posttranslational modification of the peptide.


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The binding of invariant chain to major histocompatibility complex (MHC) proteins is an important step in processing of MHC class II proteins and in antigen presentation. The question of how invariant chain can bind to all MHC class II proteins is central to understanding these processes. We have employed molecular modeling to predict the structure of class II-associated invariant chain peptide (CLIP)-MHC protein complexes and to ask whether the predicted mode of association could be general across all MHC class II proteins. CLIP fits identically into the MHC class II alleles HLA-DR3, I-Ak, I-Au, and I-Ad, with a consistent pattern of hydrogen bonds, contacts, and hydrophobic burial and without bad contacts. Our model predicts the burial of CLIP residues Met-91 and Met-99 in the deep P1 and P9 anchor pockets and other detailed interactions, which we have compared with available data. The predicted pattern of I-A allele-specific effects on CLIP binding is very similar to that observed experimentally by alanine-scanning mutations of CLIP. Together, these results indicate that CLIP may bind in a single, general way across products of MHC class II alleles.


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The association of species of yucca and their pollinating moths is considered one of the two classic cases of obligate mutualism between floral hosts and their pollinators. The system involves the active collection of pollen by females of two prodoxid moth genera and the subsequent purposeful placement of the pollen on conspecific stigmas of species of Yucca. Yuccas essentially depend on the moths for pollination and the moths require Yucca ovaries for oviposition. Because of the specificity involved, it has been assumed that the association arose once, although it has been suggested that within the prodoxid moths as a whole, pollinators have arisen from seed predators more than once. We show, by using phylogenies generated from three molecular data sets, that the supposed restriction of the yucca moths and their allies to the Agavaceae is an artifact caused by an incorrect circumscription of this family. In addition we provide evidence that Yucca is not monophyletic, leading to the conclusion that the modern Yucca-yucca moth relationship developed independently more than once by colonization of a new host.


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The disruption of the BCR gene and its juxtaposition to and consequent activation of the ABL gene has been implicated as the critical molecular defect in Philadelphia chromosome-positive leukemias. The normal BCR protein is a multifunctional molecule with domains that suggest its participation in phosphokinase and GTP-binding pathways. Taken together with its localization to the cytoplasm of uncycled cells, it is therefore presumed to be involved in cytoplasmic signaling. By performing a double aphidicolin block for cell cycle synchronization, we currently demonstrate that the subcellular localization of BCR shifts from being largely cytoplasmic in interphase cells to being predominantly perichromosomal in mitosis. Furthermore, with the use of immunogold labeling and electron microscopy, association of BCR with DNA, in particular heterochromatin, can be demonstrated even in quiescent cells. Results were similar in cell lines of lymphoid or myeloid origin. These observations suggest a role for BCR in the phosphokinase interactions linked to condensed chromatin, a network previously implicated in cell cycle regulation.


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Ceruloplasmin is an abundant alpha 2-serum glycoprotein that contains 95% of the copper found in the plasma of vertebrate species. We report here on the identification of a genetic defect in the ceruloplasmin gene in a patient previously noted to have a total absence of circulating serum ceruloplasmin in association with late-onset retinal and basal ganglia degeneration. In this patient T2 (transverse relaxation time)-weighted magnetic resonance imaging of the brain revealed basal ganglia densities consistent with iron deposition, and liver biopsy confirmed the presence of excess iron. Although Southern blot analysis of the patient's DNA was normal, PCR amplification of 18 of the 19 exons composing the human ceruloplasmin gene revealed a distinct size difference in exon 7. DNA sequence analysis of this exon revealed a 5-bp insertion at amino acid 410, resulting in a frame-shift mutation and a truncated open reading frame. The validity of this mutation was confirmed by analysis of DNA from the patient's daughter, which revealed heterozygosity for this same 5-bp insertion. The presence of this mutation in conjunction with the clinical and pathologic findings demonstrates an essential role for ceruloplasmin in human biology and identifies aceruloplasminemia as an autosomal recessive disorder of iron metabolism. These findings support previous studies that identified ceruloplasmin as a ferroxidase and are remarkably consistent with recent studies on the essential role of a homologous copper oxidase in iron metabolism in yeast. The clinical and laboratory findings suggest that additional patients with movement disorders and nonclassical Wilson disease should be examined for ceruloplasmin gene mutations.