57 resultados para MAPK


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Connector enhancer of KSR (CNK) is a multidomain protein required for RAS signaling. Its C-terminal portion (CNKC-term) directly binds to RAF. Herein, we show that the N-terminal portion of CNK (CNKN-term) strongly cooperates with RAS, whereas CNKC-term efficiently blocks RAS- and RAF-dependent signaling when overexpressed in the Drosophila eye. Two effector loop mutants of RASV12, S35 and C40, which selectively activate the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) and phosphatidylinositol-3-kinase pathways, respectively, do not cooperate with CNK. However, a strong cooperation is observed between CNK and RASV12G37, an effector loop mutant known in mammals to activate specifically the RAL pathway. We have identified two domains in CNKN-term that are critical for cooperation with RAS. Our results suggest that CNK functions in more than one pathway downstream of RAS. CNKc-term seems to regulate RAF, a component of the MAPK pathway, whereas CNKN-term seems to be involved in a MAPK-independent pathway.


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STAT1 is an essential transcription factor for macrophage activation by IFN-γ and requires phosphorylation of the C-terminal Ser727 for transcriptional activity. In macrophages, Ser727 phosphorylation in response to bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS), UV irradiation, or TNF-α occurred through a signaling path sensitive to the p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase (p38 MAPK) inhibitor SB203580 whereas IFN-γ-mediated Ser727 phosphorylation was not inhibited by the drug. Consistently, SB203580 did not affect IFN-γ-mediated, Stat1-dependent transcription but inhibited its enhancement by LPS. Furthermore, LPS, UV irradiation, and TNF-α caused activation of p38 MAPK whereas IFN-γ did not. An essential role for p38 MAPK activity in STAT1 Ser727 phosphorylation was confirmed by using cells expressing an SB203580-resistant p38 MAPK. In such cells, STAT1 Ser727 phosphorylation in response to UV irradiation was found to be SB203580 insensitive. Targeted disruption of the mapkap-k2 gene, encoding a kinase downstream of p38 MAPK with a key role in LPS-stimulated TNF-α production and stress-induced heat shock protein 25 phosphorylation, was without a significant effect on UV-mediated Ser727 phosphorylation. The recombinant Stat1 C terminus was phosphorylated in vitro by p38MAPKα and β but not by MAPK-activated protein kinase 2. Janus kinase 2 activity, previously reported to be required for IFN-γ-mediated Ser727 phosphorylation, was not needed for LPS-mediated Ser727 phosphorylation, and activation of Janus kinase 2 did not cause the appearance of STAT1 Ser727 kinase activity. Our data suggest that STAT1 is phosphorylated at Ser727 by a stress-activated signaling pathway either through p38 MAPK directly or through an unidentified kinase downstream of p38MAPK.


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Anchorage and growth factor independence are cardinal features of the transformed phenotype. Although it is logical that the two pathways must be coregulated in normal tissues to maintain homeostasis, this has not been demonstrated directly. We showed previously that down-modulation of β1-integrin signaling reverted the malignant behavior of a human breast tumor cell line (T4–2) derived from phenotypically normal cells (HMT-3522) and led to growth arrest in a three-dimensional (3D) basement membrane assay in which the cells formed tissue-like acini (14). Here, we show that there is a bidirectional cross-modulation of β1-integrin and epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) signaling via the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathway. The reciprocal modulation does not occur in monolayer (2D) cultures. Antibody-mediated inhibition of either of these receptors in the tumor cells, or inhibition of MAPK kinase, induced a concomitant down-regulation of both receptors, followed by growth-arrest and restoration of normal breast tissue morphogenesis. Cross-modulation and tissue morphogenesis were associated with attenuation of EGF-induced transient MAPK activation. To specifically test EGFR and β1-integrin interdependency, EGFR was overexpressed in nonmalignant cells, leading to disruption of morphogenesis and a compensatory up-regulation of β1-integrin expression, again only in 3D. Our results indicate that when breast cells are spatially organized as a result of contact with basement membrane, the signaling pathways become coupled and bidirectional. They further explain why breast cells fail to differentiate in monolayer cultures in which these events are mostly uncoupled. Moreover, in a subset of tumor cells in which these pathways are misregulated but functional, the cells could be “normalized” by manipulating either pathway.


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We have investigated the activity and function of mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) during neural specification in Xenopus. Ectodermal MAPK activity increased between late blastula and midgastrula stages. At midgastrula, MAPK activity in both newly induced neural ectoderm and ectoderm overexpressing the anterior neural inducer noggin was 5-fold higher than in uninduced ectoderm. Overexpression of MAPK phosphatase-1 (MKP-1) in ectoderm inhibited MAPK activity and prevented neurectoderm-specific gene expression when the ectoderm was recombined with dorsal mesoderm or treated with fibroblast growth factor (FGF). Neurectoderm-specific gene expression was observed, however, in ectoderm overexpressing both noggin and MKP-1. To evaluate the role of MAPK in posterior regionalization, ectodermal isolates were treated with increasing concentrations of FGF and assayed for MAPK activity and neurectoderm-specific gene expression. Although induction of posterior neural ectoderm by FGF was accompanied by an elevation of MAPK activity, relative MAPK activity associated with posterior neural fate was no higher than that of ectoderm specified to adopt an anterior neural fate. Thus, increasingly posterior neural fates are not correlated with quantitative increases in MAPK activity. Because MAPK has been shown to down-regulate Smad1, MAPK may disrupt bone morphogenetic protein 4 (BMP-4) signaling during neural specification. Our results suggest that MAPK plays an essential role in the establishment of neural fate in vivo.


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Cell cycle progression is regulated by cAMP in several cell types. Cellular cAMP levels depend on the activity of different adenylyl cyclases (ACs), which have varied signal-receiving capabilities. The role of individual ACs in regulating proliferative responses was investigated. Native NIH 3T3 cells contain AC6, an isoform that is inhibited by a variety of signals. Proliferation of exogenous AC6-expressing cells was the same as in control cells. In contrast, expression of AC2, an isoform stimulated by protein kinase C (PKC), resulted in inhibition of cell cycle progression and increased doubling time. In AC2-expressing cells, platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) elevated cAMP levels in a PKC-dependent manner. PDGF stimulation of mitogen-activated protein kinases 1 and 2 (MAPK 1,2), DNA synthesis, and cyclin D1 expression was reduced in AC2-expressing cells as compared with control cells. Dominant negative protein kinase A relieved the AC2 inhibition of PDGF-induced DNA synthesis. Expression of AC2 also blocked H-ras-induced transformation of NIH 3T3 cells. These observations indicate that, because AC2 is stimulated by PKC, it can be activated by PDGF concurrently with the stimulation of MAPK 1,2. The elevation in cAMP results in inhibition of signal flow from the PDGF receptor to MAPK 1,2 and a significant reduction in the proliferative response to PDGF. Thus, the molecular identity and signal receiving capability of the AC isoforms in a cell could be important for proliferative homeostasis.


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Wounding corneal epithelium establishes a laterally oriented, DC electric field (EF). Corneal epithelial cells (CECs) cultured in similar physiological EFs migrate cathodally, but this requires serum growth factors. Migration depends also on the substrate. On fibronectin (FN) or laminin (LAM) substrates in EF, cells migrated faster and more directly cathodally. This also was serum dependent. Epidermal growth factor (EGF) restored cathodal-directed migration in serum-free medium. Therefore, the hypothesis that EGF is a serum constituent underlying both field-directed migration and enhanced migration on ECM molecules was tested. We used immunofluorescence, flow cytometry, and confocal microscopy and report that 1) EF exposure up-regulated the EGF receptor (EGFR); so also did growing cells on substrates of FN or LAM; and 2) EGFRs and actin accumulated in the cathodal-directed half of CECs, within 10 min in EF. The cathodal asymmetry of EGFR and actin staining was correlated, being most marked at the cell–substrate interface and showing similar patterns of asymmetry at various levels through a cell. At the cell–substrate interface, EGFRs and actin frequently colocalized as interdigitated, punctate spots resembling tank tracks. Cathodal accumulation of EGFR and actin did not occur in the absence of serum but were restored by adding ligand to serum-free medium. Inhibition of MAPK, one second messenger engaged by EGF, significantly reduced EF-directed cell migration. Transforming growth factor β and fibroblast growth factor also restored cathodal-directed cell migration in serum-free medium. However, longer EF exposure was needed to show clear asymmetric distribution of the receptors for transforming growth factor β and fibroblast growth factor. We propose that up-regulated expression and redistribution of EGFRs underlie cathodal-directed migration of CECs and directed migration induced by EF on FN and LAM.


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The two highly conserved RAS genes of the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae are redundant for viability. Here we show that haploid invasive growth development depends on RAS2 but not RAS1. Ras1p is not sufficiently expressed to induce invasive growth. Ras2p activates invasive growth using either of two downstream signaling pathways, the filamentation MAPK (Cdc42p/Ste20p/MAPK) cascade or the cAMP-dependent protein kinase (Cyr1p/cAMP/PKA) pathway. This signal branch point can be uncoupled in cells expressing Ras2p mutant proteins that carry amino acid substitutions in the adenylyl cyclase interaction domain and therefore activate invasive growth solely dependent on the MAPK cascade. Both Ras2p-controlled signaling pathways stimulate expression of the filamentation response element-driven reporter gene depending on the transcription factors Ste12p and Tec1p, indicating a crosstalk between the MAPK and the cAMP signaling pathways in haploid cells during invasive growth.


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We have added constitutively active MAP kinase/ERK kinase (MEK), an activator of the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) signaling pathway, to cycling Xenopus egg extracts at various times during the cell cycle. p42MAPK activation during entry into M-phase arrested the cell cycle in metaphase, as has been shown previously. Unexpectedly, p42MAPK activation during interphase inhibited entry into M-phase. In these interphase-arrested extracts, H1 kinase activity remained low, Cdc2 was tyrosine phosphorylated, and nuclei continued to enlarge. The interphase arrest was overcome by recombinant cyclin B. In other experiments, p42MAPK activation by MEK or by Mos inhibited Cdc2 activation by cyclin B. PD098059, a specific inhibitor of MEK, blocked the effects of MEK(QP) and Mos. Mos-induced activation of p42MAPK did not inhibit DNA replication. These results indicate that, in addition to the established role of p42MAPK activation in M-phase arrest, the inappropriate activation of p42MAPK during interphase prevents normal entry into M-phase.


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Vascular endothelial cells are important in a variety of physiological and pathophysiological processes. The growth and functions of vascular endothelial cells are regulated both by soluble mitogenic and differentiation factors and by interactions with the extracellular matrix; however, relatively little is known about the role of the matrix. In the present study, we investigate whether integrin-mediated anchorage to a substratum coated with the extracellular matrix protein fibronectin regulates growth factor signaling events in human endothelial cells. We show that cell adhesion to fibronectin and growth factor stimulation trigger distinct initial tyrosine phosphorylation events in endothelial cells. Thus, integrin-dependent adhesion of endothelial cells leads to tyrosine phosphorylation of both focal adhesion kinase and paxillin, but not of several growth factor receptors. Conversely, EGF stimulation causes receptor autophosphorylation, with no effect on focal adhesion kinase or paxillin tyrosine phosphorylation. Adhesion to fibronectin, in the absence of growth factors, leads to activation of MAPK. In addition, adhesion to fibronectin also potentiates growth factor signaling to MAPK. Thus, polypeptide growth factor activation of MAPK in anchored cells is far more effective than in cells maintained in suspension. Other agonists known to activate MAPK were also examined for their ability to activate MAPK in an anchorage-dependent manner. The neuropeptide bombesin, the bioactive lipid lysophosphatidic acid (LPA), and the cytokine tumor necrosis factor α, which signal through diverse mechanisms, were all able to activate MAPK to a much greater degree in fibronectin-adherent cells than in suspended cells. In addition, tumor necrosis factor α activation of c-Jun kinase (JNK) was also much more robust in anchored cells. Together, these data suggest a cooperation between integrins and soluble mitogens in efficient propagation of signals to downstream kinases. This cooperation may contribute to anchorage dependence of mitogenic cell cycle progression.


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The Saccharomyces cerevisiae Ste11p protein kinase is a homologue of mammalian MAPK/extracellular signal-regulated protein kinase kinase kinases (MAPKKKs or MEKKs) as well as the Schizosaccharomyces pombe Byr2p kinase. Ste11p functions in several signaling pathways, including those for mating pheromone response and osmotic stress response. The Ste11p kinase has an N-terminal domain that interacts with other signaling molecules to regulate Ste11p function and direct its activity in these pathways. One of the Ste11p regulators is Ste50p, and Ste11p and Ste50p associate through their respective N-terminal domains. This interaction relieves a negative activity of the Ste11p N terminus, and removal of this negative function is required for Ste11p function in the high-osmolarity glycerol (HOG) pathway. The Ste50p/Ste11p interaction is also important (but not essential) for Ste11p function in the mating pathway; in this pathway binding of the Ste11p N terminus with both Ste50p and Ste5p is required, with the Ste5p association playing the major role in Ste11p function. In vitro, Ste50p disrupts an association between the catalytic C terminus and the regulatory N terminus of Ste11p. In addition, Ste50p appears to modulate Ste11p autophosphorylation and is itself a substrate of the Ste11p kinase. Therefore, both in vivo and in vitro data support a role for Ste50p in the regulation of Ste11p activity.


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Exposure of A431 squamous and MDA-MB-231 mammary carcinoma cells to ionizing radiation has been associated with short transient increases in epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) tyrosine phosphorylation and activation of the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) and c-Jun NH2-terminal kinase (JNK) pathways. Irradiation (2 Gy) of A431 and MDA-MB-231 cells caused immediate primary activations (0–10 min) of the EGFR and the MAPK and JNK pathways, which were surprisingly followed by later prolonged secondary activations (90–240 min). Primary and secondary activation of the EGFR was abolished by molecular inhibition of EGFR function. The primary and secondary activation of the MAPK pathway was abolished by molecular inhibition of either EGFR or Ras function. In contrast, molecular inhibition of EGFR function abolished the secondary but not the primary activation of the JNK pathway. Inhibition of tumor necrosis factor α receptor function by use of neutralizing monoclonal antibodies blunted primary activation of the JNK pathway. Addition of a neutralizing monoclonal antibody versus transforming growth factor α (TGFα) had no effect on the primary activation of either the EGFR or the MAPK and JNK pathways after irradiation but abolished the secondary activation of EGFR, MAPK, and JNK. Irradiation of cells increased pro-TGFα cleavage 120–180 min after exposure. In agreement with radiation-induced release of a soluble factor, activation of the EGFR and the MAPK and JNK pathways could be induced in nonirradiated cells by the transfer of media from irradiated cells 120 min after irradiation. The ability of the transferred media to cause MAPK and JNK activation was blocked when media were incubated with a neutralizing antibody to TGFα. Thus radiation causes primary and secondary activation of the EGFR and the MAPK and JNK pathways in autocrine-regulated carcinoma cells. Secondary activation of the EGFR and the MAPK and JNK pathways is dependent on radiation-induced cleavage and autocrine action of TGFα. Neutralization of TGFα function by an anti-TGFα antibody or inhibition of MAPK function by MEK1/2 inhibitors (PD98059 and U0126) radiosensitized A431 and MDA-MB-231 cells after irradiation in apoptosis, 3-[4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl]-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide (MTT), and clonogenic assays. These data demonstrate that disruption of the TGFα–EGFR–MAPK signaling module represents a strategy to decrease carcinoma cell growth and survival after irradiation.


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Progesterone-induced meiotic maturation of Xenopus oocytes requires the synthesis of new proteins, such as Mos and cyclin B. Synthesis of Mos is thought to be necessary and sufficient for meiotic maturation; however, it has recently been proposed that newly synthesized proteins binding to p34cdc2 could be involved in a signaling pathway that triggers the activation of maturation-promoting factor. We focused our attention on cyclin B proteins because they are synthesized in response to progesterone, they bind to p34cdc2, and their microinjection into resting oocytes induces meiotic maturation. We investigated cyclin B accumulation in response to progesterone in the absence of maturation-promoting factor–induced feedback. We report here that the cdk inhibitor p21cip1, when microinjected into immature Xenopus oocytes, blocks germinal vesicle breakdown induced by progesterone, by maturation-promoting factor transfer, or by injection of okadaic acid. After microinjection of p21cip1, progesterone fails to induce the activation of MAPK or p34cdc2, and Mos does not accumulate. In contrast, the level of cyclin B1 increases normally in a manner dependent on down-regulation of cAMP-dependent protein kinase but independent of cap-ribose methylation of mRNA.


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Inoculation of diploid budding yeast onto nitrogen-poor agar media stimulates a MAPK pathway to promote filamentous growth. Characteristics of filamentous cells include a specific pattern of gene expression, elongated cell shape, polar budding pattern, persistent attachment to the mother cell, and a distinct cell cycle characterized by cell size control at G2/M. Although a requirement for MAPK signaling in filamentous gene expression is well established, the role of this pathway in the regulation of morphogenesis and the cell cycle remains obscure. We find that ectopic activation of the MAPK signal pathway induces a cell cycle shift to G2/M coordinately with other changes characteristic of filamentous growth. These effects are abrogated by overexpression of the yeast mitotic cyclins Clb1 and Clb2. In turn, yeast deficient for Clb2 or carrying cdc28-1N, an allele of CDK defective for mitotic functions, display enhanced filamentous differentiation and supersensitivity to the MAPK signal. Importantly, activation of Swe1-mediated inhibitory phosphorylation of Thr-18 and/or Tyr-19 of Cdc28 is not required for the MAPK pathway to affect the G2/M delay. Mutants expressing a nonphosphorylatable mutant Cdc28 or deficient for Swe1 exhibit low-nitrogen-dependent filamentous growth and are further induced by an ectopic MAPK signal. We infer that the MAPK pathway promotes filamentous growth by a novel mechanism that inhibits mitotic cyclin/CDK complexes and thereby modulates cell shape, budding pattern, and cell-cell connections.


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During oocyte maturation in Xenopus, previously quiescent maternal mRNAs are translationally activated at specific times. We hypothesized that the translational recruitment of individual messages is triggered by particular cellular events and investigated the potential for known effectors of the meiotic cell cycle to activate the translation of the FGF receptor-1 (XFGFR) maternal mRNA. We found that both c-mos and cdc2 activate the translation of XFGFR. However, although oocytes matured by injection of recombinant cdc2/cyclin B translate normal levels of XFGFR protein, c-mos depletion reduces the level of XFGFR protein induced by cdc2/cyclin B injection. In oocytes blocked for cdc2 activity, injection of mos RNA induced low levels of XFGFR protein, independent of MAPK activity. Through the use of injected reporter RNAs, we show that the XFGFR 3′ untranslated region inhibitory element is completely derepressed by cdc2 alone. In addition, we identified a new inhibitory element through which both mos and cdc2 activate translation. We found that cdc2 derepresses translation in the absence of polyadenylation, whereas mos requires poly(A) extension to activate XFGFR translation. Our results demonstrate that mos and cdc2, in addition to functioning as key regulators of the meiotic cell cycle, cooperate in the translational activation of a specific maternal mRNA during oocyte maturation.


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Human granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (hGM-CSF) induces proliferation and sustains the viability of the mouse interleukin-3-dependent cell line BA/F3 expressing the hGM-CSF receptor. Analysis of the antiapoptosis activity of GM-CSF receptor βc mutants showed that box1 but not the C-terminal region containing tyrosine residues is essential for GM-CSF-dependent antiapoptotic activity. Because βc mutants, which activate Janus kinase 2 but neither signal transducer and activator of transcription 5 nor the MAPK cascade sustain antiapoptosis activity, involvement of Janus kinase 2, excluding the above molecules, in antiapoptosis activity seems likely. GM-CSF activates phosphoinositide-3-OH kinase as well as Akt, and activation of both was suppressed by addition of wortmannin. Interestingly, wortmannin did not affect GM-CSF-dependent antiapoptosis, thus indicating that the phosphoinositide-3-OH kinase pathway is not essential for cell surivival. Analysis using the tyrosine kinase inhibitor genistein and a MAPK/extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) kinase 1 inhibitor, PD98059, indicates that activation of either the genistein-sensitive signaling pathway or the PD98059-sensitive signaling pathway from βc may be sufficient to suppress apoptosis. Wild-type and a βc mutant lacking tyrosine residues can induce expression of c-myc and bcl-xL genes; however, drug sensitivities for activation of these genes differ from those for antiapoptosis activity of GM-CSF, which means that these gene products may be involved yet are inadequate to promote cell survival.