144 resultados para Lymphocytes T CD4


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IN adult mice, the dominant adhesion molecules involved in homing to lymph nodes are L-selectin homing receptors on lymphocytes and the peripheral lymph node addressins on specialized high endothelial venules. Here we show that, from fetal life through the first 24 hr of life, the dominant adhesion molecules are the mucosal addressin MAdCAM-1 on lymph node high endothelial venules and its counterreceptor, the Peyer's patch homing receptor, integrin alpha 4 beta 7 on circulating cells. Before birth, 40-70% of peripheral blood leukocytes are L-selectin-positive, while only 1-2% expresses alpha 4 beta 7. However, the fetal lymph nodes preferentially attract alpha 4 beta 7-expressing cells, and this can be blocked by fetal administration of anti-MAdCAM-1 antibodies. During fetal and early neonatal life, when only MAdCAM-1 is expressed on high endothelial venules, an unusual subset of CD4 + CD3- cells, exclusively expressing alpha 4 beta 7 as homing receptors, enters the lymph nodes. Beginning 24 hr after birth a developmental switch occurs, and the peripheral node addressins are upregulated on high endothelial venules in peripheral and mesenteric lymph nodes. This switch in addressin expression facilitates tissue-selective lymphocyte migration and mediates a sequential entry of different cell populations into the lymph nodes.


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Anergy is a major mechanism to ensure antigen-specific tolerance in T lymphocytes in the adult. In vivo, anergy has mainly been studied at the cellular level. In this study, we used the T-cell-activating superantigen staphylococcal enterotoxin A (SEA) to investigate molecular mechanisms of T-lymphocyte anergy in vivo. Injection of SEA to adult mice activates CD4+ T cells expressing certain T-cell receptor (TCR) variable region beta-chain families and induces strong and rapid production of interleukin 2 (IL-2). In contrast, repeated injections of SEA cause CD4+ T-cell deletion and anergy in the remaining CD4+ T cells, characterized by reduced expression of IL-2 at mRNA and protein levels. We analyzed expression of AP-1, NF-kappa B, NF-AT, and octamer binding transcription factors, which are known to be involved in the regulation of IL-2 gene promoter activity. Large amounts of AP-1 and NF-kappa B and significant quantities of NF-AT were induced in SEA-activated CD4+ spleen T cells, whereas Oct-1 and Oct-2 DNA binding activity was similar in both resting and activated T cells. In contrast, anergic CD4+ T cells contained severely reduced levels of AP-1 and Fos/Jun-containing NF-AT complexes but expressed significant amounts of NF-kappa B and Oct binding proteins after SEA stimulation. Resolution of the NF-kappa B complex demonstrated predominant expression of p50-p65 heterodimers in activated CD4+ T cells, while anergic cells mainly expressed the transcriptionally inactive p50 homodimer. These alterations of transcription factors are likely to be responsible for repression of IL-2 in anergic T cells.


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Infectious diseases caused by intracellular microbes are responsible for major health problems, and satisfactory control will ultimately depend on efficient vaccination strategies. The general assumption is that activation of protective immune responses against intracellular microbes dominated by CD8+ T cells are achieved only by live vaccines. In contrast, we here demonstrate stimulation of protective immunity in mice against the intracellular pathogen Listeria monocytogenes by vaccination with heat-killed listeriae. Vaccine-induced immunity comprised cytolytic and interferon gamma-producing CD8+ T lymphocytes. CD8+ T cells from vaccinated donor mice transferred protection against listeriosis. Moreover, vaccination with heat-killed listeriae induced production in CD4+ T-cell-deficient, H2-A beta gene-disrupted mutant mice. We conclude that antigens from killed listeriae are introduced into the major histocompatibility complex class I pathway and thus are recognized by CD8+ T cells. The practicability of killed vaccines against human infectious diseases therefore should be reevaluated.


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The nonlytic suppression of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) production from infected CD4+ T cells by CD8+ lymphocytes from HIV-infected individuals is one of the most potent host-mediated antiviral activities observed in vitro. We demonstrate that the pleiotropic cytokine interleukin 2 (IL-2), but not IL-12, is a potent inducer of the CD8+ HIV suppressor phenomenon. IL-2 induces HIV expression in peripheral blood or lymph node mononuclear cells from HIV-infected individuals in the absence of CD8+ T cells. However, IL-2 induces CD8+ T cells to suppress HIV expression when added back to these cultures, and this effect dramatically supersedes the ability to IL-2 to induce HIV expression. Five to 25 times fewer CD8+ cells were required to obtain comparable levels of inhibition of viral production if they were activated in the presence of IL-2 as compared with IL-12 or no exogenous cytokine. Furthermore, IL-2 appeared either to induce a qualitative increase in HIV suppressor cell activity or to increase the relative frequency of suppressor cells in the activated (CD25+) CD8+ populations. Analyses of proviral levels in peripheral blood mononuclear cells suggest that CD8+ T cell-mediated lysis of in vivo infected cells is not induced by IL-2. These results have implications for our understanding of the effects of impaired IL-2 production during HIV disease as well as the overall effects of IL-2-based immunotherapy on HIV replication in vivo.


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The present study has assessed the replicative history and the residual replicative potential of human naive and memory T cells. Telomeres are unique terminal chromosomal structures whose length has been shown to decrease with cell division in vitro and with increased age in vivo for human somatic cells. We therefore assessed telomere length as a measure of the in vivo replicative history of naive and memory human T cells. Telomeric terminal restriction fragments were found to be 1.4 +/- 0.1 kb longer in CD4+ naive T cells than in memory cells from the same donors, a relationship that remained constant over a wide range of donor age. These findings suggest that the differentiation of memory cells from naive precursors occurs with substantial clonal expansion and that the magnitude of this expansion is, on average, similar over a wide range of age. In addition, when replicative potential was assessed in vitro, it was found that the capacity of naive cells for cell division was 128-fold greater as measured in mean population doublings than the capacity of memory cells from the same individuals. Human CD4+ naive and memory cells thus differ in in vivo replicative history, as reflected in telomeric length, and in their residual replicative capacity.


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Recruitment of antigen-specific tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs) is a major goal for immunotherapy of malignant tumours. We now describe that T-cell-activating superantigens targeted to a tumor by monoclonal antibodies induced large numbers of pseudospecific TILs and eradication of micrometastases. As a model for tumor micrometastases, syngeneic B16 melanoma cells transfected with the human colon carcinoma antigen C215 were injected intravenously into C57BL/6 mice and therapy with an anti-C215 Fab fragment-staphylococcal enterotoxin A (C215Fab-SEA) fusion protein reacting with the C215 antigen was initiated when visible lung metastases were established. More than 90% reduction of the number of lung metastases was observed when mice carrying 5-day-old established lung metastases were treated with C215Fab-SEA. The antitumor effect of C215Fab-SEA was shown to be T-cell-dependent since no therapeutic effect was seen in T-cell-deficient nude mice. Depletion of T-cell subsets by injection of monoclonal antibody demonstrated that CD8+ cells were the most prominent effector cells although some contribution from CD4+ cells was also noted. C215Fab-SEA treatment induced massive tumor infiltration of CD4+ and CD8+ T cells, while only scattered T cells were observed in untreated tumors. SEA treatment alone induced a slight general inflammatory response in the lung parenchyme, but no specific accumulation of T cells was seen in the tumor. TILs induced by C215Fab-SEA were mainly CD8+ but a substantial number of CD4+ cells were also present. Immunohistochemical analysis showed strong production of the tumoricidal cytokines tumor necrosis factor alpha and interferon gamma in the tumor. Thus, the C215Fab-SEA fusion protein targets effector T lymphocytes to established tumors in vivo and provokes a strong local antitumor immune response.


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Human peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBLs) were transduced with a number of recombinant retroviruses including RRz2, an LNL6-based virus with a ribozyme targeted to the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) tat gene transcript inserted within the 3' region of the neomycin-resistance gene; RASH5, and LNHL-based virus containing an antisense sequence to the 5' leader region of HIV-1 downstream of the human cytomegalovirus promoter; and R20TAR, an LXSN-based virus with 20 tandem copies of the HIV-1 trans-activation response element sequence driven by the Moloney murine leukemia virus long terminal repeat. After G418 selection, transduced PBLs were challenged with the HIV-1 laboratory strain IIIB and a primary clinical isolate of HIV-1, 82H. Results showed that PBLs from different donors could be transduced and that this conferred resistance to HIV-1 infection. For each of the constructs, a reduction of approximately 70% in p24 antigen level relative to the corresponding control-vector-transduced PBLs was observed. Molecular analyses showed constitutive expression of all the transduced genes from the retroviral long terminal repeat, but no detectable transcript was seen from the internal human cytomegalovirus transcript was seen from the internal human cytomegalovirus promoter for the antisense construct. Transduction of, and consequent transgene expression in, PBLs did not impact on the surface expression of either CD4+/CD8+ (measured by flow cytometry) or on cell doubling time (examined by [3H]thymidine uptake). These results indicate the potential utility of these anti-HIV-1 gene therapeutic agents and show the preclinical value of this PBL assay system.


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Athymic mice grafted at birth with allogeneic thymic epithelium (TE) from day 10 embryos before hematopoietic cell colonization reconstitute normal numbers of T cells and exhibit full life-long tolerance to skin grafts of the TE haplotype. Intravenous transfers of splenic cells, from these animals to adult syngeneic athymic recipients, reconstitute T-cell compartments and the ability to reject third-party skin grafts. The transfer of specific tolerance to skin grafts of the TE donor strain, however, is not observed in all reconstituted recipients, and the fraction of nontolerant recipients increases with decreasing numbers of cells transferred. Furthermore, transfers of high numbers of total or CD4+ T cells from TE chimeras to T-cell receptor-anti-H-Y antigen transgenic immunocompetent syngeneic hosts specifically hinder the rejection of skin grafts of the TE haplotype that normally occurs in such recipients. These observations demonstrate (i) that mice tolerized by allogeneic TE and bearing healthy skin grafts harbor peripheral immunocompetent T cells capable of rejecting this very same graft; and (ii) that TE selects for regulatory T cells that can inhibit effector activities of graft-reactive cells.


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The human immunodeficiency virus 1 (HIV-1) replicates more efficiently in T-cell lines expressing T-cell receptors derived from certain V beta genes, V beta 12 in particular, suggesting the effects of a superantigen. The targeted V beta 12 subset was not deleted in HIV-1-infected patients. It was therefore possible that it might represent an in vivo viral reservoir. Viral load was assessed by quantitative PCR with gag primers and with an infectivity assay to measure competent virus. It was shown that the tiny V beta 12 subset (1-2% of T cells) often has a higher viral load than other V beta subsets in infected patients. Selective HIV-1 replication in V beta 12 cells was also observed 6-8 days after in vitro infection of peripheral blood lymphocytes from normal, HIV-1 negative donors. Viral replication in targeted V beta subsets may serve to promote a biologically relevant viral reservoir.


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Atherosclerosis, an underlying cause of myocardial infarction, stroke, and other cardiovascular diseases, consists of focal plaques characterized by cholesterol deposition, fibrosis, and inflammation. The presence of activated T lymphocytes and macrophages and high expression of HLA class II molecules are indicative of a local immunologic activation in the atherosclerotic plaque, but the antigen(s) involved has not yet been identified. We established T-cell clones from human atherosclerotic plaques using polyclonal mitogens as stimuli and exposed the clones to potential antigens in the presence of autologous monocytes as antigen-presenting cells. Four of the 27 CD4+ clones responded to oxidized low density lipoprotein (oxLDL) by proliferation and cytokine secretion; this response was dependent on autologous antigen-presenting cells and restricted by HLA-DR. All clones that responded to oxLDL secreted interferon gamma upon activation, but only one produced interleukin 4, suggesting that the response to oxLDL results in immune activation and inflammation but may not be a strong stimulus to antibody production. No significant response to oxLDL could be detected in CD4+ T-cell clones derived from the peripheral blood of the same individuals. Together, the present data suggest that the inflammatory infiltrate in the atherosclerotic plaque is involved in a T-cell-dependent, autoimmune response to oxLDL.


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The cellular form of the Prion protein (PrPC) is necessary for prion replication in mice. To determine whether it is also sufficient, we expressed PrP under the control of various cell- or tissue-specific regulatory elements in PrP knockout mice. The interferon regulatory factor-1 promoter/Eμ enhancer led to high PrP levels in the spleen and low PrP levels in the brain. Following i.p. scrapie inoculation, high prion titers were found in the spleen but not in the brain at 2 weeks and 6 months, showing that the lymphoreticular system by itself is competent to replicate prions. PrP expression directed by the Lck promoter resulted in high PrP levels on T lymphocytes only but, surprisingly, did not allow prion replication in the thymus, spleen, or brain following i.p. inoculation. A third transgenic line, which expressed PrP in the liver under the control of the albumin promoter/enhancerâalbeit at low levelsâalso failed to replicate prions. These results show that expression of PrP alone is not sufficient to sustain prion replication and suggest that additional components are needed.


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The experiments presented in this report were designed to specifically examine the role of CD4âmajor histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II interactions during T cell development in vivo. We have generated transgenic mice expressing class II molecules that cannot interact with CD4 but that are otherwise competent to present peptides to the T cell receptor. MHC class II expression was reconstituted in Aβ gene knock-out mice by injection of a transgenic construct encoding either the wild-type I-Aβb protein or a construct encoding a mutation designed to specifically disrupt binding to the CD4 molecule. We demonstrate that the mutation, EA137 and VA142 in the β2 domain of I-Ab, is sufficient to disrupt CD4âMHC class II interactions in vivo. Furthermore, we show that this interaction is critical for the efficient selection of a complete repertoire of mature CD4+ T helper cells as evidenced by drastically reduced numbers of conventional CD4+ T cells in animals expressing the EA137/VA142 mutant I-Ab and by the failure to positively select the transgenic AND T cell receptor on the mutated I-Ab. These results underscore the importance of the CD4âclass II interaction in the development of mature peripheral CD4+ T cells.


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Human umbilical cord blood T lymphocytes (CBTL) respond to primary allostimulation but they do not proliferate upon rechallenge with alloantigen. Using PKH-26-labeled cells created a proliferative block that was observed only in CBTL that have divided during primary stimulation (PKH-26dim) but not in unstimulated (PKH-26bright) CBTL. CBTLâs secondary unresponsiveness resembles anergy and can be overcome by treatment with phorbol myristate acetate (PMA) and ionomycin or by high doses (50â100 units/ml) of interleukin 2. Addition of interleukin 2 to the primary cultures does not prevent the induction of secondary unresponsiveness. Defective Ras activation is detected in PKH-26dim CBTL during secondary response to alloantigen or after antibody-mediated T cell receptor stimulation whereas Ras is activated and proliferation is induced in CBTL during primary alloantigenic stimulation. Upon stimulation with PMA plus ionomycin, PMA plus alloantigen, but not alloantigen plus ionomycin, Ras is activated in PKH-26dim CBTL, and the block in proliferation is overcome. Correction of PKH-26dim CBTLâs proliferative defect correlates with PMA-induced Ras activation, suggesting a defect in the signaling pathway leading to Ras. Ras-independent signals, necessary but not sufficient to induce PKH-26dim CBTL proliferation, are provided by alloantigen exposure, as evident by the ability of PMA plus alloantigen but not PMA alone to overcome the proliferative block. Functional signal transduction through CD28 in PKH-26dim CBTL is supported by detectable CD28-mediated PI-3 kinase activation after PKH-26dim CBTLâs exposure to alloantigen or CD28 cross-linking. These results suggest that defective activation of Ras plays a key role in PKH-26dim CBTLâs secondary unresponsiveness and point to a defect along the T cell receptor rather than the CD28 signaling pathway.


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CD22 is a B cell-restricted glycoprotein involved in signal transduction and modulation of cellular activation. It is also an I-type lectin (now designated Siglec-2), whose extracellular domain can specifically recognize α2â6-linked sialic acid (Sia) residues. This activity is postulated to mediate intercellular adhesion and/or to act as a coreceptor in antigen-induced B cell activation. However, studies with recombinant CD22 indicate that the lectin function can be inactivated by expression of α2â6-linked Sia residues on the same cell surface. To explore whether this masking phenomenon affects native CD22 on B cells, we first developed a probe to detect the lectin activity of recombinant CD22 expressed on Chinese hamster ovary cells (which have no endogenous α2â6-linked Sia residues). This probe is inactive against CD22-positive B lymphoma cells and EpsteinâBarr virus-transformed lymphoblasts which express high levels of α2â6-linked Sia residues. Enzymatic desialylation unmasks the CD22 lectin activity, indicating that endogenous Sia residues block the CD22 lectin-binding site. Truncation of the side chains of cell surface Sia residues by mild periodate oxidation (known to abrogate Sia recognition by CD22) also had this unmasking effect, indicating that the effects of desialylation are not due to a loss of negative charge. Normal resting B cells from human peripheral blood gave similar findings. However, the lectin is partially unmasked during in vitro activation of these cells. Thus, the lectin activity of CD22 is restricted by endogenous sialylation in resting B cells and may be transiently unmasked during in vivo activation, perhaps to modulate intercellular or intracellular interactions at this critical stage in the humoral response.


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Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is an autoimmune disease associated with the HLA-DR4 and DR1 alleles. The target autoantigen(s) in RA is unknown, but type II collagen (CII) is a candidate, and the DR4- and DR1-restricted immunodominant T cell epitope in this protein corresponds to amino acids 261â273 (CII 261â273). We have defined MHC and T cell receptor contacts in CII 261â273 and provide strong evidence that this peptide corresponds to the peptide binding specificity previously found for RA-associated DR molecules. Moreover, we demonstrate that HLA-DR4 and human CD4 transgenic mice homozygous for the I-Abβ0 mutation are highly susceptible to collagen-induced arthritis and describe the clinical course and histopathological changes in the affected joints.