41 resultados para Local B - L symmetry


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Escherichia coli bacteria sensed the redox state in their surroundings and they swam to a niche that had a preferred reduction potential. In a spatial redox gradient of benzoquinone/benzoquinol, E. coli cells migrated to form a sharply defined band. Bacteria swimming out of either face of the band tumbled and returned to the preferred conditions at the site of the band. This behavioral response was named redox taxis. Redox molecules, such as substituted quinones, that elicited redox taxis, interact with the bacterial electron transport system, thereby altering electron transport and the proton motive force. The magnitude of the behavioral response was dependent on the reduction potential of the chemoeffector. The Tsr, Tar, Trg, Tap, and CheR proteins, which have a role in chemotaxis, were not essential for redox taxis. A cheB mutant had inverted responses in redox taxis, as previously demonstrated in aerotaxis. A model is proposed in which a redox effector molecule perturbs the electron transport system, and an unknown sensor in the membrane detects changes in the proton motive force or the redox status of the electron transport system, and transduces this information into a signal that regulates phosphorylation of the CheA protein. A similar mechanism has been proposed for aerotaxis. Redox taxis may play an important role in the distribution of bacterial species in natural environments.


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Many bacteria use acyl homoserine lactone signals to monitor cell density in a type of gene regulation termed quorum sensing and response. Synthesis of these signals is directed by homologs of the luxi gene of Vibrio fischeri. This communication resolves two critical issues concerning the synthesis of the V. fischeri signal. (i) The luxI product is directly involved in signal synthesis-the protein is an acyl homoserine lactone synthase; and (ii) the substrates for acyl homoserine lactone synthesis are not amino acids from biosynthetic pathways or fatty acid degradation products, but rather they are S-adenosylmethionine (SAM) and an acylated acyl carrier protein (ACP) from the fatty acid biosynthesis pathway. We purified a maltose binding protein-LuxI fusion polypeptide and showed that, when provided with the appropriate substrates, it catalyzes the synthesis of an acyl homoserine lactone. In V. fischeri, luxi directs the synthesis of N-(3-oxohexanoyl) homoserine lactone and hexanoyl homoserine lactone. The purified maltose binding protein-LuxI fusion protein catalyzes the synthesis of hexanoyl homoserine lactone from hexanoyl-ACP and SAM. There is a high level of specificity for hexanoyl-ACP over ACPs with differing acyl group lengths, and hexanoyl homoserine lactone was not synthesized when SAM was replaced with other amino acids, such as methionine, S-adenosylhomocysteine, homoserine, or homoserine lactone, or when hexanoyl-SAM was provided as the substrate. This provides direct evidence that the LuxI protein is an auto-inducer synthase that catalyzes the formation of an amide bond between SAM and a fatty acyl-ACP and then catalyzes the formation of the acyl homoserine lactone from the acyl-SAM intermediate.


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The proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) acts as a processivity factor for replicative DNA polymerases and is essential for DNA replication. In vitro studies have suggested a role for PCNA-in the repair synthesis step of nucleotide excision repair, and PCNA interacts with the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor p21. However, because of the lack of genetic evidence, it is not clear which of the DNA repair processes are in fact affected by PCNA in vivo. Here, we describe a PCNA mutation, pol30-46, that confers ultraviolet (UV) sensitivity but has no effect on growth or cell cycle progression, and the mutant pcna interacts normally with DNA polymerase delta and epsilon. Genetic studies indicate that the pol30-46 mutation is specifically defective in RAD6-dependent postreplicational repair of UV damaged DNA, and this mutation impairs the error-free mode of bypass repair. These results implicate a role for PCNA as an intermediary between DNA replication and postreplicational DNA repair.


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Xeroderma pigmentosum type G (XPG) is a human genetic disease exhibiting extreme sensitivity to sunlight. XPG patients are defective XPG endonuclease, which is an enzyme essential for DNA repair of the major kinds of solar ultraviolet (UV)-induced DNA damages. Here we describe a novel dynamics of this protein within the cell nucleus after UV irradiation of human cells. Using confocal microscopy, we have localized the immunofluorescent, antigenic signal of XPG protein to foci throughout the cell nucleus. Our biochemical studies also established that XPG protein forms a tight association with nuclear structure(s). In human skin fibroblast cells, the number of XPG foci decreased within 2 h after UV irradiation, whereas total nuclear XPG fluorescence intensity remained constant, suggesting redistribution of XPG from a limited number of nuclear foci to the nucleus overall. Within 8 h after UV, most XPG antigenic signal was found as foci. Using beta-galactosidase-XPG fusion constructs (beta-gal-XPG) transfected into HeLa cells, we have identified a single region of XPG that is evidently responsible both for foci formation and for the UV dynamic response. The fusion protein carrying the C terminus of XPG (amino acids 1146-1185) localized beta-gal specific antigenic signal to foci and to the nucleolus regions. After UV irradiation, antigenic beta-gal translocated reversibly from the subnuclear structures to the whole nucleus with kinetics very similar to the movements of XPG protein. These findings lead us to propose a model in which distribution of XPG protein may regulate the rate of DNA repair within transcriptionally active and inactive compartments of the cell nucleus.


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Effective invasion of alfalfa by Rhizobium meliloti Rm1021 normally requires the presence of succinoglycan, an exopolysaccharide (EPS) produced by the bacterium. However, Rm1021 has the ability to produce a second EPS (EPS II) that can suppress the symbiotic defects of succinoglycan-deficient strains. EPS II is a polymer of modified glucose-(beta-1,3)-galactose subunits and is produced by Rm1021 derivatives carrying either an expR101 or mucR mutation. If the ability to synthesize succinoglycan is blocked genetically, expR101 derivatives of Rm1021 are nodulation-proficient, whereas mucR derivatives of Rm1021 are not. The difference in nodulation proficiency between these two classes of EPS II-producing strains is due to the specific production of a low molecular weight form of EPS II by expR101 strains. A low molecular weight EPS II fraction consisting of 15-20 EPS II disaccharide subunits efficiently allows nodule invasion by noninfective strains when present in amounts as low as 7 pmol per plant, suggesting that low molecular weight EPS II may act as a symbiotic signal during infection.


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Previously, we have shown that agonists and antagonists interact with distinct, though overlapping regions within the human progesterone receptor (hPR) resulting in the formation of structurally different complexes. Thus, a link was established between the structure of a ligand-receptor complex and biological activity. In this study, we have utilized a series of in vitro assays with which to study hPR pharmacology and have identified a third class of hPR ligands that induce a receptor conformation which is distinct from that induced by agonists or antagonists. Importantly, when assayed on PR-responsive target genes these compounds were shown to exhibit partial agonist activity; an activity that was influenced by cell context. Thus, as has been shown previously for estrogen receptor, the overall structure of the ligand-receptor complex is influenced by the nature of the ligand. It appears, therefore, that the observed differences in the activity of some PR and estrogen receptor ligands reflect the ability of the cellular transcription machinery to discriminate between the structurally different complexes that result following ligand interaction. These data support the increasingly favored hypothesis that different ligands can interact with different regions within the hormone binding domains of steroid hormone receptors resulting in different biologies.


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Mos is an upstream activator of mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) and, in mouse oocytes, is responsible for metaphase II arrest. This activity has been likened to its function in Xenopus oocytes as a component of cytostatic factor. Thus, Mos-deficient female mice (MOS-/-) are less fertile and oocytes derived from these animals fail to arrest at metaphase II and undergo parthenogenetic activation [Colledge, W. H., Carlton, M. B. L., Udy, C. B. & Evans, M. J. (1994) Nature (London) 370, 65-68 and Hashimoto, N., Watanabe, N., Furuta. Y., Tamemoto, B., Sagata, N., Yokoyama, M., Okazaki, K., Nagayoshi, M., Takeda, N., Ikawa, Y. & Aizawa, S. (1994) Nature (London) 370, 68-71]. Here we show that maturing MOS-/- oocytes fail to activate MAPK throughout meiosis, while p34cdc2 kinase activity is normal until late in metaphase II when it decreases prematurely. Phenotypically, the first meiotic division of MOS-/- oocytes frequently resembles mitotic cleavage or produces an abnormally large polar body. In these oocytes, the spindle shape is altered and the spindle fails to translocate to the cortex, leading to the establishment of an altered cleavage plane. Moreover, the first polar body persists instead of degrading and sometimes undergoes an additional cleavage, thereby providing conditions for parthenogenesis. These studies identify meiotic spindle formation and programmed degradation of the first polar body as new and important roles for the Mos/MAPK pathway.


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Cryptococcus neoformans is a major opportunistic fungal pathogen in AIDS and other immunosuppressed patients. We have shown that wild-type haploid C. neoformans can develop an extensive hyphal phase under appropriate conditions. Hyphae produced under these conditions are monokaryotic, possess unfused clamp connections, and develop basidia with viable basidiospores. The ability to undergo this transition is determined by the presence of the alpha-mating type locus and is independent of serotype. The association of the hyphal phase with the alpha-mating type may explain the preponderance of this mating type in the environment and the nature of the infectious propagule of C. neoformans.


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Degradable matrices containing expression plasmid DNA [gene-activated matrices (GAMs)] were implanted into segmental gaps created in the adult rat femur. Implantation of GAMs containing beta-galactosidase or luciferase plasmids led to DNA uptake and functional enzyme expression by repair cells (granulation tissue) growing into the gap. Implantation of a GAM containing either a bone morphogenetic protein-4 plasmid or a plasmid coding for a fragment of parathyroid hormone (amino acids 1-34) resulted in a biological response of new bone filling the gap. Finally, implantation of a two-plasmid GAM encoding bone morphogenetic protein-4 and the parathyroid hormone fragment, which act synergistically in vitro, caused new bone to form faster than with either factor alone. These studies demonstrate for the first time that repair cells (fibroblasts) in bone can be genetically manipulated in vivo. While serving as a useful tool to study the biology of repair fibroblasts and the wound healing response, the GAM technology may also have wide therapeutic utility.


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The segregation of thalamocortical inputs into eye-specific stripes in the developing cat or monkey visual cortex is prevented by manipulations that perturb or abolish neural activity in the visual pathway. Such findings show that proper development of the functional organization of visual cortex is dependent on normal patterns of neural activity. The generalisation of this conclusion to other sensory cortices has been questioned by findings that the segregation of thalamocortical afferents into a somatotopic barrel pattern in developing rodent primary somatosensory cortex (S1) is not prevented by activity blockade. We show that a temporary block of N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) and non-NMDA glutamate receptors in rat S1 during the critical period for barrel development disrupts the topographic refinement of thalamocortical connectivity and columnar organization. These effects are evident well after the blockade is ineffective and thus may be permanent. Our findings show that neural activity and specifically the activation of postsynaptic cortical neurons has a prominent role in establishing the primary sensory map in S1, as well as the topographic organization of higher order synaptic connections.


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Previously, synaptic activity in the spinal cord of adult mammals was attributed exclusively to chemical neurotransmission. In this study, evidence was obtained for the existence, relative abundance, and widespread distribution of "mixed" (chemical and electrical) synapses on neurons throughout the spinal cords of adult mammals. Using combined confocal microscopy and "grid-mapped freeze fracture," 36 mixed synapses containing 88 "micro" gap junctions (median = 45 connexons) were found and mapped to 33 interneurons and motor neurons in Rexed laminae III-IX in cervical, thoracic, and lumbosacral spinal cords of adult male and female rats. Gap junctions were adjacent to presumptive active zones, where even small gap junctions would be expected to increase synaptic efficacy. Two morphological types of mixed synapse were discerned. One type contained distinctive active zones consisting of "nested" concentric toroidal deformations of pre- and postsynaptic membranes, which, because of their unusual topology, were designated as "synaptic sombreros." A second type had gap junctions adjacent to active zones consisting of broad, flat, shallow indentations of the plasma membrane. Morphometric analysis indicates that mixed synapses correspond to 3-5% of all synapses on the somata and proximal dendrites, but, because of their subcellular location and morphology, they could represent 30-100% of excitatory synapses. The relative abundance of mixed synapses on several classes of neurons in spinal cords of adult rats suggests that mixed synapses provide important but previously unrecognized pathways for bidirectional communication between neurons in the mammalian central nervous system.


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The dose effect of pure daidzin on the suppression of ethanol intake in Syrian golden hamsters was compared with that of crude daidzin contained in a methanol extract of Radix puerariae (RP). EC50 values estimated from the graded dose-response curves for pure daidzin and RP extract daidzin are 23 and 2.3 mg per hamster per day, respectively. Apparently the antidipsotropic activity of the RP extract cannot be accounted for solely by its daidzin content (22 mg/g). In addition to daidzin, six other isoflavones were identified in the RP extract and quantified--namely, puerarin (160 mg per g of extract), genistin (3.7 mg/g), daidzein (2.6 mg/g), daidzein-4',7-diglucoside (1.2 mg/g), genistein (0.2 mg/g), and formononetin (0.16 mg/g). None of these, administered either alone or combined, contributes in any significant way to the antidipsotropic activity of the extract. Plasma daidzin concentration-time curves determined in hamsters administered various doses of pure daidzin or RP extract by i.p.injection indicate that the crude extract daidzin has approximately 10 times greater bioavailability than the pure compound. Reconstruction of the dose-response effects for pure and crude daidzin using bioavailable daidzin rather than administered dose gives a single curve. Synthetic daidzin added to the RP extract acquires the bioavailability of the endogenous daidzin that exists naturally in the extract. These results show that (i) daidzin is the major active principle in methanol extracts of RP, and (ii) additional constituents in the methanol extract of RP assist uptake of daidzin in golden hamsters.


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Angiogenin-related protein (Angrp), the putative product of a recently discovered mouse gene, shares 78% sequence identity with mouse angiogenin (Ang). In the present study, the relationship of Angrp to Ang has been investigated by producing both proteins in bacteria and comparing their functional properties. We find that mouse Ang is potently angiogenic, but Angrp is not, even when assayed at relatively high doses. A deficiency in catalytic capacity, which is essential for the biological activity of Ang, does not appear to underlie Angrp's lack of angiogenicity. In fact, Angrp has somewhat greater ribonucleolytic activity toward tRNA and dinucleotide substrates than does Ang. Instead, an inability to bind cellular receptors is implicated since Angrp does not inhibit Ang-induced angiogenesis. Poor conservation of the Ang receptor recognition sequence 58-69 in Angrp most likely contributes to this defect. However, other substitutions must also influence receptor binding since an Angrp quadruple mutant that is identical to Ang in this segment still lacks both angiogenic activity and the capacity to inhibit Ang. The functional differences between Ang and Angrp, together with evidence presented herein that Angrp is regulated differently than Ang, suggest that the roles of the two proteins in vivo may be quite distinct.


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The x-ray absorption fine structure (XAFS) zinc K-edge steps for intact stages I,II and V,VI Xenopus laevis oocytes demonstrate that the zinc concentration is about 3 and 1 mM, respectively. However, the chi(k) function for the early stage oocytes differs markedly from that for the late one. Analysis of the XAFS data for stage I,II oocytes indicates that zinc is bound to 2.0 +/- 0.5 sulfur atoms at an average coordination distance of 2.29 +/- 0.02 angstroms and 2.0 +/- 0.5 nitrogen or oxygen (N/O) atoms at 2.02 +/- 0.02 angstroms. In marked contrast, in stage V,VI oocytes, zinc is bound to 4.1 +/- 0.4 N/O atoms at an average distance of 1.98 +/- 0.01 angstroms. Our previous studies demonstrated that 90% of the zinc in stage VI oocytes is sequestered within yolk platelets, associated with a single molecule, lipovitellin, the proteolytically processed product of vitellogenin. XAFS analysis of yolk platelets, lipovitellin, and vitellogenin demonstrates that zinc is bound to 4.0 +/- 0.5 N/O ligands at an average distance of 1.98 +/- 0.01 angstroms in each case, identical to that of stage V,VI oocytes. The higher shell contributions in the Fourier transforms indicate that two of the N/O zinc ligands are His in both stage V,VI and I,II oocytes. The results show that in stage I,II oocytes, there is a high concentration of a zinc protein whose zinc coordination site likely is composed of (His)2(Cys)2, such as, e.g., TFIIIA. As the oocytes develop, the predominant zinc species becomes one that exhibits the (His)2(N/0)2 zinc site found in lipovitellin. Hence, the ligands to the zinc atoms in intact oocytes and the changes that take place as a function of oogenesis and after their fertilization, during embryogenesis, now can be examined and explored.


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The ribonucleolytic activity of angiogenin (Ang) is essential to Ang's capacity to induce blood vessel formation. Previous x-ray diffraction and mutagenesis results have shown that the active site of the human protein is obstructed by Gln-117 and imply that the C-terminal region of Ang must undergo a conformational rearrangement to allow substrate binding and catalysis. As a first step toward structural characterization of this conformational change, additional site-directed mutagenesis and kinetic analysis have been used to examine the intramolecular interactions that stabilize the inactive conformation of the protein. Two residues of this region, Ile-119 and Phe-120, are found to make hydrophobic interactions with the remainder of the protein and thereby help to keep Gln-117 in its obstructive position. Furthermore, the suppression of activity by the intramolecular interactions of Ile-119 and Phe-120 is counterbalanced by an effect of the adjacent residues, Arg-121, Arg-122, and Pro-123 which do not appear to form contacts with the rest of the protein structure. They contribute to enzymatic activity, probably by constituting a peripheral subsite for binding polymeric substrates. The results reveal the nature of the conformational change in human Ang and assign a key role to the C-terminal region both in this process and, presumably, in the regulation of human Ang function.