27 resultados para Limits to growth


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Nitric oxide (NO•) is a toxin, and various life forms appear to have evolved strategies for its detoxification. NO•-resistant mutants of Escherichia coli were isolated that rapidly consumed NO•. An NO•-converting activity was reconstituted in extracts that required NADPH, FAD, and O2, was cyanide-sensitive, and produced NO3−. This nitric oxide dioxygenase (NOD) contained 19 of 20 N-terminal amino acids identical to those of the E. coli flavohemoglobin. Furthermore, NOD activity was produced by the flavohemoglobin gene and was inducible by NO•. Flavohemoglobin/NOD-deficient mutants were also sensitive to growth inhibition by gaseous NO•. The results identify a function for the evolutionarily conserved flavohemoglobins and, moreover, suggest that NO• detoxification may be a more ancient function for the widely distributed hemoglobins, and associated methemoglobin reductases, than dioxygen transport and storage.


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Increasing global competition, rapidly changing markets, and greater consumer awareness have altered the way in which corporations do business. To become more efficient, many industries have sought to model some operational aspects by gigantic optimization problems. It is not atypical to encounter models that capture 106 separate “yes” or “no” decisions to be made. Although one could, in principle, try all 2106 possible solutions to find the optimal one, such a method would be impractically slow. Unfortunately, for most of these models, no algorithms are known that find optimal solutions with reasonable computation times. Typically, industry must rely on solutions of unguaranteed quality that are constructed in an ad hoc manner. Fortunately, for some of these models there are good approximation algorithms: algorithms that produce solutions quickly that are provably close to optimal. Over the past 6 years, there has been a sequence of major breakthroughs in our understanding of the design of approximation algorithms and of limits to obtaining such performance guarantees; this area has been one of the most flourishing areas of discrete mathematics and theoretical computer science.


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The world has been making progress in improving food security, as measured by the per person availability of food for direct human consumption. However, progress has been very uneven, and many developing countries have failed to participate in such progress. In some countries, the food security situation is today worse than 20 years ago. The persistence of food insecurity does not reflect so much a lack of capacity of the world as a whole to increase food production to whatever level would be required for everyone to have consumption levels assuring satisfactory nutrition. The world already produces sufficient food. The undernourished and the food-insecure persons are in these conditions because they are poor in terms of income with which to purchase food or in terms of access to agricultural resources, education, technology, infrastructure, credit, etc., to produce their own food. Economic development failures account for the persistence of poverty and food insecurity. In the majority of countries with severe food-security problems, the greatest part of the poor and food-insecure population depend greatly on local agriculture for a living. In such cases, development failures are often tantamount to failures of agricultural development. Development of agriculture is seen as the first crucial step toward broader development, reduction of poverty and food insecurity, and eventually freedom from excessive economic dependence on poor agricultural resources. Projections indicate that progress would continue, but at a pace and pattern that would be insufficient for the incidence of undernutrition to be reduced significantly in the medium-term future. As in the past, world agricultural production is likely to keep up with, and perhaps tend to exceed, the growth of the effective demand for food. The problem will continue to be one of persistence of poverty, leading to growth of the effective demand for food on the part of the poor that would fall short of that required for them to attain levels of consumption compatible with freedom from undernutrition.


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Ca2+ in rooting medium is essential for root elongation, even in the absence of added toxicants. In the presence of rhizotoxic levels of Al3+, H+, or Na+ (or other cationic toxicants), supplementation of the medium with higher levels of Ca2+ alleviates growth inhibition. Experiments to determine the mechanisms of alleviation entailed measurements of root elongation in wheat (Triticum aestivum L. cv Scout 66) seedlings in controlled medium. A Gouy-Chapman-Stern model was used to compute the electrical potentials and the activities of ions at the root-cell plasma membrane surfaces. Analysis of root elongation relative to the computed surface activities of ions revealed three separate mechanisms of Ca2+ alleviation. Mechanism I is the displacement of cell-surface toxicant by the Ca2+-induced reduction in cell-surface negativity. Mechanism II is the restoration of Ca2+ at the cell surface if the surface Ca2+ has been reduced by the toxicant to growth-limiting levels. Mechanism III is the collective ameliorative effect of Ca2+ beyond mechanisms I and II, and may involve Ca2+-toxicant interactions at the cell surface other than the displacement interactions of mechanisms I and II. Mechanism I operated in the alleviation of all of the tested toxicities; mechanism II was generally a minor component of alleviation; and mechanism III was toxicant specific and operated strongly in the alleviation of Na+ toxicity, moderately in the alleviation of H+ toxicity, and not at all in the alleviation of Al3+ toxicity.


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Microsomal ω-3 fatty acid desaturase catalyzes the conversion of 18:2 (linoleic acid) to 18:3 (α-linolenic acid) in phospholipids, which are the main constituents of extrachloroplast membranes. Transgenic tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) plants with increased 18:3 contents (designated SIIn plants) were produced through the introduction of a construct with the tobacco microsomal ω-3 fatty acid desaturase gene under the control of the highly efficient promoter containing the E12Ω sequence. 18:3 contents in the SIIn plants were increased by about 40% in roots and by about 10% in leaves compared with the control plants. With regard to growth at 15°C and 25°C and the ability to tolerate chilling at 1°C and 5°C, there were no discernible differences between the SIIn and the control plants. Freezing tolerance in leaves and roots, which was assessed by electrolyte leakage, was almost the same between the SIIn and the control plants. The fluidity of plasma membrane from the SIIn plants was almost the same as that of the control plants. These results indicate that an increase in the 18:3 level in phospholipids is not directly involved in compensation for the diminishment in growth or membrane properties observed under low temperatures.


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The RXR gamma (RXR, retinoid X receptor) gene was disrupted in the mouse. Homozygous mutant mice developed normally and were indistinguishable from their RXR gamma +/- or wild-type littermates with respect to growth, fertility, viability, and apparent behavior in the animal facility. Moreover, RXR alpha -/-/RXR gamma -/- and RXR beta -/-/RXR gamma -/- mutant phenotypes were indistinguishable from those of RXR alpha -/- and RXR beta -/- mutants, respectively. Strikingly, RXR alpha +/-/RXR beta -/-/RXR gamma -/- triple mutants were viable. Thus, it appears that RXR gamma does not exert any essential function that cannot be performed by RXR alpha or RXR beta, and one copy of RXR alpha is sufficient to perform most of the functions of the RXRs.


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Germ-line missense mutations of the receptor-like tyrosine kinase ret are the causative genetic event of the multiple endocrine neoplasia (MEN) type 2A and type 2B syndromes and of the familial medullary thyroid carcinoma. We have used the rat pheochromocytoma cell line, PC12, as a model system to investigate the mechanism or mechanisms by which expression of activated ret alleles contributes to the neoplastic phenotype in neuroendocrine cells. Here we show that stable expression of ret mutants (MEN2A and MEN2B alleles) in PC12 cells causes a dramatic conversion from a round to a flat morphology, accompanied by the induction of genes belonging to the early as well as the delayed response to nerve growth factor. However, in the transfected PC12 cells, the continuous expression of neuronal specific genes is not associated with the suppression of cell proliferation. Furthermore, expression of ret mutants renders PC12 cells unresponsive to nerve growth factor-induced inhibition of proliferation. These results suggest that induction of an aberrant pattern of differentiation, accompanied by unresponsiveness to growth-inhibitory physiological signals, may be part of the mechanism of action of activated ret alleles in the pathogenesis of neuroendocrine tumors associated with MEN2 syndromes.


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I will discuss several issues related to the acceleration, collimation, and propagation of jets from active galactic nuclei. Hydromagnetic stresses provide the best bet for both accelerating relativistic flows and providing a certain amount of initial collimation. However, there are limits to how much "self-collimation" can be achieved without the help of an external pressurized medium. Moreover, existing models, which postulate highly organized poloidal flux near the base of the flow, are probably unrealistic. Instead, a large fraction of the magnetic energy may reside in highly disorganized "chaotic" fields. Such a field can also accelerate the flow to relativistic speeds, in some cases with greater efficiency than highly organized fields, but at the expense of self-collimation. The observational interpretation of jet physics is still hampered by a dearth of unambiguous diagnostics. Propagating disturbances in flows, such as the oblique shocks that may constitute the kiloparsec-scale "knots" in the M87 jet, may provide a wide range of untapped diagnostics for jet properties.


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All cloned members of the mammalian Na+/H+ exchanger gene family encode proteins that consist of two functionally distinct domains: a membrane-bound N terminus and a cytoplasmic C terminus, which are required for ion transport and regulation of transport, respectively. Despite their similarity in structure, three members of this family, designated NHE1, NHE2, and NHE3, exhibit different kinetic mechanisms in response to growth factors and protein kinases. For instance, growth factors stimulate NHE1 by a change in the affinity constant for intracellular H+, K'(Hi+), and regulate NHE2 and NHE3 by a change in Vmax. We have constructed chimeric Na+/H+ exchangers by exchanging the N and C termini among three cloned rabbit Na+/H+ exchangers (NHE1 to NHE3) to determine which domain is responsible for the above Vmax-vs.-K'(H(i)+) effect of the Na+/H+ isoforms. All of the chimeras had functional exchange activity and basal kinetic properties similar to those of wild-type exchangers. Studies with serum showed that the N terminus is responsible for the Vmax-vs.-K'(H(i)+) stimulation of the Na+/H+ exchanger isoforms. Moreover, phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate and fibroblast growth factor altered Na+/H+ exchange only in chimeras that had an epithelial N-terminal domain matched with an epithelial C-terminal domain. Therefore, the protein kinase-induced regulation of Na+/H+ exchangers is mediated through a specific interaction between the N- and C-termini, whcih is restricted so that epithelial N- and epithelial N-and C-terminal portions of the exchangers are required for regulation.


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Migration of nuclei throughout the mycelium is essential for the growth and differentiation of filamentous fungi. In Aspergillus nidulans, the nudA gene, which is involved in nuclear migration, encodes a cytoplasmic dynein heavy chain. In this paper we use antibodies to characterize the Aspergillus cytoplasmic dynein heavy chain (ACDHC) and to show that the ACDHC is concentrated at the growing tip of the fungal mycelium. We demonstrate that four temperature-sensitive mutations in the nudA gene result in a striking decrease in ACDHC protein. Cytoplasmic dynein has been implicated in nuclear division in animal cells. Because the temperature-sensitive nudA mutants are able to grow slowly with occasional nuclei found in the mycelium and are able to undergo nuclear division, we have created a deletion/disruption nudA mutation and a tightly downregulated nudA mutation. These mutants exhibit a phenotype very similar to that of the temperature-sensitive nudA mutants with respect to growth, nuclear distribution, and nuclear division. This suggests that there are redundant backup motor proteins for both nuclear migration and nuclear division.


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The effect of low temperature on cell growth, photosynthesis, photoinhibition, and nitrate assimilation was examined in the cyanobacterium Synechococcus sp. PCC 6301 to determine the factor that limits growth. Synechococcus sp. PCC 6301 grew exponentially between 20°C and 38°C, the growth rate decreased with decreasing temperature, and growth ceased at 15°C. The rate of photosynthetic oxygen evolution decreased more slowly with temperature than the growth rate, and more than 20% of the activity at 38°C remained at 15°C. Oxygen evolution was rapidly inactivated at high light intensity (3 mE m−2 s−1) at 15°C. Little or no loss of oxygen evolution was observed under the normal light intensity (250 μE m−2 s−1) for growth at 15°C. The decrease in the rate of nitrate consumption by cells as a function of temperature was similar to the decrease in the growth rate. Cells could not actively take up nitrate or nitrite at 15°C, although nitrate reductase and nitrite reductase were still active. These data demonstrate that growth at low temperature is not limited by a decrease in the rate of photosynthetic electron transport or by photoinhibition, but that inactivation of the nitrate/nitrite transporter limits growth at low temperature.


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Augmentation of vertebrate growth by growth hormone (GH) is primarily due to its regulation of insulin-like growth factor I (IGF I) and IGF II levels. To characterize the effect of GH on the levels of IGF I and IGF II mRNA in a teleost, 10 micrograms of bovine GH (bGH) per g of body weight was administered to juvenile rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) through i.p. injection. The levels of IGF I and IGF II mRNA were determined simultaneously, by using RNase protection assays, in the liver, pyloric ceca, kidney, and gill at 0, 1, 3, 6, 12, 24, 48, and 72 hr after injection. In the liver, IGF I mRNA levels were significantly elevated at 6 and 12 hr (approximately 2- to 3-fold, P < or = 0.01), while IGF II mRNA levels were significantly elevated at 3 and 6 hr (approximately 3-fold, P < or = 0.01). In the pyloric ceca, IGF II mRNA levels were significantly elevated at 12, 24, and 48 hr (approximately 3-fold, P < or = 0.01), while IGF I mRNA was below the limits of assay accuracy. GH-dependent IGF mRNA appearance was not detected in the gill and kidney. Serum bGH levels, determined by using a radioimmunoassay, were significantly elevated at 3 and 6 hr (P < 0.005). In primary hepatocyte culture, IGF I and IGF II mRNA levels increased in a bGH dose-dependent fashion, with ED50 values of approximately 45 and approximately 6 ng of bGH per ml, respectively. The GH-dependent appearance of IGF II mRNA in the liver and pyloric ceca suggests important roles for this peptide hormone exclusive of IGF I.