35 resultados para Lactobacillus, HIV, Therapeutic, AIDS, Reuteri


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Earlier studies have shown that Kaposi sarcomas contain cells infected with human herpesvirus (HHV) 6B, and in current studies we report that both AIDS-associated and classic-sporadic Kaposi sarcoma contain HHV-7 genome sequences detectable by PCR. To determine the distribution of HHV-7-infected cells relative to those infected with HHV-6, sections from paraffin-embedded tissues were allowed to react with antibodies to HHV-7 virion tegument phosphoprotein pp85 and to HHV-6B protein p101. The antibodies are specific for HHV-7 and HHV-6B, respectively, and they retained reactivity for antigens contained in formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue samples. We report that (i) HHV-7 pp85 was present in 9 of 32 AIDS-associated Kaposi sarcomas, and in 1 of 7 classical-sporadic HIV-negative Kaposi sarcomas; (ii) HHV-7 pp85 was detected primarily in cells bearing the CD68 marker characteristic of the monocyte/macrophage lineage present in or surrounding the Kaposi sarcoma lesions; and (iii) in a number of Kaposi sarcoma specimens, tumor-associated CD68+ monocytes/macrophages expressed simultaneously antigens from both HHV-7 and HHV-6B, and therefore appeared to be doubly infected with the two viruses. CD68+ monocytes/macrophages infected with HHV-7 were readily detectable in Kaposi sarcoma, but virtually absent from other normal or pathological tissues that harbor macrophages. Because all of the available data indicate that HHV-7 infects CD4+ T lymphocytes, these results suggest that the environment of the Kaposi sarcoma (i) attracts circulating peripheral lymphocytes and monocytes, triggers the replication of latent viruses, and thereby increases the local concentration of viruses, (ii) renders CD68+ monocytes/macrophages susceptible to infection with HHV-7, and (iii) the combination of both events enables double infections of cells with both HHV-6B and HHV-7.


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HIV integrase, the enzyme that inserts the viral DNA into the host chromosome, has no mammalian counterpart, making it an attractive target for antiviral drug design. As one of the three enzymes produced by HIV, it can be expected that inhibitors of this enzyme will complement the therapeutic use of HIV protease and reverse transcriptase inhibitors. We have determined the structure of a complex of the HIV-1 integrase core domain with a novel inhibitor, 5ClTEP, 1-(5-chloroindol-3-yl)-3-hydroxy-3-(2H-tetrazol-5-yl)-propenone, to 2.1-Å resolution. The inhibitor binds centrally in the active site of the integrase and makes a number of close contacts with the protein. Only minor changes in the protein accompany inhibitor binding. This inhibitor complex will provide a platform for structure-based design of an additional class of inhibitors for antiviral therapy.


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Lymphoid tissues from asymptomatic HIV-infected individuals, as compared with symptomatic HIV-infected subjects, show limited histopathological changes and lower levels of HIV expression. In this report we correlate the control of HIV replication in lymph nodes to the non-cytolytic anti-HIV activity of lymphoid tissue CD8+ cells. Five subjects at different stages of HIV-related disease were studied and the ability of their CD8+ cells, isolated from both lymphoid tissue and peripheral blood, to inhibit HIV replication was compared. CD8+ cells from lymphoid tissue and peripheral blood of two HIV-infected long-term survivors suppressed HIV replication at a low CD8+:CD4+ cell ratio of 0.1. The CD8+ cells from the lymphoid tissue of a third asymptomatic subject suppressed HIV replication at a CD8+:CD4+ cell ratio of 0.25; the subject’s peripheral blood CD8+ cells showed this antiviral response at a lower ratio of 0.05. The lymphoid tissue CD8+ cells from two AIDS patients were not able to suppress HIV replication, and the peripheral blood CD8+ cells of only one of them suppressed HIV replication. The plasma viremia, cellular HIV load as well as the extent of pathology and virus expression in the lymphoid tissue of the two long-term survivors, were reduced compared with these parameters in the three other subjects. The data suggest that the extent of anti-HIV activity by CD8+ cells from lymphoid tissue relative to peripheral blood correlates best with the clinical state measured by lymphoid tissue pathology and HIV burden in lymphoid tissues and blood. The results add further emphasis to the importance of this cellular immune response in controlling HIV pathogenesis.


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Cotton rats (Sigmodon hispidus and S. fulviventer) are susceptible to many viruses that infect humans (e.g., poliovirus, respiratory syncytial virus, influenza virus, adenovirus, and parainfluenza virus) and have been influential in developing therapeutic clinical intervention strategies for many viral infections of man. This study set out to determine whether cotton rats are susceptible to infection with HIV type 1 (HIV-1). Results indicate that HIV-1 does infect the cotton rat and S. fulviventer is more susceptible than S. hispidus. The virus was passaged from animal to animal for a total of three serial passages; but HIV replicated poorly in vivo, was only detectable as proviral DNA, and never exceeded one provirus per 1.8 × 105 cotton rat peripheral blood mononuclear cells. Infection induced a distinct and characteristic anti-HIV antibody response that, in some animals, included neutralizing antibodies, recognized all of the major HIV-1 antigens and the antibodies lasted out to 52 wk post-infection. Neonate S. fulviventer were not more susceptible to infection than adults. In vitro culture studies produced indirect evidence of viral replication by detection of viral gag gene RNA in reverse transcriptase–PCR assays on viral culture supernatants. Collectively, these results indicate that HIV-1 can replicate in a nontransgenic rodent and that this system may have potential as an animal model for HIV-1 infection if viral replication rates can be improved in vivo.


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Chemokines comprise a family of low-molecular-weight proteins that elicit a variety of biological responses including chemotaxis, intracellular Ca2+ mobilization, and activation of tyrosine kinase signaling cascades. A subset of chemokines, including regulated upon activation, normal T cell expressed and secreted (RANTES), macrophage inflammatory protein-1α (MIP-1α), and MIP-1β, also suppress infection by HIV-1. All of these activities are contingent on interactions between chemokines and cognate seven-transmembrane spanning, G protein-coupled receptors. However, these activities are strongly inhibited by glycanase treatment of receptor-expressing cells, indicating an additional dependence on surface glycosaminoglycans (GAG). To further investigate this dependence, we examined whether soluble GAG could reconstitute the biological activities of RANTES on glycanase-treated cells. Complexes formed between RANTES and a number of soluble GAG failed to induce intracellular Ca2+ mobilization on either glycanase-treated or untreated peripheral blood mononuclear cells and were unable to stimulate chemotaxis. In contrast, the same complexes demonstrated suppressive activity against macrophage tropic HIV-1. Complexes composed of 125I-labeled RANTES demonstrated saturable binding to glycanase-treated peripheral blood mononuclear cells, and such binding could be reversed partially by an anti-CCR5 antibody. These results suggest that soluble chemokine–GAG complexes represent seven-transmembrane ligands that do not activate receptors yet suppress HIV infection. Such complexes may be considered as therapeutic formulations for the treatment of HIV-1 infection.


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Myostatin, a member of the transforming growth factor-β superfamily, is a genetic determinant of skeletal muscle growth. Mice and cattle with inactivating mutations of myostatin have marked muscle hypertrophy. However, it is not known whether myostatin regulates skeletal muscle growth in adult men and whether increased myostatin expression contributes to wasting in chronic illness. We examined the hypothesis that myostatin expression correlates inversely with fat-free mass in humans and that increased expression of the myostatin gene is associated with weight loss in men with AIDS wasting syndrome. We therefore cloned the human myostatin gene and cDNA and examined the gene’s expression in the skeletal muscle and serum of healthy and HIV-infected men. The myostatin gene comprises three exons and two introns, maps to chromosomal region 2q33.2, has three putative transcription initiation sites, and is transcribed as a 3.1-kb mRNA species that encodes a 375-aa precursor protein. Myostatin is expressed uniquely in the human skeletal muscle as a 26-kDa mature glycoprotein (myostatin-immunoreactive protein) and secreted into the plasma. Myostatin immunoreactivity is detectable in human skeletal muscle in both type 1 and 2 fibers. The serum and intramuscular concentrations of myostatin-immunoreactive protein are increased in HIV-infected men with weight loss compared with healthy men and correlate inversely with fat-free mass index. These data support the hypothesis that myostatin is an attenuator of skeletal muscle growth in adult men and contributes to muscle wasting in HIV-infected men.


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We previously demonstrated that hybrid retrotransposons composed of the yeast Ty1 element and the reverse transcriptase (RT) of HIV-1 are active in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The RT activity of these hybrid Ty1/HIV-1 (his3AI/AIDS RT; HART) elements can be monitored by using a simple genetic assay. HART element reverse transcription depends on both the polymerase and RNase H domains of HIV-1 RT. Here we demonstrate that the HART assay is sensitive to inhibitors of HIV-1 RT. (−)-(S)-8-Chloro-4,5,6,7-tetrahydro-5-methyl-6-(3-methyl-2-butenyl)imidazo[4,5,1-jk][1,4]-benzodiazepin-2(1H)-thione monohydrochloride (8 Cl-TIBO), a well characterized non-nucleoside RT inhibitor (NNRTI) of HIV-1 RT, blocks propagation of HART elements. HART elements that express NNRTI-resistant RT variants of HIV-1 are insensitive to 8 Cl-TIBO, demonstrating the specificity of inhibition in this assay. HART elements carrying NNRTI-resistant variants of HIV-1 RT can be used to identify compounds that are active against drug-resistant viruses.


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HIV entry into human cells is mediated by CD4 acting in concert with one of several members of the chemokine receptor superfamily. The resistance to HIV infection observed in individuals with defective CCR5 alleles indicated that this particular chemokine receptor plays a crucial role in the initiation of in vivo HIV infection. Expression of human CD4 transgene does not render mice susceptible to HIV infection because of structural differences between human and mouse CCR5. To ascertain whether expression of human CD4 and CCR5 is sufficient to make murine T lymphocytes susceptible to HIV infection, the lck promoter was used to direct the T cell-specific expression of human CD4 and CCR5 in transgenic mice. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells and splenocytes isolated from these mice expressed human CD4 and CCR5 and were infectible with selected M-tropic HIV isolates. After in vivo inoculation, HIV-infected cells were detected by DNA PCR in the spleen and lymph nodes of these transgenic mice, but HIV could not be cultured from these cells. This indicated that although transgenic expression of human CD4 and CCR5 permitted entry of HIV into the mouse cells, significant HIV infection was prevented by other blocks to HIV replication present in mouse cells. In addition to providing in vivo verification for the important role of CCR5 in T lymphocyte HIV infection, these transgenic mice represent a new in vivo model for understanding HIV pathogenesis by delineating species-specific cellular factors required for productive in vivo HIV infection. These mice should also prove useful for the assessment of potential therapeutic and preventative modalities, particularly vaccines.


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The use of Moloney murine leukemia virus (Mo-MLV)-based vectors to deliver therapeutic genes into target cells is limited by their inability to transduce nondividing cells. To test the capacity of HIV-based vectors to deliver genes into nondividing cells, we have generated replication-defective HIV type 1 (HIV-1) reporter vectors carrying neomycin phosphotransferase or mouse heat stable antigen, replacing the HIV-1 sequences encoding gp160. These vectors also harbor inactive vpr, vpu, and nef coding regions. Pseudotyped HIV-1 particles carrying either the ecotropic or the amphotropic Mo-MLV envelope proteins or the vesicular stomatitis virus G protein were released after single or double transfections of either human 293T or monkey COS-7 cells with titers of up to 107 colony-forming units per milliliter. A simple ultrafiltration procedure resulted in an additional 10- to 20-fold concentration of the pseudotyped particles. These vectors along with Mo-MLV-based vectors were used to transduce primary human skin fibroblasts and human peripheral blood CD34+ cells. The HIV-1 vector system was significantly more efficient than its Mo-MLV-based counterpart in transducing human skin fibroblasts arrested at the G0/G1 stage of the cell cycle by density-dependent inhibition of growth. Human CD34+ cells were transduced efficiently using HIV-1 pseudotype particles without prior stimulation with cytokines.


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Primary HIV-1 isolates were evaluated for their sensitivity to inhibition by β-chemokines RANTES (regulated upon activation, normal T-cell expressed and secreted), macrophage inflammatory protein 1α (MIP-1α), and MIP-1β. Virus isolates of both nonsyncytium-inducing (NSI) and syncytium-inducing (SI) biological phenotypes recovered from patients at various stages of HIV-1 infection were assessed, and the results indicated that only the isolates with the NSI phenotype were substantially inhibited by the β-chemokines. More important to note, these data demonstrate that resistance to inhibition by β-chemokines RANTES, MIP-1α, and MIP-1β is not restricted to T cell line-adapted SI isolates but is also a consistent property among primary SI isolates. Analysis of isolates obtained sequentially from infected individuals in whom viruses shifted from NSI to SI phenotype during clinical progression exhibited a parallel loss of sensitivity to β-chemokines. Loss of virus sensitivity to inhibition by β-chemokines RANTES, MIP-1α, and MIP-1β was furthermore associated with changes in the third variable (V3) region amino acid residues previously described to correlate with a shift of virus phenotype from NSI to SI. Of interest, an intermediate V3 genotype correlated with a partial inhibition by the β-chemokines. In addition, we also identified viruses sensitive to RANTES, MIP-1α, and MIP-1β of NSI phenotype that were isolated from individuals with AIDS manifestations, indicating that loss of sensitivity to β-chemokine inhibition and shift in viral phenotype are not necessarily prerequisites for the pathogenesis of HIV-1 infection.


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One of the obstacles to AIDS vaccine development is the variability of HIV-1 within individuals and within infected populations, enabling viral escape from highly specific vaccine induced immune responses. An understanding of the different immune mechanisms capable of inhibiting HIV infection may be of benefit in the eventual design of vaccines effective against HIV-1 variants. To study this we first compared the immune responses induced in Rhesus monkeys by using two different immunization strategies based on the same vaccine strain of HIV-1. We then utilized a chimeric simian/HIV that expressed the envelope of a dual tropic HIV-1 escape variant isolated from a later time point from the same patient from which the vaccine strain was isolated. Upon challenge, one vaccine group was completely protected from infection, whereas all of the other vaccinees and controls became infected. Protected macaques developed highest titers of heterologous neutralizing antibodies, and consistently elevated HIV-1-specific T helper responses. Furthermore, only protected animals had markedly increased concentrations of RANTES, macrophage inflammatory proteins 1α and 1β produced by circulating CD8+ T cells. These results suggest that vaccine strategies that induce multiple effector mechanisms in concert with β-chemokines may be desired in the generation of protective immune responses by HIV-1 vaccines.


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Linear peptides derived from the membrane proximal region of the gp41 ectodomain are effective inhibitors of HIV type 1 (HIV-1)-mediated fusion events. These inhibitory peptides lack structure in solution, rendering mechanistic interpretation of their activity difficult. Using structurally constrained analogs of these molecules, we demonstrate that the peptides inhibit infectivity by adopting a helical conformation. Moreover, we show that a specific face of the helix must be exposed to block viral infectivity. Recent crystal structures show that the region of gp41 corresponding to the inhibitory peptides is helical and uses the analogous face to pack against a groove formed by an N-terminal coiled-coil trimer. Our results provide a direct link between the inhibition of HIV-1 infectivity by these peptides and the x-ray structures, and suggest that the conformation of gp41 observed by crystallography represents the fusogenic state. Other agents that block HIV-1 infectivity by binding to this groove may hold promise for the treatment of AIDS.


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It has been shown in several animal models that HIV infection of accessory cells (ACs) plays an important role in development of AIDS. Here, we report that ACs treated with HIV-1 Tat protein (Tat-ACs) have a decreased ability to organize cellular aggregates as compared with untreated ACs, resulting in incomplete activation of T cells in responses to anti-CD3 mAb or staphylococcal enterotoxin B stimulation. The T cells failed to up-regulate adhesion molecules CD11a and CD2 on the cell surface and had reduced proliferative responses, as determined by [3H]thymidine incorporation, but they obtained lymphoblast-like morphology and expressed early activation antigens on the cell surface such as Fas and CD69 and interleukin 2 receptor, at comparable levels as those T cells undergoing a maximal proliferation. These results suggest that the Tat-AC-induced defect occurs in the late, but not in the early, phases of T cell activation. Normal expression of cell surface Fas antigen accompanied by defects in late activation thus may result in the susceptibility of these T cells to apoptosis. Our studies suggest that dysfunction, hyperactivation, and susceptibility to apoptosis, as observed with T cells isolated from HIV-infected individuals, may be, at least in part, a consequence of abnormal functions of ACs.


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Thioredoxin (Trx) is an intracellular redox protein with extracellular cytokine-like and chemokine-like activities. We show here that, although plasma Trx levels are unrelated to survival of HIV-infected individuals with CD4 cell counts above 200/μl blood, survival is significantly impaired (P = 0.003) when plasma Trx is chronically elevated in HIV-infected subjects with CD4 T cell counts below this level (i.e., with Centers for Disease Control (CDC)-defined AIDS). Relevant to the mechanism potentially underlying this finding, we also present data from experimental studies in mice showing that elevated plasma Trx efficiently blocks lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced chemotaxis, an innate immune mechanism that is particularly crucial when adaptive immunity is compromised. Thus, we propose that elevated plasma Trx in HIV-infected individuals with low CD4 T cell counts directly impairs survival by blocking pathogen-induced chemotaxis, effectively eliminating the last (innate) barrier against establishment of opportunistic and other infections in these immunodeficient individuals.


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The utility of live attenuated vaccines for controlling HIV epidemics is being debated. Live attenuated HIV vaccines (LAHVs) could be extremely effective in protecting against infection with wild-type strains, but may not be completely safe as the attenuated strain could cause AIDS in some vaccinated individuals. We present a theoretical framework for evaluating the consequences of the tradeoff between vaccine efficacy (in terms of preventing new infections with wild-type strains) and safety (in terms of vaccine-induced AIDS deaths). We use our framework to predict, for Zimbabwe and Thailand, the epidemiological impact of 1,000 different (specified by efficacy and safety characteristics) LAHVs. We predict that paradoxically: (i) in Zimbabwe (where transmission is high) LAHVs would significantly decrease the AIDS death rate, but (ii) in Thailand (where transmission is low) exactly the same vaccines (in terms of efficacy and safety characteristics) would increase the AIDS death rate. Our results imply that a threshold transmission rate exists that determines whether any given LAHV has a beneficial or a detrimental impact. We also determine the vaccine perversity point, which is defined in terms of the fraction of vaccinated individuals who progress to AIDS as a result of the vaccine strain. Vaccination with any LAHV that causes more than 5% of vaccinated individuals to progress to AIDS in 25 years would, even 50 years later, lead to perversity (i.e., increase the annual AIDS death rate) in Thailand; these same vaccines would lead to decreases in the annual AIDS death rate in Zimbabwe.